I've always wanted to go to Japan for obvious reasons, but recently I've been way more interested in the general culture of the nation and non-vidya related things involving Japan. Aside from that though, anyone go and get some cool games? Go to a cool arcade somewhere? There was a thread about Japan earlier this month and I kinda wanna hear more stories of peoples trips.
Japan Gaming Stories
Other urls found in this thread:
I went Doutonbori
Full of chink and gook tourists
You won't hear single Japanese words
there are literally no Nips except shop clerks
You're in luck OP. Few years back I did an exchange program to Japan for about a year to satisfy my weeaboo lusts.
>bought a shitton of games
>went to arcades several times a week
>walked around the city as often as I could
New years in Shibuya was pretty fun, australians and russians are great guys. As for gaming, we went once a day to race in Mario Kart in some of the many arcades in downtown Tokio, Also got the last Switch in a random store, payed maket value too (was pretty out of stock). Fun all around.
I'd love to go to Japan, but how do y'all niggas do that 16 hour flight
Ask someone who lived on a small Japanese island for a few years anything.
Denden town was aight. I was just there a month ago.
Osaka sucks
What nationality are you?
How did you come to live there and why?
How did you get along with the people there?
I studied Japanese in college and signed up to sharecrop (essentially) because I wanted to get away from home for a while.
Swimmingly. Other foreigners seemed to have some difficulty (really, mostly the Americans) because they had difficulty picking up on social cues / the fact that people don't always say exactly what they mean. I felt pretty at home with that part. Even if you're effectively a bulldozer, so long as you're not south / south east Asian the Japanese will treat you pretty well.
I went in 2016 for a week and a half it was a fun trip.
Never been but I am learning the language and I'll probably have a pretty good grasp on it by time I have the money/time to go. I can already read NHK easy news.
Get any tail?
>can ready NHK easy news
>I'll probably have a pretty good grasp on it by the time I [go]
Be ready for a shock, pal.
Honest to God - ____________wasn't looking for any_____.
I'm not going to take advice from someone who can't even speak English
Yeah, that's when it happens the most. Firts rime it happened to me I thought I had awakened some jedi mojo shit, felt like I was bursting out of my skin.
One stray 'y' is all it takes for your to tense up like that? Enjoy your delusions.
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!
>so long as you're not south / south east Asian the Japanese will treat you pretty well.
I heard the nips hate koreans and chinks, so what do they do exactly?
History reason. Also Korean is well known to be noisy and annoying
I actually live in Japan
>I heard the nips hate koreans and chinks, so what do they do exactly?
I know a bunch of chinks/Koreans since I live right next to a college and they haven't said anything about racism they've experienced so it isn't widespread.
The entire "your Japanese will be shit no matter what" is somewhat overblown on this website. Yes unless you've practiced speaking and listening extensively you won't be able to talk when you first arrive but basically everyone I know that isn't a complete beginner was able to get conversation in 6 months of living here, even the non-college students
I know a lot of white people here including myself with Japanese girlfriends, but it isn't really any harder or easier to get a Japanese girl if you're white in my opinion. You'll find as many people turned off by foreigners as turned on equally as much from what I've seen. Anyone thinking they're going to visit Japan for 2 weeks and get pussy without paying for it, well go ahead and drop your delusions now especially if you aren't good with the language
Bring a laptop with some games, I can't sleep on that fucking flight to save my life
Loads of cool game stores and arcades here, way better than America and there's way more
dunno but at C95 some people didn't let the get doujns
>but at C95 some people didn't let the get doujns
I like this picture a lot, I'm gonna repost it here from now on. Thanks user.
they just didn't give chinks and koreans doujins at comiket
Oh boy I can't wait for an entire year or even more of normalfag westerners complaining about japan once the olympics start
It was a waste of a year and I deeply regret it desu.
they don't give a fuck about white people's "opinion" anyway
I booked a japanese call girl and we talked about doujinshi and AV together
don't they end up raping him in the source
Good because as their actions in recent years have shown on a daily basis and this site, westerners are fucking retarded hypocrites
Dumbass third world retard studying the language in Japan. Been here a couple months. Feel free to ask me anything.
I went two years ago. I really didn’t want to make weeb stuff and vidya my focus but i went to play Taiko or Mahjong in arcades semi-regularly and bought Yakuza Isshin. Was pretty cool.
Game centers are cool, even in the small town where I live we have a jubeat and a taiko no tatsujin.
How much would a single plane ticket cost to fly once or twice to japan say once every three weeks or something similar?
>Over half of the downloads of the BLACKED video is from Indians
I bet they have no fucking clue what BLACKED is as well.
it's the reverse of loli rock cds gangs
yeah I vaguely remember that happening despite the last time reading it was years ago
I wanna visit but I don’t speak Japanese at all, i’m fucked aren’t i
any chance of you remembering the name?
I've seen a ton of people get by just through pointing and english alone, so if you're there as a tourist, you'll be fine
I can't, been trying to look through my favorites on nh and sadpanda and it's not coming up, looking up just the loli tag comes up with several hundreds so I'll need to find a better method, I might've written a note for myself on sadpanda, I'll try again
I want to go to Japan, but I never go out of my house. Would I be fine if I stay inside the entire day except for work?
That sounds fun. I wish Jubeat was more common here in America.
Japan has a massive tourism economy, it’s not a secret club.
Im in Tokyo right now. This place is wild, 9 floor pachinko arcades, Manga shops everywhere and real arcades. Plus you can drink in public.
This is Weaboo Vegas and I love it
You'll be fine in Tokyo. There's English menus everywhere, you can just point at shit on your menu or on your phone and there's English names at every station / the airport.
That's what I've been doing for the last two months pretty much do except change work for class and lunch/dinner. I stay in a share house with 10 other tenants and never see them because they're in their own rooms all day.
Technically yeah, maybe. But why even go to Japan at that point?
Found it (C77) [BUFFALOW PROPAGANDA. (Oshare Kyoushitsu.)] Parabellum
>Plus you can drink in public
Yeah, but for whatever retarded reason you can't eat while walking or stick your chopsticks in the rice. Oh and if you're a smoker you're pretty much fucked and hated by everyone.
thank you so fucking much I would suck your dick as long as you gave it a good wash first
>Oh and if you're a smoker you're pretty much fucked and hated by everyone
Good, based nips, smokers are subhuman along with junkies
I think it's hilarious several seiyuu's careers have been killed instantly due to like a few grams of crack
Japanese people smoke like crazy dude.
How is Japan still selling physical copies?
was thinking of going for a week or two in July to meet a friend but I've never been on a trip by myself before and i'm also kinda scared of going on planes
they aren't cucked like the west into buying air, people still own things there
hey if you're lucky, you could be on one of those meme planes that crash/gone missing like the those boeing ones or the Les Baines crash
Selling your used copies is a pretty big thing there, there’s a lot of second-hand vidya stores.
>they aren't cucked like the west into buying air, people still own things there
Based Japan
You're based too
Just remember that regretting a missed opportunity is much scarier than sitting on a plane.
If you don't have to switch planes, just get to your seat, buckle up and pop two sleeping pills.
I learned Japanese, a language spoken solely on a secluded volcanic archipelago inhabited by racist xenophobes, all so I could read obscure masturbatory material.
That's not true, lots of restaurants have smoker areas
Even some indoor restaurants have them. It's questionable why Japan is cool with indoor smoking though
> install Tinder
> go to Japan
> three matches in 6 weeks, all ugly, just matched because they want to practive their English but won't even respond
> dumb Indian acquaintance
> 2 months
> 30 matches, has fucked 14 of them
> "I'm not even attractive bro I'm just a 4/10 Indian just b urself"
how in the god damn?
is he a chad?
