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I could, if I actually played the game. Game really did come out at a bad time. I'm starting to get over looter shooters phase and going back to RPGs and smaller games.

Why do console games STILL not allow mouse and keyboard, even though consoles support it?

Mouse and Keyboard has an advantage over controller and thus unfair and banned

it's not fair bros

something something competitive edge in online games research and data from past games show this and that etc etc

Couch gamer elitists, these people exist somehow. Xbox and now sony are starting to realize catering to these people will accelerate the pc migration.

Shame the game itself is shit.

>tfw play 99% of the games with a DS4 on PC including fps
controller is so much more comfy

Yeah cant wait for Massive to nerf the raid for console babs

>dude lmao play our game for 5+ hours for a online mission

0.17 K/D

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apparently it will be a standard with the next generation, microsoft and sony both stated there will be 100% support

>playing online
reddit pls

Wait. There is a Division 2? And it already released. What.

Wow, get a load of this faggot

Are they going to force every game support mouse and keyboard or is it just the system? Because the PS3 already had system wide mkb support.


>I play online shooters
Yeah, I was 16 too once.

So allegedly it requires mobility and quick aim switching according to the article. Definitely not made with controllers in mind.
And since PC took a while to kill the final boss of the raid when console is essentially still stuck on the first boss, they are never going to get that raid done before its toned down.
That aside, I see the bullet sponges are still well and truly there.
And it release on the Epic Game Store to boot. Amazing right.

it only makes sense if they will force the support because even now there are official licensed m+k for xbone and ps4 but they're barely used by half-dozen games

Maybe if you we're actually any good you'd enjoy them user

You could literally hook any usb mkb on the PS3 and it would work. That reminds me of Unreal Tournament 3 on the PS3, not only did it have mkb support it also had mod support. Consoles are pretty much drm machines at this point which is why I don't play on consoles anymore.

there was some investors report or whatever where they said sales on console weren't as high as expected, and that the raid would get more people in

>tom clancy
>Final boss bullet sponge

None of that fits with the taticool clancy setting

Wtf is this Destiny/WoW bs? Yuck city. You have to be a real moron to like that garbage

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but other people can also use the mouse/keyboard combo, so it's not intrinsically "I have an advantage you can't replicate".

I'm just saying the argument, I'm not defending it.
Fighters also have that with Controller vs Fight Stick, and Fight Sticks aren't banned

I'm going to wager that has nothing to do with console players and everything to do with how flakey Ubisoft's servers have been for fucking everything lately.

Fucking hilarious if i'm wrong and console plebs are that bad though.

I'm an absolute shitter and I had no problems clearing it using a 360 controller on PC, it's not a twitch based shooter that requires any sort of precision at all, it's fucking whack-a-mole with drones.

the funny thing is that a lot of FPS did it all the way back on PS2

but then it mostly died down with the next gen, that Microsoft disallowed devs from doing it even if they wanted to didn't help (UT3 on PS3 had m&k support, but they had to remove it for the 360 version)

UT3 also let you pick whether to allow m&k or not on a server, so it stayed fair for those that were controller-only (for co-op, you could use whichever).

More like
Console players cant give a fuck about the divisions 2 raide

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Wh...Who needs steam, amirite!?

Console players:
>Hi guys, I just bought Kage in Street Fighter. What combos should I master and what ones are the easiest?
>Hey, dudes, I just bought Mortal Kombat 11 for $60. Is it good?
Bunch of braindead fucks.

Unfair advantage for mouse and keyboard users, anyone using a controller would get BTFO in online multiplayer 99% of the time and wouldn't want to play the game anymore because they're too stubborn to use mouse and keyboard

Why it's not even usually implemented for single player or even local multiplayer I'm not sure, maybe so that people buy more console controllers, which is a big part of console manufacturer revenue

The first groups to complete the destiny raids are always ps4 users.


Attached: console controller aim.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

That's because they refuse to accept that the game could be better on any platform and have to be the best at it. Bugiefags are severely autistic at times.

>A website called Destiny Raid Report that tracks world records in Destiny 2 raids indicates that, once the game was on PC and consoles, PC players always completed the raids first. Console players have tended to lag behind, but only by hours. In only one instance did console players take a day longer than PC players to first finish the raid.


wouldn't be happening if they just used motion controls for small corrections (I don't mean fully aiming with that, but just for corrections -- won't beat a mouse but it's 10000% better than stick-only)

Will they be releasing a baby mode update for console?

Fuck that's going to be hilarious.

That's definitely not controller fault. That's overcompensation like a total retard.

...like in this webm example, you'd just tilt your controller a little sideway at low sensitivity

>going back to RPGs and smaller games.
You should honestly stay that way. They are much more fulfilling than hollow lootshooters

Were you asleep for the last 4 years or something?

