This game has the worst combat I've ever had the disgrace of experiencing in my entire life. No game I've ever played has felt like I'm fighting the game itself more than the enemies more than this one. The only reason I'm going to play this past the wolf boss is because I can dial it to normal difficulty and faceroll through the game in retardo-mode
This game has the worst combat I've ever had the disgrace of experiencing in my entire life...
Other urls found in this thread:
play Xcom instead, it's a great game
Yeah I've heard a lot about how good it is. I just felt I really had to voice out how fucking bad vesperia's combat is, it's truly an abomination. Is there something I'm not getting in here?
The combat is great, you're just mad cuz bad.
>another mad lad who can't get past the wolf boss
Has there ever been a gatekeeper so hard in a JRPG before?
>Is there something I'm not getting in here?
No, its just fucking bad. After about 10 hours I was ready to cut my losses but the game doesn't resell for shit.
Problem is you barely have enough skills to pull off fancy combos until late game, but the moment you can do it enemies would die quickly anyway.
Probably Matador in Nocturne even though Gattuso gave me more trouble than Matador ever did.
You never played Xenoblade Chronicles 2 then
is this your first time playing a real time combat jrpg? combat is shit in the beginning because your stats suck (low agility = slow movement/attack speed), you're missing abilities needed to do combos, you're missing skills needed to chain combos, etc. as you progress, the combat gets faster as naturally you get more stats (more agility) and more skills/abilities.
>another pleb filtered by doggo
The combat's absolute fucking dogshit at baseline. You need to grind arte usage and equip a good chunk of skills to finally get it going, and even then, a lot of the better skills are fucking expensive and you'll probably have to wait until NG+ to equip every skill you want.
Graces and Xillia 2 have better combat.
>implying I can do literally ANY of that shit at this point in the game
That extra chromosome must be a really heavy burden to carry all by yourself bud
I've gone through 6 hour streaks in the exact same boss/level/whatever before while effectively handicapping myself for the sake of trying hard, not giving up, and getting better until I can clear it. This game at least so far feels completely unintuitive, it makes zero sense. I hit monsters, they sometimes even manage to block before I land an arte after a 3 string combo; I try to kill the monsters, they just walk around the battlefield in circles and random patterns, and do the walk, stop for an instant, then resume walking, then stop for an instant shit over and over, making me waste a lot of time because I literally cannot do anything against it other than chase after them and either hope to connect with the 3 string attack, or spam the running-attack at them, which by itself is also quite fucking bad because it has like an entire minute worth of endlag on it, so even if I do manage to hit them, they'll escape hitstun in less than half the time than my endlag. If I throw some arte at them they will also randomly dodge it by walking 1 degree away from my 2D fighting angle
Most of the monsters in the game are an anguish to actually hit, because they're either so small that you have to purposefully aim downwards/upwards, even though it fucks up your movement when you try to manual cancel, the hitstun is so minuscule that sometimes you can get hit after missing the monster due to not aiming downwards/upwards, some artes can even jump above monsters and land behind them too.
fuck off DSP
If you think XC2's combat is bad you just don't have a clue how it works.
bruh just watch a combo movie
so cool isn't it
do that every fight so the game lasts 800 hours
>actually typing all this out
Have sex
Far better
>the combat is fine, it just sucks donkeydick until you're in the mid and late game where it gets good, even though you steamroll everything at that point so you don't actually get to enjoy the "good" combat at that point either
You sure taught me a lesson right there
It only takes patience to beat the doggo, or turning the game back to normal/easy rather than hard, or actually restarting in a previous save file so you get to bring some fucking consumables rather than getting save-stuck after the 30 minutes trip all the way into that shithole with the dog while not having a full stock of every single consumable available for it (my case)
Based. M-muh combo m-m-movies! Look, the game has great c-c-combat! Makes me giggle every time
Point out how anything I said was wrong, oh wait
>expecting the average Yea Forumsermin to actually put forth a proper argument rather than an ad-hominem
I forgot I was posting in Yea Forumseddit's funposting public bathroom
Tales conbat is ass until you start acquiring moves to improve combat pacing
all you need is the combo skills, element skills, and item thrower/time reduction skill. the rest of the skills are just crutches for shitters that get hit or are underleveled. those shitter enabler skills also happen to use up the most skill points too like glory, rebirth, resurrect, happiness, etc.
as for arte usage, just leave the game on auto mode with minimum damage skill on and go to sleep. wake up to 999 everything
Thanks confirming that you're just here to shitpost.
the combat at the endgame is basically a baseline non-ass feeling combat system but even then it's most efficient to just do a bunch of weak rapid hits and fatal strike everything if you're playing normally and not doing that autistic grind for NG+
Gattuso is way fucking worse than Matador but the Holoholobird in Baten Kaitos Origins is the worst gatekeeper I've encountered
bro how are you missing attacks on monsters, there's no rng hit chance element involved like real rpgs, you just go up to them and hit them. if you miss attacks whether they move or stand still then you have bad reaction timing/spatial awareness.
>getting shit on by AI stutter step
I've never see such a shitter
>the wolf boss
>put forth a complaint about videogame
>faggot replies with a reaction image or some meme
>call him out on his faggotry
>>wow you're here just to shitpost
Just started playing this, the combat feels like shit. Notably, the action-response time is abysmal, making blocking or dodging individual attacks feel non-responsive. Jumping is perhaps the most egregious, pressing up to jump, without directional control, and a single bad attack option while jumping hurts my soul.
