Yong Yea quits vidya to become epin voice actor

I hope he fails at everything he attempts in life, except his own suicide.

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What is it with asian e-celebs and voice acting

Doesn't he just read game news like everybody else who reads game news. what set him apart?

yeah he basically just reads Kotaku articles or random Tweets

I wish him good luck.

You say it like it's a common thing


I never really liked this guy. He was annoying to listen to and literally just read news online.

>taking away clicks from k*taku
sounds pretty based to me

Some autistic Asian douche who reads Kotaku articles for thousands a month.

There is a ridiculous Asian prejudice in acting in the west, so voice acting is the next best thing



Its going to be Bobby Burns all over again

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>I hope he fails at everything he attempts in life, except his own suicide.

I'm gonna steal that line

Yikes, even that face is too ugly for radio.
What's he going to do? join an union and drain his bank account to pay the fees?

He's got an ok voice but an accent like his does not sound fit for something like VA work

"I should be able to live in LA relatively comfortably for quite awhile."

I hope a homeless methhead rapes him in a gutter.

I've listened to like two of this spergs videos and I can't for the life of me ever imagine why he thinks he could be a voice actor. he has the emotional depth and range of soggy toilet paper on top of the fact that his voice is INCREDIBLY monotonous and drone-y. The only thing this guy is gonna voice act is taking over Ben Stein and doing eye drop commercials.

It's a good setup to have that establishes youtube channel, he can live in LA and make videos and try to get voice acting gigs while reminding you of the latest outrages and nonrages.

I don't even watch the guy but I like when people post that in threads lol

he said he didn't quit tho

prejudice as in nobody wants to see asian guys on their screen?

>"I should be able to live in LA relatively comfortably for quite awhile."
So how long until he comes back to youtube and starts spouting out about representation and apologizes for ever doubting a woman in his videos in the past?

He sounds so monotonous in his videos, how can he hope to go anywhere with voice acting? Wish him the best regardless.

stop making sense

This, he'll also mispronounce words from time to time as well.


>You dumbfucks made me enough money that I can be a rich bitch for a few years with no problem doing lazy work

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how much money do you reckon he makes at the moment?
where does he live atm?
do people really move just to 'pursue' something?


Do you people live your entire life just not checking shit you see on the internet? He isn't "quitting" anything. He's literally just moving to try and make it as a VA in LA, specifically for video games or at least trying to, that's it. This place really was overtaken by redditor faggots, fucking hell.

He voices an NPC in a Fallout mod, but I just thought he sounded alright. It's always the same damn voice when he speaks, I hope he has a range that he never really had the chance to use

Wtf he struggles with basic English?

Whatever happened to this guy? LA fucking ruined him.


>people are mildly incorrect on the internet
>this is an outrage

Is he trolling? Texas is where VA happens

Hey motherfucker, this is my first Yea Forums thread and on track to be a maxd out thread. I'm a bout to have a 100% success rate on Yea Forums and you babydicks keep shitting all over it. Mind your motherfucking business you stupid bitch and let me have this.

I think he lives with his parents right now

No, he's lying for personal gain.


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eceleb cancer isn't video games, kys

voice acting pays for shit. I make more than most of the biggest name in that industry

>I make

no one cares, go jam a stack of hundreds up your ass, fatso

I mean I wish him well, but I don't think he will make it. He doesn't have a good voice, can't even change his voice very well. He also can't pronounce normal words frequently.

I'm saying I'm a relative nobody. I don't even make that much, but still more wealthy than voice acting 'celebrities'

I'd be devastated and ashamed if a child of mine wanted to pursue such a career

Dense retards who don’t check facts (i.e. the majority of current Yea Forums) are exactly the type of crowd that clickbait rags like Kotaku try to pander to. Don’t get pissy just because you followed the rest of the sheep and now you’re getting called out on it.

T. Bethesda

It isn't a meritocracy. It's about having friends and connections, and I'm sure he has those. He has paypigs who will support him regardless.

No one cares about your stupid children.

How would you even pursue voice acting?
I don't know it seems like he is jumping the gun to going to LA when he doesn't have any base talent to bridge off from.

I hope all of your children move to LA to become voice actors, fail immediately, and get caught up in sex work to help pay their way, until they catch an STD, lose their livelihood, end up on the street, and have to make cash by turning tricks until they die of AIDS and poverty.

