The Last of Us 2 is going to be another overrated movie game from Son-

>The Last of Us 2 is going to be another overrated movie game from Son-

Attached: God Tier TLoU2 Gameplay.webm (960x540, 3M)

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>press x to awesome

Attached: 1554989068764.gif (480x270, 1.73M)

Amazing how many people have forgotten the E3 trailer bullshittery that happened with the original.

This, How's that saying go?
Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me.

>hehe good goyim kill those white people

Attached: jgfshgsghsdf.png (623x616, 592K)

You can straight up tell where each qte is gonna take place.

looks exactly like the gameplay from the original
how does this imply it won't be more of the same garbage?

its your typical walking simulator with rudimentary you can't lose 'combat.' how many buttons do you think were pressed in that entire 14 second webm?

a cartoon lesbian has kissed more girls than me

A ton of the stuff in the original trailer for the first game - such as dudes surrendering, begging for their lives - wasn't in the base game. It won't even come close to looking this fluid. Bait.

post face

>girl beats grown men easily

I hate sjw games

Someone explain to me how this is any more engaging than a typical action game, it looks so fucking sterile. Fluid animations doesn't equal control

Fool me once, strike one.
But fool me twice...
Strike three.

Musous have better gameplay and that's still 90% button mashing

>prerendered shit again just like the first game
not fooling me again

Anybody that thinks this is real gameplay either has never played a video game or has no brain.

They did surrender and do that in the 1st game, but it was rare. I only know because I had one begging, after he ran out of ammo, so I decided to just leave the area. The little bastard stabbed me in the ass.

Why did that second guy stop swinging at you while you stab his friend in the neck?

Wouldn't that literally be the perfect time to stab you since both your arms are occupied for a good 5-7 seconds?

I can't wait for the game to come out and to look absolutely nothing like this and for a bunch of retards to claim it is GOTYAY anyways.

>He thinks that was real gameplay

They already said that it wasn't you stupid faggot


>Give AI a rudimentary mechanic for surrendering when they have no ammo
>This creates the illusion of a self-preservation code
>They just attack you immediately after because they actually aren't programmed for self-preservation, they're just mindless enemies

It means that if you fall for it once you were made into fool but you yourself aren't a fool, you were tricked.
If you fall for the very same thing again however well, only a fool would fall for the same thing twice.

The original interviews for that trailer.

will purchase if good multiplayer


Fool me seven times, shame on you. Fool me eight or more times, shame on me.

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>The way she bounces off the car and uses the momentum for the next attack
>Implying ANY of this pre-rendered bullshit will be in the game

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA delusional sonybros

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Why is the combat so violent and brutal? It makes me feel very uncomfortable. Japanese games don't go so far out of their way to do realistic violence, and they're better for it.

It'll play almost exactly like the first one and it'll be great because the first was very fun. You are all just jaded and joyless cynical people.

Yes how realistic. You know what would happen in the real world. The bald fuck will just grapple her and push her to the ground. GG game over.
I never understood this "kid can fight adults no problem" mentality. I mean in what world do these people live. Do they only think all it takes is willpower to overcome everything.

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>The little bastard stabbed me in the ass.
Did you limp to the nearest saloon, crawl into a whiskey bottle, and have been there ever since?

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Imagine being this low test.

Attached: Blood akimbo.webm (636x480, 2.64M)

post link

This is the most baked shit I've ever seen, holy fuck

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>a japanese brand became the main LGBT and SJW focused platform
Where can I run to now?

i'm sorry i really just have no interest in playing as a female character

>Naughty Dog animations

Attached: D5-RSMIW0AAlI6C.png (559x594, 466K)

literal end of the world, humanity is dying out and the one person with a genetic immunity to the disease is gay...

Attached: 1553109119736.jpg (446x444, 41K)

the only degeneracy here is that editing.

you got an actual source?

>two heavy set adult characters both wearing heavy clothing and both equipped with things that could kill you in literally one hit
>a 19 year old with a t-shirt and light long sleeve shirt with a pocket knife
>19 year old wins

Attached: 1553702518927.png (1176x592, 1.35M)

Did anyone even like the first game?
If so, why? Remember fun is a buzz word when you can't think of a reason why something is good.

It's a bullshot, Jim.