There is no valid complain, you're just clearly SHIT.
The most literal type of shitposting.
the higher your agility stat the more responsive your actions like movement, guarding, attacking, etc. remember that it's a rpg too, not a pure action game.
I played Vesperia because two different people that I know IRL both recommended it and said it was good. Well, I just beat this game and after ~120 hours of thinking maybe it was going to get good soon I can assure you that it never does. I honestly have no idea what it is that people like about this game.
The story is awful, and the pacing is somehow even worse. The English voice acting and animations - even in cutscenes - are almost universally terrible (Yuri's VA and Raven's VA are the only ones that I would describe as acceptable, the rest have no business being in a recording studio.) The side quests are retardedly obtuse, don't even bother worrying about them without looking at a guide, and the game doesn't have any mechanism at all for tracking your side quests.
The combat is absolutely terrible for the first half of the game, and then starts to improve to bring "just okay" over the course of the second half. They clearly built the combat system around the end game and then put no thought or effort into how the mechanics would be introduced to the player or what the first 40 or so hours would play like.
The whole game has no respect for the player's time and everything feels like it was designed to absorb as many hours as possible. The only thing about the game that stood out to me as being actually well done was Rita's character development. I have to assume this was an accident because it stands in stark contrast to basically everything else in the writing, but somehow they made Rita change in a believable and relatable way over to help course of the game and it never felt TOO forced or hammy.
Jumping manually is horrible. You're supposed to let the artes do the aerial attacks for you. severing fang jumps higher, has less windup time, and actually combos into stuff.
>Far better
He's saying it also has combat that takes ages to get off the ground, you fucking moron.
Since it wasn't addressed, i assume jumping is just poorly implemented.
Seems to confirm.
I'm assuredly going to continue playing, but holy fuck does the jumping bother me.
Abyss > Vesperia
>walk up to monster
>do 3 strings and an arte
>3 years worth of endlag
>walk up towards it again
>repeat 3 string and an arte, except this time it was a little bit further away than before, so it wiggles out of the attack and walks off
It's not that hard of a concept to grasp. I sincerely doubt it's my reaction timing nor my spatial awareness, I've been playing videogames for quite a while, I'm not new to them or to 3D environments either, this game just doesn't seem to have anything that I could take as a hit confirm, I just either attack and hope they don't wiggle out, or throw a running attack (worst idea so far, this seems like some sort of funny joke too, the endlag is unbelievable on that thing) and watch them walk away while I'm stuck, or actually make 100% sure I won't miss and hug them before initiating my attack, which wastes more time as well but it seems I'll have to go to such lengths due to the pitiful range on attacks
>walk up to monster
>it gets hit stunned for less than I have endlag
>it walks off
Or if I fully intend to make sure I don't miss, I just spend more time pre-attack and predict the stutter step but then that's just wasted time for some annoying shit that only happens because the combat itself is clunky. The issue here isn't that I can't hit things, it's that it feels so unbelievably clunky and the game itself seems to abuse this to make it feel even more annoying by reminding you every single time just how clunky it is
>put the game on hard difficulty
>wtf this is hard
every fucking time with you retards
why do the monsters run away? annoying as shit.
>The only reason I'm going to play this past the wolf boss is because I can dial it to normal difficulty and faceroll through the game in retardo-mode
luckily you hardly need to jump/aerial arte in this game. it's mainly there for looking cool in combo videos or stunlocking non human enemies that have no tech out.
"Endlag" can be cancelled dumbass. Learn basic mechanics of a game before you throw temper tantrums on Yea Forums.
jumping was awful on release
like any stick movement above horizontal would jump and retards were defending it with the usual git gud
they patched it later but I already beat the whole game on semiauto before they could
>put the game on hard difficulty
>the AI starts to abuse how clunky the controls are to make you angry about it
Every- wait a minute, that's actually genuinely fucking retarded, who'd have thought? It's almost like the hard thing about the game isn't the game itself, but how bad the controls and combat are, and the difficulty is all about how much the AI enemies can test your patience while making a mockery of how bad the combat and its controls are!
>basic mechanics
>it's not in the game's tutorials or even the fucking BOOK that it has for combat
>>>>>>>basic mechanics
You're beyond retarded
>repeat 3 string and an arte, except this time it was a little bit further away than before, so it wiggles out of the attack and walks off
so bad reaction timing and rusty spatial awareness.
plus you can cancel the lag after an attack but that requires reaction timing which you lack
I think i'm just going have to adjust my instincts when i play, because i feel like i should be jumping over/behind short enemies and their attacks.
>the AI starts to abuse how clunky the controls are to make you angry about it
That doesn't happen. You're simply retarded.
>this game just doesn't seem to have anything that I could take as a hit confirm
you mean aside from the fact that you see a damage number, a hit meter, and hear the sound effect of a sword hitting a enemy?
I had a good time with the game.
Only time I had to lower from hard to normal was on the arena because I simply couldn't do enough damage fast enough because there's a stupid time limit.
And even when I could almlst do it on team arena the bpsses would heal hundreds of thlusands lf HP in a second ao fast I couldn't stop it.