He makes clickbait commentary, exaggerating real news. Sometimes he devolves into Yea Forums-tier slander by actually making shit up and blaming basic business failings on "greedy" developers.

what's your end game

Not likely, not much of a demand for icelandic voice actors

have as much sex as possible without having children

You're right it isn't a meritocracy but you have to have some talent aka able to pronounce basic words. Which he doesn't.

I also doubt he has any actual connections.

Why the FUCK is Yea Forums so tsundere for YongYea?

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Nolan North sounds exactly the same in every single game he's in and is still successful.


Buy Hong Kong versoins of games for original dubs with english subs.

stop letting western voice actors and localizations pervert your games

Nah, people will hire you regardless of any of that as long as you know somebody. I know people love the fantasy of talent, but it's silly. We have to grow up and realize that talent will never surpass connections.

Basic rule of the world. It's not what you know, it's who you know. It's why people who waste their time with college are so often at a disadvantage to people who simply worked and built relationships.

Why yes, he will totally make it.

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>Asia English version

if i wanted google translate-tier subs i could do it myself

>his voice acting
He has no range, he can't break his nasally voice.

I honestly second this. Devastated and ashamed for his kid doing relatively respectable work, what a cunt.

>moving state to try and "make it" in one of the most overcrowded industries ever
>an industry where it only matters who you know instead of talent

What in the fuck? I understand if some people like Prozd would work in voice acting, but I have never heard Yong show off any kind of voice other than a monotone reading of fucking video game articles.

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Why did you come to Yea Forums, as if this is news?
>Guys! Guys! Some random video game commentator wants to change careers.

Not defending him, but every almost actor starts like this. You really think he's going to have huge projects under his belt immediately?

Is this real?

monotony I think, literally sounds like a tts reading

Fuck off, this guy is the James Cameron of video games media creators.

Moving to LA without much work under your belt is going to be a bad move, he most likely lacks connections on top of this.

LA is going to eat all his Youtube money and destroy his dream.

>>an industry where it only matters who you know instead of talent
Pretty much

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hmmmm this will be interesting to see

>Yong Yea quits vidya
Please be fucking true.

He's literally a text to speech app and he's sure as fuck never going to make it as a voice actor.

That wasn't the point, it's the quality of the projects and more importantly the quality of his acting in said projects.

The fuck? He knows Hiro? No wonder Yong threads are allowed to survive so long. He knows the fucking sites owner.

Ah, understood. Continue shitposting.

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>voice acting
>respectable work
not in this century

I'm so hard right now.

>Why did you come to Yea Forums, as if this is news?

because i knew people would post and respond lol

He just reads the news for people who are too lazy to read it themselves. Nothing special he just has a decent sized audience that keeps him going.

>The only thing this guy is gonna voice act is taking over Ben Stein and doing eye drop commercials
You say that like it's a bad thing. If it gets him work, it gets him work.

>he most likely lacks connections on top of this.

OP here, he probably has plenty connections, that's probably why he's doing it along with a hefty amount in reserve in his accounts. He can move there, live comfortably, fail, and move aback as if it never happened.

Not for much longer with how bad Funi fucked up.

>moving to LA with just that on your resume
He's going to be eaten alive.

>$2.2k a month to read off blog posts on camera

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You could literally make more money washing dishes. I've looked at voice talent opportunities before and they pay absolutely fuck all, like $100 a day for 3 days work.

>file no longer exists

oh okay

It's a lot more work than people think it is. At least, setting the groundwork is. It's been 6 years and I just got an LA based agent last year. Hadn't even considered moving until recently. Unless he has a lot of training and/or work and/or an agent, he might have a pretty hard time.

there's like two of them

fuck me, face swaps are as terrifying as body horror

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it doesn't?
i didn't even touch it
it was just a kitten in a pink knitted sweater

>Yong turns into a basedboy that he actually is
>Kojima turns into a dangerous looking hustler prick
Suddenly it's all make sence now.

Union regulations mean that each of those "days" is 4 hours.

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i'm going to accuse him of rape


OP here, idk maybe it's just me, but i wanted to see it v_v

Considering the OP got the story wrong and several people in this thread, OP included are taking the (false) news to such dramatic lengths, yeah, it kind of is a pretty big deal. The people in this fucking board are a perfect example of how, and I really hate to use this phrase, "fake news" manages to spread. So many dumb fucks here see efface screencaps and links and literally believe them without actually fact checking a damn thing. Then they make their own threads about it anymore it spreads because more retards just believe it. Y'all are seriously fucking retarded.

delusions of grandeur

they literally make the most money while being a minority

Who gives a shit, im sure their fine


>Moving to LA to do voice work
Why? If you have a set up with a mic at home, can't you just do voice work from anywhere?

