So is this the Hitman Absolution of Arkham?

So is this the Hitman Absolution of Arkham?

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I actually thought this one had the best story.

It's actually the Hitman 2 starring Sheen Been of Arkham. Hate on Absolution all you want, but it wasn't a fucking single player always online game. Fuck you retarded apologists for this shit

The Arkham series in general is kind of a sad misfire. The more it crawled up its own ass with its own ideas the worse it got. I still liked City and Arkham Knight a lot, mind you, but there are plenty of baffling decisions.

This might be the most apt simile I have ever heard to describe both games.

say what you want but i actually finished this one but couldnt bother to finish arkham knight

I'm actually enjoying Origins quite a bit, and I've just marathoned Knight, City, and Asylum recently. The story and voice acting is pissing me off though. Plus they've somehow made the characters really fucking annoying.

Cry more bitch nigga.

origins isn't terrible, its just flawed by really lazy map. its so bad its the only bamham game to have fast travel

im not trying to be contrarian but i really liked this one most it gave me the best version of bane and i really liked the Christmas snow aesthetic

I got a glitch walking into some building and Batman was stuck falling forever through a void. I gave up on it there.

Asylum > Origins > City > Knight

That aesthetic is why Batman Returns is best Batman movie for me.

this but unironically

switch origins and city and i agree

I liked Knight the most

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City > Asylum = Knight
I haven't played Origins. Asylum has a much better (though more modest) story than Knight, but as far as the overall level design and combat goes I think Knight probably edges out Asylum in terms of consistent fun if you count the DLC. Knight's biggest problem is that it's main mission through the game is one of the most underwhelming ones in terms of game design and story both.

Oh, Asylum also has a stronger sense of place thanks to the Asylum itself. City and Knight both have cool areas but neither of them manage to match Asylum's richness.

Origins is tied for second with Asylum.
Knight is objectively the best even with the inclusion of the main villain and Joker returning like 10 minutes into the start of a new game

But ultimately Origins would easily be the best if not for the fact of the upgrade system having you needing to beat some late game only missions to get the basic combat upgrade to destroy weapons

City was just a bloated garbage fest of "ok ok ok so like you like Batman characters? Let's just put in as many as possible lolz"

It's definitely the Dark Souls 2 of action RPGs.

Nah, its actually pretty decent.

Always hate Harley voice in Arkham City and Knight.

Arkham Origins: I am the worst Arkham game
Arkham Knight: Hold my tank stealth missions
Arkham Knight: You're old, you're predictable and you never stood a chance.

my dick didn't tbqh

It's a shame because I kinda liked the PvP thing they had going on in there. Wish they'd brought it to Knight with more polish, could have increased replayability by quite a bit