Vidya places you want to live in
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Sandover Village from Jak and Daxter
I want to live in the Secret of Mana boxart.
imagine the insects
mosquitoes the size of baseballs
man, the mana games are low-key depressing as fuck
Nourne, Matataki or Queens
>every couple hundred/thousand years yet another incident kills the Goddess / Mana Tree and yet another group of heroes has to fix what's left before someone inevitably sacrifices themself to restore order until that inevitably fails when the cycle repeats
Oh yeah, everything is in the process of dying and happy ending are an illusion, but the boxart is relaxing, I want to breath the air of that forest.
pic related
IIRC the first one ends badly for literally everyone
Wrong version buddy.
Fuck you
Alrest from Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
Think about it. You can summon waifus and battle with them, there’s tons of places to go with all the titans being different, and the world is full of cuties in generals.
IMO Gormott would be my titan to live on. Nice green plains and a village full of catgirls, my kind of paradise...
You are the cancer killing JRPGs.
I’m just saying Alrest is where I’d live because of OP’s topic, chill out.
>thinly veiled comfy thread
based OP
Is that Switch? Looks better than PC version
fully upgraded HQ.
Pretty much fucking anywhere in Baten Kaitos. I have kind of a soft spot for floating islands, fishing villages and jungles and that's pretty much the first three or four places you visit in this game.
Goddamn, the pre-rendered backgrounds were so gorgeous in this game. I wish they'd make another one.
> talking about stuff totally unrelated to the actual quality of gameplay, story, or setting
I'm pretty sure you're more cancer than he was.
Nice waifu reaction pic, cancer.
I want to live in the retired soldier hermit's house on the high cliff in the south of the Rain Realm, with a powered Ornithopter to get around in.
shame they significantly downsized the sealed pyramid from the beta
the Forest Ruins in 1000ad was originally going to be more than just a flat platform with two chests.
Dialogue still exists in the final game about sealed elemental weapons existing there.
Wrong version friend,
How does it have waterfalls and a lake when above the clouds?
nice place you go there
>no radiata
let's fix that
Never noticed the dark undertones in this track, cool
wrong version virgin
Comfiest answer
Don't know. got then in the FF wiki. Should check there.
Daily reminder that the fable series is dead and were never going to get things like pic related again.
Daily reminder that Fable 3 was a good game.
A comfy little apartment on a small island is somehow appealing to me. I'd assume a real version of the island wouldn't be as cramped. Sailing to new islands and fishing sounds relaxing. Except for all the monsters.
Post game ayyoro looks pretty damn comfy
I feel like this is the exact opposite, it's so dreadful to the point that it gave me an existential crisis while playing.
I miss Kemono OC at its peak.
I always wanted to explore 1999ad before Lavos fucked it up
I think you can with hacks.
Yeah but the map it's incomplete
I don't know why I want to live in a depressing, edgy place. Maybe I'm too used to the safety of 1st world nations.
I have a poster of that by my pc
I've always wanted to take a walk through that place. Go sit on the park bench and relax.
I will never forgive KH3 for not having the best wolrd in the series.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is the worst game ever made.
The kingdom of Fantasy life is my pick. While the game is just decent, the world it builds is extremely comfy. There are literally no evil people there and they just want good for one another quirky or not.
I fucking loved that in DDD you got to see more of the town
Majora's Mask had some good places.
How would you guys go about choosing a fictional place to live? For me, Spyro's Artisans homeworld is perfect the perfect home for these reasons:
>Nice weather. Bright and sunny, nice sunsets, beautiful night skies, and the occasional rain as shown in 3.
>Tons of buildings for shelter.
>Good national defense in the form of dragons.
>Current technology and goods as evidenced by the use of televisions, microphones, clothes, hot air balloons, planes, tools, etc. The world is not some primitive shithole.
>Filled with it's own unique art and culture.
>No apocalyptic or cosmic threats. The worst you have to deal with are ragtag groups of magic users with incompetent henchmen.
