
Attached: yikes.jpg (2000x1080, 473K)

Why is the industry saturated by so many leftist soiboys?

Attached: 1483485925736.png (399x322, 42K)

oh no no no no no bethesdabros this cant be happening

she hit the wall hard, happens in irl too. what's the big deal?

because nazis only life skill is inbreeding, not making videogames

this looks worse than vanilla skyrim


Is it just me or does Rage 2 (on PC at least) legitimately look terrible? Even worse than Rage 1 maybe

She's like 20 years older in the second picture.
This guy is the antithesis of SJW. He's a joke at the expense of the ""Transgender""" """""Community"""""

Attached: OURGAME.jpg (1920x1080, 377K)

it's more because:
>women start clamoring for equal representation in all areas of life
>even areas they don't actually give a shit about
>game development companies start hiring more women to fill diversity quotas
>beta male game devs see an influx of women coworkers
>since they're betas, the only human beings they ever interact with IRL are at work, so they resolve to woo these new females
>beta males become soiboys to try and gain femoids' favor
and that brings us to where we are now.

(((gee i wonder who is hiring them)))

Not even a little bit, they take "her" completely seriously. They are kiked beyond belief and if you bought this game you are probably a nigger. ;)

bad bait

Fuck off kike.

that's not even her in the second picture dumbfuck

polfags proving again they don't play games

Lately I've been seeing less and less people talking about video games at other sites and traffic here is also getting slow.

There's also more annoying autists on /vr/

dude she's 47 in rage 2 you mongoloid. That's not even her idiot.

>I was pretending to be retarded the whole time

she doesn't even look bad in RAGE 2

I never said it was her, I took that screenshot myself. I said
>this guy (in my attached screenshot)
Reading comprehension. Jackass.

>raging over rage
it's just a video game bro, calm down

Could it be........

>I never said it was her
>>She's like 20 years older in the second picture.

They totally don't take him seriously he's a bartender in one of the towns. He speaks like a generic Diner Waitress. You wouldn't happen to be a Rudiposter would you?

Both of OP's pictures are of a character named Loosum Hagar.

The second girl is not Loosum, play the game. She's also 47 years old in Rage 2.

>Loosum Hagar
she sounds loose

Nah, Loosum's pretty tight. Her sister is the loose one.

Attached: 7673.jpg (1920x1080, 337K)

Good lord...

Attached: 1537464906966.png (597x447, 245K)

What the hell are you talking about tranny?