Final boss fight was great though, on hard.
True final form took me 20 minutes of nonstop tense fighting.
Based wolf filtering pleb casuals
down+attack will hit short enemies. if you ever need to get behind someone then just freerun behind them, it's faster and safer since you're wide open in the air.
>trying to save face on an anonymous imageboard
Hit Confirm is fighting game terminology, and refers to a string/combo you use to follow up on getting an unblocked hit. Different hits call for different hit confirms.
different user here, do you just mean using an arte or is there some other endlag cancellation mechanism that I never realized?
Just stop OP. You're embarrassing.
I'd figured that out, i meant that i was instinctively trying to jump over enemy attacks to dodge, which seems to be the wrong option for this game.
>Hit enemy
>They stagger
>Continue combo
>Hit enemy
>They block
Literally impossible to tell them apart. Not like they play unique animations and sounds.
>you're just mad cuz bad
Exactly. This isn't the first angry doggo filter thread.
If you're playing manual, you can cancel a lot of stuff with a dash forward and then cancel the dash with a block.
That way you can infinite combo all enemies except bosses who will eventually overlimit.
It's fun to do.
to be fair if the tutorials would ever stop you might actually have a clue how the combat works
a blocked hit has a different sound and visual effect. plus you can tell a block is coming if your chain meter stops counting, it means your enemy has had enough time to recover between your string.
Oops i got it backwards.
You block at the end of an attack to eliminate your recovery/animation then dash forward.
Sounds tough/complicated but it's not.
huh, that sounds very un-obvious and unintuitive, but I will try it out. for as much stuff as they put in the battle book, they sure managed to avoid putting in any of the things I ever was confused about.
>Is there something I'm not getting in here?
unironically yes
Yuri as a character is clunky as fuck until he gets his later artes unless you use manual cancelling or whatever the fuck it was called
also congrats, you got dog filtered
>Play Judith
>Jump Cancel
>Aerial Combo 1, 2 & 3
>Super Chain 4 & 5
>Aerial Artes
>High Combo
learn how to manual cancel
oh, well that sounds less unintuitive but still seems kind of clunky. i'll have to play around with it, i guess. i wish the game's 200 tutorials that they throw at you in the first part of the story had ever mentioned something like this, it might have saved me a whole lot of frustration with how bad the combat system feels.
Actually, I looked it up: One of the combos has a punch rather than a sword attack, which has a much shorter range and will miss often:
>enemies running around the battlefield when you can only fight in a 2D environment so you have to catch up to them and hope they don't walk out of your attack angle, while using run attacks is also quite useless
>"That doesn't happen"
Hit confirm as in something that I can use to make sure my following strings won't miss, sweetie. I just learned some attacks within the same string actually have smaller hitboxes so I'm supposed to mix them up as required to bypass the attacks inside the string that have a smaller hitbox
>having to research the internet to find a bug in the game that allows you to bypass the biggest hurdles of the extremely clunky combat system
>zero reference to it inside the game
>early game combat is so bad that in a 1v1 situation with a monster, you'll land a 3 string + arte combo and then get punished back by the monster sometimes because you can't even block or run away before the monster is out of your hitstun and hits you back so you're forced to take damage, and the way you avoid this is by knowing about an obscure mechanic that you either find by random chance, or look up in the internet
>good videogame design
You got me, I'm clearly the retard here
I got manual cancel filtered. I just looked it up: "It appears unannounced in the battle book after you learn your first arcane arte. Easy to miss." I learned my first arcane arte after the dog, too. Lovely game design right there desu
>get judith
>can barely use any of her shit in midair
>floats like she's on the moon
>barely even has a role in the story
Everything about her was disappointment from the moment I got her.
Because it's a 15 year old RPG
Combat in newer Tales games is much more refined, especially Xillia did it very right
judith's combo potential is great once you get the hang of the air dash cancel or w/e its called
>Hit confirm as in something that I can use to make sure my following strings won't miss
Darling, please. Hit the enemy. If they stagger, keep hitting them.
If you whiff, block or backstep or something.
>I just learned some attacks within the same string actually have smaller hitboxes
>One of the combos has a punch rather than a sword attack, which has a much shorter range and will miss
So what I said earlier, terrible spatial awareness. it should be common sense that a sword hit will have a longer reach than a fist
Judith sucks donkey cock for about 60% of the game. She's only really fun to play towards the last third or NG+ when you have most of her interesting skills.
By half of the game the ToV combat is better.
