So i purchased rage 2. I haven't played it yet, it's downloading now...

So i purchased rage 2. I haven't played it yet, it's downloading now. My question is how obnoxious is the sjw agenda in it? I assume there is one because if the shrieking blue haired Mohawk lady in the box art.

Attached: 168817b.jpg (190x237, 33K)

I've only seen 4 hours on a stream, I've seen a Drumpf lookalike Giant Mutant, Furrys in Leather with a Buttplug, most """"female"""" look like speed runner and degenerate...

saw one dude say that the fat character could be interpreted as a trump caricature

but from the content i saw it didn't look too SJW to me, just disgusting, the characters are repulsive enough to kill my enjoyment

There's a gay bar in the swamp city. its played for laughs.

Games not sjw.

Does anyone know where the Graphics options file is for this game on ? I'm playing with a weird resolution and it won't display on my monitor unless i change it through a file.

>So i purchased rage 2.
Bro, what's your job and how much money do you make? Have you played FPS games before?

Your commanding officer is an old dyke

>purchased rage 2

Every single female character i've encountered so far is ugly as sin

>i purchased rage 2
But why

I make enough to live comfortably with some extra left over.

I played the first rage and liked it a lot, and the trailer for the second one made it loom like a blast.

The sjw stuff isn't a deal breaker I was just wondering how hard am I going to be rolling my eyes at the dialogue.

One of the characters says "cunny"
I think you're good

I'm surprised with the game so far, maybe 5 hours in? It's a bit repetitive and bland activity wise. The game play itself is great. Haven't noticed a lot of SJW elements yet besides a lot of "strong" women characters. In short it doesn't interfere with my enjoyment as bad as the stale as hell side shit does.

P.S I did not buy the game. I was pleasantly surprised to see it pop up ready to start on my one x because my buddy I game share with bought it.

doesn't matter if the game is the most hamfisted preachy soapbox ever made, you've already spent money on it, fucking retard.
also cringe that idiots itt are upset at characters in a post-apocalyptic game look ugly.

not sjw, just boring

>Still using the term SJW unironically

You're right we should just call them suicidal Communists.

i uninstalled and pirated wolfenstein new colossus and i i like new colossus more

I played Rage 2 for 4 hours and it was the most boring game I've played in the last 2 years, I don't even want to play it anymore
I installed Far Cry 5 and I'm having a blast

Far Cry 5 isn't that great neither, friend. Play 3 or 4 instead

Would you prefer they'd be called soibois

How did they got away with this kind of shitty texture?

Attached: Rage2 Screenshot 2019.05.18 - (1920x1080, 466K)

>current year erases the need to use a term

These road marks doesn't even have basic normal maps

Attached: Rage2 Screenshot 2019.05.18 - (1920x1080, 445K)

At this point I think you're just confusing SJW stuff with heavy handed or badly written dialogue.

This. 5 was a let down outside of the comfy setting.

Game design university graduates can't into UV mapping

You don't normal map stuff like that that, just makes for unnecessary visual clutter

Wait that's a girl? Are you sure? Looks like a dude to me.

Anyway, the game is fun. The writing is atrocious, but that doesn't affect good gameplay.

Anybody else having problems with aiming? Making small corrections feels sluggish, apparently the game has negative mouse accel with no way to turn it off. Also the textures are terrible.

What else are we going to call these cretins?

This is visual clutter

Attached: Rage2 Screenshot 2019.05.18 - (1920x1080, 574K)

There's now agenda in it at all, it's literally just rooty tooty point and shooty. The cover art just has enemies on it that you fight and shoot at. Stop being an idiot and assuming every game is SJW.

I don't think that was intended to be DRUMPFFF, I think he was kind of supposed to be in Klagg's own image

Some people think any ugly fat character is supposed to be a Trump parody now.

That guy is way more Guy Fieri than Trump lol

>buy a game
>"so how shit is it?"

I think you are approaching this the wrong way.

Rage 2 starts bad but gets great, FC2 starts great but before long you'll find yourself actually wading through a huuuge 3 inch deep puddle.

Even as somebody pretty far right I find some poeple are way too sensitive to that kind of shit. If, somehow, the devs did intend that mutant or Klegg Clayton to be DRUMPFFF they missed the mark real bad lol. But at the same time, these days you get shit like that panel from the Judge Dredd comic that had a guy who was literally just Trump

Jesus christ turn off the DoF already. How do you play with that on?

Rooty tooty point and shoot is exactly what I wanted out of this. I was just wondering how often they.make you stop rootin tootin point and shooting to say "look how strong this woman is!"

You've got some backwards ass taste, then.

It's pretty much all rooty tooty point and shooty, to the point where the major complaint from mainstream reviewers is "there's not enough story."

It's a subtle effect and I like it

jimquisition said there was too much scavenger hunt bullshit that gets in the way of the otherwise stellar combat and that is shouldn't have been an open world game. gmanlives gave it a more positive review but also basically said it would have been better not open world. also the fact it starts out so slow sounds really lame. i kinda really want to play it, but i'll either pirate it or get it for deep steam discount.
the combat looks a lot like playing the vangaurd class in mass effect 2, but first person and that makes me rock hard, but i think i'd rather just replay mass effect than play a game that actively tries to take away from what makes it a good game.

Ugh I hate it when games don't have a message. What's the point of excellent gameplay if it's not being used to spread a positive social message? Hard pass for me.

She has a daughter you idiot

>Yea Forumsirgins are looking for sjwisms to complain about just like the SJWs they hate so much look for things that trigger them
You fucks are pathetic.

Attached: 1558052157852.jpg (400x417, 107K)

Yea Forums proves that Horseshoe Theory isn't a theory

That's not her biological daughter, retard

Anyone else think open world games should always have a built in 3rd person mode for exploration sections? Especially if there's character customization involved.

Not true at all. The almost universal complaints about it in every review are that the game has too much bland open world filler as opposed to main missions, has really bad writing/dialogue that makes all the characters utterly insufferable (they truly are), and the vehicles handle kind of poorly and aren't that fun to use. I'm playing it and a of this is true. The combat is fucking fantastic, but it would have been an almost infinitely better game had it been a more linear and focused shooter with breakneck pacing instead of a generic open world that breaks up the fun constantly.

I would ask this before buying, OP.

Yes she is. She just couldn’t be a full ranger like her mom was because only pure Ark bloods or whatever can use ranger armour and nano powers

you're retarded and not an environment artist. show me your portfolio or shut the fuck up.

Obvious drumpf reference is obvious. You even fight him with holy hilary. The real problem is that the game is boring as fuck. The only good feature is gunplay made by id. Everything else sucks.