Does Hsu Hao cheat on his wife or send nudes to minors?

Does Hsu Hao cheat on his wife or send nudes to minors?

Attached: Hsu_versus.png (253x225, 116K)

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Hsu Hao isn't even married but he wouldn't

Here's how you fix Hsu Hao
Give him a strong upright posture
Give him a shit eating grin 24/7
Give him god tier banter

Why isn't he? He seems like quite the catch

Bad skin color
Also he has a Mongolian pecker, not exactly the kind of thing you'd take pictures of

Ah I see, thats the Marvel guide for fixing shitty characters

Mongolians have huge cocks faggot

Attached: 1539892-hsuhao_bio.png (300x320, 116K)

Shoe How lol

Would he blame his wife?

Very funny. What's your epic manly name huh wise guy?

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Too busy dead for that

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Plot twist: he gets cucked by Boon himself

Every MK character is killed in every game though

is that the dude that pops out of erron's bag in his intro? I thought it was some random PRC general

Hsu Hao's the most hated character in MK within NRS and in the community

NRS is nothing but Jews and cucks and the community is a lot virgins that arent as cool as Hsu Hao

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what makes Hsu Hao cool?

He's ripped and has a cool hat. Also he shoots lasers and can lick your ass virgin

Attached: Hsuhaocomic.png (643x835, 389K)

no, he doesn't give mgrr a 4/10 either
is that real lel

Like some other pointless characters, there's always opportunity to completely reboot them and make them cool again (Stryker, Rain, Tremor, Skarlet)

i don't like mk11 but thats pretty cool

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I understand why NRS doesn't like Hsu Hao, but he is hardly the worst character in the franchise. I feel Jarek is by far the worst because he is nothing more but a Kano re-skin with practically nothing of his own in terms of characterization. Undeniably the endings involving him are hilariously bad, but that only further proves my point that this character sucks.

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Hsu hao cant be considered the worst mk character when Kobra exists

Unironically though, I want to know the reason NRS and Boon hate Hsu Hao so much.
Like other user said there are other worse characters in the series, I.E. Jarek, Dairou, etc.



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He's downgrade Kano

nigga is literally rotting
if you tell me he plays professional melee matches, i would believe it
Except i wont because hes not canon