I don't doubt the game is going to look amazing, TLoU looks like a PS4 game while being made for the PS3. But still, if you really think the AI isn't going to be jank as fuck, or that even half of those animations are going to be in the final game, you're delusional.

No, everyone hated it.

It will definitely be overrated.
The rest is still up in the air.

How is liking violence high test?

>this video game isn't 100% realistic

Holy shit sherlock, I think you solved the case!

They're either pulling a ubisoft here or the combat entirely consists of R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1.
I've played TLOU before, I'm not dumb, user.

>the combat entirely consists of R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1.
You're thinking of Dark Souls.

salty xbox and pc fags

Most Americans are xanaxed out of their minds most of the time, so this "realistic" ultraviolence appeals to them.

Your mom

>They're either pulling a ubisoft here or the combat entirely consists of R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1.

So it'll play like Sekiro?

The scenario described isn't even 5% realistic. If you find it anything but laughably absurd you don't know how far gone you are from reality, and it's sad.

Fool me three times, fuck the peace sign load the chopper and let it rain on you

Remember the E3 demo for TLOU where Joel pulled out the shotgun on that one dude on the floor and everyone thought it looked amazing, and it turned out that was 100% scripted?
I'm 100% confident this gameplay is just

fuck baseball and everything it stands for.
what a pathetic "sport".

Good, it should be cinematic only, if at all. Why the fuck do you want to play out such violent and grotesque scenes so badly?

I liked how brutal it felt to punch someone's fucking skull in, and the multiplayer was fun, there I said it bite me, but other than that the story was okay I guess, nothing special troy baked plays troy baker with a deep voice, whoopdie doo I've seen this shit a million times in TWD comics. That said I'm utterly and completely turned off from the sequel solely because I don't get to play the big bad man Joel of many skull bashings. In another world Neil "smell fetish" cuckmann made a prequel where you bro it up with Tommy

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Half of these animations are faked though. Just look at the way she presses against the car and it reacting so neatly. Theres no way it isnt scripted

I have always wondered why people kept focusing on the "cinematic" aspect of the first game, I thought the shooting mechanics were pretty solid and I liked how every melee attack had its own fleshed out animation

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>I liked how brutal it felt to punch someone's fucking skull in

Jesus christ. What the fuck is wrong with you?

-y because this webm shows a scripted e3 sequence


DMC 5 has way way better combat.

You can actually see where the system staggers between player movement and system assist/extravagant animation.

The Last of Us has the most basic and entry level mechanics out of every game that's considered a masterpiece in the past 10 years

>Implying lesbians exist
>Implying anything can turn a woman into a lesbian

Even """""bi""""" girls exclusively fuck men.

5 years later and Yea Forums is still mad

I know this board is butthurt about games like this, and about TLoU specifically, but I like the first game a lot and if Druckmann can keep his corny, preachy politics (which unfortunately seems unlikely) out of the game and deliver another good story that's fun to play through, then it'll be another great game that I'll definitely buy

>I yield! I yield!
>Can't wait to count out your coin!


No one likes cinematic gameplay

Might as well load up WoD cinematic and tell me retail WoW is worth it

Attached: timeschange.jpg (585x318, 193K)

press X to win, nice

That is one of the defining traits of high test.

Imagine thinking any guy would remotely give a shit what a woman has to say in the end of times when there 2 times smaller and easily fuckable

Wod was great
Good zones
Good Class design
Fantastic raids
most interesting setup for an expansion

Its literal problem was blizaard dropping it do legion instead making that good content very very very short
Now you got a bunch of people who never played it talking shit because youtubers said its bad creating a badly informed circle-jerk

Isn't here defense mechanism against the spores not chemical but mechanical? Could a severe beat down not break the thing in her lungs, eating something with infected spread still infect her?

prepare to get disappointing 2

>woman has a knife
>"lmao just grab her and rape her"
Okay tough guy. You have no idea what's realistic or not.

>woman has a knife
>man has a hammer
>woman tries to use knife
>gets smacked upside the head
>man grabs her before she comes to her senses and forces the knife out of her hand
>then rapes her

Learn to finish your sentences you fucking mouth breather.

>lol just hit her brah
Have you ever been in a fight?

>Scrawny ass woman
>able to put up a fight
please pick one. You're applying the logic of two men fighting not a man and a woman. There's a reason saying you punched a woman causes so much shock in people.