Also how are they going to do the cross dressing scene?
How would they translate this in the remake?
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Uh...are they going to gangbang Cloud...
>disgusting bears
seriously hope they bring the game into the 21st century and have guys with a modern physique instead
They're gonna cut it.
it's deinitely getting cut and at best it'll get a slight nod with like cloud idly looking at a dress or something while they plan a break in to save tifa
A wig is going to fall into Cloud's head
>Not in a million years
How is this more serious and realistic game is going to adapt things like the chocobo race or the snowboard minigame?
how the fuck can regular men even compete with that?
The entirety of Honey Bee Inn will be cut.
The cross dressing scene will somehow be very tame and sterilized to avoid upsetting twitter trannies, but they'll be upset anyway.
Yes, play the originals faggot. Also, since it’s 2019, they might tone this part a bit.
Scan in Aniki using old gachimuchi footage, they'll also get Van Darkholme and all those guys back for one last rodeo
I think part 2 of the FF7 remake will be superior, significantly less gay shit involved.
Years of swimming practice.
Have you seen how Cloud looks in the remake? I would like to do it to him too.
It will be the one instance where the Playstation version will have extra hardcore content.
>lol gays are so funney XD
Grow up Japan.
The exact same
>Also how are they going to do the cross dressing scene?
Cloud will become Lightning
a event or a in-game gag like this was a charm of old JRPGs. but you cant make it in these days not because it is against our current "moral" and political correctness, but because it simply doesnt fit the world crafting of the game made by hyper realistic 3D graphics. there is no room to interpret it as a joke or gag anymore. this is an another reason why modern gaming was a mistake.
Swim. A lot.
If prettier graphics means they can't adapt that and a few other scenes despite being based on the same game, they fail as a creative mind. It's seriously less impressive if they cut stuff out.
Make that shit look as good as possible with current tech rather than avoid it.
>magic and alien infused supersoldier
>scrawnier than a pack of gym rats
I guess Shinra spent big bucks making sure their SOLDIER candidates still looked fucking bishie at the end of it
I want to make cloud a qt trap with a dress and a wig, and make up. And pay 15 bucks for a special one time only DLC in which you can get that skin to play for the rest of the game as trap cloud. Also another one time only, for 15 bucks as well to play as Zack.
But only for chapter one.
You have to buy them again for the other chapters.
imagine being into men but being into pussy faggot men
Cloud was never in SOLDIER and he hasn't worked for Shinra for 7 years.
That being said Zack has literally the same build so...
Cloud went through the Mako infusion and the Jenova injection, while being the same build as Zack and all the other SOLDIER fodder you fight in the game
I thought his head exploded from overexertion until today.
regular men arent gay
Why would you think that
fuck off, bear mode is ultimate man
Why would you post a picture of Lightning in a FF7 thread?
I didn't notice he got shot.
What does squat contest means to you?
Did you miss the hot tub scene
They just look weaker than the guys in op.
This. Sony worships gay people and doesn't mind anything that a gay man would enjoy looking at in a video game.
Like this
you guys are retarded, all this shit is gonna happen in cutscenes
>independent materia piercings
What are they implying? That he needs the stat buffs?
Void Nosferatu.