He's an unattractive, curry smelling shitkin Indian with a dumb voice and heavy accent. How in the god damn is he a chad? How does he do it? I don't understand. Did India become a first world overnight? I mean, I'm not attractive myself but this person is bottom of the barrel.
I always wanted to go to Japan after playing the Persona series. Japan looks so comfy
Is he clean shaven? And you have a "beard"?
were they good looking or does your friend just have lower standards than you?
i live in jew york so a direct flight is about $1500
is that expensive for a flight? I am clueless when it comes to travel stuff
I understand this but its still a scary venture for me, I can't psyche myself out of thinking so much shit will go wrong, getting lost etc.
dude even fat fucks like this retard tkyosam can fuck christmas cakes in japan, it's all about confidence and putting yourself out there
just beee urself :^)
My best friend and his wife went to Japan for a week and he said he had the best time of his life. I want to go to Japan so bad but I'm too broke . It hurts
>I'm not attractive
how unattractive do you consider yourself? balding? acne scars?
Here I've saved you a thousand bucks
Japan is fun as fuck. Take this from a guy who also doesn't enjoy flying, but it's worth the stress. Just load up on some portable games, save some movies and specifically tv seasons to a laptop/tablet, take some nightquil or some shit and cruise through.
Just a tip though, but google is your best friend. If you can get unlimited data/international data plan for the time you're there, using google maps as a guide is really amazing. It guides you anywhere as long as you have an address or a name to punch in. Some days back on my trip I would punch in a fast food joint, pick the one that was 5-10km down, and trek it there seeing what was on the way.
Also take this from a jap vidya loving guy, but I fell in love with the culture and country. I spent equal time in the city and countryside and love the country more. Peaceful, friendly people, good food, nice vistas to look at, 2nd hand shops with tons of good vidya and figures, and more.
Hope you really do go.
based, this is all I would do in japan if I went
user if you're planning on buying a ton of merch there, bring your passport with you at all times, you can huge a shit ton of money back via tax returns
Other japan threads this month, might be missing a couple
レップをしろYea Forumsthread/462327821
>play original Japanese version あー!あなた… あなたはだれなのか。 >play US version Who the fuck nigga this is? AYOOO! WHICH BITCH NIGGA THIS IS? COME GET YOUS MANv/thread/462179995
You've been studying, right Yea Forums?Yea Forumsthread/462105940
Play any Japanese games lately?v/thread/461939235
Brah what the cheapest place to live while in japan?
Not Tokyo and not Osaka. I imagine places like Nagoya, Shizuoka, Hiroshima etc. are sorta on the same level when it comes to cost of living.
Also, it's very helpful to speak Japanese, since foreigner-friendly real estate sites tend to have higher prices.
Sorry for the late reply but yeah, acne scars, short and skinny with dumb glasses. I'd say 2/10 tops. I've been told I look very "plain". I wasn't expecting anything sexually out of Japan without outright paying for it to be honest, it just pisses me the hell off that someone worse-off is doing well. He did mention he was using the paid version of Tinder. Not sure how different that is. And my bad it wasn't 14, but 12.
are there plenty of hostels in japan? thats probably where I would stay for my duration
Air bnbs are your friend
Also traveling with a friend/roomate to split the cost with helps a ton
I've been to many places in Japan (was there a month) and the area near mt fuji was the comfiest (friendly locals and comfy hikes, though quite expensive since we stayed at a big higher end air bnb) and harajuku/ shibuya area was the funnest
Cheapest place we stayed at was an small apartment in the heart of harajuku, other than the occasional cockaroach it had charm and close by conbinis
im manlet cutoff at 6' with acne scars and i'm balding so I don't dare put my photos online on tinder or anything like that. so you're more of a chad than I am
......I fucking hope your the guy from LMTYA. Anyways I fuckin hope to move to Japan one day.
So I lucked out having a brother that lives there so my trip cost is cut in half. But this new trip coming up I'm looking for hotels to stay in.
Obviously the countryside/rural areas are cheaper. Like if you want to go, but don't have 1-2k to spend for ticket and stay, check out Motomiya and it's surrounding cities. That's where my bro used to live at before he moved to the sister city. Lovely as fuck place. It's not bumfuck town, its a nice cut of city and country.
And you can take the shinkansen, grab a hotel room for a night or three, and shinkan it back to the country. However this in itself is like 500 bucks, so maybe if you really want to go to Tokyo, finding a decently cheap one of its districts is best.
There's lots. I stayed in one on my first trip in Tokyo fuck like 9 years ago. Comfy, nice people. I'm looking at some now, basically some are a glorified dorm house. Basically for two weeks $2K will give you ticket and hotel, 1K will give you ticket and hostel in Tokyo.
money isn't a real big issue for me but I don't wanna pay out the ass for housing. what site are you using to look up hostels? im this guy
i live in a small town ~1hour north of tokyo
ask away
enjoy 放射能
ever been to one of those japanese Yea Forums meetups in the past?
are thirsty train milfs real?
What's the comfiest city to visit in Japan?
Favorite Kamen Rider?
Also favorite Japan exclusive Video Game?
Koriyama? Fukushima? Sendai? How much of a human form do you have left?
My friends and I are mulling over planning a trip to Japan sometime in 2021 since we're broke as fuck right now and next year is not an option. For those who have visited, how far in advance did you book your lodging and plane tickets?
1500 for a ticket? Fuck. I'm in LA, Cali so my tickets run between 700-1100. Look for flights in the fall. Bro says that's the cheapest to fly out, because "who the fuck is gonna fly out here durning non-holiday season".
For looking up hostels, hotels, and the in-between I'm literally going in expedia, travelocity, etc... As far as I know, there's not a super secret site to find hotels for cheap let me know if that's real. I just filter where I want to stay, what amenities I want (kitchen, nonsmoke, etc...) and see the quality of the room. I'm finding decent hotel rooms for 60-100 a night. Helps that I'm traveling with buddies so that cost goes down a lot. I would recommend a traveling buddy too if possible.
will do
sure but they're ugly
ive never seen kamen rider
umihara kawase, easy
2nd place is a-train 3D
tochigi prefecture
fukushima is not an hour from tokyo ffs
585 dollar flights round trip. enjoy anons..... they wont last long
KanColle Arcade is fun as fuck. Never want to leave Japan as that would mean parting from this game.
sorry forgot my screenshot
>but they are ugly
Yeah this. They're thirsty because of reason.
holy shit those are some cheap tickets
>captcha image is a building nearby in my city
what the fuck google
yeah I'm using skyscanner and $1500 is the cheapest direct flight in july. I picked that month since thats the only time I would have a travel buddy otherwise I have no friends. They've said to book hostels so you can get to know people/be friendly and stuff like that. I have no social skills so thats why he probably recommended that but thanks for the two sites
attractive women exist in japan but most of pretty meh
women are by and large cuter here, and they dress a lot cuter too, but i saw many more physically attractive women in america
my wife disagrees (and maybe she knows better since i've never been in the women's side of the bathhouse) but almost every woman i've seen is either flastchested or wearing an oversized shirt so i can't see anything
>women are by and large cuter here
Only because they start caking themselves in makeup somewhere around high school. Look at any middle schooler and 90% of them have disgusting faces. I agree with your other statement, though. Finding an attractive woman with good measurements, big tits, big ass, etc. is rare here in Japan unless she's foreign.
Arcades were my biggest disappointment since I'm not really into fighting or rhythm games. And about 95% of even big Japanese arcades are going to be rhythm, gacha, or fighting games in that order.
>Finding an attractive woman with good measurements, big tits, big ass, etc. is rare here in Japan unless she's foreign.
