The great debate

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Other urls found in this thread:

Eh whatever I only play on 2fort


how do I quit my tf2 addiction

Badwater by far

Give away every in your inventory and delete what you can't trade
That'll do the trick.

Both are great. If I get tired of one, I go to the other, sometimes thunder mountain.

Trick question. The answer is hoodo.


They're both pretty overrated.
Upward is okay at least.

is there any point in playing any other mode than payload?


>that retarded spawn for the offensive side in badwater
yeah, i'm thinking upward wins

t. Hightower market gardener

I think Badwater lends itself more to unpredictable gameplay, I love Upward but it's pretty much the same sentry nests and the same game every single time, and the last point on Upward is way, way more annoying to cap then the last point on Badwater.

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equally good

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>Degroot is B teir
Shit list

Correct answer:

Badwater is unironically bad.
Uphill is ironically bad.

It's a good map and gamemode, but it's got problems, particularly the fact that Huntsman Sniper is OP.

upward is fuckjing trash

Powerhouse is shit

>not demoknight

Hightower is a great DM map, but if you actually want to play the objective it's objectively one of the worst maps in the game so I can agree on it's placement.

Only thing I disagree with is Mountain Lab should be bumped up, that map is fucking kino.

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Huntsman is just too good but that’s not a map problem

>Hightower in F
>Suijin not in F

Suijin is a good map.

>Hightower is a great DM map
Yes, but what about Highertower?


A good third of the map is completely useless, and it has shit optimization.

What “about” highertower?


Shit optimization I agree with. The other third of the map is a sniper tower

Badwater is really fun to fly around as soldier. A lot of good speedshots, high jumps, rampslides etc. to do on that map.

Nope. Its too small for Highlander and the map design is too influenced by aesthetic choices that just cause problems for TF2's already shitty hitboxes.
Its only a good map for retards that think comp size less than Highlander should be "competitive".

>Muh Highlander
>Muh competitive in general

No one cares about compshit, let alone tf2 compfaggotry.

Both are great but I feel like the second point of Badwater is a bit much.

Sure you can say the exact same thing with the final point of Upward but since it's the final stretch it has that excuse of justifiably being the most difficult point to cap.

Badwater has the best first point of any payload but the rest of the points are kinda meh, Upward has good first and third point and the rest are bad, the real best payload is the most consistently good one Borneo.

I mostly play 5cp or koth maps
just don't enjoy payload very much since I like to play scout

Game was never intended for your shitty gamemode you sucker.

If Valve ever decides to make a TF3 that was comp focused from the ground up then everyone will be all for it but until then get that horribly unoptimized shit outta here.

I'm 33 and I never ever played tf or tf2
am I missing something?

Badwater's 2nd point has 4 different flank routes you can take. Even if there's a huge sentry nest on the building, you can take the leftmost flank and spam the shit out of it.

I want a Standin-type version of Suijin.

t. sniper main

A very fun time with friends. Also a brain

If you like FPS games, TF2 is S-tier to this day.

Fuck everyone who says Upward is a Sniper map, you guys just suck at dodging headshots.

Hoodoo is ass.

Niggy you can scout on payload maps. You just gotta be smart.

This. That's what I did and I only play when friends want to now.

What the fuck happened to TF2?

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>also a brain
Goddamnit user, fucking destroyed that guy

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It's a good thing that they look worse. it's for optimization.

>you guys just suck at dodging headshots
Found the sniper main. Your class is fucking bullshit, user. Deal with it.

Heavy update when

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I played TF2 when it came out smoothly on an old shitty eMachine

what the fuck kinda Windows 98 bullshit are you running that you can't handle that?

What the fuck? Pipeline belongs at least in B tier, that map was map fun as shit before map matchmaking turned it into a ghostown. Hightower does belong in F tier, it's a shit PLR map so you got that right at least.

CTF, except Turbine
Old A/D maps
Old CP maps
New payload maps
Cursed Cove, Pit of Death

New A/D maps
Old payload maps besides Thundermountain
Arena (rip)
Special Delivery
Banana Bay

New CP maps
Most KOTH maps

The remainder of KOTH maps

PASS time

>when it came out
>before they added a fuckton of unoptimized hats and pointless particle effects
Gee user, I wonder why

>I played TF2 when it came out smoothly on an old shitty eMachine
TF2 is a much more bloated game now than when it first came out. Jungle Inferno is what really pushed it over the edge and made me have to install a config just for the game to be playable.

