Top steam games thread

Top steam games thread

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Based kraut.

Nationalism has gone too far
I haven't really played that much since the last time I posted mine

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Never got the appeal of simulator game.

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what the fuck

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What'd you do in blender?

practice a bit by making furniture and trying to model humanoids but eventually gave up
same with drawing
its been a year now

Oh ok. I've considered learning it from time to time but I always get distracted by something else.

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im bored, recommend me some fucking games Yea Forums

I started pirating when PC went digital only because of Steam.

Are they really any diferent?

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Fucking G*rmans, man

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They say 10,000 hours is required for mastery of a skill. You could have mastered two things now. Pick two... any two. You could be an amazing chef AND a great painter with that amount of time. WHAT. THE. FUCK. How? How did you do this? This makes me deeply existentially sad. You realize if you spent that time on, say, just the guitar, you could be a professional musician. You could be a really fucking good guitarist. But instead... you are really good at FARMING FUCKING SIMULATOR. Are you satisfied with your life? Do you feel good about this?

Yeah it's pretty comfy desu

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Long live the queen is a game that makes trial and error fun.

can you explain what you see in those games
not trying to be a dick, I'm just honestly curious

too much simulator
you play the same shit as my brother, minus the weeb shit
even distribution
nice. Hopefully you play I-no or Baiken
haven't played a single one of these
too much esports
you like co-op games don't you squidward
>315 hours in SFV
How did you stomach that
very inoffensive
absolutely pitiful

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They also say that 20,000 hours in a sim is a mastery of the real life skill

>too much eSports

Is there something wrong with wanting to play skill based games against other people?

not particularly. Should've said "too much esports for my taste". And FPS are boring. Play fighting games to scratch the skill based PvP itch instead

Probably bought the game on retard grade discount, like 95% and then launched the client on a VM deployed on a server just to bump the numbers.

Jesus Christ Yea Forums's taste in games suck ass

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who do you main in tekken?

i think we could be friends

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I quit playing Dota 2 three years ago.

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>And FPS are boring. Play fighting games

I prefer competitive games where I can play heavy mind games to misdirect my opponents' decision making. It's not just about shooting the other team as much as it is about manipulating the other team's thought process to come out on top. I focus far more on what my enemy is doing more than what I am doing. Fighting games generally don't scratch that tactical itch for me.

>actually plays a diverse numbre of games instead of dumping all your hours into 2 or 3


r8 and h8 nignogs

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Surfing is fun

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It's just fun to sim it up while listen to audio books

Which one is yours?

we can help you, but first you need to put down the gun

But user, you are Yea Forums.

what on earth did he mean by this?

Could be worse, I guess.

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>sub 1k hours in any game
I thought this was the video game board wtf

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Man... Hyper Universe was pretty fun most of my "time played" was waiting for a game though

I started playing the game right from the start so I was able to enjoy it at it's peak. If the community manager wasn't a stupid bitch and they handled the "censorship" correctly we would both still be playing it today.

how do you rank your game like that ?cant find the option

please utilize your autism and find work as an engineer if you haven't already
I would ask how you managed to tolerate battlegrounds for 300 hours, but the dota and PoE hours already explain it

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Fighting games are literally the biggest 1v1 mind game available in video games. Sounds like you don't know how to play them properly

Josie/Kazumi/Chloe. Yes, I play waifus

s/o to my dota niggas

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Jesus Christ, you people are not gamers, wtf. You post here and do nothing. It's ridiculous.

my niggas, except for chloe
chloe is shit

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You only just figured this out? Newfag.

Why are you even playing mech warriors online?
If you fucking whales finally stopped playing that shit and play an actual decent mech warrior game we wouldn't be here with this trash heap of a game.

You managed more than 3 hours in borderlands and rust bruh, that explains your autism already but then chastising poe and dota? icing on the cake

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>implying we aren't OG console mains

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I agree that Chloe is shit but it's fun to hit people with her one backturn attack for like 80% dmg. It's the only reason to play her

Name 1 fighting game where I can feign my location and catch my opponent off guard because I memorized his last known position and considered his most likely course of action considering all the circumstances of what happened during the match, including where I was last seen and where I must go, in conjunction with the information I volunteer to him in order to manipulate his decision making into my favor.

Too lazy to cap
>TF2 2000 hours
>ARK 1300 hours
>Left 4 Dead 1100 hours
>Dark Souls Prepare to Die 800 hours
>Dark Souls 2 700 hours
>Halo Wars Definitive Edition 400 hours
I have no shame

>too lazy to take screenshot
>types that entire post out manually




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>Open Steam
>Print Screen
>Open Paint
Felt like too much work at the time

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I don't really play vydia games that much

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OP detected

Funny that you call someone reddit yet have DARK SOULS 3 as your top game. Y I K E S

literally all of them. What do you think footsies are

You're one sour Kraut aren't you?

I have used windows all my life and I had no idea this existed

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I was going to post my steam but it's all games I'm ashamed of and made me remember that before I sold all my consoles that I spent most of my time on consoles.

You should just start a farm, you know.

I should have an insane amount more time in Med2, but it doesn't count me fucking around in overhauls usually and that all I really did by the time I had it on steam.

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Rabi-Ribi is nice. Great metroidvania-bullethell gameplay with a dash of moe fanservice.

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ive prolly played games with you b4

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Ok maybe a bit more fanservice then that. Still a great game though.

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I am addicted to garbage grindfest games

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Siege is the only game I recently played on this list and I just took a break from it. Never gonna play Smite again, retired due to just being fed up with matchmaking. Good game, but carrying shitters game after game finally became unbearable. Might give GTA another play through one of these days. Fallout and Xenoverse are bloated as fuck, mostly time spent modding. Dark Souls would be higher, but I played the fuck out of it on PS4 before PC. And I prefer Duel Links on my phone. I think the list will be filled with new games by this time next year. Still hoping I find a game that hooks me, been a long time since I had that.

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>has 64 hours in most played game
>thinks his opinion matters

If FFXI actually tracked hours on steam, it would be first place by about 3000 hours.

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I'd be more surprised if we didn't

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>House Flipper
Autism, do it for real and earn money

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too bad dungeon defenders 2 sucks

just glad that they realized how shit it was to have a publisher making the decisions for them.



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>800 hours in revengeance

Love that game but what the fuck

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You in my top 1p