started this in an old thread that just died but here's a new one
claim your tiles
yellow tiles are already claimed
tiles should be around 246x249
CTR Mosaic
Other urls found in this thread:
here's B4
Don't have time to contribute so I'll just bump. Hope this one turns out good.
here's D5
alright i want d3, now what do i do with it?
have you never been to a mosaic thread
You draw it in the OPs specified dimensions and post it so it can be added to what others have drawn
Taking A3
I'll do A2
oh yeah d3 was claimed too
If that is Michael Douglas then lol.
give B3
not interested but bump
now ANTS I can get into
A2 done
friendly bump
I'll do C3
Claiming A5
I got D1
I wish the subtitle was split up like that.
I would have edit in "Nitro Pilled".
i mean that is possible if the two people working on c2 and c3 work together
mosaics are best when anons work together for things to mesh well
Ill take B1
few tiles still up for grabs
B1 mission accomplished
D1 is ready
Claiming D4
Jesus, that program doesn't have a crop or save feature?
i'll take D2
what a waste
It does,it wasnt working though.Sadly.Anyways theres a boat cause i thougt that was water and not a car
yeah, no offense, but this is shit
A5 is up for grabs again if anyone wants it
It's mine now
there should be a dreamworks antz in there
A5 done, bro
workin on c1
ok which one of you actually claimed A5 beforehand
D2 finished
Ed one is better
I'll do A1
how does this board always manage to fuck up with coordination
Done with c3
A1's done
D4 here, still busy, getting to it.
im claiming C5
b u m p
here's C5
dead mosaic
what gives you that idea exactly
good, it's shit
and I even made a piece
I'm surpassed no one has done c 4 yet, lots of stuff you can tattoo on that arm
just being in the middle night, less traffic, less people working in general. I hope I can see the finished piece in the morning.
D4 again, gotta do stuff for now, will get back to it soon.
D2 was done
>actually accepting that shitposter C5
yeah i forgot to update that
I'll take A4.
I'll take 4C
and then there was one
Crash team racing nitro fueled will be better than team sonic racing because sega and sumo digital neglected my demands to have cream the rabbit and storm the albatross as playable characters. Fuck big the cat and omochao. Coco bandicoot will be my favorite character.
posts you can smell
I dunno why Popeye came to mind but I was just drawing the first thing to pop into my head.
confirmed for A5?
i guess so
anyone already workin on a b5? because I can take it.
sure go ahead
also i just realized i mismarked D3 as complete
Are we doing anything with the SMM2 mosaic, or are we just burying it in shame?
D4's done, was gonna make it a lot more lewd but I had shit to do in the morning, so here it is.
Just judging by the tiles I think this one is going to be legendary. so much actual fucking effort now that the kids are asleep.
Hey bro, hows it lookin so far?
alright so it's been hours with no response from either of the people who claimed D3 and B2
i'm kinda doubting either of them are still here
I've got a few ideas for D3 if you dont mind
have at it
I'll take b2 since he's dead
Ahhhh... Crash Cove... Home...
go for it
hot air skyway here.
But it looks fine.
some of the tiles, especially in the bottom half, don't really mesh together well like a typical mosaic
but it's still fine, after all it could be MUCH worse
I still like the Legend of Spyro one (image not included).
Too lazy to fix the colors
>gave the uncolored tile
>uses the one colored in anyway
Someone post the monster hunter one.
Here's my D3, feel free to contribute stuff to the lower half if you guys want since most of my focus was on the donut
Decided fuck it and updated D4, enjoy my terrible tongues.
oh my sweet jesus
still on b5 its takin a bit
>contribute stuff to the lower half
But why? It's dine as is.
Same to you. You tried too hard, and the result is a fucking mess. Remove tongues.
Since you asked kindly.
you can't be arsed to redo it with the right colors and it's not even that good of an edit anyway
B2 is up for grabs again again
go fuck yourself faggot
we're only waiting on you now
Bump, I wanna see this through
Stop using stale as fuck memes.
how about don't be lazy
you were literally given the correct tile to use and you didn't bother
will there EVER be a mosaic not tainted by cocks
not sure but
deserves to be in there
that's a good question
any day now b5
Can someone take over for that b5 faggot?
>not wanting cocks
what are you, gay ?
can you confirm you're still working on it
this has taken long enough
What if b5 is trolling us and he’s not actually drawing anything
That is almost certainly what's happening
hey guys sorry i'm late
give me a little more time ill rap it up
i wouldnt forgive you if you managed to post that shite before
wrap you illiterate powerhungry fuck
well at least you're putting effort into it
based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled.
OP do the thing
not enough time for a background
had to make it a jpg cause Yea Forums is stingy as fuck
Well OP? Lets see it
lets see if this uploads
fucking cancer
its the same nvm
so are we just gonna put it in now or
are we gonna need to coup d'état this OP like with the mario maker 2 mosaic
alright i suppose we're done then
here's this fucking mess
i like the flesh tire a lot more than i expected
Pretty good in my opinion.
alright you guys want to post your previous favorites til the thread dies
>rape team racism
>CTR rape team racing nitro-fueled & knuckles all-stars racing transformed
>that kotick stretching off the box
The taped on epic games logo is genius
it's beautiful
one of the best mosaics i've seen in a while desu
>We did it reddit! le final memey mossaic is now le meme s.0y memez iz now complete xD xD edit: thx 4 the gold kind stranguh,! 1!xDxD
Fuck off. This kind of thread makes me cringe every time, if this is what you call OC then you can GO C your faggot friends back at plebbshit. Fucking redditors.
glad my bit still works so nicely with the others. Now I can finally sleep.
imagine being truly useless and i mean totally and utterly useless
nobody relying on him
asking for his opinion on anything
no real skills that make him valuable in a work environment
living with his parents and having no say because he brings nothing to the table
being at their mercy at all times
his only daily duty is transforming food to shit
now imagine that once upon a time he created a thread and became someone
someone who chooses the tile that goes in the mosaic
first time in his life tasting some kind of control and power
thats OP
Someone post the dmc5 one
>Playable in 3D and 4D. 4D mode for fags. Call me back.
this one is just art
Takes more effort than the wojacks and frogs that pollute this place
So what kind of OC do you partake in on this board then, user?
Tell us.
>didn't turn the C into a N
What a waste
cortex is fucking begging for a druids edit
>phone editing
Somebody post the Tropickle Cheese.
too bad B3-C4 couldn't have been a team-up, could have made Crash's fists into goatse
looks pretty good
>not ed version
Retarded phonefag