What's her name?

What's her name?

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Saints Row 2

DOOM 2016


Expected shovelware, got naval kino.

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>Played a game expecting it to be shit

Persona 5

I don't generally do Fatlus but the acid jazz and style were fun even in the face of it being a JRPG


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Limbo. No other game I’ve played has matched the atmosphere/level continuity of that game.

Clash of Ninja 2. No idea why I got it when the first one was fucking dogshit, but I had a ton of fun with 2.

I thought I was getting memed.
Ended up being one of my favorite games of all time

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Never been a fan of classic Zelda just on it's own so removing THAT along with a gutted story and voice acting sounded like hot garbage but after finally playing it this is the only Zelda game I actually really like

Warframe is more fun than those drunk Canadian devs should be allowed to make considering they fuck up so much

Hollow knight

I hate to use the word "kino" but I got curious and turns out this game is full of it, not only on the cover art.

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KH Re:Coded

Why would I buy a game when I expect it to be shit?

Watch Dogs 2. It was the best Deus Ex game of 2016.

only got it for the tacky cover

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Original Binding of Isaac... some how that game absorbed in a blink hours of my time.
and god damn if it was time well spend

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Borderlands 2 all the way. I was so brainwashed by Yea Forums to hate this game, turns out it's pretty fucking fun

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are you speaking of naruto gekitou ninja taisen 2? I felt 3 was the best one.

Tactics is shit



Fucks wrong with you? I'm assuming you mean as far as the American standard went, but that crown belongs to GNT4 for a multitude of reasons

Deus Ex human revolution DC.

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Do you never take any risks in life, and just assume that the crowd mentality is always going to reflect how you feel about things?

4 had it's ups and downs, but I felt it was even more broken than 3.

fucking this, i player warship gunner 2 and was amazed by the quality of it, you can literally build whatever retarded aberration your brain can pull provided that your ship has a deck

Dying Light

I don't judge a game off the crowd mentality, I've always bought games without reading any reviews.

Hexyz Force

Deadly Premonition

Care to explain? I could be blinded by nostalgia, and the fact that I wasnt as critical of games at that age.


it even had all the signals that it would be bad, poor marketing, very little screenshots and gameplay, game was in dev hell for ages

good thing Carmack nuked the old version of the game when it was cowa-dooty, gears of war shit and told them to scrap it

though i fully accept it doesn't play like older doom games and i wish it did more level exploration than move from arena to arena, it was still a great game in it's own right

Fuck the collecting swimsuits and photoshoot mode and all that incel bullshit but the actual volleyball part of the game was fun and addictive as shit.

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this, only cost me $20 new too, very surprising.

I've been on a retro bent lately so going all the way back to the n64, I bought Hybrid Heaven and Winback: Covert Operations second hand from my local video store when I was a kid.
I bought them because from the cover I thought they might just be Goldeneye clones that somehow escaped my attention because I was a little autist that thought every game had to live up to Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.
Put HH in my 64, booted it up; "the fuck is this shit!?"
I persevered just because I didn't want to give in to powerful waves of buyer's remorse. Ended up loving the silly, clearly X Files inspired themes and sometimes score/atmosphere. Even the weird blended combat system made it one of my favorite 64 games. Even today when I hear zoomers praise Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for its fresh take on rpg combat I think; *sip* 'aint nothin new under the sun kid. Hybrid Heaven? Now THAT was original!'
And Winback was a similar experience. I was disappointed that it was 3rd person not 1st person. But once the tactics and gunplay started to fall into place it all made sense. It was fantastic and my main criticism back then was that it didn't last long enough.

There's joy to be found in abject failure. Why do you think the room keeps getting screenings?

It's been a long time since I played them in all honesty, but that's just what I can remember. I used to play it a considerable amount with a group of friends (along with each successive game in the series), so I guess I'm speaking more from a 4 player perspective than a 1v1 one. Just remember, if someone picks the dog, it's all arrows on the dog until it's dead.

I thought Valkyria Chronicles was going to be some pretty standard JRPG stuff, but what I discovered was much closer to something like Final Fantasy Tactics which is one of my favorite games of all times.

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Kid Icarus Uprising, I remember picking it up off some shelf somewhere for $15. Now it's one of my favorite games

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Two Worlds, the first one. Enjoyable gameplay, pioneering mechanics:
>a dozen opposing factions that locked you out of eachothers questlines forcing choice and replayability
>weapons that stacked so junk had a purpose and could be combined to upgrade to high tier gear
>killed enemies respawned just once as ghosts if you revjsted the area at night
>good narrative quests & humour
>necromancers that trick you into resurrecting orc armies that wipe out whole cities
>dual wielding dual handed weapons
>hot sister with big tits
>high effort voice acting, entire dialogue sppken in authentic early modern English for old timey immersion
Yeah the horse riding was janky and there were no mounted enemies as promised, but the game is a hidden gem and ahead of its time if you forget the games that came out the same time like Oblivion.

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duel hulls and armor builds are crazy fun in this game.

nudoom when it first released

Real life :)

>and ahead of its time if you forget that it wasn't

What was the point of this comment?

The Dungeons The Dark Lord series. I expected a shitty knock off of Dungeon Keeper but it was actually very fun.

Runescape, Post EoC

Doom 2016 and Mario vs. Rabbids are the only games I can think of that started off controversial but then got more positive impressions over time

this... thing
coming in expecting some shitty mecha game, since i was craving mechas back then
was pleasantly surprised

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Division 2.
Best third person shooter I've played since gears 2.

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Super Meat Boy, Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed Shenmue Kart, Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue GBA

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Gaige had better be in BL3 or else no buy.

