Who was the hardest boss in Dark Souls II?

Who was the hardest boss in Dark Souls II?

This guy was definitely the hardest for me. He kept fucking me up with his delayed anime attack and it was almost impossible to heal while fighting him. The fact that you need to run to him through hordes of enemies every try didn't help either.

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Ancient Dragon for all the wrong reasons

None of them are particularly hard except for Ancient Dragon since it's purposely a bonus boss and is hard.

Once you get to 95 agility and don't try rolling with more than 70% weight, you're fine for 99% of the game

Never fought him. What's he like?

None of the bosses are hard, they're just designed extremely bad especially those god awful hitboxes or the straight up rotating they do so that you can never get behind them.

Every attack has a huge radius and instantly kills you.

fume knight was the worst
with the OP guy, all you had to do is not be greedy with damage dealing
he had openings for 2 MAYBE 3 hits before you definitely had to either block, dodge or die

Fume and Sir Alonne are definitely the most difficult from the DLC crowns, and are a few of the bosses I've never beaten without a summon for help, because I cannot stand either of them. I'd put Fume over Alonne though, Fume is fucking cancer on two legs.

lmao2cat is the only boss I didnt beat. I won't count Ancient Dragon.

He's piss easy, you basically only have 2 attacks to watch out for and have enough time to run from them.

He's like every other Boss in Dark Souls 2

Poorly done AI, huge hitboxes and terrible arenas.

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>Poorly done AI
Let's not kid ourselves. That's every other boss from Fromsoft Games.

user the AI is a literal downgrade from Dark Souls 1.

Currently playing DS2. Just killed The Rotten.
I got 87 agility and weight at 97%.
Just like DS1, (ultra)greatswords and greatshields are OP as fuck and trivialize most of the game.

Lud and Zallen. The area before them is also extremely hard.

>he had openings for 2 MAYBE 3 hits
Thing is, I had a Lost Sinner's sword on me and turns out it's a poor choice of weapon for this fight. Here's how the fight usually went:
>he attacks
>I dodge, start swinging this big ass sword
>he jumps away, dodging my strike
>I still swinging it
>he charges me with that his anime dashing attack, which I either manage to dodge or not, usually the later

I switched to Drakeblood Twinblade by recommendation of my brother, forged it to +10 (man, I love how less of the hassle upgrading your weapon in that game is) and soon finally defeated Alonne.

Fume Knight

Blue Smelter as a pure sorcery mage.
I had to enchant the MLGS to do physical damage just for a chance and even then I was in one-shot range.

3 ruin sentinels.

Copy paste at its worst when the game has poor hitboxes and a single target lock on style up to that point.

It became such a meme they put their armor in DS3 which can be found on a corpse.

Shulva gank squad

I beat blue smelter as a pure mage using a goddamn dagger with little trouble. It might have been an issue, like most of the rest of the DLC, if you couldn't scale physical attack damage type to your magic stat but you can so it's not.

that guy was my breaking point, but it wasn't even really him that did it for me. i was just so unbelievably bored of the game.

>Just got to Sen's Fortress
What the fuck is this place
Fucking thunderbolt fuckers spamming shit while I'm trying to kill a titanite demon

Allones only move I had issues with was the retarded hitbox stab.
I had that shit teleport me from behind him onto his sword once. Other than that good boss. The first 2 DLCs are so much better than the rest of the game. Ivory King is kinda meh but the final boss is pretty great.

They're not so bad if you use a strike weapon like I did (actually most of the game becomes pretty easy using one). Just kill the first one on the top floor while its alone then drop down and rush the second one before the last one aggros. Also I think if you dont drop down from the top floor the others will follow you up there one at a time but I've never tried that.

Nothing was as bullshit as the gargoyles tho.

Probably that witchbitch in the poisontown doc only because she could summon up that giantess bell hammer wielding fag. Then the two cats, then burnt ivory ganksquad assuming you didn't save the four knights before facing him. Ancient Dragon doesn't count fuck that fight.

It's been a long time since I played it but the boss with the dual swords in the pirate bay area was brutal when I started grinding it for armor pieces.

Two cats and Darklurker. Didnt really had many issues with the rest.

Alone, Ivory King, Blue Smelter, the two cats and the Ancient Dragon are the only bosses in the Souls games that I was not able to beat on my own.

I have never beaten the two cats or the dragon at all, actually.

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>ancient dragon
What the fuck are you guys on? Ancient Dragon is easy as piss. He has exactly one attack that is at all dangerous and it has a very obvious startup and a way to avoid that works literally every time. You can very easily kill Ancient Dragon without getting hit at all and you don't even need any amount of ADP to do it.

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>Who was the hardest boss in Dark Souls II?
The sloppy character movement and combat.

Lud and Zallen, especially when you take in consideration the run to them itself

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One of the DLC bosses for sure, take your pick. In the main game, Ruin Sentinels stand out. Ancient Dragon and Rat Authority are optional bullshit I never did, so I don't count them.