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OP here, motherfucker, you thought I didn't hear you talking shit? Hey stupid, newsflash, I knew the story and how best to portray it to maximize this thread. You wanna act like you're some supergenius because you caught one inaccuracy, go fuck yourself you narcissistic dolt. This will never be about your egotistical virtue singaling.

why does he look like that

>moving to LA to pursue voice acting

Well, he's about to find out how common his "skills" are.


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Not exactly. If you have an agent, a lot of the time people will request that only LA local talent audition for a project. This even goes for commercial and promo work. Unless you're content sticking with websites like Voices.com or Voice123.

everyone bashing him is just mad they haven't done anything with theirs lives and are just taking it out on anyone successful that isn't jim sterling and on people calling them out on it also

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If you don't mind me asking, what do recommend to do to get into voice acting?

I'm a faggot that has no background outside of some youtube(so I got a decent XLR mic and relatively good background noise reduction) work, so please just state whatever you think is helpful regardless if it's obvious.

Oh I actually just watched the video then waited for someone to make a thread about it on Yea Forums
I didnt even read the OP.

is this satire or are you serious?

>mispronounces words in his script
quit his day job


OP here, the inaccuracy was deliberate and it's immaterial. It's a way to spur discussion.

I remember he did some VA for some fallout mod,he actually sounded good, unlike in his shit yt vids.

I think you may have some personal insecurities that you may want to get sorted out, friend. Intentionally lying on a Mongolian basket weaving forum just to get edgy responses isn't healthy. Your dramatically defensive reaction tells me you clearly aren't happy with yourself and you lash out at and attempt to cause misfortune for others to feel better about your own failings. You should seek help.

Yeah thats why the usual course of action is to look at the picture and talk about the subject matter while ignoring whatever nonsense is written in the OP.
idk how people havent catched up to how Yea Forums works

that's ho I found him desu, through that mod first, they had a link to his Youtube and I thought "wow, I always wanted some ugly Asian guy to read Kotaku articles at me"

Suck a taint, Dr. Phil. Sitting isn't natural.

Yes. They got several Youtubers as their voice "talent". Thse include but are not limited to YongYea, I hate everything and god damn Keemstar

Honestly I wish him well. I don't like him or his videos at all but everyone has a dream and he is pursuing it by taking a massive leap of faith.

I really don't think it's going to work out but I hope it does. It also means he will shit out less videos if he's busy with VA work

Jim Sterling is also worse than him in every regard, but even Sterling has better voice acting range than YongYea.

How do I become a voice actor? I don't have a boring as fuck voice like this piece of shit.

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>Jim Sterling is also worse than him in every regard

aw cmon, Jim does original content

join Fiverr and charge $5

He sounded exactly the same. It's horrible. I hope he takes some theater classes, maybe he will improve to not sound so monotone or nasily.

Sure is a lot of legitimate discussion going on in this thread.
Not really sure what there even if to discuss. For one, you people don't even like the guy so why bother taking about him? For another, it's a pretty straight forward situation he's in and is in position where he can comfortably attempt it without much risk of consequences if it doesn't work out and it's not like he's going to stop doing what he has been doing while he tries so the situation from our perspective is no different from what it has always been.

>Sure is a lot of legitimate discussion going on in this thread.

lmao idgaf stupid, let's keep pumping up the post count tho :3c

True, he does do original content but he has been repeating himself for years, so less and less original with each passing year. Jim Sterling's videos are always the same shit, with more and more inside jokes and lazier editing. He just pumps out videos late in order to say he's apart of the conversation.

I really don't like YongYea reading off articles and barely providing any input of his own, but it's not as maturbatory as Sterlings and at least talks about different topics.

Such hostility over some constructive criticism...
>Sitting isn't natural.
Then why are you sitting at your computer shitposting on Yea Forums?

Literally who?