Holy fuck imagine being bad at a fucking Tales of game of all things. Jesus fucking christ what has happened to this fucking board
XC2's combo is excellent unless you just don't understand it
The attack in the combo string that has smaller hitbox is the 2nd attack, which clearly explains why I often felt like I was whiffing attacks or why the enemy was wiggling out of my combos
>have to look up videos to understand how the combat works because the game doesn't explain any of it
I've never had any issues with any other game in my life, ask me how I know you're an overreactionary faggot
>mfw want to play graces f and xillia 2
>find out rpcs3 listed them as playable at one point, but they got bumped down to ingame for some reason
>dl and check it out
>xillia 2 runs almost perfectly (some slowdown in towns though) at 4k
>graces f runs like shit, rpcs3 cant handle switching framerates between fights and the overworld so everything is either zippity zoom fast forward mode or molasses trudging through a swamp mode
they need to just port all this shit to pc already, I gave you my vesperia money now do your part and bring the rest nips
xc2 is not as complex as you think it is brainlet
The reason the dog rapes everyone's assholes is because he's balanced for the 360 demo way back that had your characters at higher levels, he has moves that can break your guard instantly or 100% stun you from half the battlefield away leading to a guaranteed followup, and the game also gives you an axe weapon for Yuri right beforehand, which makes his attacks just slightly slower, for a fight which absolutely requires speed and finesse
He's not a well-balanced boss at all but spending an hour bitching about how the whole game is fucking garbage because you can't just brute force past him is retarded
>all this cope
>The attack in the combo string that has smaller hitbox is the 2nd attack
There are multiple. I think you can hold forward and Yuri will simply use his sword to swipe in front of him.
I have probably 300+ hours across the 360/PS4 versions and I've never had the problem of whiffing attacks mid-combo like you.
>because the game doesn't explain any of it
Because there's almost nothing to explain outside of 3D movement, artes, and basic attacks, all of which are explained within the first hour of the game? Either you're the retard that didn't read any of it, or you really are too dumb to play one of the simplest Tales combat systems
>dumbass user doesnt know how to play and blames the game
Not just that, the developers also wanted you to use the flowers to stun the boss. If you actually use them the battle becomes exponential easier because you get free hits on him.
Of course Switchlets don't use them because they were never remembered to do the secret missions.
The flowers are also notoriously finicky, and don't bring your console war fetish into this
Not everyone understands the inputs the same way when there are no tutorials about it. I had to realize that you can just tap a direction rather than hold onto it when deciding which version of a normal attack to use in the middle of a combo, which actually made my combos harder to change, and ended up with me unknowingly getting the same combos over and over as well. Considering I have around 6-10 hours of gameplay, it'd be pretty obvious why I wouldn't be used to the clunky combat compared to some faggot with 300+ hours, don't you think? Monsters running away means that if the 2nd attack of the combo misses, then the 3rd one will as well because they walked out of it thanks to the minuscule hitstun durations
>a ton of other people say they hated the combat, or even just played the game on easy and didn't bother understanding it at all
>naw it's only you being retarded
Let me guess, you think that anybody that wasn't good at fighting games with complex inputs was also a retard?
>manual cancel is explained within the first hour of the game
>manual canceling into a guard to protect you isn't taught in the game either, so you also have to either find that by random chance and understand how it happens to replicate it at will, or look it up outside the game
>not knowing stuff that the game doesn't tell you makes you retarded
What's your next argument? Gitgud?
>the game locks you right before the boss, with no way to heal up, with no warning about it other than the save point when you're already there, when you've already gotten up to that point by fighting a decent amount of battles, and you cannot go back outside to grab any consumables either
>gotta dial it back to easy or do a perfect fight without using any consumables while also not knowing about manual cancelling into guard
It's always funny watching some idiot blow his lid 2 seconds into a new game and blame it for his own stupidity and lack of patience though.
>sees a save point and doesn't immediately think "oh there must be a boss coming up"
How the FUCK do you end up playing Vesperia as your very first JRPG?
>comboing together artes requires Over Limit
This killed the combat for me
At least you can save next to gattuso.
Also I wasn't trying to start a flame war, I actually own a Switch too just not this game because I already played the shit out of it on the 360.
>your AI teammates can literally get stuck walking into the flower if you walk them into it
>Rita can easily get stuck throwing spells at the flower if you bring her to the fight so you eventually learn to not bring her at all
>the flowers' aoe goes right forward so it can easily miss the dog just as much as it can also hit you or even your other melee attackers
>hard to aim towards the flower without getting used to it by practicing it, otherwise you end up either taking a hit from the wolf, which could 100%->0% you in a combo, or stun you along with itself which means you just wasted time with the flower
Switchlet would mean "lacks a switch", when you clearly intend to insult people that do own one, you brainlet.
>oh here's a save point, let's head back outside and get ready to fight the boss
>woops, look at that, we cannot go outside, so it's either beat the boss or save in another spot and load back to the last save point in case I cannot beat this boss without bringing more consumables
Way to talk out of your ass bub
>spend 5 hours trying out different AI setups, team compositions, strategies, skill combinations, formations, etc
>lack of patience
If anything I was too patient, if I had lacked patience I'd have just googled how to beat the motherfucker after one hour of failed attempts, and realized I was missing out on half of the fucking combat system by not knowing one simple trick that the game doesn't ever tell me about you worthless cunt
>we cannot go outside,
You are also wrong about this
Batting 0/10 here
Bro relax and be less mad.
Videogames aren't the most important thing in life. Doesn't mater if you're bad at them.
He only owns a Switch so he never seen the achievement list. You actually need to backtrack there and return to the town with the tree for one of the achievements
why are you playing games on hard mode if you have no clue how to play them
this video has pissed me off for months. I've tried dozens of times to cancel ghost wolf like he does there but it's not fucking possible, I call shenanigans
it doesn't though once you get the chain skills and the autolimit skills
>5 hours to beat a boss still in the first act of the game
mad cuz bad etc etc
The transition into arc 3 was the most garbage transition I've ever seen and killed all interest in continuing the game for me
I like insulting people and cunts, doesn't mean I'm mad though, I enjoy a good challenge.
