Holy fuck this is out NOW

holy fuck this is out NOW
why is no one talking about this?

Attached: project nimbus switch.jpg (1280x720, 169K)

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Looks pretty sweet

don't you fucking niggers dare let this thread die

Started it yesterday, controls are pretty good

And what's this game about? You act as if people know every game that comes out.

I saw this the other day.
I was kind of interested. ARPG with mecha?
Tell me about it please.
I prefer Front Mission to Armored Core desu. I was mildly interested in those Damascus gear Operation Tokyo and Osaka games.

Well? If you're going to still do a good job. How's the game? What'd it about?

why would I get this on switch instead of the ps4?

Remember to always aim away from the cockpit kids

How does it run on Switch? Already own it on PC but curious about portable.

What is it?

does this have waifu in it?


Physical version?

Saw some screenshot about it and its look like shit gonna be in my backlog if i buy it. Sell me on the game

>no full version of the game for PC despite it being a PC game
Fuck these dev's.

Oh shit how did I missed this.

Can you customize mwch?

Oh shit it's out? I thought it was stuck in dev hell?

>looks better than daemon x machina
Very different of course

I've tried to ask about it in switch comfy threads but yeah, no one seems interested.
I wanna know if it's with getting got comfy portable play or if muh grafix are worth getting it on my high end PC.

what's the difference between this and the PC version?

Bought it just now since ive been interested in it for a long ass time

How much can you customise?

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>Play the PS4 version
>Ended on what was basically a cliffhanger
Naw man. That's messed up.

But it was pretty fun I guess.

Pc have more content, console have more QoL and looks better

How does that even work?

Do you like playing games literally anywhere else besides in front of the screen that you're ps4 is hooked up to? If not, get ps4 or PC.
I want switch version for max comfiness but only one person in this fucking thread has even mentoned how it plays so far.

>forgot to check up on it during early access
>was gonna wait for it to gin sale for PS4
>now it's on the fucking switch
I'll buy it this time I swear.

That said I'm really glad the dev is still kicking, even if it just ports. The game looked like a nice passion project with inspiration from both Ace Combat and Armored Core, so the more recognition the better.

The dev's "finished" the PC version, and then added more stuff for the console ports without going back and giving it to PC.

this version has dlc included that's only otherwise available in the japanese ps4 version
apparently they plan to bring that over to the other western versions at some point

it seems more like ZoE to me

Are they gonna update the PC ver?

>another steam indieshit, we promise it's finished this time
>walmart Z.O.E.
>why is no one talking about this?
Yeah, it's really surprising the HYPE ISN'T REAL 365.25/24/7 with such a high profile release.

too much flashing lights and shit for my old boomer eyes

No. They already moved on to their next project long ago.

That's fucked

Not supporting them if they're just gonna ignore the PC version they started with
Dumb mothertuckers
From everything I've heard it's not very good either

What? why?

nice sour grapes pc󠛡uck

But I have Zone of the Enders, the better game

>only one good mech game can exist


I played the EA version a year or so ago, there wasn't any customization then. Just gundam style pre-set mobile suit designs/loadouts. Scanning the steam reviews, seems like it's still no customization

rules of nature and all that, user.

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I don't follow

Big oof. Switch version when its on sale then.

zoe2 has no customization and it's still the best mecha game


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it's already on sale for the week of release
only a couple bucks off but I doubt you'll get better for a while

>game did okay on other platforms including PC where it started
>devs stop updating game on steam
>switch comes out, GDC confirms that multi plats sell better on it than any other platform
>devs: "Hmmm"
I feel kinda exploited but damn, it looks good so I'll probably get it.

>THIS is what Nintentoddlers are creaming their pants over


>/m/ girls
Oh yes.

Attached: Switch_ProjectNimbus_description-char.jpg (360x490, 92K)

Feels honestly kinda close to Ace Combat in a lot of ways, but it's pretty fun. Takes a bit to get used to the controls but once you do it's pretty fluid.

Rail Gun is raifu.

>Early access footage from 2015
Who do you think you're fooling?

Ew, automatically know it's shit.

>implying the "finished" game looks any better
>those weightless animations
>those N64-tier textures
>those tiny, closed-off environments and soulless levels
>UI looks like it's maid in MS Paint


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And like that I'm sold

>Switch game that isn't a Nintendo property

Yeah, nobody bought it.

Gayest post I've read this year.

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Have they tone down how bright everything is?


>why doesn't this indie game look like an AAA game

Attached: daijoubu.jpg (1920x1080, 716K)

How good are the gamefeel?

The final mission is literally a straight copy of the last mission in AC5


Attached: ProjectNimbus.png (764x1080, 1.31M)

only done a couple missions with two different mechs but seems alright so far
having a lot of weapons to keep track of makes it pretty frantic and the boost makes you go fast as fuck

Fuck this game I backed it on kickstarter back in the days of goddamn dinosaurs and they never even released it all on pc.

Bought it on a whim yesterday, for $20 it's pretty good.
Feels like an ace combat game but with mecha.

How blurry is this game? from the screenshots it looked so unbearable?

Pretty blurry but i only play undocked.

This or Strike Suit Zero?

>SEAnigger game
Yeah, that's a hard pass from me.

this is an actual mech game instead of a pretend one like strike suit

Is this kinda like Colony Wars?

Wait what do you mean? Who are the devs?

GameCrafterTeam. Are you seriously telling me you just buy anything that looks vaguely weeb without even checking? The name alone is a big hint.

Actually I haven't bought the game yet precisely because of this reason. I learned ever since Remilore.

>I won't buy a fun game because of the ethnicity of the developers

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There's just something extremely pathetic about other asian countries trying to pretend they're Japan.

You're from SEAmonkey land? Make a game about your own culture. Oh, right, you don't have any.

At best, it's disingenuous.

go ahead and point me to all those other mech games released more recently than two decades ago

You should've gone with a decade, most of the AC games were made within the last 20 years and everything up to 4 is pretty good.

The lack of other new options isn't a reason to buy garbage. I love Ace Combat, but I didn't buy HAWX. I don't give a shit about project wingman.

When it comes to mech titles, I'm looking forward to Daemon X Machina. Until then, I'm quite happy to sit on my thumbs, I've been doing it for the past decade anyway.


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>looking forward to 20 frames X am I actually shooting anythingchina

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fuck twitter, use your own words to tell people what it's like or fuck off. if you want to post on twitter post on twitter, if you want to post on Yea Forums fucking type shit out on Yea Forums

That video tells me jack shit and if you can’t bother tovproperly shill your game outside of Twitter, you’re doing it wrong.

are you so fucking braindead you can't look up shit about a game yourself or watch a 50 second long trailer linked directly to you without having a sperg fit
read the fucking thread you troglodyte

Does this game use a common engine? It's almost exactly like Cross Ange TR but without transforming.

>Daemon X Machina.
>Game has worse framerate then AC4FA

forget the framerate, there's so little feedback with the guns it's almost impossible to tell you're actually shooting anything
I'm assuming they're not going to release a game that performs that poorly but if they don't fix the weapon feedback it's dead in the water

Unreal engine

so is this good or not

So it looks cool, but is it more than just a tech demo? Is there a progression system? Customisation? Is it an arcade game or does it have a story?

I mean Rabi Ribi was good for what it was. You could easily mistake it for legitimate japanese game.

No it wasn't, and no you couldn't. The name alone makes it pretty blatant.