we complain about games that don't exist
The final boss in SMT V is such fucking bullshit. honestly hurts the game as a whole
Minesweeper is too hard.
Man I really hate how they added a BR mode to the new TimeSplitters game. All I wanted was more of the same and they've ruined it by adding all that Fortnite bullshit
Banjo Threeie was such a fucking letdown.
Yooka laylee was better overall
i dont know why they had to make the ending to the no country for old men game 50/50 coin toss to see if you get the good or bad end
My VR scent maker broke halfway through Braphogs 4 so I couldn't get the full experience
I thought maybe they could've added more depth to the wanted system in GTA VI but instead they just lessened your health, and increased police spawn rates and damage and made the AI more aggressive. Which makes me not want to do anything having finished the story. People will still know of your crimes even if you fire a gun in the middle of nowhere.
>Destiny 3
>Just a rehash of Destiny 2 Year 1
Dark souls II is dogshit
so... this is... the legendary "stoopid" booty
Destiny 2 is already a rehash of 1 so you only have yourself to blame
*Sniffs the bike seat
Wtf was his problem??
Jet Set Radio Evolved should have been amazing fuck Sega for turning it into le wacky meme streamer bait, even the soundtrack was shit
Hey guys, in Megaman Battle Network Online, somebody sold me this dark colored chip to use with my net navi, Now he keeps losing health for no reason.
What the fuck? did he give me a glitched chip? Fuck this, i'm never shopping for battle chips on this site again.
I wish there was a Sora cameo in Versus XIII, the games are similar enough and made by Nomura dangit
I can't believe Microsoft wasted their money releasing Fable Legends this game is abysmal to look at, bring back Peter
I just hate GAME and the people who made the hardware to run GAME and the people who use the hardware run by GAME for non-gaming purposes. and the people who run hardware that does not run GAME, i hate them, too.
>sonic mania 2
>still not a mole mania crossover game
if you use C.A.R you're just a fucking stupid idiot who should not be playing games, fuck you if you do go fuck yourself fag go back to playing with your Peppa pig toy phone
I want a Front Mission 3 but more Front Mission 3 that Front Mission 3.
Seriously? They couldn't fix the shitty combat from Alpha Protocol? At least I got to bang Sis.
This game fucking sucks balls
Exactly. Also they fucked up the camera.
well, surely removing dedicated servers and mod support absolutely did not kill ut2014
I can't believe those fucking roaches ruined Bannerlord. How the fuck do you fuck up something that's been in the making for so many years??? On top of that, who the FUCK thought adding Denuvo was a good idea??
*that Yea Forums hasn't played
>strawman greentext
>passive aggressive non sequitur
It still baffles me that they made Freeman talk. And he's voiced by Yuri Lowenthal of all people. Those "EENGH"s every time he uses a crowbar are disgusting.
It's like fucking Manhunt but it's like fucking harsher but like without the fucking censorship that was in Manhunt 2 right
The PS3 library fucking sucks
don't ban me, I'm sure Rockstar loved Guinea Pig
look at the toilet on that bitch
I wish bloodborne 2 didn't get all dr. seussian on me. The first half starts off as a nice 20th century art-deco america but then you randomly start fighting cat in the hat and lorax bootlegs and makes the whole thing seem so disingenuous.
KotOR3 really shat the bed with that ending.
I still can't believe Rockstar actually made a School Shooter Simulator.
I feel sorry for Australian bros who have to import the thing with their vpns.
Anyway what does Yea Forums think is the worst class in that game?
Cause I have say that for all the hype his description and stat spread gives him Elliot is fucking garbage.
Its like they added a mechanic just for him where attacks get rolled like they do in Morrowind.
You can barely get any kills before the cops show up and when they do he automatically kills himself. Its frustrating.
Cat in the Hat's second form where he takes off his hat was pure kino though.
the entire ps3 library fucking sucks
looks like every other ps3 game to me
Unironically shit combat, once you figure out how to manage X-boost and overdrive it just becomes mashing and waiting like always. Exploration is mostly good but the whole world is so flat. Story sucks but Feria a cute.