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but I don't have friends

It's definitely the best PLR map, but PLR is just a shit gamemode.

aww shit nigger, I forgot I even owned one of those things back in the early 2010s. Funny you say that though, that was the year I bought TF2 at a computer shop before the game went F2P. I played Plants vs Zombies a lot on that machine.

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Balloon Race

But I'm not a sniper main though. I'm a medic and pyro main. You know how the Upward match is going to turn out 30 seconds after the doors open. You either get good and kill the snipers/ teleporter or you lose.


>God Tier
Opinion immediately disregarded.

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sorry i couldnt read your post i was too busy with my bitches

Shit, I've got horrible taste then. I loved PLR more than PL, it was my literal comfy tier gamemode back in the day 9 years ago. I remember just spending a carefree weekend playing PLR for hours on end, now not so much.

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Also Wacky Races.

Sheesh user.

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Can someone explain this meme of Hydro being a good experience? There has to be an explanation, because all I ever see are Redditors and TF2bers praising it left and right, and it just blows my mind. Every Hydro match ends in 20 seconds after the gate opens.

>t. mainfaggots
This is why TF2 is shit and unbalanced. Because you faggots falseflag balance for "compfagging" cause you wanna main.
TF2 is not meant to be played with less than 9 people or more than one of each class.
Game got worse because they started balanced for 5v5.

Just admit class / character based multiplayer games are shit. Even more shit is 5v5 "competitive" mode.

Right at the height of the "Multimedia" craze. Mine had so many fucking ports that I could run every wire in my house through it

>pic related, same tower style but with more media options

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Before MYM, Hydro was a great concept of the TC gamemode. When you or the enemy captured all points in a map you’d advance or fall back to another map in the set of maps making up Hydro.

Garden Warfare perfected the TC gamemode more or less

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How about you stick to Overwatch, okay champ?

I feel the same way about certain maps that are no longer populated because of matchmaking. Pipeline is one of those maps that seems to stick in my head when I think back to my early days of playing TF2. As far as PLR goes, it would be a fun gamemode if people actually played the objective.

I'm in the middle of a mvm tour and will probably be doing several over the weekend. Anyone want to party up? Post IDs if interested

unusuals, skins and worthless hats were such a mistake
the worst part is that there is no way to revert the damage that has been done

nigga, thats not a map problem

Hatless mod.

>hydro and hightower in F tier
>every class map not in S Tier
Gay list

Not only did you misinterpret my post but I 100% agree with you.

Like you're trying to argue against me but we're in the same side.

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Yeah that was a huge problem back then. I still remember telling people to push the objective or kill the pusher whenever both teams were just killing each other or doing weird stuff in the corner of the map.

This is what happens when time limits aren’t set on maps. Happened with CTF.

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It's still a map problem because the gamemode affects the map's overall experience. I might like the layout of CTF Well, but I'm not going to give it a great rating because it's still shitty CTF. I'm not going to lie and say I really enjoy Degroot Keep matches, because I don't. It's got flaws.

It's not as fun.

Definitely. It was a different and memorable time.

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Only if I'm playing engie on that one spot where I can rack up 6 dominations in a single life

You must be doing it wrong then fren

i just want to play sawmill koth/ctf and nothing else... why doesn't anyone want to play with me?

If CTF and PLR got time limits, I would unironically play them.

I agree.
While many cosmetics are fine by me, and I'm fine with stuff like strange and killstreak weapons, the rest of that crap is terrible.

why is this shitty game still popular?

why is it shitty?

I wish they'd just make another 20 classes instead of the boring default ones, then it would be a better, more modern game.

Because it's not shitty.

CTF technically used to have a time limit though.

There are only upsides to adding time limits.
>Less to nonexistent amounts of friendlies
>People get panicked by the timer, forcing them to play or lose.

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it is though. i quit in 2014 and all my 3000 hours were on trade servers. The game is too shitty to play for real.

The scars are too deep. The game can't be fixed.

where do i start?
>pony r34 sprays everywhere
>furries everywhere
>autistic lenny face spammers everywhere
>retarded hit detection
>retarded bullshit like friendlies rampant
>terrible admins
>economy in the shitter
>baby face blaster nerfed since people that suck at the game couldn't counter it
>tf2 is collectively a shithole

My only problem with ctf_sawmill is the fact that they close off these 2 sections of the map for no reason. It makes those areas completely useless.