I heard their breast sizes shot up through the roof on average in the past decade or two since red meats are more apart of their diet now
I can't remember the percentage
>Japanese women's breasts continue to grow, reach historic tipping point
>my wife disagrees
God I hate race mixers. I cant explain why but I get an incredibly strong feeling of disgust whenever I see this shit.
they have some old boomer arcades for 80s and early 90s games if you're into /vr/ shit
like i said, my wife disagrees with me, and shes seen a lot more people's tits here than i have. big, billowy shirts are popular on women, so you dont always get a good idea of what their bodies look like. at least in my town, women with large breasts either are incredibly rare, or are really good at hiding them
my wife and i are both white
The more you're forced to deal with Japanese people in general, the more you gradually hate them and all their fucked implicit social norms and practices.
Aim for july then. Buddy or bust. Sounds like you already have a plan dude. Good luck and have fun. Remember to get unlimited data/international plans before you go.
>big, billowy shirts are popular on women, so you dont always get a good idea of what their bodies look like
Hopefully that changes in the Summer. I've seen lots of hot leg, but unfortunately I'm not a legman.
The closest I found was a bar that had all the consoles and expansions and shit, even the keyboard attachment for The Typing of the Dead.
I'd rather deal with elevens than fucking west cucks or chinks
> video game bar
I believe Nintendo cracked down on those and you can't play anymore.
Went to Japan for 3 weeks almost exactly 2 years ago. Stayed in a place that was kinda half hostel half hotel in taito-ku. One of the people staying there saw me playing the super famicom in the shared living room type area and he gave me his for free. Did lots of game hunting and bought doujins and shit.
I live on the east coast of the US and flight and room for 3 weeks cost me something like $1400.
You have no idea how much of this has seeped into the Japanese community. They're pretty much indistinguishable from each other at this point.
What were you even looking for? Theres plenty of non-fighting, non-rhythm games like Gundam Xtreme 2, Starwing Paradox, Fate Grand Order, Kancolle, Luigis Mansion, Mario Kart, House of the Dead, Sangokushi Taisen, and a fuck ton of card games.
No, they're definitely very much still a thing.
Yeah, they're still operating and you can drink in them, but the consoles are just there for decoration. You can't play them.
Yes you can. I was at one just the other night.
Line for mecha games was always incredibly long, and with a pretty high price on top of that I passed up. Looked great but wasn't worth my time when I had otherwise busy evenings. I didn't see a single lightgun game in most arcades, only the largest ones had one or two. I wasn't going to play an arcade version of a console game but I never saw Luigi's Mansion or Mario Kart specifically. And I wasn't going to play a game with a gacha.
The best arcade by far I found across two 2-week trips was a pinball joint.
kek I wish I had an actual plan my man. I'm just hoping I don't puss out and make up some random reason not to go at the last second
Thoughts on the Fox Village?
No you weren't you piece of shit. Stop lying.
Once you buy your ticket you are pretty much locked in, that's what pushed me over the edge
>s-stop lying!
lol ok retard
UFO catchers are my bane. I have dropped around 5000 yen trying to get the fucking koi king. Other than that, I hate the city and vastly prefer the mountains. City is full of otaku fags.
Very smelly. Cute but it will leave you itchy afterwards.
Patently false.
Japanese people are nothing more than cunts who will literally won't even give you the time of day unless you can carry their babies in your belly or unload your wallet.
Again false. Maybe learn Japanese and get out of this Tokyo you fucking neck beard.
Tell me some instances and where they were that you got this impression. Routinely.
> ask clerk in store if shop carries X merchandise
> frantically waves her hands in front of her and dismisses me
> ask guy in train who was doing literally nothing except staring out the window if this train is Y
> waves his hand in front of his face dismissively
> go to shop and wave cash
The Japanese in general became cockroaches when they got infected with chinks and the West in general.
>bother random people in poor Japanese and yell racist when they cannot understand me and tell them to leave me alone.
>purchase goods at the shop and get good service
You are a fucking nigger aren't you?
And you've never been to Japan, haven't you? I used to be a Japanophile until I spent over a year here and now I fucking hate this place. What a gigantic mistake. Don't even bother if you aren't either rich, a Chad or both.
lived here 10 years you weeb faggot.
goin to tokyo in july
what should i visit while im there, other than arcades obvs
It's pretty clear you've never been to dotonburi based on that rhetoric, do you even speak nihongo?
I live in here and only speak Japanese
Super cool story, onii-chan.
Don't fucking bother. This place is a shithole just like every other Western clusterfuck on Earth.
Anyone ever been to TGS? I've always wanted to go to E3 at least once in my life, but TGS would probably appeal to me more and I've always wanted to go to Japan.
spend time outside of Tokyo. Nihonbashi and Ginza have a ton of 'satellite stores' for each prefecture where you can buy their goods.
go back to your faggots and muslims you cuck.
>there are literally no Nips in dotonburi
>what do you mean? I live here
>spend time outside of Tokyo
kek, enjoy all those dead sub ~1,000 towns because people simply refuse to fuck due to their shitty economy
Comiket scandal.
Basically, some Comiket artists discovered people were paying in Chinese or Korean currency, ripping the artist off of the actual doujin cost.
Most Comiket artists are not looking for profit on Comiket, just enough money to break even on printing costs.
I will. Thanks.
>cheap property
>beautiful views
>more resources for schools subsidized by tokyo
>onsen everywhere
>no traffic
absolute state of city cucks. Might throw some meat on the grill or go for a dip in the river.
>any of those things
>for visiting japan
Extremely big yikes. Enjoy dying in your apartment alone until the government demolishes your abandoned building because of dead old people you loner faggot.
>guy asking about visiting japan
>dying in his apartment
>he doesnt go to hot springs and sake factories around japan
>he doesnt spend time visiting rural shrines, mountains, and castles
>he doesnt know what its like to stay in a traditional ryokan
>not living in a lakeside house with fuji views and and onsen piped in
not living at all.
link to pixv?
tons of cool festivals and fireworks going on the countryside
highlights for tourists
>winter fire festival in nozawa
>summer gujo all night bon dance festival
>suwa fireworks
>fireworks all over fuji lakes.
>he doesnt go to hot springs and sake factories around japan
>>he doesnt spend time visiting rural shrines, mountains, and castles
>>he doesnt know what its like to stay in a traditional ryokan
Only thing there mentioned in the post were onsens.
The post was about good schools and cheap property. Are you retarded?
enjoy getting a random heart attack and having no one nearby to help you, god damn retard
oh, and neputa festival in aomori is dope.
I was responding to the person saying there was no benefit to sub 1000 people town
>tfw lived there for a short time, GF got a job and is leaving soon
I know the language to an intermediate degree but I have no idea what I could even do to find stable work out there.
On topic though, Japan is just great for games in general. I lived in a nowhere town in northern Kyoto and our Book-Off just had a fuckton of old games, often with the box, for dirt prices. I'm talking all Final Fantasies, Chrono Trigger, Donkey Kong Countries and the like for maybe $10-15
>nearest hospital is 15 minutes away down the valley
>my wife can drive me
lol the state of you
>was so worried on my first trip
>stayed a week in tokyo and a week in the country
>people were incredibly welcomeing, asking if i needed help when i was looking confused at train schedule (happened twice)
>people constantly (lying) telling me my japanese is good and trying to tell me what they liked about america and me barely being able to understand
>ask shop clerks for things
>they frantically search for things and apologise when they can't be found, asking me if they can find something else for me, generally tripping over themselves to return my keys when i leave them behind
are you sure you went to japan?
are you white?
do you bathe?
did you try to speak japanese?
people wave their hands in front of their face to say sorry, or excuse me
probably trying to tell you that they can't understand you
the japanese arent perfect but you're just stupid
>I was responding to the person saying there was no benefit to sub 1000 people town
The post responding to how visiting sub 1000 towns was a waste of time talks about schools and cheap property like a retard.
