Why are Westerners so plagued by awful taste when it comes to game design...

Why are Westerners so plagued by awful taste when it comes to game design? So many Western games follow the same formula:

>realism/semi realism artstyle, if it doesn't look close to real life, it's apparently shit
>has to be as overly violent as possible, limb removal, heads coming off, tearing out spinal cords, tearing out intestines, characters screaming in pain, crawling on the floor as they die in agony, etc
>either really drab colors to go with the "realism" shit, or they try to be more "colorful" but instead it looks more like some weird nightmare and not a truly colorful game(nu-Doom and Doom Eternal for instance)
>obsession with "cinematic gameplay", while Japanese games have combat focused on fun and skillful gameplay with cancels and juggles etc, Western game combat tries way too hard to "look like a movie" and ends up either being clunky as fuck(Mortal Kombat 11), or smooth to play but literally braindead(Witcher 3)

Seriously, wtf is with this shit? I'm starting to think Western game companies need an influx of Japanese to improve these games. Imagine The Last of Us 2 but done by Itsuno, or Mortal Kombat by Arcsys, or even Witcher 3 or Doom Eternal made by Atlus or even fucking Konami. Anything but this westaboo crap.

Vid related. How can you people stomach this shit?


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I hate western crap for the same reasons you listed op

fuck the west

that level of violence is disgusting

ITT a bunch of fuckin pussies

Yet the same demographic hypes santized, PG-13 capeshit movies up to the sun.

Americans are all kind of messed up

Doom 2016 is a very fun game and I was suprised they pulled it off so well.

I was expecting a duke nukem forever out of it desu

japanese game
>series of mechanics
>cool things are done by learning how the game works
>rewards time invested
western game
>press X to do everything
>everything is automated and turns into a cutscene
>make sure you buy the season pass for the rest of the game!

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Yeah brutally slaughtering everything in shitty qtes sure is fun

Imagine being frightened by a game

Have japs even made a single FPS?

>and ends up either being clunky as fuck(Mortal Kombat 11)

This is what gets me. People think Mortal Kombat is/was a good fighting game series but never has the west actually produced a good fighting game that wasn't Clayfighter

>or even Witcher 3 or Doom Eternal made by Atlus or even fucking Konami
I can't tell if this is supposed to be a joke or not.

>TLoU2 by Itsuno
Would actually deserve the millions of goty awards it will get
>MK by Arcsys
Would actually be fun
>Witcher 3 by Atlus
Gameplay would be better, relationships would be more developed
>Doom by Atlus or Konami
Why this though? Japs can't into FPS

If Witcher 3 was made by the japanese it would be so much better. The characters would be a lot more attractive, Geralt would have way better gameplay like a dmc game or something.

i dont give a nigger shit and i still play videogames for fun

They can make Doom into a competent cuhrazay tps, like Vanquish.

>realism/semi realism artstyle, if it doesn't look close to real life, it's apparently shit
But user, 95% of japanese stuff looks like an anime...

>They can make Doom into a tps

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But Vanquish was Platinum, and Doom is historically a FPS
No it doesn't

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Because western developers are at the mercy of publishers who treat shit the same as hollywood. You see actual fun gameplay coming out of the indie and mod scenes but the second the publishers get involved everything turns into cookiecutter movie formula because if it doesn't earn 50 million dollars in the first weekend it's a flop.

I'll take anime over realism/semi realism. Least the girls will be pretty.

I don't think even Hollywood is as bad as the game industry.

>if it doesn't earn 50 million dollars in the first weekend it's a flop.
Which is the way Western gamers view it as well. If it gets a 7 out of 10. It's a flop. If your big game didn't sell as much as my big game - knock, knock. who's there? - it's a flop. It's the Western way. You're either #1, or you're a loser.

stop being such a pussy about violence fagboi
>good developers

forgot image btw

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Doom 2016 had the most japanese game design I have ever seen from a western dev.