Isn't that what Kaiji Tang did? I love his edgelords now

First off, find a coach or a teacher. If you live in a major city, this shouldn't be too hard. If you have prior acting experience, this should help a lot. A good teacher will teach you enough so that you can make a commercial demo, and a video game and/or animation demo. By the way, DO NOT make the mistake of only sticking to game/animation work. You need to be open to doing commercial work. It pays incredibly well, and the more opportunities you have to audition, the better. Once you're confident enough to make your demos, I'd advise hiring a professional editor who has experience with demo creation specifically for voice over. This is incredibly important. If you have no prior work, your demo is the only thing you can rely on to show people what kind of person you are. Once you have a demo, maybe even a resume and some headshots if you've been getting work on casting sites, you should start sending off your demo to agents. Local agents are great, but try sending your shit to agents in LA and New York as well. A lot of the time newer agencies like having bicoastal talent, just so they're covering as many bases as possible. This is just a really quick summary of a whole lot of things you can do but let me drop you some tips as well.
-Your voice is unique. Don't just rely on characters. A lot of times people auditioning want to hear your regular voice first, even in animation. Feel free to do a character afterwards if time in an audition allows it. The only anime character I've ever booked is just my normal voice.
-Don't be afraid of finding casting directors and emailing them once you're confident enough, and have enough materials to send to them. Just don't be annoying.
-When you email agents and casting directors, make your emails short and sweet. They're looking at hundreds of emails all day, so do a small introduction, then get right to the point.
-If you're serious about this, don't give up. Seriously. Don't. Just don't. Don't give up. I mean it.


Here's another (You) for the tally you keep under your pillow when you sleep at night.

Haha, look at that faggot wanting to pursue his dream and be a voice actor.

What should I do to become a voice actor? It's honestly a dream of mine and I don't know where to begin outside of having a not-shit mic

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I'm rooting for him, he's the gaming persona of our generation

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I have a standing desk, you ape.

You're right, but Sterling's humor shines through at least. His personality can carry it at times. YongYea doesn't have personality at all. Anyways, the point isn't to compare them, I at least respect Sterling for a handful of reasons, but fuck YongYea. Pampered bitch going on indefinite vacation for reading Kotaku articles.

I enjoy Sterling's side projects anyways, like the Spinoff Doctors, so I can see if you only look at his Youtube, it's one note bullshit after awhile. Not quite as "I've really played this out" as Yahtzee Croshaw, but still "jfc get over it already" tier.



Seriously though, fair play to him - he's pursuing his dreams even with the high risk of failure while you lads are sitting in your boxers complaining about videogames on the internet. Sad.

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Youtube is a shitty career, they can delete you with no fucking word and it's over. No matter how much money you were making.

Also, the way patreon people are with money they will keep giving him money even if he never makes videos.

>you lads are sitting in your boxers

is that really the chief defense? some projection conjecture nonsense?

you are a filthy gook

>I have a standing desk, you ape.
This isn't a competition. You're not winning anything by lying about it.

user you're replying to here:
Thanks man I really appreciate the tips. I'm pretty intimated on what to do in regards to pursuing voice acting, which ends up making me freeze and not do anything. So having any pointers really helps.

>First off, find a coach or a teacher. If you live in a major city, this shouldn't be too hard.
Are there any resources to find one? I live only two hours away from NYC but I don't have any acting experience unless you count being a retard on youtube as such.

Actually, do you suggest any resources in general for voice acting? I see a lot of places but I haven't pulled the trigger in really digging to see if there's any auditions I could try.

>If you're serious about this, don't give up. Seriously. Don't. Just don't. Don't give up. I mean it.
I'm really trying, and hopefully I don't ever give up and stop having cold feet. I have stupid motivation problems yet I really want to do this. Your post gives me some hope.


>wanting to go to LA
every time.

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>This isn't a competition.

It's a factual statement, ape.

Why are you so mad? You wont make it. Your voice acting is below awful level. You honestly think you are a match to anyone else in LA?

I don't know, I never really enjoyed Sterling's humor. I think he brings up good points frequently in terms of pro-consumer things(Or at least did, last I checked he was defending the Epic Store hard) but I think he's insufferable with how arrogant he is. Perhaps my view is also because I think the injokes have gotten to absurd levels that isn't excusable for criticism or analysis.

What is the Spinoff doctors?

Why does Yea Forums hate aspirations and success? You guys do realize that sooner or later you will need aspirations too, right? Trying something new you might not be good at is the first step. You need to fail to grow. You can't stay a child forever.

The majority of Yea Forums users are addicted to the failure if others because it makes them feel better about their own lack of accomplishments.

>I hope he fails at everything he attempts in life, except his own suicide.

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>I hope he fails at everything he attempts in life, except his own suicide.
OP post best post.