Then when I called him a retard suddenly you reply to me with a completely different list as if I was visiting Japan. Are you retarded?
> random bumfuck hospital
> oh sorry lol since this is a rural shithole there's nothing we can do here so we're gonna have to transfer you to tokyo
> die while waiting for said transfer
lol ruries
eat every type of japanese food you can, go to ask many publics baths as you can
food and bathing are what japan does better than anywhere on earth. don't buy any dumb anime shit until your last day
kemuri haku
naw just feeding the troll. I answered both points of contention. Enjoy your pathetic life you neckbeard faggot.
>thinking healthcare is like america
>asking if i needed help when i was looking confused at train schedule
They just wanted to rip you off, it's a common tourist scam.
> people constantly telling me my japanese is good
Yeah, it's called being condescending. Apparently the Japs are masters at it.
> and apologise when they can't be found
They didn't even try and just wanted to get rid of your dumb gaijin ass as fast as possible so the store doesn't look bad.
How do people like you not pick up these subtleties? I'm sorry you're mentally challenged.
When I was in Akiba last year, there was this random old guy in front of a retro (presumably) game store playing Street Fighter 2 on a SNES. I picked up the 2nd controller, interrupted his playthrough, beat him, then left. I tried to shake his hand but his eyes were glued to the screen.
> thinking Japan's healthcare is any different from the rest of the world
Pathological delusion. Seek professional help (that is, if you can find it in your rural shithole).
>comfy thread ruined by some west cuck white nu-male faggot
>I answered both points of contention.
Yeah to me. Not the person actually asking about it or the person contending it. You're a huge retard.
What do you Anons living in Japan do for work? I'm too stupid for STEM jobs and feel like I have to give up on living there.
> just want to play and nostalgia over some SF2 on my single hour off my deadly overtime lifestyle
> some gaijin cunt comes up, ruins my playthrough and then tries to shake my hand
Yeah, I would have punched you in the face, too.
i just went to japan and one of the best experiences i had was going to a retro arcade and playing ninja turtles arcade for like 30 minutes with a random japanese guy
>They just wanted to rip you off, it's a common tourist scam.
by helping me? the lady confirmed i was on the right train, then got off at the next stop
>Yeah, it's called being condescending. Apparently the Japs are masters at it.
its called an icebreaker, incel. people don't want to be awkward, so they try to start conversation
>They didn't even try and just wanted to get rid of your dumb gaijin ass as fast as possible so the store doesn't look bad.
showing me to the dressing room, asking me if the clothes fit, going and finding other nearby sizes for me to try is trying to get rid of me?
>How do people like you not pick up these subtleties? I'm sorry you're mentally challenged.
you seem unhappy
>What do you Anons living in Japan do for work?
Without a degree certified IN JAPAN, all there is for you is convenience store clerk, restaurant staff, janitor or moving boxes. Good luck getting a work visa for any of the above, though.
>break a leg and have medical insurance
ouch hospital time
pay 2,000 USD
pay 200 USD
yeah same
Average cost of a MRI in Japan is $82.
Japan has the cheapest MRI costs in the world due to the abundance of MRI machines compared to America so there's less of a waiting list for MRI use, meaning patients can get MRIs done faster and MRI results much more sooner.
if you get a 4 year degree, you can teach english
it's not for everyone but some people really enjoy it
There are American companies like Costco in Japan.
For a short while, Costco America allowed weebs to transfer to Costco Japan.
>meaning patients can get MRIs done faster and MRI results much more sooner.
That's not really true. Japan's hospitals are very inefficient, not relating to the insurance system, but other crap like they aren't open on weekends or similar shit. I've had surgery in Japan and the surgeons only work on weekdays. Same with MRI techs, weekdays only normal 8-5 hours and off on holidays.
Same with their banks too. Fucking banks always damn closed.
> comparing anything to America's retarded healthcare system, of all things
Just because Japan's isn't literally dogshit like American's it doesn't mean it's good.
>introducing myself
>they ask if i like games
>try to think of japanese games
>head tilts
>they like fortnite and minecraft
Stop hanging out with children.
The main problem with MRIs in the US are state governments actively limiting how many may exist in the first place. Any clinic wishing to purchase an MRI is by default prevented from doing so, in direct service to established providers. By preventing growth in supply and competition the hospitals are free to charge out the ass.
>I know a lot of white people here including myself with Japanese girlfriends, but it isn't really any harder or easier to get a Japanese girl if you're white in my opinion.
It’s been rather easy for me.
>You'll find as many people turned off by foreigners as turned on equally as much from what I've seen.
Ehh, in my experience, the only thing that really puts people off is the language barrier. And I don’t blame them. That said, most girls who wanna sleep with a white guy (and there are plenty) will know enough to get to the bedroom.
>Anyone thinking they're going to visit Japan for 2 weeks and get pussy without paying for it, well go ahead and drop your delusions now especially if you aren't good with the language
I live here now, and my Japanese is poor, bit it’s been fairly easy. Yes the language helps a lot, but even when I was visiting 3 years ago and knew nothing, I still fucked 2 girls in a span of 10 days, and had 2 more lined up that I simply didn’t have time to meet up with.
An example:
>Dr. Singh would like to purchase a fixed MRI scanner to keep costs low, but he cannot because North Carolina prohibits doctors from offering new services or buying new equipment without first obtaining a government permit called a “certificate of need” (CON).
>Unfortunately, Dr. Singh cannot even start the costly and cumbersome permit process because a board dominated by regulators and industry insiders has determined his community is not in need of any additional MRI scanners. And even if the board did find a “need” for a new scanner—which it has not—that doesn’t guarantee Dr. Singh could eventually purchase one. The law allows other providers, like the hospital down the street from Forsyth, to fight him at every step of the way. When all is said and done, obtaining a permit for an MRI scanner can cost upwards of $400,000.
>suck at fighting games
>suck at taiko no tatsujin
>gatcha/rhythm/mahjong/idol games are incomprehensible
>the closest battle gear 4 cab is an hour away by car
guess i'll just stay home.....
wow really makes you think
fucking jews
I have a bachelor's just not in anything useful. Is it generally better to set something up beforehand though or just show up at kaiwa sessions in Japan. I've seen people find success both ways
>I still fucked 2 girls in a span of 10 days, and had 2 more lined up that I simply didn’t have time to meet up with.
>He's an English teacher.
>He has no skills, no future, no Japanese friends.
>He is browsing Yea Forums Saturday afternoon
I work with elementary school kids, and it’s just as much of a mixed bag as anywhere in the world. There’s a good chunk of girls in 6th grade with crazy pretty faces, the kind that you just know she’s gonna grow up to be really pretty just based on her complexion. Yes, there are uggo and plain kids, but I can guarantee you that it’s not all just make up or surgery when they get to HS+. Natural beauty is a thing.
>just show up at kaiwa sessions in Japan
While that sounds autistically hilarious to watch they have websites to apply through.
I lived there for the better of a year. When's to Joypolis, which had zome neat arcade games not in the West. My friend and I played some lightgun game and we got killed by some sandnigger boss that knifed us to death. I went to Super Potato and got a Japanese Saturn with some games. Super Potato is basically heaven. You can find just about anything there. Super famicom games, PC engine, Saturn, you name it.
