Holy fuck Cyberpunk 2077 looks amazing, both the visuals and the gameplay:

Holy fuck Cyberpunk 2077 looks amazing, both the visuals and the gameplay:


Look at the goddamn gfx, holy fuck! Also the gunplay is amazing, the way it's all done it feels so realistic seeing it. You idiots crying about the sun and first person are retarded as fuck, look at that video. It's you basically running and gunning through a fucking housin project in a cyberpunk world. The game literally looks like Dredd or a Warhammer 40k Hive world. It's fucking glorious. I bet the guns all feel amazing to use too. Goddamn, CDPR is fucking BASED.

Attached: dredd.gif (500x209, 980K)

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Those graphics need to be toned down, that shit looks too realistic, it makes the violence more disturbing.

>being hype for a vaporware

Yes it will come out in 2077

>I bet the guns all feel amazing to use too.
hard to tell, shotgun seemed good, all pewpews were a little off I think
I hope I can make my hand canon/katana dashing build, from what they showed it seems possible
some hope for timeshift gameplay with severely slowed down time mechanics
all in all I'm optimistic for now.

I want a fucking Bolter, like this


oh cool this is really good for a GTAV mod

what FPS had scifi rivet gun as a weapon, anyone remember?

>using an inhaler
>it's not for asthma, it's for drugs

Yeah, fucking dropped. I don't like game that encourage drug use. This isn't the 90s anymore.

dead space?


no. it was from 2005 or 2006, I remember the gun but forgot the game.
Basically i'm scared CP77 will not have enough guns. Probably 5-6 types and billions samey models. That's my real worry.

Attached: cyberpunk-2077-1080p-wallpaper-1131376.jpg (1280x720, 114K)


>doesn't like a game giving them choices
checks out

Drugs shouldn't even be a choice in a video game.

fuck off pussy the only disturbing thing here is you low test tranny fag go watch my little pony and dilate

Based shill-kun

Those graphics need to be toned down, that shit looks too realistic, it makes the violence more arousing.

Why would they harvest the implants of regular folk, if they become so affordable to almost anyone why would groups of people kidnap folk for their cheap implants?

Attached: 1521754943385.gif (400x371, 3.51M)

Because it's cyberpunk and its supposed to be brutal and fucked up?

Katanas are a meme. Get yourself a chainsaw arm. I hope they have the chainsaw arm from the p&p in.


what about a chainsaw katana?

what about katana and chainsaw dual wield

>Why would they harvest the implants of regular folk
> if they become so affordable to almost anyone
They are criminals and are clearly sociopaths and selling implants on the black marker means they are not accountable to anyone. No warranty, no taxes, no need to comply with medical norms so those implants can be further modified.

They also get those implants for ''free' without having to buy them from a corp of make them themselves.

it should be illegal to demo a fps with a controller

fantasy brutal?