I'm genunely baffled at this one, I'll 100% own up to my mistake in this case, but I still have a save file right before Gattuso, please do tell how do I go outside of that forest so I can go buy consumables, because I beat the cunt with barely any consumables. I'm not even angry about it, just, please, do tell me, I'm truly puzzled
Even if I had been playing it on normal mode, I'd still not have been able to beat the dog because I got stuck in the area without enough consumables and no forewarning about having a point of no return, while also getting there by wasting a lot of consumables due to not knowing the nature of the game's combat because the game never tells you about it. Even then, how the fuck would I be aware that I don't know how to properly play the game, if the game itself doesn't tell me anything about it? You cannot possibly be aware of something that you have no way of knowing
>doesn't know how to read
Yea Forumseddit etc etc
you mean the sliding ghost wolf thing? every character can do it, it's not actually using ghost wolf. it's exploiting the green fatal strike using a glitch.
fatty face
just dropt it.
the story, characters and worldbuilding is even worse then the combat.
its like abyss, you wait for something to happen just to find out that nothing will happen.
I watched my 9 year old Mario Kart style daughter beat Gattu first try. Apply yourself
>Writing out all these seething essays because you got bopped by the casual filter boss
Legit git gud, you fucking faggot. ToV is not a difficult game and it's not particularly deep either.
You want the game to teach you every single nuance of every single gameplay mechanic? Why not play it and learn some shit for yourself?
It clearly gives you tutorials for the basic combat, you just fucking suck. You're the only one who has this much trouble.
I ain't dropping the game though, even if there was no way to fix the combat and it was a pure struggle of pain. I'm in this for the experience
Nice, what levels did her characters have? How many consumables did she bring? What difficulty was she playing? What version of the game was she playing?
>introduce the only playable loli
>she's not a virgin
So disappointed. And she was the most broken character too.
>only one
>many others in this exact same thread point out having the same issues, albeit not as finely detailed as I did
wew lad
the game has an easy mode. it's almost impossible to die in that mode unless you suck that bad.
also here's some prostrats for the gattuso boss:
>kill the adds ASAP, you don't want them ganging up on you or staggering teammates
>disable everyones artes except fire element artes (rita's fireball, yuri's destruction field, the boss staggers easily and takes additional damage from fire
>you can control repede to run circles around the battlefield, the boss will chase after repede but cannot catch him because repede runs faster due to having higher agility than everyone else. use this to distract the boss so your allies can cast fire moves uninterrupted. if the boss stops chasing repede to go after party members, then this is your chance to punish the boss from behind.
>the flowers on the edges of the battlefield stuns anything that touches it, you can bait gattsuo's charge attack to directly charge into the flower and get himself stunned
congratulations you beat the boss everyone complains about
>t. knotted by gattuso
another faggot bites the dust, go back to bing bing wahoo
>THIS much trouble
It's just you, champ. Git gud.
Presea best Tales.
a few life bottles were popped but she caught on pretty quick there was an alternate objective. She played normal on our switch. I didn't keep up with individual levels.
>mfw googling "fatal strike cancelling"
time to reinstall I guess
>Lose at game
>It's the game's fault
After trying on hard while not knowing about manual cancel, only having a couple life bottles and no other consumables to use, and constantly killing the adds, I realized there was something I probably didn't understand at that point so I just dialed it back to easy and facerolled over the dog instantly, the point is that having to dial back the difficulty just because the game fails to explain core concepts is quite retarded, and baiting you into a point of no return is a tad annoying as well
>play game on hard because normal difficulty feels braindead
>not know that you actually don't understand half of the combat system because there's no way to acknowledge something which you don't know about in the first fucking place
>try to get good by patiently trying new strats when it turns out all that was needed was to understand the combat system better, which is the issue in the first place because there's no way to know I'm at the skill floor of the combat system in the first place
Yea Forums sure loves to defend flawed video game design
>game doesn't deliver all the information
>you either play at retardo mode, or struggle at hard mode because you have no way of knowing that which the game never mentions
>somehow your fault for not googling
Back in my day we didn't google things like little faggots
Then you belong on retardo mode, retardo.
I didn't think the transition was bad. it was just that the 3rd act is much shorter compared to part 1+2 and they rushed up the plot that it left some unanswered questions from the previous acts.
>i've never played a fighting game or any game and have no sense of intuition or exploration of game mechanics, i hate pressing buttons and seeing what they do, i have no idea how to play anything, if the game doesnt shove a hand-holdy tutorial down my throat how can i be expected to press any keys
Yeah turn on easy mode you fat fucking faggot, you should probably go play BOTW
Well that's great, I'm glad she didn't fumble with the AI which funnily enough, tends to make them underperform. Some of my allies got stuck running behind flowers sometimes, and Rita was stuck aiming at the wolf from behind a flower and thus landing everything on the flower quite a few times as well. Hard mode feels more like artificial difficulty until you research about stuff the game doesn't want you to know yet
>Don't understand half of the combat
>Play on hard
>Get destroyed
Why does it keep happening? It must be that the game is broken.