Secret mission + combat grading made it feel like a fps Devil May Cry

also glory kill was ripped straight from revengance

Yes, it does. That character you posted clearly has its features rooted in the anime style.
Most japanese characters (barring a few exceptions) can easily cross over into another game made by another japanese company without any major design changes.
Everything looks/feels the same to the point you can tell a mile away that a game was made in the east.

they're both pretty fucking awful these days, I suppose the one big factor is you can call a movie a piece of shit without someone pointing and shouting LOOK AT THE VIRGIN TAKING HIS CHILDREN'S TOY SO SERIOUSLY AHAHAH OHNONONO INCEL

>violence GOOD
>sex BAD

AAA games have utterly fucked western gaming, and I hope they die.

Nah it's about the same. Videogames more or less followed the same pattern. In the 90's-2000s you had Auter driven games that gave way to the 80's era of blockbuster action formulas in the 2000's and then from 2010 on you have nothing but the most safest of safe if it isn't a straight up POZ project.

2016 was decent, I suppose. Eternal looks like it’s going to take that base formula and add more movement layers to it like dashing, airdashing, and grappling. Also, “glory killable” enemies seem to still fight while staggered now, so that’s a step in the right direction.

both are good idiot
sex, drugs, rock and roll

Sex is legitimately more socially disruptive than violence. When you give people free and easy cummies they stop caring. That rot is worse than death.

>realism/semi realism artstyle, if it doesn't look close to real life, it's apparently shit

>has to be as overly violent as possible, limb removal, heads coming off, tearing out spinal cords, tearing out intestines, characters screaming in pain, crawling on the floor as they die in agony, etc

>either really drab colors to go with the "realism" shit, or they try to be more "colorful" but instead it looks more like some weird nightmare and not a truly colorful game(nu-Doom and Doom Eternal for instance)

>obsession with "cinematic gameplay", while Japanese games have combat focused on fun and skillful gameplay with cancels and juggles etc, Western game combat tries way too hard to "look like a movie" and ends up either being clunky as fuck(Mortal Kombat 11), or smooth to play but literally braindead(Witcher 3)

I love japanese games but op doesn't check out

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Because AAA western publishers are slave to market research and trends, and both of those are easily misrepresented by third-parties to earn their paycheck.

>Would you rather buy A or B based on this cover?
>No, "I need to know more" or "I don't really care" aren't answers.

japan pretty much invented QTE with shenmue

Hey, im not saying theres anything wrong with the style at all, im just saying that japan also has a style that is used in most of its games, same as the west. Its just not a 'realistic' style.

I prefer the Japanese way. The west is too tryhard and edgy.


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>the fact that fucking doom, a game that takes place in hell, looks like a nightmare is a bad thing
OP has brain damage
Also, what the fuck is up with these influx of threads where people feel “uncomfortable” with gore? Has Yea Forums started taking HRT?

>All Gay Kills, Including Cucksaw!
Good thing I don't have autoplay on so I don't give the uploader any views.

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Old dmc games took place in hell sometimes, and looked better. Except 5, since they used a westaboo artstyle and ruined it.

>also glory kill was ripped straight from revengance
Duke Nukem Forever had glory kills in it.

as games become more realistic this is going to be a big issue. MK 11 looks like goddamn torture porn, and The last of Us 2 combat literally looks like fucking snuff films.

I see what you mean I guess. Old FPS games were at least moderately comical with the violence. Like in Quake, you gib an enemy and showers of chunks bounce around with their shocked face landing at your feet. There’s no humor in watching Scorpion scream as his organs are ripped out and frozen to pieces.

Why are the Japanese so plagued by awful taste when it comes to game design? So many Japanese games follow the same formula:

>anime/semi anime art style, if it doesn't have cute girls, it's apparently shit
>has to be as kawaii as possible, high school kids, lolis who are 1000 year old demons, panty shots, tit shots, characters moaning in ecstasy, exposing their skin as their clothes get torn off, etc
>either really bright colors to go with the "kiddie" shit, or they try to be more "mature" but instead it looks more like some ripoff of a bad anime and not a truly mature game(MGS for instance)
>obsession with "cinematic gameplay", while Western games have combat focused on fun and nuanced gameplay with skill and strategy etc, Japanese game combat tries way too hard to "look like an anime" and ends up either being stupid as fuck(DMC), or smooth to play but literally braindead(any JRPG)

Seriously, wtf is with this shit? I'm starting to think Japanese game companies need an influx of America to improve these games. Imagine Nier Automata but done by Phil Fish, or Final Fantasy by Peter Molyneux, or even MGS or Resident made by EA or even fucking Ubisoft. Anything but this weeaboo crap.