Yooka Laylee

Granted it’s because I put it off until after the updates and patches

This. Went in expecting some dumb shit, came out with some dumb gem. Fucking love that game unironically

honestly, after Yea Forums shat this game to death I can never trust you faggots again

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KOTOR 2 and SS2
Wasn't expecting them to be shit, but rather extremely overrated 2deep4u games.
Both ended up becoming my favorite games.

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Still haven't played it but it looks great. Shame that its success was ruined by the first one.

Having gotten it with the Tekken 7 humble bundle I figured I'd give it a good.
I expected fucking terrible because of the SAO is shit general opinions but it was actually pretty passable gameplay for a looter shooter.
Definitely a solid 10 buck spend if it's on discount and you know nothing of SAO.

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katana zero

At the time of 2004, Kingdom Hearts 1 cause I thought disney games were always fucking shit.

Eh. It alright.

Only times I've ever expected a game to be shit going in was RE5/6 and I was right both times so I guess I got nothing, Alex.

Played it with a friend expecting a game that tried too hard to be edgy, but the level and enemy designs are glorious.

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Please explain, I'm legit curious

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I didn't even have a friend to play with.

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>Yea Forums

Name 5 people on the internet who don't shit on this game. Far as I can tell, it's been near universally panned.

good addicting game, and the best arpg in the genre right now but you got shit taste

Maya, and moxxie are still the only good girls

Mercenaries 3

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

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I will never not defend this game

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Some of those things felt ahead of their time desu but it was inferior to Oblivion in most repsects

Limbo is shit


Doom 4. Was absolutely expecting it to be shit but I was pleasantly surprised. I know a lot of people here hate it but for me it was everything I loved about DOOM. There was a few things I wasn't too big on like the arenas and the level design in some areas but overall it was great. Hopefully the next game gets mod support, that would make it truly fantastic.

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All the gameplay trailers were horrible because they were played on a pad... But turns out every fps turns out better on kb+m.

Kid Icarus Uprising.
I thought it was decent when the credits rolled

And then Hades showed up and it became GOTY 2012

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Hollow Knight, because it is made by Australians.

Final Fantasy 15.
Went in with abysmally low expectations, got a suprisingly cozy journey of 4 homoerotic boyband members
Rate it a 6/10, i had expected 2/10

labyrinth of refrain
>expected softcore hentai porn trash waifubait
>got weirdly autistic drpg with surprising depth
>also no actual adult shit whatsoever, just puns about potatoes being boobs


>rented it on initial release
>pirated Royal Edition


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Nier Automata
ngl bought it for the robo-ass and found feels and fun

Killing floor 2, I just thought it was kind of wonky when I first started playing. But those guns :-))))))

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Yeah something similar to this, I don't know If the game changed that much since release and maybe that's why, but I played it last month and it was pretty decent, nowhere near the absolute trash everyone seems to describe.

Man, 14 year old me was hyped for this game when it was new and I loved it.

Sly 2 Band of Thieves


detroit become subhuman

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I didn't have any expectations going in other than that it would probably kill my computer.
It actually runs quite well, and god damn if it hasn't become one of my favorite games.

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Actually, I shouldn't say that. It doesn't run quite well. It just runs better than I expected.

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Yeah, I mocked god eater for a long time until World bored me so much I gave it a try just to scratch the huntan itch. Turns out it’s not half bad.

Jesus Christ, user, I am so sorry.

Based but also cringe for doubting Cleve.

That game was very well received though, why did you expect it to be bad?

Why? i had a lot of fun.

>expected it to be too outdated to play now
>got kino

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You playing on an actual PS1? It's so fucking hard on PC with keyboard. I keep rage quitting on Echigoya's bodyguard in level 1. I might have to spring for a USB PS! controller.
But yeah, it aged very well.

>You playing on an actual PS1?
I am, but dude just get an old 360 controller or something and play it that way, no need to struggle through the game like that.

Either way, I get a feeling this game was too ambitious for the playstation, the levels are big but the draw distance suffers a lot.
And since the ps1 didn't have analogue sticks yet the controls got further limited.
But it still works, even if the controls aren't the best, the rest of the game shines through, unless the other half of the game shits the bed, I haven't gotten that far yet

I was testing games to resell, and absolutely expected this one to be some puzzle/platformer shovelware with no effort put into it
It’s actually a JRPG loosely based on Wizard of Oz with an original battle system and interesting overworld controls
Still not one of my favorites but I was genuinely surprised.

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Dying Light

tales of berseria
bioshock infinite

you have to go back.

The music in this game is highly under-rated. That snow level theme is pure bliss. youtube.com/watch?v=zuatOQOTVNw

>we aren't getting a rerelease on a console with an actual control scheme
its not fair bros

I was a kid barely getting into games when it released and the musical sections of the first game didn't impress me. By the time I tried out Sly 2 at my friend's house, I thought it was a lot of fun. I even revisited the original and thought better of it as a whole.

AC: Unity, though its just probably me having low standards.

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I see. Yeah that musical section wasn't all that great so I can see how it would leave a bad impression

>came for the girls, stayed for one of the best beach volleyball sims ever made

>Fallout New Vegas
Not even kidding, I knew this one guy who really hated New Vegas for some reason and always told me how bad it was compared to 3.
So when I played it, I was actually quite surprised

Wind Waker

I have never played a game I expected to be shit or average


Turned out to be my top 10 game

Kane & Lynch 2. One of the best games i ever played.

You're a faggot

I was completely obsessed with this game for like a month when I started playing it

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Oh shit this, now all of Yoko Taros series is fucking connected in a fucked up way, and its still interesting.


Very patrician opinion user. It’s like a Refn kino.