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Replayable, fun, easy to play, unique art style. This video explains it pretty well:

>pony r34 sprays everywhere
Man I wish. I’d prefer even that to no sprays in quick play

i haven't seen a custom spray in years

are you unaware?

When Valve remembers to plug their computers back in and do work

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i haven't played since 2014 so maybe that's why.

game still sucks

>best first point
>most of the time half the defending team dies within the first 20 seconds and they just fall back to the second point and don't bother contesting it

Sorry you feel that way.

TF2 is still fun, just not as much as it used to be.

Remember? Long ago. Here's the rest of the fad too!

play a better game

>TF2 is still fun
it never was. The game is specifically designed to get on your nerves.
>cartoonish art style
>feeling extremely annoyed when i get killed by a scout but not feeling annoyed when anyone else kills me
Scout takes no skill

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Doesn't TF2 have a general?

I like them both a lot.

No, just the soldier

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>Scout takes no skill
>dies to scout

So you're mad that youre shit?

it is cursed

who cares? I don't play it anymore. Tf2 isn't relevant enough to warrant my attention. The game doesn't even qualify as shit. It's like the equivalent of shit taking a shit. Hope it's dead soon.

I never see any discussion for the best Attack/Defend map. What's your favorite?

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>tf2 isnt relevant enough to warrant my attention
>decided to post in a thread and bitch like a baby about a 10 year old game anyway

Why do you think people care about your negative opinion either way? Do you think anybody cares that you don't play the game anymore? Small details like that are just a waste of your time typing.

dont forget to brush your teeth once you're done eating shit

Hydro is literally the greatest map ever made

How bad is your team that you can't utilize the major high ground the defense has?

they're both shit

thats even worse

>still replying

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The chad.

If those doorways wasn't closed off you could go straight from either intel room's back entrance and into your team's yard, having them blocked off forces intel carriers through the middle or across the rooftops making them easier targets.
At least I assume that's the idea.

badwater > upward
the cliffs, sniper sightlines, and dogshit last easily make badwater the superior map

gorge would be perfect if they added stairs to the balcony on last and blue's forward spawn.

>love to be a sneaky spy and destroy the entrance of the teleporter just to delay the team slightly
>completely unable to because I can't fly and have to deal with the engie up front with his sentry and 4 teammates next to him
Gorge is my least favorite map just for this reason

it's really dumb how strong engie is on that map. once he's setup there's fuck all you can do about it.

doublecross > 2fort

I love Badwater because the forward spawn for blue lends for extremely good spy and scout distractions. Climb on the roof to the right of the spawn and shoot at people coming out. Gets them to come up to look for you almost every time.

>pay_load_dust_bowl never ever.

Hightower... home..
Were the only winning move is to not play the objective at all.

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>t. Soundsmith

At the very least, Hightower is the containment area for the lowest common denominator of TF2 players.

I only play Hightower to be a civilian Scout

It's one of the only attack/defend maps that doesn't fall into the usual "hallways n chokepoints" style of map design.

cp_process, pl is a fucking trash gamemode

hightower is shit, only dumb soldier mains disagree

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I'm listening to the voice clips of the classes laughing and dying, and it's fucking hilarious. Every single one is perfect.

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>it's a sniper paradise map
Just no

how did they manage to have every character sound so great?

great actors that could pull off good accents
too bad most of them are dying or having voice related problems now

>listening to both at the same time

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Why isn't there a single payload map that doesn't have a garbage last point?

What's wrong with Badwater's last point?

Huge sniper sightlines and no real flanks for the offense.

>Huge sniper sightlines and no real flanks for the offense.
You can blow up the snipers at the top of the stairs from your own spawn or just have a soldier go through map room.
You can bomb the snipers on the left from the flank
All three flanks on badwater are fairly easy to take
What's the issue?

>What's the issue?
There are other classes than Soldier and those flanks, if you can even call them that, are only accessible by classes with advanced mobility like Soldier

>what are scout and demo
if you don't have any of those classes on your team you deserve to lose

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>people are still playing TF2

woah dude

How the fuck is powerhouse so goddamn fun?