Vid related. How can you people stomach this shit?


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>Final Fantasy by Peter Molyneux

A half finished game and nothing works as advertised?

sounds like the upcoming remake, actually

Yeah sure thing buddy, go to Yea Forums and tell them 3DCG is anime
>everything made in Japan is anime
Is an incredibly stale meme

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You are confusing Japan with the West.

Western games peaked on ps2 era. Now they try too hard to be realistic or imitate Hollywood

Read again, i didn't say everything, i said most.
Both east and west have their tropes and styles which permiate through the majority of their games. Youre a blind weeaboo if you cant see similarities between japanese titles.
Im also not saying 3dcg IS anime, im saying it takes visual inspiration from the anime style, which leads to similar looking visual styles.


That shit is everything wrong with western gaming.

>muh realism
There are plenty of non-realistic western games. Fucking borderlands.

>muh violence
There is nothing wrong with violence. japs would to it too, if not for thier censorship system. See Ninja Gaiden and MGR (although I'd prefer whiteblood, since it makes more sense. What color was Senator and Sam's blood, they are humans after all?).
You are make it seem like ALL western games are nothing but violence.

>muh colors
Have to agree with that. Recent examples, Far Cry New Dawn and Rage 2 look like and eyesore. Maybe because they contain both, grimdark browngrey enviroment and contrasting bright and oversaturated, in you face, palette spills.
By sometimes the can get it right, Far Cry 5 looked good. Witcher 3 too, especially nap added in Blood and Wine.

>muh press X
Yeah, agree, but can't say that I wholeheartedly agree.
>witcher 3 bad
Gonna post spin2win.webm? Or mechanic abuse doesn't exist in jap games?

>Imagine The Last of Us 2 but done by Itsuno
Don't care for that and ABSOLUTELY wrong choice of director.

>Mortal Kombat by Arcsys
Don't care for that. Only thing I care about fightan games is r34.

>Witcher 3 or Doom Eternal made by Atlus or even fucking Konami
Absolutely not. Japs can't into FPSs and I honestly can't even imagine Atlus being able to handle a game size of Witcher 3.
Left Alive.
I know you're just being a huge weeb and dreaming of things, but fuck, dude, get think of better examples.

Borderlands is wacky but mostly due to the art style, it's semi realism since its based on mad max shit

>it's semi realism since its based on mad max shit

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>Doom Eternal made by Atlus

I love Atlus but fuck you, I want to pump and dump a supershotgun until everything is dead.
Atlus won't be able to capture what makes Doom so fucking special.

Doom is great fun though. I could do without glory kills but it's a damn good game.

Every single strategy genre is dominated by the west and these games have more gameplay than literally all weebshit put together. There's a reason why AoE2 is still played today while the retarded nip need 100 game in a series to make it alive.

>Doom 2016 had the most japanese game design
Why do weebs always proved themselves to be the most retarded group of human every day?

Fighting games take more skill than any rts.

>complain about "game design"
>proceed to bitch about presentation and use some really vague terms like "clunky", "smooth", and "braindead"

What did OP mean by this?

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>I’m literally shaking at how fictional demonic entities are being killed

nah. Fighting game doesn't have the batshit insane amount of multitasking that RTS have.

Euros come up with neat stuff sometimes. It’s the Americans who keep shoving realism, swearing, and “grit” into vidya.

Clunk is a real thing, and makes games feel unfun and awkward to control. Look at Mortal Kombat 11 compared to games like tekken 7 or SF5.

Do people seriously believe Japanese developers are inherently less violent? The real reason they have less gore is because CERO is way more strict than the ESRB about that sort of thing.

And you can see with their more violent games, they often have to censor the Japanese release, and the overseas release ends up being the most faithful version. e.g. Resident Evil 2 remake, No More Heroes

For some reason a lot of Yea Forums seems to believe that censorship simply doesn't exist in Japan and only California does it.