I don't think the game is that bad, the gameplay is really good. It's just not a good conclusion for a series that left everyone waiting for more than 10 years. The story is full of flaws that they have their roots outside of the game itself. It's not really surprising since square enix is creatively dead.
Unironically wouldn't mind living in most of Xenoblade 2's towns.
Except for Mor Ardain, they have fucking fuel storms, sand storms and awful food.
Anyone find the idea of being transported to any of these vidya worlds absolutely terrifying or is it just me?
a collectathon but still fun. Kind of challenging at first.
Admit it, you just want to go there to fuck the bara dragons.
>Implying Yea Forums isn't a deserted island devoid of life now that /pol/ and /trash/ stole all its resources and commerce
If fictional are okay than I would pick the City of Tears, the atmosphere is great.
What ever happened to this artstyle/direction in Zelda?
>I don't think the game is that bad
I know, I'm just disappointed.
I'm really excited to see midgar again in the remake.
It has to be a place without conflict where I can make a living or feed myself without too much effort and enjoy life. It's why, for me, it's Fortree City. Just living the quiet jungle life with my pet Tropius as company and food source.
Stupid Windwaker and Toon Link came into existence thanks to Aonuma. And once he created his annoying Toon Link? He decided to spam him everywhere effectively replacing the Young Link design you posted and with that Young Link gone so is the art style.
With today's power I'd love to see a Legend of Zelda game starring Young Link with this art style. If not that? Then for the Switch's successor.
Why must Aonuma ruin everything he touches?
you posted it, OP
To be fair Zeal might look very comfortable and perfect, but then you remember there's a kind of cult around the Queen and Lavos, and shitheads like Dalton are in positions of power. Better not make the Queen upset or you're going to make Gigagaia company
I know but let's face the facts. Square enix has lost they touch. they will never do stuff like KH2, Chrono Trigger or pic related eve again. That breaks my heart
while i never wanted to live there, ive always thought about what it would be like to hang out for a while at starshine beach, it was always max comfy for me
He's effectively gone from Legend of Zelda game development. The Toon Link phase is over, but fuck that one is officially the longest phase with the same art style used for the entire Zelda franchise. It unfortunately left it's mark, so now whenever Nintendo needs to advertise colorful or cute stuff they use Toon Link:
Notice how Samus doesn't get bastardized into some cute art style? No such luck with Link because Toon Link factually exists. Oh thank god they used Breath Link in Mario Kart's latest game.
Chrono Cross had some of the best and most beautiful locations.
the underclass are also forced to live in holes on the planet that's frozen because you keep stealing the energy from the sun and the earth to power your flying paradise
Not only that, but if you don't have magical potential? They enslave you and throw you to live down with the other normal humans to face that literal Ice Age. I was disappointed the humans down below forgave the Zeal citizens. Once their precious kingdom fell it would have been nice if they were murdered by the angry commoners.
Aonuma directed Majora's Mask
>but fuck that one is officially the longest phase with the same art style used for the entire Zelda franchise.
Wind Waker was the only game that mattered that used it.
I would love to live in the Secret of Mana world because women walking in pajamas everywhere seems to be the standard and i love that.
Using magic to get drinking water up there would make sense but why are they just letting it fall down again? The waterfalls look clear so it's either free from waste and haven't been used or they're intentionally purifying it before letting it fall down again. If they have the means of purifying it, wouldn't i make more sense to just keep a supply of water up there instead of using magic to get it up and then just letting it fall down again?
it's for aesthetic reasons
the best fishing spot, right next to the cooking vendor
Stardew looks like THAT!?
Wait a minute. If Marle is a decendant of Ayla, and Queen Zeal ruled when there was magic, does that mean that Ayla's decendants lost the leadership to the first fuck that could cast magic? Was the old man in the caves the royal family member? Does Belthasar putting his brain in a Nu conflict with "Life ends and begins with Nu"?
They're literally sucking magic from a parasite to make a city float, I don't think they care much about "why"
They're making the city float to keep themselves away from the frozen wasteland and the snow niggers down below. That's a pretty good "why".