Also some Japanese guy kicked my shit in at Street Fighter 4
the degree doesn't matter, its just to show that you have higher education. low-skilled workers cannot get instructor visas
i signed with a company, but i'm sure either way is fine. good luck!
Enjoy the shittiest weather possible, bro.
>he's a europoor
It's 4AM cuck
You got two of those right. I'll head out for dinner and then back home to continue shitposting on here because I simply can't seem to connect with the Japanese. I don't know what it is about me, but as soon as they see or smell me in their vicinity they actively avoid me like an unwashed rat... I just wanna go home. This trip was a mistake but I'm here for another 4 months so...
Stop child abuse, you stupid Canadian English teacher
>i don't like myself!
>maybe other people will like me!
>maybe people in japan will like me!
Eikaiwa's don't use instructor visas. It's some specialist in humanities and culture exchange visa thing. Instructor visa are for ALTs that want to work at a public school.
maybe it's because you're sperging out in public and thinking too hard
Only reason I’m on Yea Forums tonight is cause I’m broke as fuck till the 31st, and I’m working on some commission work for extra cash.
You can bet your britches that once this is all out of the way and I have money, I’m heading down to Tokyo and hooking up with Japanese thots.
Surely it can't be worse than June when it's humid as hell and raining pretty much every day.
I graduated medschool in my third world shithole but have no intention of working as a doctor here. Can I present my diploma and just get a clerk job at 7-eleven or something?
ALT is humanities too. And yes, you need a Uni degree.
t. ALT
yeah, there's def some real lookers at my JHS. i mean, pretty much the same as anywhere else in the world. the difference here is that dressing cute is really popular, dressing sexy isn't.
in america, it's the opposite.
if cute is more your thing, you'll have fun here
lmao, fucking weebs and their obsession over japanese roaches
I am the opposite. Japanese people will talk to me and strike up conversations but it is so banal I can't stand it and end up avoiding them.
I'm not sperging out at all. I'm self-aware, so I usually don't try to do anything stupid or creepy like randomly walking up to people and asking "HEY WANNA BE MY FRIEND", but it seems if you're not rich or ridiculously attractive there's no hope for me even here. That "shared interests" meme is nothing more than that. Just because two people play videogames it doesn't mean they can just become friends. There has to be something else.
Want to talk more about how you did that
Nah they changed the alt side about 3 or 4 years ago. Can't be an alt with humanities need an instructor now. You better check that you are in good visa standing. Hope you aren't an alt with Heart.
>but it is so banal I can't stand it and end up avoiding them.
I'm the person you're responding to. Now that you've mentioned it I think I seem to recall a couple of people talking to me at one point, but the conversation always went with the usual "interview questions" and then radio silence. I hate how quickly people realize how much of a fucking deadbeat I am and just don't want anything to do with me.
sounds like you're jealous
Mmm, yeah. I agree. Cute is a good way to describe it.
My exact same experience. I have people stop me all the time. I feel bad though, cause my Japanese is really poor, and then they apologize profusely for bothering me. I feel like it’s something in my subcoms, I’m naturally introverted, so I’m guessing my body language is miscommunicating a lot. It’s stuff like that that motivates me to better learn the language.
Looks like the seething tranny is here. Reminder that this is what the retard looks like. Feel free to remind him that shitting on Asian girls won’t get anyone to accept him.
>live in japan
>play games on my pc/consoles at home, shot post on Yea Forums
>never go to gamecenters
I'm not going all the way to some gamecenter to drop 100-300 yen per play on anime rhythm games or fighting games that I could just buy or pirate.
interesting. i think it depends on what kind of work you are doing then. I'm an alt at a JHS and ES and i have an instructor visa.
i'm no expert but i dont think japan wants foreigners scooping up low-skill jobs.
i'm sure japanese people might have interesting things to say, but my japanese sucks so i can't ever get much further than weather/where im from/how long ive lived here etc
were you good at making friends in america? outgoing? charming?
>download tinder/go to foreigner-centric bar
>fuck weird race-mixing japanese women
it's your life user
i think a lot of people overlook a lot of the big cultural stuff when they visit
in cities, nobody talks to eachother because they don't know eachother. tokyo is swarming with tourists (most of them just looking to buy anime shit or get laid) so it just doesn't pay to talk to people you don't know.
foreigners seem to just fuck up the most basic concept of monkey see monkey do, and act like everyone hates them
notice how noone is talking on the train? stop talking on the fucking train.
I used Japan Cupid before arriving, and I went to Hub in Shibuya on a Saturday. Fucked one of the JC girls that I’d been texting for like a month at a Karaoke in Shinjuku, and I fucked the Hub girl at her home in Yokohama.
The other girl was another JC girl I never got a chance to meet due to scheduling. And the last was this girl I chatted up at the Starbucks in Shibuya. Asked her to take a picture with me, talked to her, got her number, never bothered to follow up in text as it was my last day.
I had girls staring at me and waving at me everwhere I went too. I went to a festival in Yokohama, and a couple meetup groups. Japanese girls are very approachable, cause they’ll always give you a clear signal they wanna talk to you.
Now that I live here, it’s pretty much the same 24/7.
Hmm, honestly I don’t know what my Visa is, but now that you mention it, it might be instructor. Lemme check....
Oh shit, it is Instructor. You’re right.
> be a chad
> smooth-sail through life
Must be nice to have been born with winning lottery genes. My English classmate buddy is more attractive than me, has insane conversation, always approaches people and people like him for some reason yet he hasn't been able to bag a Japanese girl. I think it's mainly because he's hanging out with me. I almost feel bad for ruining his chances.
>the reason i'm not happy is because of random chance
ok user
Going to Japan in two weeks, where can I find a qt japanese trap gf?
What alternatives are there to the overpriced Super Potato besides Book-Off?
Why is getting tickets to the Ghibli museum so fucking hard?
Which theme cafes are worth it? The FFXIV and Evangelion cafes look nice, but I don't know it it's worth it
dude you are actually a retard get a fucking grip on reality
>Which theme cafes are worth it?
The Capcom Cafe! It rocks!
>notice how noone is talking on the train? stop talking on the fucking train.
Oh man, Americans would try this in Madrid, it was super cringe!!
Yeah, I don't know why he keeps hanging out with me either. I think he just feels sorry for me. Should I feel bad for ruining his game if he's the one who keeps asking me to hang out? I have no idea why he keeps doing it, too. He's made it quite clear that he's not homosexual and even if he were I'm not his type.
>theme cafes
they're all a rip off user, they all serve the same overpriced stuff with a dumb plastic toy for tourists
go get some real food
Why wouldn’t you go to an arcade to play fightan against japs and make friends?
>i dont think japan wants foreigners scooping up low-skill jobs
Aren't they in a population crisis right now? Like, they literally don't have enough people to fill out even their low skill jobs.
> were you good at making friends in america? outgoing? charming?
I have no idea why you keep assuming I'm American.
Does anyone else felt underwhelming about Akihabara?
i had way more luck meeting people playing racing games, since the cabs are side by side
however, i also suck shit at fighting games, so im sure you can make pals if you're actually worth playing against
>go to akihabara
>remember I don't like shopping
>leave akihabara
>tfw friend is a poorfag so gotta way for him to get his money up before going
I have lived in Japan for 9 years. Ask me anything.
Idk about Akiba, I thought it was cool.
Deal is Japan feels less exotic once you live here. Like a lot less. Now that I’m here it’s China that really draws my attention and feels like a super exotic culture all of the sudden. Japan is honestly very normal all things considered. Dunno how to explain it.
Went with a school group funded by the Japanese government and stayed first class in Okinawa for a week, AMA.
You could say that about pretty much everywhere in Japan.