But... but he has such a boring monotone voice. I don’t even hate the guy despite his entire schtick just reading articles and reddit and making it into videos


>File no longer exist
Reeeeeeee I wanted to save this picture

Let's be real. I'm not saying this about Asians in general but these guys in particular don't have the looks for normal acting.
t. Asian

If you don't mind going to NYC every week, I'd highly recommend Anna Garduno as a teacher. I've taken classes with her, and I know people who have taken classes with her. She's great. But outside of that, there are TONS of teachers, it's New York.Come to think of it, I think Edge studio is in New York, and they have lots of classes there too, you should check them out. Maybe find some New York voice acting groups on social media and ask around there. Gotta be proactive. I'd also recommend at least taking some basic acting classes. That shit can go a long way. I'm sure there have to be teachers out there that do online classes as well. When it comes to resources, there's always the yearly subscription based sites like voices com or voice123, but I'd be wary about them, especially if you're just starting out, it might be tough to book anything. Castingcallclub CAN be good for practice, but expect to see a ton of cringy fan work like minecraft animations and stuff like that. Most of what you'll be looking for there is original work. Again, this is all incredibly subjective to what I've experienced and seen. Every actor in this business has a different path. Some people get lucky and start off with a huge role, some people work their way up doing small shit. All you have to remember is that you'll never get anywhere if you're doing absolutely nothing.

I'd rather see this guy become a voice actor

Honestly good for him. Was quite surprised he voiced a character in Lorelai. He has a surprisingly good range, didn't even recognised it was him.

wtf is wrong with his voice?


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Because there's something very endearing about him, YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG OUUUUUUUUUUUUUT is a big part of it.

These are among the funniest and most relatable posts on this board.

I'm worried LA will ruin him. Hopefully he knows when it's time to bail before it all goes to shit.

He's easy to pick on and his content is horrible.

>You need to fail to grow.
Very true. However It does though seem like a very questionable choice to just bite the bullet just like that and move to one of the most expensive cities to live in the US. He doesn't have much experience, and he is going to burn through his money even with how much he gets on youtube.

so yooonging out finally paid off. nice.

lol LA is going to eat him up and then spit him out. you dont come out here to become a star unless you have great connections

>Castingcallclub CAN be good for practice but expect to see a ton of cringy fan work like minecraft animations and stuff like that

Shit man I'm apart of Voice Acting Club and the amount of deviantart tier shit that gets posted for open auditions is insane.

Hell the amount of drama is insane too. I know actors by and large are filled with people at each other's throats like high school girls, but voice acting communities is a different league.

those yellow dots are making me hyperventilate. why u no use adblock you literal faggot?

Yup, white people like to see white people on the screen, same thing like niggers.

I heard he's also a great dancer.

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Shit man I didn't expect a second response. Usually when I ask for further resources I either don't get a response or get a reply of "Just look, there's tons!". Thanks again.

I'll check all these things out, it really helps.

good riddance

Do you think it would be a good idea to take a course(possibly online) taught by a successful voice actor? I almost took a online course done by Steve Blum(I know, I know) a few months ago.

> Every actor in this business has a different path. Some people get lucky and start off with a huge role, some people work their way up doing small shit.

How did you do it? How did you get your foot in the door?

>You know I should move to Cali, the fucking core of all corporate corruption I spend my days reading essays about?


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>Thread isn't getting bumped anymore
Why not just fucking 404 it

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But why?
Why is he not focusing on voice roles that he can do within the comfort of his own home? He has the equipment and can easily modify it if need be.
Why is he taking a massive risk, going to one of the most expensive cities to live in? This is risking his dream by going in with no connections and limited talent.

This seems like a really overeager, hopeful decision a child would do.

Yeah man, that's why I kinda stopped hanging around those circles in High School and focused more on commercial work. I'll still peek at auditions on there and use them as warmups and practice, but I never really submit.
Of course. I wish I had had help when I was starting out. It took way too long to get where I am and it's still not enough to be a full time job. Not yet at least.
Definitely, anything helps. Don't drop opportunities.
Going to classes and making connections is way more important than you'll even know. Making people remember you is super duper helpful, that's how I booked this one animation gig. I remember Sean Chiplock mentioning that he'd go to classes, and eventually someone from BangZoom was like, "hey you know that Chiplock guy in those classes? His voice would be great for this project!". For me personally, it was also being persistent with agents. Remember, that doesn't mean annoying. When I finally had all my demos, and resume and headshot together, I emailed every agent I could in one day. Some responded and rejected me, some didn't respond at all. If they reject you, I wouldn't email them again until you're sure they've forgotten you. (maybe like, a year??) If they don't respond at all, maybe give it 2 weeks and send a followup email. If they don't respond after that. Wait long enough for them to forget you. I only got an agent when I sent out emails to like, 20 something in one day. Later that week, I finally had one. Again, I'm still not getting enough work to make this my full time job. But I'm getting close. I hope.

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