In CT, elements are not merely moved. They are conjured. Like how Frog conjures water, it's pure H2O. Likely not a single mineral in it. If anything, they likely allow the water to flow through the stone, in order to mineralize the water, before catching it near the fall off points.
The planet already started getting colder as soon as Lavos hit the surface in the prehistoric era.
Toon Link looks better than Young Link, though.
I would love to live in Maple island.
Ayla was only the chief of one village.
The Laruba, whose village the Reptites burn down, actually had blue hair like the Enlightened Ones.
And yes, the Earthbound Elder was the Guardian ancestor of that era.
yeah but that was 65 million years before
there were probably thousands of cycles of ice ages between them
Does pure H2O help your body at all?
>YFW they're using FFXV combat for the remake
It seems a bit strange to blame it on Zeal if it's something that's happened thousands of times then.
By my small understanding. Yes. Distilled water will benefit you for a long time, before you eventually reach mineral deficiency.
Humans have lived through ice ages before but if some fucks blocked out the sun we would be pissed at them nonetheless
It's not BAD for you or anything, but not as good, and drinking nothing but it would just quicken the evacuation of minerals from your body.
Good taste. I know that the Jak and Daxter (2 and 3 more precisely) universe is a shitty place to live but it if were cleaned up, it would make a nice home. I've always fantasized about setting up camp in the Mountain Temple at a spot where I can see the entire view of Haven City. It's also too bad that we'll never know what was inside of all of those countless buildings throughout the city.
Terranigma has beautiful maps but way too much shit that can go wrong and stuff that can kill you to make it worth it.
>posted my image
Too bad anything outside towns is literal hell.
>All these babby's wanting to live in "Muh Alrest"
Chad coming through, Frontier Village would be comfy but Nopon are kind of annoying though maybe Colony 9 would be better...? Fallen Arm would be sweet as well I'd at least like to be friends with Shulk and others.
Did not expect to see Alliance Alive here. The hermits hut was nice I remember admiring his life style. rain realm in particular was comfy kind of sad when the rain was cleared up.
this should have been the first post
All the mana cities and places look awesome in a way where you could build a house there, grab a chair and rest till you die, too bad we wont get any good new mana games since everyone that was in the good ones(SD~Legend of mana/Sword of mana) already left.
We're going back to potatos to get my fucking power wrist.
Based, one of my favorite galaxies too. I would also like to travel across space in the starship Mario. It just looks so comfortable.
I wish I went to school at balamb garden, I'd either be dead or a successful mercenary by now
Literally any pre-New Leaf Animal Crossing Village.
>basically get a free house
>debt can be paid off any time you want at no interest whatsoever
>money can be made easily by going out and shaking tress for fruit and furniture
>can do out fishing for even more cash
>even your worst, most dickass neighbors can eventually warm up to you if you try hard enough
Literally maximum idealism. I want it so bad.
>kind of sad when the rain was cleared up
Yeah, I agree. I put it off as long as possible in the story. I try and make myself dream of flying around there, touching down, and looking over the cliff from the house.
Love the game.
How is that different in New Leaf?
cringed hard
I'm pretty sure the only thing different is the "dickass neighbors"
Some people got turned off of NL because the high cost of building PWPs necessitated farming Beetles for money.
You have to be the mayor in NL, on top of lots of other shit.
No you don't.
You can play as a normal villager and only check into the mayor account when you need to build something.
This is Tom Preston levels of autism
have sex
>Saves thumbnails
>Saves furry thumbnails
Bujherba or Balfonheim port from FFXII
no idea what the game is about but this is one cool lookig cover
a comfy harvest moon/rune factory village, easily
some of the small pokemon towns are up there though
>Clean as fuck
>Jobs for everyone
>Bars and entertainment
>Good trading
>Good people
>Healthy community
What's not to love?
Their xenophobia led to their downfall and getting absorbed by NCR.
Fucking love Flanoir.