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>they're both shit

>There are people who hate the two perfect maps in the entire game
The fuck is wrong with you contrarian dipshits

its supposed to be a launch map but it was never finished for a while

>and made me have to install a config just for the game to be playable.
I still play with nothing but FOV changed lol

Fuck, I love the third stage of Pipeline. Wish it was it's own map.

>t. assmad shitters straight from overwatch too shit for comp
git gut

>playing with 20 tick and the viewmodel covering 1/4 of your screen


>too bad most of them are dying or having voice related problems now
Really? Sauce?

idk what tick is and I really don't have a problem with the viewmodel thing, higher viewmodel FOVs and viewmodel minmode make me uncomfortable.


>idk what tick is
you are effectively playing at 20fps for no reason

I always get 60+ tho

Because 5gorge is better

Well > both

I said effectively
ticks are how many times the game updates per second

Upward is better because it plays to all classes better.

I honestly believe Hightower is an amazing PLR map, the only reason people think it's shit is because half of the team is playing DM.

>s tier
my knee grow

the uphill part through the enemy team's base and the final cap are both dogshit. it could be good with some work.


>The parts where you need teamwork are dogshit.
See, that's what I mean.

>an amazing PLR map
>zero room to dodge, or play skillfully, or do anything but fucking crouch and hope you don't get juggled off while trying to move the ramp up
>kill the enemy a million times and they can still instantly respawn every time, walk 2 steps out of spawn to be in range, and juggle you off the cart

for me its pl_goldrush

hightower has the longest cap of any map in the game afaik and that uphill room is literally adjacent to the enemy spawn and one engineer can lock it down with ease.

dustbowl obviously

i'm going to be the one to ask what the fuck is up with that screenshot

Good taste.



only capture the flag maps, mostly 2fort

badwater easily.

Which is why you need teamwork.

The reason you don't have teamwork is because everyone insists on playing this map as DM

Doublecross > 2Fort

>wifi has been shit for the past two months
>keep practicing sniper every day on tr_walkway or other maps
>always get at least 2000 kills
>consistantly get dropshots airshots and the like

I can't wait to get back into casual bros.

Instead of being designed in mind for current TF2, it was designed for 2007 TF2 which makes it fun in the same way that 2Fort, Hydro, Dustbowl is fun. And unlike those maps, Powerhouse isn't entirely a chokepoint.

I want to play TF2 but I broke my PC and I require assistance. I probably melted something playing Risk of Rain 2 as I got constant overheating warnings that I could do nothing about besides stop playing and that wasn't happening. With my last GPU that died, it simply gave graphical errors until shutting down it's output, but this time with a graphics card that was barely a month old, the PC itself will not turn on. Is there anyway to visually check what is or is not the issue? I have no other PC to plug parts into though so I have to make do with visual checks.

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soulless vs soul

This. Gave every single item to my son and poof never wanted to play anymore.

Get addicted to minecraft.

The answer is always Hydro. But TF2 community is so braindead retarded it can't even comprehend fucking map in f2p shooter.

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Brainlet alert

Family Share your account with your retard younger brother who plays CS:S and uses cheats while playing on Prison servers and watch your 13-year-old Steam account get VAC banned for basic Source games like TF2 and CS:S, locking your inventory forever

that will make you never want to play again, i assure you

Badwater is fun as far as very linear experiences go, but depending on the pace of the given match you may either spend too long lingering on one set piece, or may rush right past them without the chance to savour them.

Most Payload maps suffer this issue in fact, but Upward has it less so due to the rotary nature of the map. It's possible for members of the offense team to cut to a later part of the map for back attacks and sabotage during the initial phases, and the defense team to use routes through earlier parts for the counter-offense at the end of the game.

I like them both, with the advantage going to Upward. Ultimately there could be a better Payload map than either of them, one without the space misuse issues.

Everybody understands hydro.
The thing is, it's not fun.

Still unmatched in basic scenario for a class-based multiplayer online team FPS.
>Nine mercenaries come together for a job. It's the middlish part of a century a lot like the one we just had. A simpler time. There were 3 tv channels, 5 radio stations, and 2 multinational holding corporations that secret control every government on the planet. What conflicts these two giants cannot resolve with an armada of paperwork, diplomacy and bureaucrats, they resolve with a refined dosage of applied firepower. Meet the Team.
We all want to play about 9 possible games set in this universe. TF2 is the closest we get to that.

When I first got into TF2, I was actually disappointed that there WASN'T a single-player mode of any kind related to the game. I still want to play a five-six mission single player campaign optimised for each class's strengths and flavour.

