What is THE best build?
What is THE best build?
Don't let anyone tell you it doesn't work until you get bloodletter or that scaling blt doesn't pay off until late game. Use the cannon, fuck parries
The two builds I had the most fun playing were a bloodtinge build with the Reiterpallasch (patrician weapon) and str/arcane with the wheel.
Twink: Bloodtinge
120: Rakuyo
PVE: Str/Dex
I have been having lots of fun pvping with my twink bloodtinge build. I like luring people into fist fights then one shotting them with Madaras Whistle
the saw cleaver
this and blt chikage are the best
can you guys explain these builds in more detail?
also i'm looking for a build to basically own everybody, not particularly interested in experimental builds
ok but what stats do you use for that? i'm a bloodborne babby - just finished my first playthrough and struggled a lot because i went in blidn. now i want a build that will help me rek everything
If you’re just looking to blow through all the bosses then you can literally use the saw cleaver all game, it’s the best weapon.
The Reiterpallasch is a rapier that can also become a gun, effectively giving you two guns. But the trick is, you don’t actually use the rapier’s gun for parrying; you can put enemies in infinite stunlock by alternating between shooting and slicing over and over. Note that this does not work as well with the Rifle Spear because it’s a little slower (more of a shotgun type weapon).
STR/ARC utilizes the Logarius Wheel, which scales disgustingly into the late game but you don’t actually need to level arc until later, so you can get by with a STR weapon like the Kirkhammer until you get to the point in the game where you can access the Wheel.
Oh you childish, childish child. Your simple brain is adorable. You see, stats dont matter that much in Bloodborne. What matters is gem slots and gems
care to explain? during my first playthrough i noticed a bit of a difference with weapon upgrades and gems but not much
>using weapons at all
what specific numbers do you recommend for that str/arc build? i'm interested in that
50/25 Str/Skl with Physical gems (a Heavy Abyssal gem would be optimal, but that's late game and a bit of a bitch to farm). Winter Lantern gems from Mensis are the best physical gems outside of dungeons and DLC, Winter Lanterns in DLC drop slightly better gems. You could also use it on an Arcane build, very strong with the right gems but there's not many elemental gems outside of dungeons.
so i play the whole fucking game until i can get any of this stuff. very helpful thanks faggot
the one that you like the most
Physical gems are everywhere in the main game retard, just focus on the stats and use whatever gems you pick up.
Literally what sleedrunners use. Saw cleaver quality build and just spam beast pellets and paper accordingly
You can always use false/reverse depth chalices to get powerful gems early then, instead of progressing naturally.
One handed holymoonlight and saw cleaver. It’s the most busted setup in the game. Saw will also chew through bosses. Beast roar gives you free heals in PvP.
If you are a Brazilian subhuman go level142 because that’s their meta.
>use Saw Cleaver (cleaver, NOT spear because you're supposed to only R1 so the higher base dmg of cleaver wins)
>do NOTHING but spam r1 except in rare situations use charged attack if you see it fits
>get VIT to 25
>get STR and SKL to 25
>get VIT to 50
>get STR and SKL to 50
>every now and then put some points into END if you think you need more
>play recklessly as fuck, you can even cause enough poise damage with heavy cleaver R1 spam against most enemies as long as you are relentless enough
>literally forget about using gun, use Torch for better visibility
You will perhaps need to bash your head against a wall for about 10 hours doing this while figuring out all the internal timings and iframe windows etc. But once it clicks, you can just shit on almost everything. It's the only way to play. Remember that when you're relentless, the enemies will always be reacting to what you do making them very predictable. Though that being said there are also a number of enemies in the game where you can't be the initial aggressor. You will figure them out pretty easily. This is also a high IQ AND high T playstyle as it requires a degree of spatial analysis ability and the ability to think a few moves ahead, all the while being centered around initiative (something women literally do not even understand the concept of).
L1 has higher multipliers for close stam cost and builds up beast meter.
While you do need to optimize your stats, you will need to
1. Decide what weapon you like best
2. decide how you want to play that weapon. Some weapons have moves that scale with only certain stats. like the Moonlight greatswords lasers scale off of the arcane stat, but it's also really really good when not transformed and it scales with strength. Some weapons can also be turned into fire/lightning weapons. make sure you look up uncanny/lost/normal to make sure they take right gems
3. make a false dungeon. google "farming false dungeon" for glyph
4. farm
5. gem hunt
If he doesn’t want to go beans on Moonlight blunt gems effect both 1h and 2h swings.
gems affect all moves
nvm I misread it, sorry im playing tekken and posting between matches
Strength/Blunt + the first two hits of Axe's two-handed L2 combo (ignore the third, it's not worth the stamina) = pure unparalleled decimation
S’all good.
1h r1 is blunt r2 is thrust 2h r1 and r2 are both blunt.
40/40 burial blade.
Fight enemies unlocked with this weapon. Hard at first but once you figure out the angles this weapon is godlike. Saw spear as secondary and hunters pistol
STR and Arcane by far
>dung uncanny BB
>gehrman and MP on first try
the weapon is a fucking Fromsoft lovebaby
Just play the game you faggot.