> Shinjuku
> no random yakuza picking fights with you on the street
> Shibuya
> underage schoolgirls aren't immediately jumping on your dick because you're a white foreigner
great place to play some of the older and rarer arcade games but if you don't like shopping there's not a whole lot of reasons to go
also, it's hard to go anywhere without having having to listen to foreigners scream at each other and get in the way
name stuff you hate about japan
how are those weird food vending machines
what do you do for a living
what kind of housing
tell me about how you first got started over there
How do I, an ugly, complete loser with 0 social skills fuck a Japanese girl without paying $284 for it? 29 years old is as high as I'd go.
do you have blonde hair/blue eyes?
Been living up in Northern Japan for a couple months now.
>Store near me has tons of retro games and consoles
>All the games are in practically prestine condition
>Cheap as fuck to the point I'm buying them as room decoration and souvenirs
>Only arcade I can find really close to me is in a mall
>Write if off for a while cause "mall arcade" sounds like it'll be watered down
>Finally check it out when going to see a movie
>Actually fucking huge with a wide variety of games
>Fate, Gundam, initial d, pokken, tekken, lots of rhythm games, etc.
>Have some experience with Initial D, having played it a lot at Round 1 in the states
>Hop on it and get into a duel with a Jap
>Go to place my hand on the stick shift
>immediately filled with dread
>Quickly discover that "Initial D Zero" actually has 6 individual gears you have to properly use, versus the simple "upshift/downshift" control scheme I had always seen
>Proceed to get my ass fucking creamed and look like a fucking baka gaijin cause I don't know how to drive an actual stick shift
Was fun.
I thought I was underwhelmed because it's considered as the core of the weeb shopping, and the actual place is just.. that. I thought that it has everything but it doesn't. Or maybe it's just me.
The best part of it is buying doujins on the basements.
I don’t hate anything with a passion here. Maybe the cost of everything as compared to what you get.
Food vending machines are rare. They sell food you’d easily find at a convenience store just minutes away.
I work in an office.
Live in an apartment.
Worked as a teacher my first few years.
6'5 muscular black man going in to japan next week, what can I expect?
chinese tourists
tourists in general
english borrow words
one yen coins
stop being a loser with no social skills
how do you expect other people to like you if you dont like yourself
the only good racing game is battle gear btw. i hate this "shift gears" bullshit when there's no clutch. what the fuck is the point?
I have been into Japanese games and anime my entire life and the day I spent in Akihabara was my least favorite part of my two week trip to Japan.
No. But I had long brown curly hair and a rugged beard at the time. I looked like a taller version of Kit Harrington.
I kinda wanna go 2 korea to see if those gooks really have the best internet
How'd you transition out of teacher to office work?
Tinder. Google how do be a decent person in terms of dress and hygiene.
racism, no doubt.
Being anything but asian gives you side glares and whispers behind your back, probably escalates the darker you get.
I went there recently virtually and punched people in the face
Not him, but it’s pretty damn easy to switch careers once you’re fluent in Japanese and have contacts.
Go to bars.
Find the smallest salary man you can find.
Do a cool bad ass yell.
Proceed to dead lift the salaryman yelling ICHI NE ICHI NE
>stop being a loser with no social skills
> just DON'T b urself bro
Already tried this shit. 3 matches in two months and they never replied. I still open the app occasionally just to spam right, but I highly doubt this'll be the way.
Where do you make contacts?
>going on holidays alone
Cringe, I hope nobody actually does this
Just kept searching for work. This job also required decent Japanese skill. Takes luck at the end of the day but don’t settle for shit.
Find Yakuza and fight them shirtless.
I went to japan with a few friends from college. There are a lot of cool gaming stores in akiba if you'll end up there. I got a retro kirby game as a gift for someone. Everything looks cooler in japanese text.
Also try the pocari. It's like gatorade but better.
Also go to the arcade somewhere. That shit is insane. I felt rude, but I just stared in awe at this japanese kid absolutely murdering some rhythm game for a while.
Not sure why Akihabara is so hyped up. It’s literally a few blocks full of smelly HYPER nerds.
Then become my boiwife and we'll travel together.
Fucking same. Standing in front of Jiro's Sushi in Ginza had more emotional impact for me compared than spending time in Akiba.
Figure out how to look presentable. Go to a makeover artist or something.
>i don't like myself but other people should like me
why do you think this
It's a cool looking place, but a bit less cool now that you can buy everything online, plus I live 3 blocks away from a Fry's Electronics.
They think you are slightly better than apes and will make you feel that unlike cucked westerners.
Military user here who was just in Korea for a year, now living in Japan.
Yes. The answer is yes.
Even further helped by the fact that if you're playing on a Korean server, everyone's ping is stupidly low cause SK is a fucking tiny country and it's nothing like two people on opposite ends of the US playing together.
enjoy their hyper SJWs that have literally castrated men
south korea is fucked especially with those porn laws
It was overwhelming at first but then...I got the feeling that "I have not seen EVERYTHING, but I have seen everything"
So you see one porn shop, one hentai shop, one sex shop for the lolz
Then you enter the Yodobashi mall and see more merchandise than you can count
Then you enter Super Potato
And then you play some arcade games on 3 Sega Buildings
And then you start to realize everything else is the same, you start to notice you see the same rewards in UFO Catchers, you see the same merchandise in various stores, you don't care about those porn shops anymore because you had your laugh
And then..then what?
Anywhere, just socialize.
Go to Disneyland or one of their themeparks. They're pretty kick ass.
It's okay. I ended up enjoying the other parts of Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Nara far more than I thought I would.
>And then you start to realize everything else is the same,
This honestly described the feeling I get from Japan in a nutshell. Everything is very samey, everywhere, at least in Kanto.
Everyone trying to avoid you and afraid of you
go to the countryside, it's seriously unlike anything you'd see in america. Maybe if you're from europe it's kind of like that, but for me it was really special.
The porn law is a joke.
It only blocked half the sites when I was there and the other half where easy to get to with a proxy.
Don't know about Koreans, but nips in Tokyo assert that all bicycle theft in the city is the work of chinese gangs who steal their ricketey bicycles and ship them back to china for scrap. This is so they can believe that no japanese would ever steal a bicycle. Especially not when theyre drunk late at night. Its quite endearing really.
japan's countryside is amazing.
onsen, great food, warm smiles, and just a general peace and quiet
love it
Well at least you will feel like at home when you are in Roppongi and Kabukicho
why don't people talk on the train? is madrid full of social autist incels?
Meanwhile a Jap will steal your umbrella without blinking.
Historic landmarks like old castles and shit are amazingly intact since any place like that in america would be wrecked by dumbass vandal kids
I spent a year living in Kanazawa and I have to agree that it's the comfiest shit out there. You get grannies smiling to greet you and seeing ricefields everywhere.
This. LMAO
Japanese don't like their own shit. Girls like nintendo but thats it.
I’m from Europe yeah. A single European country is incredibly rich and diverse in its architecture. Like the north of Spain, is nothing like the south, which is nothing like the Capital, which is nothing like Toledo, Segovia, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Burgos... etc... and that’s just one country.
I guess it’s not fair cause I’m comparing a tiny Island to a whole continent. And I’ve only been around Kanto thus far. But Kawagoe, Saitama, Yokohama, and Tokyo have very little setting them apart fro each other. Like, they’re literally indistinguishable. Then you look at the Madrid region of Spain, and Toledo, Segovia, Aranjuez and Madrid are all very different. It was a bit disappointing when it started to sink in.
>Talking with Americans
>"wtf why did you compare it to America when I made no distinction not to"
I was! went to DisneySea two weeks ago (when the Golden Week ended) it was nice
Was on a rainy day so not many people
Wanted to go to Disneyland the day after but I got a little dizzy from DisneySea so at the end I didn't
That's good then, DisneySea is unironically the best theme park in the world.
