Is it actually worth a play or just meme garbage?

Is it actually worth a play or just meme garbage?

Attached: Deus_Ex_Human_Revolution_cover.jpg (220x311, 21K)

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It's worth it.

is good

It's nowhere near as good as the original but it's not bad.
It's just made some QoL changes that make the game incredibly easy while not fixing the AI at all

>that make the game incredibly easy

As opposed to the original?

Will check out on sale I guess, thx bois

yes dude HR was awesome, i played it like 3 times. i'm a huge fan of the original too. i didn't like MD much though, didn't even finish it

How about this one?

Attached: download (8).jpg (203x248, 12K)

HR is great while its sequel is a bit of a let down but still worth a play if you go into it knowing that its way too short.

The original was more difficult.
If you include combat wise the original didn't have a pistol that would two shot every fucking enemy in the game or cover mechanics or aim assist or the ability to fucking AOE detonate at a moment's notice

Stealth wise the original did not have instant two NPC takedowns, levels designed so you just skip all the content, an infinite cloak (albeit with a 3 second wait time between uses), silenced ranged instant take downs (seriously, why the fuck is that a thing now) and so on

Both games feature shitty AI though

I have no idea why they set a cyber punk game in Czechoslovakia. Other than that, it is decent. Better than HR in some ways, and worse in others.

It's on game pass and HR is 1.50 rn so I'll prob check out both, heard MD was meh but never heard it was short

They're both easy. Who gives a fuck if one is slightly less easy than the other?

Try combat only run, kill all guards on hard mode in both games.
DX you'll die fast unless you use invincible AI to kill the NPCs
HR you'll be able to just wtfpwn everything from the start

HR is ultimately baby-tier - there's a reason "give me deus ex" is "hard mode"

Bull-fucking-shit. Going head on into combat in HR is far more likely to get you quickly killed than it is in DX.

Head on as in "not using cover like the game tells you to and running into the open to let you get shot at?"

Yeah it's easier to suicide in HR, what's your point? I didn't ask you to suicide - I said to play.
Now play it

A non lethal run is the best Batman game ever made.

So DX is harder because just running out into the open and shooting everyone works but it doesn't work in HR? How the fuck does that make sense?

Both games are easy. Stealth is easier in HR. Combat is easier in DX. This is objective fact. Nothing else needs to be said.

I did not mention suiciding in either game
The fact you are trying to imply means you're trolling me by changing what I said - I'm going to stop replying to you as it's obvious you've played neither game

>I did not mention suiciding in either game

It's NOT suiciding in DX. That's the point. Combat is easy as piss.

Why wouldn't they? Cyberpunk can only happen in Asia/America since when? also
improve your education, doesn't exist sice 93 dummy

Gameplay-wise, it's ok. Too easy for most of it but the level design helps it. Has some of the best atmosphere from it's gen.
Too short to live out it's potential and the story ends very abruptly. The hub is packed with stuff to explore, but one more hub would have helped it. Top-tier DLC.

Deus Ex is a 10/10 game, HR is like 8/10 and MD is 8.5/10. The bank in MD is the single best designed part of all 3 games.

>MD above HR
Never go full retard.

it has lesser wholesome story and soundtrack but everything else is better

better than HR if you don't care about the story