People don't play console to use keyboard

Because then console players would feel pressured to use m&kb to stay competitive when all they want to do is play with a controller.

According to the article its too hard and twitchy.
And because it runs at 30FPS rather than 60.

>“[T]he raid running at 60 fps is very different than the raid running at 30 fps,” one Reddit user wrote, while assessing why the raid was so much tougher on console than PC. They noted that encounters in the raid seemed to rely on players being able to quickly turn and aim without resorting to taking cover, something that’s much harder to do on consoles. They added: “the slow nature of the animations make it difficult to mow down multiple enemies in a short period of time.”

>On forums and social media, console players have been saying that they’re stuck on the very first boss, an extremely tough enemy called Boomer. In a stream on Thursday morning, the game’s developers said that Boomer would serve as a test to ensure players had powerful enough character builds to get through the raid. Beyond that, they said, things would be more a matter of tactical execution than of needing more character potency.

>The Boomer encounter requires one player to get the boss’s attention and kit it across the room, wheeling around to shoot at its chestplate to stop it from auto-healing. Other players will simultaneously try to down it while fending off hordes of relatively weaker troops. Later encounters require precise shooting at swarms of small drones in treacherous areas where enemies rush in from all sides. Players need to be able to turn and shoot accurately and quickly.

>If Boomer is a power-level check, he’s confirming that console players are in deep trouble. A Redditor who goes by the name bf_pheno reported today that it took their team 10 hours to beat Boomer on PS4. That feat has been received as extraordinary in the game’s community, where there’s little if any discussion of how console players are faring in the encounters that follow.

Even if they do support them they usually lack a VSYNC option

Yeah i slept in a pile.of shit that was the first game

>Fucking hilarious if i'm wrong and console plebs are that bad though.
Remember how PCasuals couldn't beat Nier Automas tutorial and kept crying that they couldnt save before the boss

yes because having your hands cramp up and be very close together is so comfy for long play sessions


I would love m+k for Dreams

>Yuck city.

Just admit you are bad at games

yeah i remember that csgo on ps3 also had mkb support

>On forums and social media, console players have been saying that they’re stuck on the very first boss, an extremely tough enemy called Boomer.

The 30fps vs 60fps thing could be extremely valid, and admittedly it's 60fps on PC, but if you look up any footage of the raid you'll find it's really not that twitchy at all. Then again being a boomer raised on Q3/UT etc perhaps my definition is a bit skewed.

The hardest thing about the raid is how long it is, it's just a grueling slog when the game is much better in small, 10-15 minute chunks.

>And it release on the Epic Game Store to boot.
that was just ubisoft fucking over sweeney by taking his bribe just to have the epic store users funneled into uplay which is legitimately a better platform

never thought i'd see the day when someone says uplay is a better platform than anything

Someone do an edit

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It does have a shopping cart though.
And I am pretty sure it does not lock your account if you buy more than one game.

sounds like you've never used origin

they did that on purpose, didn't they

i think uplay is equally as bad as origin so...

its common knowledge that pc gamers have HUGE DICKS, without huge dicks console players wont be able to beat the raid

It is Ubisoft. So that seems possible.

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>only 5 hours for a raid

fucking casuals

The eternal Boomer strikes again

Mutant baby hands.

consoles cant into objectives

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Uplay has never decided to randomly revoke access to about a dozen games I own, origin has so I gotta put it at the bottom of the pile personally.

I play this game on pc with kb+m but because of my setup the wire gets snagged as soon as I move it a little to the right so it's pretty gosh darn awful at times. Anyone have tips for people with small desk-space to work with how I can increase my chances of aiming well due to a snaggy wire? I've seen some people use this thing that looks like this, im gonna draw it now, pic related i guess..

Attached: file.png (1133x380, 9K)

Lawyer speak won't trick me you fucking powder wig judge fegit

called a mouse bungee.
Don't have advice tho.

get a usb numberpad for your left hand

mfw this isn't even the thread I was replying to... wtf is going on...

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Why not just roll up some of the excess wire and secure it with say, a cable tie?

What was it you were responding to?

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>something something
anyone else hate faggots that say this?

the fuck

some thread on /x
I ain't gonna question this shit I'm out

Controllers are available on PC. By your logic one or the other must be removed from all PC game options.

Look at the sausage fingers telling on themselves.

normies can't handle mouse and keyboard it's too complicated for them

I play FF XIV on PS4 with a mouse and keyboard

>Numpad masterrace
step aside.

Attached: g13.jpg (415x550, 29K)

the real master race is controller+mouse

That's what controller FPS looks like without aim assist/auto aim.

I don't know if what I'm to take away from this is that console players are shit, the raid's absolute bs, or the servers are unreliable.

Buy a wireless mouse you retard, they are low latency and based on you're description you aren't playing any games pro anyways.

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