Madrilians don’t. They don’t really talk to strangers, especially on the train. People are going to work, not to socialize with some rando. I get why Japan is also the same. But when my American friends to visit, they tried hitting on Madrid girls in the train, needless to say, it didn’t work out for them, and became incredibly awkward when they were stuck next to each other she’d given the polite “no thank you” look.
I'm lowkey tempted to take up one of those offers their small dying towns have that are asking for foreigners that speak English and Japanese to live in their village and work as an English teacher. I feel like living in the country, miles away from everything would be hard but at the same time it's so comfy.
Had two days in Hakone during my trip...sadly, they fell on the worst weather possible. Fog/mist everywhere, the rain didn't stop. So those two days were wasted
I wanted to visit Lake Ashi. I wanted to see Mt Fuji from the Hakone Ropeway. That sucked
Everyone here likes Smash Bros.
But you’re right in that they seem to prefer western stuff like Marvel or Disney for some reason. They always seem so surprised like “wow, you know so much about Japanese things” when I bring up DQ, or Dark Souls, and none of my friends here have played Bloodborne, or Guilty Gear, or hell, even DBFZ.
I live in Hawaii and this looks exactly like the town I live in. (Same gloomy ass weather too)
Better than World? I find that hard to believe.
normies transcend borders or race.
Tokyo Disney doesn't hold a candle to World bro. Come on now. It's great but let's not go overboard.
I don't have much of a sample size, I only talk sporadically with one of my teachers and a guy I work with. The dude knows a bit of gundam but most of it was from his childhood. But man girls I talked to that "like" videogames only ever played/playing nintendo games. I don't even think the Japanese know what games are on the PS4 aside from western made shit. Its kinda weird. But I guess thats always the case, in my home country nobody liked what we made but foreigners loved all of our shit.
every time you talk about japan instantly people talk about sex
just shut the fuck up you degenerate losers
literally dogs but with hands
I fucking miss Japan m80s.
Don't really have some good gaming stories tho, just did the usual things like arcades and visit Akihabara and stuff. Did buy a Japanese copy of Taiko for the Switch tho, but it works terribly without a drum set.
Here's a pic of me trying to catch some Pokémon plushies but I swear all the crane games are rigged af in Japan.
Way better, rides are all super advanced compared to world, not a ton of shit branded by Disney characters, the park is massive, the detail on the park is incredible, and since it's in Japan you don't have to deal with rude tourists and lines go along way faster. The only downside would be the fact the weather can go from sunny to shitty in a few minutes, but on the other hand that happens in Florida too.
It sucks, cause I absolutely DETEST western games like Spider-Man PS4, and most of the MCU barring a couple films, and loathe what GoT has become, and new Star Wars, and new Disney. But I have to hide my hipster power level and pretend I like it too, just so I don’t come across as a jackass.
Shit up retard.
First Class
i would if i could
But if you want to ride to center of earth, you must wait 3 hours.
>the park is massive
Maybe if you combine Sea and Land together. They are pretty small dude. Like even Six Flags is bigger than either of them.
ACKHTUALLY you have to eat all the eggs
Chinese tourists are the fucking worst.
If you plan on climbing Mt. Fuji like I did, GO AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. Once we got back down to base camp after the climb, so many damn chinese that had no respect for the other person.
typically goes like this
>mom and dad fuck off to take photos and stupid shit
>grandparent is saddled with watching the kids
>kids have no empathy for shit and will literally do fuck all they want, since their grandparents can't stop them and their parents are dumb as a rock
I do recommend Mt. Fuji, it's real boring and kinda hard if you don't climb/aren't decently in shape before the second outpost/checkpoint, but past there it's super fucking fun.
Chinese kids and their dumb families won't mess with you if you tower over them and have someone with you who looks like a giant arab who could snap you in half (thanks dad)
Ps4 spiderman is one of the best wester games you cretin
What mcu films did you like
>Oh and if you're a smoker you're pretty much fucked and hated by everyone.
Which is how it always should be. Smokers deserve to get punched in the face.
mt. fungus is better
I guess it feels bigger than it is, and there's a lot to do in a day that it never really feels that small.
how are the massage places or whatever they are
do you have to speak some japanese to get in?
Spain is shit tier Europe and people look like arabs, probably half actually are
>west cuck bamham clone shit
yeah ok nu-male
how many freedom bucks should I bring if I plan on staying in japan for 2 weeks. not tokyo
GotG1, Infinity War, Thor 3, Avengers 1, Iron Man 1...
GotG 2, and Homecoming were ok. Same for Doctor Strange and Civil War.
The rest were either shit or haven’t seen. Captain Marvel and Nigga Panther I haven’t seen and don’t plan on ever watching. Heard good things about Winter Soldier though.
As for PS4 SM... eh, it was ok, overrated as fuck, just like BotW. Not a bad game, but it’s hard for me to ignore the subtle SJW propaganda. Also, the MJ missions were dumb as fuck. And I hated Peter being such a bitch in it. And this is coming from someone that LIKED Toby McGuire.
World was good until they started raping it with Marvel and nu Disney shit
I live In Japan. Leaving in October as that will conclude the year I planned on staying here.
It is great
You will see a lot of bullshit about Japan perpetuated on this board but I have never met a person in real life who had any opinions nearly as caustic. Most people like it, me included.
Yea Forums told me living here would crush my weeb fantasies but it is far from the case. I am a bigger weeb now.
I live in a boring city and commute into the countryside (literally picture perfect countryside like from Non Non Biyori) and I spend the weekend in Tokyo.
Akihabara is great, people get mad about the tourists but it really is the defacto center for anime manga and games - yes there are tourists but all of the most legitimate otaku and fans are there too. There is great merch to be found and some great arcades and food too.
If any anons are going to Akiba, here is what you do.
Best thing to do in Akiba - walk and shop around the strip, start drinking, get some good food (there are some good ramen shops), then hit up some arcades. Taito Hey! Arcade is the best it is a MASSIVE selection of shmups and there is a melonbooks in the basement so you can buy some porn after you finsih at the arcade. Then, when it hits night time head to Mogra (the only club in AKiba) for intense remixed anime music and stay up all night.
Only word I had to use was "Sumimasen" and thats was like 3 times.
The people are really nice in some of the more chill towns. I was getting ready to leave and I was sitting at this market we walked through each morning and was waiting on my dad to grab his phone that he forgot. Was just waiting there and an old lady saw me, went to a small shop nearby, and got me some katsu. She seemed really happy too.
Also when I was going through hell on the first part of Mt. Fuji and was visibly strained, some college guys came over and cheered me on to keep going.
Very lovely people and one the reasons I wanna go back.
Oh, I went many times as a teen like before 2010, so I can’t imagine what they’ve done...
I thought the Marvel shit was just the California site. Or is that one World? I always get the Florida and California one mixed up. Florida one is better than the California one either way.
How nice, polite, and friendly Japanese people are is something I’ll never get over. Absolutely wonderful people.
I really gotta save up some money for a good vacation one of these days. Losing myself to the crowd and music at Mogra sounds like a fucking dream.
I don't believe you.
>And then..then what?
Then you visit other places/go home since that's pretty much a week spent at Akiba already. It's a glorified shopping street, but if you've got even a passing interest in anime/video games, it's going to be everything you've asked for.
If you don't, then why the fuck did you even go to Akiba in the first place, you dumb ass normalfag?
