Duck in gamestop

duck in gamestop

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Fucking SJWs

smellagine the smench

wooly mammoth in gamestop

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>NHL 2K5
>Average lifespan of a duck is 8-9 years
this duck is dead now

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it's okay, he just wants a copy of quack champions.

at least someone still goes to gamestop.

why does the duck look so dangerous

Earthbound vibes.

Ducks in super market.

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Ducks are FAST!

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because he's a gamer!

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Theres a group of like 30 ducks that cross in front of the building I work at every day when I'm about to drive it. I have to wait 5 minutes for them all to cross.

Fuck ducks.

Don't ruin the thread, user.

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I'm sure if you threw some bread on the other side of the road they'd stay over there and eat it while you pass.
I dunno if that's a cow, user!

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quake hampion

There's something funny about having the women and minorities label put on a white male

based duckfucker

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Do NOT fuck ducks!

They are for HUGS!

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duck in porn

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good ol e1m1

they're just looking for quackers to munch on

Look at this dapper duck.

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Pretty its those games which are intruding upon the duckstop

nigger in gamestop

I guess you could say he was quacking mad!

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>working in Gamestop
>duck walks in
>tries to buy Van Hellsing
>tells me to "put it on his bill"

What a silly lad.

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What kind of duck are those white ones? The only ones I've ever seen are these ugly motherfuckers and mallards

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Can't believe I only just got this meme

What the fuck is that SCP lookin' duck. Fuckin' infected lookin' thing.

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This morning there were 2 geese, dead in the road. Hit by a car. There's like 6-8 of em that are living in a pond in the office park. They love to slowly walk across the road around 7AM. I guess to be jerks.

Yes, it's a busy warehouse/office area. But that's just sadly negligent on the driver's part to mow them down like that.

Its a Muscovy duck, they're from Central America but they've managed to make their way to parts of the US as well since they don't really care too much about the cold

Geese are assholes, so nothing of value was lost.

Geese are assholes, and they need to learn to not walk across roads like that.

This post was made by the duck gang.

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...oh. god dammit.

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Why are ducks always so smug?

They know they are the true masters of this relm.

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Muscovy ducks are pretty... I still feed the trio onsite at Johnson Space Center (although I got my office moved offsite). Nothing warms me up from junky NASA politics/beuaracracy than just going for a walk in the park and duckies being excited to see you. I feed em a mix of hen treats (birdseed + dried mealworms), cracked corn, and goldfish. They're all bros.

Well I'm sure they are good boys, even if they look like they got a buncha raspberries on their face.

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>be me
>be goose
>have brain the size of peanut
>still big enough to shitpost
>niggas be flying around in these big ass metal things with wheels
>lmao what if i get in their way
>casually stroll across road
>big metal thing stops
>hear muffled shouting from dude inside
>hear him honking angrily at me
>lol stay mad faggot
>finally move on and let him pass, his anger was worth a good kek
>see another big metal thing coming
>looks bit different this time
>probably some new species i dont fuckin know
>might have another angry guy in it
>lets do it again lmao
>casually stroll across road
>shit nigga he's still coming
>he's gonna stop right
>he's gonna stop right lmao
>he's gonna stop right?
>oh shi-

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its probably to trick predators into thinking they are diseased so if you want him/her then you will become diseased too

here's a short video.

>Goldfish crackers

Damn man, that duck a fuckin' king or something? Royal dinner over there.

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Holy shit, where is this!? I couldn't find any new stories about it. I though mammoths are extinct



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Snake using CQC.

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Have a hoodie

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Yes, I spoil my duckies.

What games sould a duck play?

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This is your friendly neighborhood service announcement, letting all you folks who have not heard about the ducks. Male ducks have corkscrew penises. That is all.

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ha ha look at him go

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Duck game

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Go back to plebbit and corpulate immediatly

hello r*ddit

yep, looks like it's summer

What game do ducks play?

look at him go ha ha

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Duck Souls.

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duck duck goose

He is here.

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dont open

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im quackin in my boots

Duck is in Gamestop
He wanders straight to the guides
Duck is casual


any news about the goose game?

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