>>try to get good by patiently trying new strats when it turns out all that was needed was to understand the combat system better, which is the issue in the first place because there's no way to know I'm at the skill floor of the combat system in the first place
you weren't trying hard enough because it took 5 hours of trying and still failed when the solution was literally a basic MMO tank and spank fight
>over a decade later
>Gattsuo is still filtering plebs
It's not like games come manuals to read anymore, what you have is what's presented in game. Considering the game not only has a combat tutorial, but also a combat "book" that doesn't include supposedly "core concepts" as presented by this thread, yes. It is the games fault.
Symphonia is betur...
"Demon Fang!"
every ps4/xbone/switch game comes with a digital manual on the disc/cartridge/download.
Reminder that people somehow bought Vesperiashitters talking it up as the best Tales game for a decade only for everyone who wasn't dumb enough to own a 360 (unfortunately I am not one of those people) finally got to play it and realized that it's fucking terrible.
Feels good to be a Gracesbro.
Demon Fang does everything, why would you use anything else?
Really? I'll have to check that out.
I don't really play console games, so other than BotW and Odyssey this is the first game i'm really trying to put time into.
Pretty much all tales games are the same; powerfully mediocre. Charming characters, witty banter, mediocre actiony-rpgy combat. over and over. must suck to be part of a camp that sucks one mediocre dick over another in a room full of mediocre dicks
>hard mode is actually hard if you don't know what you're doing
Woah say it ain't so
It also sounds like you haven't adjusted the strategy or artes menu at all. I think the problem is that you're playing the game more like action game and less of a rpg with mechanics. I mean it's obvious when you got filtered by a basic MMO boss fight.
>convoluted manual cancelling that requires you to change your direction depending on where you're facing with your character
>zero evidence ingame as to this existing
I bet you played GunZ and discovered butterfly and all other sorts of wacky shenanigans by yourself rather than being told about them, you insufferable faggot
How would I know that I don't understand half of the game, when I don't have that knowledge in the first place? You cannot know that you don't understand something when you simply don't have the knowledge to see how much you're lacking in the first place, this is the exact basis for Dunning-Kruger, you failed abortion. The fact that I have to seek outside information to even KNOW that I'm not understanding the combat system properly is the issue here, it's bad videogame design and bad combat system design
>hard mode
>refuse to dial it back because surely there must be a sensible solution
>little to no consumables due to not understanding the combat system because the game never mentions it so you'd need to do outside research to know, or luckily stumble upon it; so you constantly take chip damage from getting hit by enemies during the endlag of your basic combos because you simply have no way to know any better
>cannot turn back to get more consumables while knowing that you're going to face a difficult boss, because the game locks you into that place unless you decide to go to an earlier save file, if you have one in the first place, which I didn't
>all previous bosses and fights were far, far easier, while the adds in this one hit twice as hard and are much agile than any other enemies you've faced up to this point in the game, so you'd have no way to predict that you'd be needing so many more consumables for this fight because the game does an unpredictable jump in difficulty
>not bad game design
I realized I must have been missing something, so I dialed it to easy, but it's still bad design
Have you tried... Double Demon Fang?
The best feeling is getting 9999 spam from his Sword Rain line with the demon weapon
>because the game locks you into that place unless you decide to go to an earlier save file
Literally just hug the right wall as you're leaving like what the fuck
Holy fuck you're mad
Berseria might be more your speed, champ.
The gameplay does take a while to unlock and it can feel like a chore in the beginning.
It's a complain that comes in every discussion about the game,rightfully so. There's no way you never heard about it before, the game is 10 years old ffs.
Put the game in Normal and just keep going instead of going full autismo mode. No need to go on 30 pages essays about how it's bullshit.
I remember reading on Yea Forums that Ehmead Hill and Gattuso were the demo for the 360. For the demo they increased the level for the enemies in the area, including Gattuso, but made sure the demo party was at a comparable level. However, in the actual game they lowered the enemies, but forgot to lower the boss.
I mean, I read it here so it's likely a lie but it also wouldn't surprise me if it were true. I wouldn't put a hugs mistake like that past Namco Bandai.
you don't even need to know advanced stuff to beat gattsuo, he's the 4th boss out of like 30 something bosses. you got wrecked because you went in thinking that you can just button mush with no tactics like the previous tutorial bosses. well that's not always gonna work and the game teaches you that right away with gattsuo. you have to get creative in your tactics. adjust strategy menu for your party (make them stay away from the adds), change arte usage settings (only use fire spells because the boss is weak to fire if you inspect him), think outside the box (use repede as a pseudo tank to aggro the boss and let your party whack the boss while the boss is distracted by the tank, ala basic MMO tank and spank fight in the last 20 years)
You played it in Hard? Bad move for a first playthrough. I mean it's doable, but you're going to have a bad time.
Hell, the wolf boss destroys newbies even on Normal most of the time if it catches them off guard.
OP, the combat isn't anywhere near as great or complex as people are saying but it's also not bad (once you're like 40 hours in and unlocked stuff)
then again, it's a jrpg and playing it like a fighting game is a mistake
also it's single player so who the fuck cares what difficulty you play it on
just get to the end so you can see judith in a swimsuit
>judith in a swimsuit
>not estelle in lingerie
rather see estelle in chloe's outfit
>also it's single player
Fuck that, i've been playing with my brother this whole time. We aren't far in, so we've yet to settle on characters, but one of us on dog and one of us on boy, with both having healslut on their shortcuts has been real fun.