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i have about 3000h on badwater and it's easily the best map in the game

I'd love to play that but it would be an irreversibly different game from TF2, disrupting the harmony between each of the nine classes's flavour profile in the setting. Even though gameplay-wise the 9 class's distinctions are a load of ass (seriously, they're not good), in terms of character they're incredible accomplishments.

Valve would never release a TF3 with a larger class roster as an objective because it would hypothetically compete with TF2, and that would hurt munny which is the only thing of value to the debased wretches in charge these days. Overwatch was hollowed out from within by you know what.

Any Payload map.

Kill him user

Good idea

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Hydro suffers the "lets break the map and mission into chunks" problem worse than the rest of early TF2 content

>think im terrible at sniper
>usually do fine when I play him unless there is pro level sniper

why is this? because he is so boring to play?

you don't

He's the only class with a vanilla 45' straight line skill gradient. You get incrementally better at playing Sniper with every unit of experience at a steady rate.

Heavy, Engineer and Pyro are much flatter, so a complete newb is much better with these classes but at a mid-high level of ability other classes outcompete them. Medic is just OP end of story. That leaves Scout, Soldier, Demoman and Spy, who all have a steep skill curve or step (multiple for Sol and Dem) to ascend. Clearing these steps results in a huge increase in game ability.

So you may not be up to clearing the steps with the aforementioned four classes, but still have enough skill to do alright as Sniper. You don't need to be quickscope headshot master of the century to keep reliable distances, stake out key areas and plug away at fools.

Add nightime versions of daytime maps, and daytime versions of nighttime maps.

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Kong king is not at least an A? Shit list.

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I never knew I wanted this

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This. Badwater is Soldier only until last spot where everyone stacks sentries and snipers.

this, Gravel Pit, and Mann Manor

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Turbine at c?

The TF2C domination version of Hydro (basically 4team KOTH that features Hydro's 4 middle points) is much much better then the Vanilla version because it avoids the "slice level up into chunks" problem. You're free to go wherever you want and assault whatever point you want. And being set at Nighttime is pure kino.

My nigga

Badwater is soldier only? Are you nuts? Badwater is nothing but corners, everyone knows demomen are masters of the corners. A good demo knows his angles. Soldiers are all about line of sight.

That's sounds amazing, I wish I'd heard of that before now. It's the closest thing I can think of to TF2 Advance Wars.

payload is fucking trash
badlands best map

add a "rose tinted glasses" cosmetic that works similar to the pyrovision goggles and allaws you to limit the amount of cosmetic displayed

>5 years since has played
>complains about current state of the game
wow what a faggot

Upward. It was my very first map, and it's my favorite one. It's beautiful and well designed. Could play it all day.

TF2's sound design should be archived for gaming history. Everything about it is fucking masterful.

>TF2 threads are full of shitflinging
>still somehow the best threads in Yea Forums

I will never not be baffled.

if you can't pubstomp on badwater as every class you're just shit at the game, period

>laugh tracks

Bitch get that gay shit outa there I only listen to real music

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Huntsman is fucking garbage because it's a luck weapon. If you want to be good at Sniper you use the rifle.

I'd coincide it with the release of "Jaded Lenses" which add random cosmetics onto everything if you want the server to look like a clusterfuck

Reminder that Demoman's bottle breaks again now

Not literally, no. It's a misleading weapon because its hitbox is a massive square that occupies the entire length of the arrow, and not just the arrowhead (aka the lethal bit).

You spam it in a place full of people and hope it headshots, it's not consistent in the slightest
If you're going to play huntsman sniper you're better off switching to demo and lobbing pills instead

sounds pretty good but unusualfags will probably screech over their $5000 hat is invisible to a lot of players

could work as some sort of server spell like the halloween one

I'd try to get a picture but I'd have to either rip some from VNN's video or play the outdated Beta 4. It's really fun though.


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none of my business

Grow up

why the blue

It's one of the fucking worst maps. It is horribly in favor of the defenders, the attackers can only go through one chokepoint

BECAUSE of the large hitbox. Although serve-side issues are a thing as well.

>If you're going to play huntsman sniper you're better off switching to demo and lobbing pills instead
As things stand, Huntsman is just a glass cannon Demoman build with more bullshit. The goal of balancing the game is to avoid this.