>join local volleyball club
>i'm ino
>ah, ino-san- giruti gearu? ino? *guitar pantomiming*
>head tilt
back in 2015 after graduated from university I went to Japan for studying Japanese and stayed there one year. Have otaku friends that went to same school is pretty great. We had to work part-time since the living fee is high and most of us are from third world country, but we still manager to travel to famous places. Bookoff are god sent since you can get 2nd games with unbelieave cheap price. One guy saving his money enough to buy a ps4 just in time for the persona 5 released. Truly a golden time of my life.
Knowing you have exactly one year to live the student life in Japan, I treated it as I am playing a persona real life version.
Wait what?
>*guitar pantomiming*
Bless your soul.
A BUNCH of people told me living in japan is cheap, are they retarded or what? Not counting my rent which is 300 bucks a month, I have 200 dollars a week budgeted out a week and that is barely enough, and I live here so im not a tourist blowing shit on maid cafes either and I don't travel on public transport much
They've turned that one ride with the trolls in it into Frozen, Test Track is now Tron themed, they've shut down half of Tommorowland for a new Tron ride that'll stand over Space Mountain, they're opening a Guardians of the Galaxy roller coaster that'll turn Futureworld of Epcot into a Marvel themed area, they closed the movie ride in MGM studios for a mickey mouse ride, the Muppets 3D movie is set to close soon for Star Wars land, and they closed the old snow white dark ride for a roller coaster that lasts 15 seconds.
The California changes are arguably even worse (got rid of Twilight Zone themeing on Tower of Terror for Guardians of the Galaxy), but it's starting to affect world too.
ino from guilty gear. the guitar witch.
the guy i met was named ino. for some reason i assumed he might know that he shared names with an incredibly obscure character from a super niche fighting game
it was embarrassing but i think he just thought i was talking about guitars or something
"week spent"
Uh no, that was 6 hours
you are a fucking disgrace
I stayed in Kinugasa and the people were so full of life there. I was in awe how polite and nice people were, and quite a few of them had decent english to hold a convo with and it was great seeing their reaction when I said I was from Alaska.
I can't help but feel happy when I think of my trip there.
you think that's bad, you should have seen my try to play volleyball
forgot to mention Space Mountain became Star Wars themed too, supposedly it's temporary but idk when it changed back
Holy fuck what were you thinking?
woops, I mean Yokosuka. Kinugasa was the station i went to.
>giruti gearu?
>*guitar pantomiming*
he was thinking it would be funny to make up cringe stories about japan and posting them on Yea Forums
South East Asian chink here, them Japs treat me nicely though, although maybe they where shit talking behind my back IDK.
The only nip(?) that treat me badly is some cunt in Bape Shibuya, but I think that's just how cuntish those streetwear hipster are. Fuck them though.
God I wish i could do this but I fell for the marriage meme
Went to Akiba like 10 years ago. Played some Tetris at Super Potato for pretty cheap to get out of the heat. It was alright.
Just pull a projared bro
the Japs never bring shit up to in your face
Most of the time you won't realize they hate you desu
This is good stuff, thank you
>get a group of JHS smartasses
>"Herro! I am (name of japanese character in textbook)"
>"Herro! I am (name of japanese character in textbook)"
>"Herro! I am (name of japanese character in textbook)"
>play along
>"You are sexy American! Very Sexy. I rove you!"
>laugh and casually explain "sexy" is for women
>*pointing at young teacher* "Sexy?"
>manage an "OK" hand gesture
>"You are very sexy! Sexy man. Macho!"
>explain that saying men are sexy is "homo"
>their eyes light up
>"YES YES! WE ARE B.L.! WE ARE HOMO!" they begin slapping eachothers backsides
I want to go home.
>300 on rent is a lot
wewww I live on the east coast of burgerland and that is cheap
The only thing you should worry about regarding the flight is your ears getting fucked
Flying is super safe
Been there three times, twice alone. Going there alone is not as fun as going with a buddy.
fake ass dotonbori fuck is this
why didnt you just call them fags and walk away
>they begin slapping eachothers backsides
I'm cracking up.
3 hours later, but my buds and I just booked our trip in october. Pretty fucking cheap too. sub 1200 bucks for flight and 13 nights at a decent hotel. Dunno if you're still here my guy, but don't bitch out. It's super fun, super chill.
As long as you can get to Haneda Airport at a decent price, and get a hotel/hostel at a decent price for X nights, the plan is set.
i know it sounds like an embarassing story but the trick to dealing with awkward japanese adults who have trouble talking to eachother is to sometimes just make a fool of yourself because it's funny
this particular case just ended up with him being confused but since my japanese sucks i do a lot of pantomiming to tell stories.
Essentially if you can be Mario in Super Mario RPG, you'll do well in Japan. Everyone eats that shit up.
god I fucking hate kids
>be me in homestay for school trip in Japan
>my partner is poor so family lives in one room for the most part
>they let me have the only bedroom in the house to myself since they wanted to give my privacy
>one day get back late
>mom is already asleep
>legs spread, blanket off, panties completely showing
>don't want to point it out because I don't want to sound like a pervert
>try my hardest not to look at it
>for literally a split second I look while talking to my partner and he looks at what I was looking at
>really embarrassed as he covers her up
>for the rest of the trip he gives me weird looks
>the next night the mom sleeps with pants on
>he doesn't even attempt to keep in contact after the trip is over
Why did it have to turn out this way.
Kiddo, where on Earth have you been living where you think $300/month is expensive? Not even rural parts of America and Canada are that cheap and god help you if you try renting in a big North American city.
he was giving you the ok user
seems kinda irresponsible to allow for homestays when they have 1 bedroom
She was like 60-something, man. I wouldn't have done it if he paid me
I didn't even get the worst of it, another dude had an apartment that didn't give him a separate room to himself so he just kinda slept in the corner away from everyone, and according to him they had a mosquito problem and could barely sleep.
comfy thread
slep time now
Oh, I thought he started doing that. Man, that sounds super cringe, lol. We’ve all been there though user.
>300 bucks a month for rent
That is insanely cheap.
>Haneda Airport
Is this the airport I should be looking into? or was that just a random one?
>Terranigma for 4000 yen
fucking why?
"Moe" is probably a Filipina or Chinese. Sorry. You could use an anime name as well because every oriental makes a western name when they come to west so you can do it too. In Tokyo I shall be known as "Rokurokusai".
That's the international one user
Bought a boxed copy of Rhythm Tengoku for ten bucks which is neat. Other than that I didn't have that much time to geek out and go to arcades and shit cause I was on a vacation with my family.
I did get to play Jubeat and fell in love with it, and subsequently despaired that I can't play that shit anywhere else.
I should start telling people my name is Yamamoto.
>newer art is locked behind some patreon-like shit
oh fuck i forgot about that
If it's late july, it can be fine.
In the first weeks of july it's still time of constant rain and even typhoons.
>In the first weeks of july it's still time of constant rain and even typhoons.
oh fug, that sounds like fun
Playing Wangan Midnight against pros in the arcade was a shit ton of fun.
I'm planning on going to Tokyo in a week, I just bought smt IV apocalypse to get my weeb hype up and play it during the flight. And I'm planning on getting a new book about Japan, not sure what
I play Blazblue, BBCF, to be precise. I'm an okish player (haven't played in a long time), but I enjoyed watching matches of people playing the same character as I do (Hakumen). I went to Tokyo 2 years ago and fucked around in various arcades, soundly getting my ass beat all the time. However, once I managed to play a game with the person I was watching on youtube regularly (Camellia). Of course he kicked my ass. I stood up and checked behind the arcade cabinet to see a bespectacled, ordinary Japanese dude. Was a pretty neat experience. But yeah, these guys are killers, not comparable to western netplay.