Worst designed fight is still the burst artes tutorial.
>not allowed to access a store if you saved after the last boss
>solo yuri fight
>can't even use burst artes because you get constantly interrupted
Was this playtested at all?
it's actually good game design to have road block boss fights that make you stop and reevaluate your strategy. this is why dark souls gets praised so much.
My gamebox didn't have any manual, nor any "digital manual" download either, surely you can point me to this for the switch version, right?
>no way to know something that I don't have any knowledge about in the first place
>my fault and not the game's for not giving any information about such a deep and important mechanic, despite it having a literal fucking battle book in it
I did adjust these, doesn't make much of a difference when you're lacking consumables. I already knew about fire moves, it turns out that switching up the strategies and formations actually made the fight far harder than it should have been, too. Rita is fucking retarded as well, so she needs to be watched over to make sure she doesn't get stuck throwing fireballs at a flower
>try to walk back
>doesn't allow me to do so
I already said it before, point me to how do I walk back, I don't have any qualms about owning up to my mistake when it's truly mine and not the game's. Do tell what was the path to turn back?
Damn, did I also lose "The Game"?
Thanks, dad
>goes on Yea Forums
>doesn't enjoy getting angry, arguing, and ranting at things
What a fag. I'm still playing through it, actually enjoying it much more now that I learned how it works and that it gets far better later
The cubs have 8000 hp and hit for around 200 damage, none of the other monsters in the area are that high, so I would assume that's the case
>I didn't play around with formations to try and see if it would work to make them bait the dog towards flowers
>I button mashed expecting to beat it for hours
>I didn't constantly change the strategy, the positioning, and only used fire spells after inspecting him on the first ever attempt
>I didn't try to lock him with flowers while using nectar bottles to prevent para on my characters
>I had any way of knowing how aggro worked, when the boss seemed to always randomly switch
Dark Valefor
Yes I know
>He's still going
>duurrrr huur arhahahajhja huuuuuuuuuuuuuur duuuuuuuuuuuuuur I'm bad at the game and I'm THIS assmad that an entire board is ripping me a new asshole mommy help me huiuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Jesus fucking christ man, just take that L and drink that bleach. You seem to like the easy way out of everything anyway.
Apparently, you could turn back to Halure to buy consumables, it seems almost nobody knew about this, that surely can't be good game design, and not knowing about manual canceling unless you research for it, is also not good game design desu, it's great that they introduce stuff like flowers and the quests on bosses and stuff, but it feels more like artificial difficulty. Dark Souls was also called out on "artificial difficulty" but it was more like they catch you with a new trick to get a cheap death out of you and then when you dodge that one they give you a new one, just like I Wanna Be The Guy, it seems artificial at first, but after dying to it a couple of times you already know where you're failing and why. In this case you have no way of knowing because the game painfully lacks any sort of info, even about agility or how the aggro system works. Dark Souls had little mechanics to know about, and anything new you encountered was something you already understood the very instant you saw it, there was never a point in Dark Souls were I found myself completely puzzled at something after dying a couple of times to it to understand the trick and be ready for it
>getting this assfucked by gattuso
are you gonna give birth to his litter next you insufferable bitch?
>trolling by defending bad game design
At least that obnoxious and autistic part of this board hasn't died yet, it's good to see we stick to some traditions around here
I can smell your adolescence from here.
>mommy why didnt the game hold my hand
>this isnt like fortnite at all
>i dont understand
like pottery
I remember when Eternal Sonata came out on PS3, a lot of people were getting gated by graveyard boss. It didn't matter if they were underleveled, overleveled, or tried different tactics. They kept losing because they can't fucking press the O button fast enough to guard.
Oh shit you sure got me, what's next? Calling me a virgin? Or is that too old-fashioned now that incel exists?
Based wojakposter
Nobody would care if you just played normal and left it at that except for shitposting purposes, it's the fact that you boast about normal being retard difficulty for casuals and then proceed to whine for literally hours about how hard hard mode is and blame the game for all your own shortcomings, that is why you're being laughed at.
>This game has the worst combat I've ever had the disgrace of experiencing in my entire life. No game I've ever played has felt like I'm fighting the game itself more than the enemies more than this one.
hey guys am i as retarded as OP now?
cringe and bluepilled gattuso breeding meat
based gattuso gate keeper keeping shitters out of my game.
agility and aggro should be basic knowledge if you ever played a RPG before. agility affects your haste, aggro/enmity/hate/whatever the fuck you want to call it is if a enemy is targeting you or not. you had no problems with dark souls because you treat it like a dodgerolling action game rather than a mechanics based by the stat numbers rpg. it also doesn't help that you started on hard mode when you clearly have the skills and thinking of a easy mode player.
Turn non beneficial skills off of rita and stop whining
>agility and aggro should be basic knowledge if you ever played a RPG before.
Why? Neither of those are consistent aspects to RPGs in general, let alone in this specific combination and usage.