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I like both.

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CERO and ESRB are both extensions of their respective cultures, and ultraviolence isn't as popular in Japan as it is in America.

>CERO and ESRB are both extensions of their respective cultures, and ultraviolence isn't as popular in Japan as it is in America.

That's why japanese are pussies

>CERO and ESRB are both extensions of their respective cultures

I mean... how would you even go about proving that? It's not like consumers of each nation democratically voted to make the CERO and ESRB the way they are. For all we know it's just a thing that everyone has to accept. Even if we could definitively prove that their standards are supported by the majority of the population, censorship by majority is still censorship, if anything it's arguably the worst kind.

That also ignores the fact that creators are not carbon copies of each other and don't necessarily faithfully obey the "zeitgeist". I would definitely argue that Resident Evil is popular. Not the most popular thing to ever come out of Japan, but it's by no means obscure. Yet RE2make has an insanely detailed gore system that had to be censored for the Japanese release.

I'm replaying it right now
it really is fun, and you don't have to qte everything
in fact later on you barely qte at all because of how it kills your momentum

Their kids don't get shot in the head while they attend highschool. Their daughters don't take drugs then get toss around by a pack of wild niggers. Oh they also don't have niggers there.

This is projection.

>I mean... how would you even go about proving that?
It's self-evident.

>That also ignores the fact that creators are not carbon copies of each other and don't necessarily faithfully obey the "zeitgeist".
I never said that creators are carbon copies of each other.

>has to be as overly violent as possible, limb removal, heads coming off, tearing out spinal cords, tearing out intestines, characters screaming in pain, crawling on the floor as they die in agony, etc
go be a soiboi somewhere else

>or Doom Eternal made by Atlus
Nigger wut
There has not been a single bad doom game yet you want a rpg dev to tackle doom? Are you fucked? Im gona kick your mother in the ribs cunt!
The last of us 2 by itsuno would be kino tho

Doom is already cuhrazay
Classic fps's are just the cuhrazay games of the west

Human bloodlust is entirely natural and there's nothing wrong with it. also lol ur a faget

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>has to be as overly violent as possible, limb removal, heads coming off, tearing out spinal cords, tearing out intestines, characters screaming in pain, crawling on the floor as they die in agony, etc
Are you a pussy?

>Violence good
>Sex good

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ever been to Yea Forums?

Both are fine and can exist as long as they're quality
Only faggots want homogenization in their mediums

>posts a jap meme

>Mortal Kombat by Arcsys, or even Witcher 3 or Doom Eternal made by Atlus or even fucking Konami
But that'd rob them of what would make them appealing you Nip cocksucker

The story is literally the main draw of Witcher games no one wants DMC combat in a game they bought for dialogue and exploration. Just cause something works in one style of game doesn't mean it will work in all the games.

>Violent sex good

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the entire "less violent" view also falls flat when you look at all the gore porn they produce.

That's a large generalisation and you know it op

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>Mr Shitface
Dude you could've posted Rayman

It doesn't fall flat when you look at their media as a whole.

I liked psychonauts though, I don't play games based on what political views the devs have, I don't have twitter.
Rayman is also good though

we're talking mid to large budget here.
Indies don't really count on either side.

whatever happened to psychonauts2?

This pasta...


Well, it either comes out this year like they said, or it'll be delayed until next year. Who knows

>japanese game
>ugly mishmash of colors and uninspired generic fairyland setting
Two can play this game moron

>Not just any FPS, but god damn motherfucking game that put not only FPS games but PC gaming in general Doom
>Developed by Japs who have historically making at best average as fuck FPS games
Blow it out your ass.

Also Doom has the excuse it has because of the fact the game is a mish mash of Sci-fi tropes and a heavy metal album cover art.

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Because normies dictate the market.

But seriously are you implying that cartoony shrill anime games are better? Because no.

this speaks to me

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It's the curse of Slaanesh: What was once enjoyment becomes the mundane and what was once out of your limit will become your new entertainment.

Hence why the NEETs on this site have some of the most depraved fetishes of the internet.

>gritty realism bad
>coddling fantasy good

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