Fire emblem three houses

This is your mistress tonight

Attached: Dorothea.png (800x801, 362K)

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Gib milkies mommy

I have identified the cutest girl from each row.

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you mean future banners for FEH

I'll take the superior Manuela, thank you

I still don't like this Anna

All Annas are great

Singer? Her personal skill is Songstress

it's Bernadetta, Mercedes, Leonie
Why does blue lions only have 3 girls anyway? that's an odd imbalance considering the other classes are 50/50

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Why does she look like she time traveled from modern days?

Cringe, betas need to get out.

there's like 2 good character designs there, jesus christ

but who can you waifu?

Ingrid looks even more cute now.

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exposition man

Attached: D6xBCwxVsAABg9Z.png (800x801, 361K)

I hope the leak is true and can recruit one student from other house.
I want to go eagles and have Mercedes

I wouldn't be surprised if you couldn't get more it seems like a waste to be locked out of all these characters

those are columns, imbecile.

Dumb hat

This guy is the only good looking character

Wearing a choker, so could be trying to hide Adam's apple. Could be a tranny. Stay safe out there, bros.

based shitpostrer

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>ESL who doesn't even know how to capitalize attempts to tell you how to speak english

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Why the fuck does this shit look so goddamn terrible. Why couldn't they just keep Hidari?

Go outside user, get some fresh air. It's not healthy to have all those trannies living rent free in your head

>Hire otome artist
>No good husbandos
It's not fair.

It's kind of funny. You can look over otome games and a lot of them will have these weirdly long faces that aren't really attractive.

Ferdinand and Felix are probably the closest to acceptable but none of them are any good. At least they don't look as weird as some of the guys in real otome games do. Fucking Amnesia has horrible character design and the guys in Hakuoki look weird as shit in the artstyle. Fucking Kozaki was actually very good at hitting the sweet spot in spite of everything.

Fucking Lorentz is the only one with a little personality in his design. I hate these soulless samefaces so much.

that sounds like a boy's name

those two ??? girls on team yellow are making me reconsider which faction i'm picking. I already have a feeling that big ugly dude Raphael is going to be a great dude to adventure with.

I think part of the problem is the school setting. Now they have to have a uniform that serves as a base for their outfit instead of looking like whatever because you used to have a ragtag band of faggots. Bigger pupils would help too, but the uniform is the part that really holds back personality in their appearance and is why we get retarded add ons like Dorothea's hat.

the sad part is a military academy could totally justify having unique outfits for the different "classes" like people trained as rangers dress in green foresty shit, and mages wear long robes etc. they just didn't want to do that since they wanted to push the "train people to be whatever they want, even though they clearly specialize in X" aspect of the game.

Blue Lions has best boys and best girls.
Master Race House indeed.

Godspeed really needs to be nerf

Nah, I hope what House you pick actually matters and replaying the game 3 times is fine with me.

Just because someone specializes in swords doesn't mean they have to be a Hero unit.

If the leaks are true, you'll be playing four times, Edelgard would have a split path.

Got a link or anything to this leak?

>No custom avatar
Don't care, automatically worse than Awakening and Birthright.

cant wait for hannemann to be our gay option

Thanks amigo.

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I hope these leaks are real
They gave me more hype than anything official so far

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>canto is back

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Some leddit man took this photo that looks like Manuela will be playable

Attached: sqo7ebgy4uy21.png (1920x1080, 3.16M)

So what will it be, marriage for love or marriage for holy blood? Will you sully yourself by laying with a commoner rather than a woman of high birth and magic lineage?

We knew that for months

I'm female Byleth so need a holy rod

If there's eugenics or stat backpacks, I'm picking whoever steam rolls.