>game has convoluted mechanics not explained elsewhere
>this isn't bad game design
>implying God Hand wasn't GotY
>the game doesn't say what the stats are for, so you're supposed to know the numbers do things in this RPG
>implying my Rita didn't have everything but fireball turned off and that I didn't try out different strategies with her until I just got rid of her and it got far easier afterwards
Oh shit I also forgot:
>anything negative is whining, whenever people voice against something being retarded they're angry and very whiny, please don't argue against bad game design because that's whiny
It's a really old game, surely it'd be fine to admit it has some questionable design choices, and isn't the masterpiece that people tend to call it, right?
The combat system is boring and stupid at the beginning but later on you’ll get to do great combos and it becomes more enjoyable.
I have to admit. I only bought ToV for my switch because of nostalgia. I’m mostly enjoying it for its story, its characters and for all the new additions we got because we never had in the west the definitive edition.
lategame patty is money
every JRPG and MMORPG has had some sort of agility/speed or aggro/enmity mechanic for the last 30 years. pokemon, world of warcraft, final fantasy, star ocean, phantasy star, etc. they might not be exactly the same in execution but they are generally identical. aggro/enmity determines who the enemy hits first, agility/speed determines attack speed or movement speed.
no it's perfect best tales ever btw did you see the combo vid
wow yuri is such a great protagonist and karol is such a chad oh man
I mean if you played any JRPG before, you should know by now that agility affects how fast you attack or move.
let me try
>This game has the worst combat I've ever had the disgrace of experiencing in my entire life. No game I've ever played has felt like I'm fighting the game itself more than the enemies more than this one.
Why are there so many missable things in this 60 hour jrpg?
that's how games were designed back then
XC2 is literally the best combat of all time in any JRPG. Only retards who quit on the game early think otherwise
>This game has the worst combat I've ever had the disgrace of experiencing in my entire life. No game I've ever played has felt like I'm fighting the game itself more than the enemies more than this one.
Op's [D I A L A T E D]
Aggro mechanics are almost entirely MMO related, and very few speed/dex/agility stats increase things like raw movement speed or animation speed.
You might get the occasional
>enemies are more/less likely to target [Character]
skills or items, but few non-mmos go beyond that and maybe a few hidden modifiers, with one of the few recent examples i can think of being Pillars of Eternity with its tanking mechanic.
>Only retards who quit on the game early think otherwise
So pretty much every zoomer and Yea Forums person that grew up after 1996.
What the fuck is even going in this thread anymore?
I love Estelle!
Ladies and gentlemen: THE TRANNY FILTER!
Stop generalizing, user. I'm 20 and I liked the combat in XC2 after adjusting to it. It could use more work though, and there should have been proper tutorials.
Goddammit Estelle, sit the fuck down and stop dragging us around on every whim
>Aggro mechanics are almost entirely MMO related
when it comes to visually displaying it yes, but many jrpgs have hidden values for this stuff. star ocean tales games, and xenoblade x especially since they deal with real time combat rather than turn based. generally under these conditions: whoever does the most damage, has the highest enmity modifier (player 1 > AI, or skill effect), or is the last person will have aggro on the enemy.
What PC weebshit JRPG has the best fanservice? I want to be rocking a semi the entire time MINIMUM or get the fuck out.
actually, that'd be mr BLAAAAAAAAAAAST HEAAAAAART!
Vesperia is pretty good
>TFW you are 30, Raven is 35 and everyone treats him like and old man
why even live anymore?
she's the most broken character if used correctly. jack of all trades but can master them all if you get gud
I quit at the wolf boss, looked it up online and seems like its a common occurrence, deleted it off my switch
Fucking hell you scrubs.
That's not even a wolf. It's clearly a reptile if you look closely at it, you can see it doesn't have any furr and no cheeks in its mouth.
well in vesperia's universe, 35 years old is pretty old. most people don't live past 50. the oldest characters you see are wealthy aristocrats or badass war veterans like the don.
final boss is a furry anyway
more like they wanted you to buy the strategy guide and it worked because the game didn't have complete guides until months after release.
There's an in-game monster book with a 'Scales' category and Gattuso is in the 'Beast' category
a lot of jrpgs in that era had that missable cancer shit to bait replays and artificially extend playtime
Tales games provide an option to play on Hard right off the bat, but it is generally a bad idea. They're balanced around starting on Normal for a first playthrough. Also Gattuso is an infamous gatekeeper boss, retaining his stats from the game's demo when your party will generally be about ten levels lower than the demo party. Once you get past him the game's difficulty becomes far more reasonable.
bruh how hard is it to hit the thing and not get hit yourself? the game even has a semi auto mode for retards that can't manually position well when fighting.
and to get you to buy the officially licensed strategy guide, which used to be way more common before places like gamefaqs existed.
>play Legendia when it first comes out when I am 18/19
>Will is 28 and Norma calls him 'Gramps'
>somehow older than Will now.
Also, I never understand the Gattuso fight, just turn it to easy if you're having that much trouble.
how do you go from this to dog with a pipe?
OP is pissed, but at least he's saying he did try to change up the move orders and in-game strategies, and realized he was understocked for the encounter, so he's somewhat heterosexual.
when are they bringing the rest of the series to steam?
dad gets killed by yuri and he carries around the pipe as a memento of daddy
you can emulate all of the tales games on PC except the vita ones
combat system is good but it only gets that by end game or NG+ when you gotten all the skills.