religion bad
Religion bad
Other urls found in this thread:
game good
invisible man in the sky good
Jews good
The message of the game is actually that people failing to communicate with each other causes huge problems
But ok.
Religion actually is bad tho
Prove it.
Imagine paying for this garbage
You do realize that no one ACTUALLY thinks god is just an invisible dude in the sky right?
I'd like to know how a game so full of ridiculous plot devices and conveniences possibly try to convince people of a point, anyways.
Great art, bad story and even worse gameplay.
Looked up the plot synopsis
>Dystopia where have to be government licensed to work
This sounds almost anti-union and anti-government regulation
And that's true.
The bad guys are church commies.
I do
You only need the license to be a mechanic.
Or more specifically, you need the license to handle the game's fictional energy source.
I almost bought this game when I heard it was coming to the switch. glad I didn't
I don't like any of these characters. What an absolutely un-endearing cast. I almost liked the pompous white haired prince guy because of the humor of it. But what was the point of that ending? Why do that to the comedy relief?
Fundamentalist/Extremist Massacres
why are scandinavians such cûcks
Cool, so just accepting arbitrary bullshit put in place to control people for no other reason than the fact that it was put in front of you is totally acceptable. Everything sucks, nothing matters, fuck you.
atheism has killed far more people than any religion
>inb4 i-it wasn't real atheism!!
I said prove it, faggot.
Back when this game came out it got "attention" in Yea Forums?
I know you were just nearly killed and escaped a variety of new evil guys by the skin of your teeth and just met our new culture for about 45 seconds and we represent the only resistance to the baddies, so let's acclimate you to us by having a shouting match with my mom about what an awful smelly daughter I am! That's surely more interesting than everything else that's happened. Glad my drama is the only thing that matters to you considering how many of your townsfolk were murdered 30 minutes ago!
If you believe that, why does not accepting arbitrary bullshit matter?
It might be one of my favorite things a game has ever done. A game has never upset me in such a way. I was fucking pissed because I had actually grown attached to him as he was crawling towards being a better person. He was ultimately the key to your victory, too.
I didn't find it to be that heavy-handed. It felt more like a YA novel or something, a blander "authority bad" message in a contrived dystopia. If you've ever read any of those.
No real oomph, zeal or message behind it, which is why Iconoclasts concentrates on character drama instead, which it is much worse at. I wanted all the characters to fucking die by the end, which thankfully most do. Delete Robin's brother from the game.
>not wanting black to step on your face
How many wars have revolved around atheism?
Are massacres not bad then?
it is though
What the fuck is the suppose to mean?
It got "attention" YEARS before it was released, but that was kind of the problem.
The hype died sometime in the almost decade it took to finish development
Depends on who's getting massacred, mr. Bond.
Noitu Love 2 was/is a Yea Forums cult classic and it's made a few splashes since it was in the wave of "high-budget indies" that included Owlboy and some other shit games.
Iconoclasts escaped relatively unscathed, considering it's an extremely underwhelming game made by someone who ended up hating it.
Because it creates unnecessary barriers between people, and while that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, I would like for myself and those around me to be able to live nice, happy lives.
I might have considered it a good thing too, but it was so blatantly emotional blackmail. Plus it was the antithesis of the main character's shtick of "girl who doesn't give up."
I'm not opposed to an unhappy ending. And I'd give the game full credit if I thought it deserved it. But that just felt cheap, and the ending didn't feel like it benefited from it at all.
decent game. metroidvania aspects are pretty weak, better to just think of it as an action platformer. good bosses good artstyle
What justifies the mudering of the innocent?
You are kidding yourself if you think religion is the only thing that does that. If that didn't create barriers between us, nationality, creed, wealth, etc. would.
Why nobody was going "they are inserting /pol/ on us!" With the lesbians? If that happened today it would be shitposted to death.
>How many wars have revolved around atheism?
see what our slimy friend has done? he's shifted the goalposts from talking about massacres to wars, because it allows him to dismiss the dozens of millions of dead civilians slaughtered by communist regimes throughout the 20th century ("religion is the opium of the people" as marx said)
what a cheeky lad!
So it’s essentially just Brazil?
I agree
I never saw him and he's supposed to be up there so yeah, I think he's some invisible dude in the sky.
Is true you can make the chocolate lesbian help you in the final battle if you choose the correct answers? And if she does, does she has any commentary for the fact that "he" was just a fucking alien spaceship piloted by a birdman?
Selecting any of these things as a singular issue is incredibly limiting to problem solving, of course. But none of those are the current subject. You're definitely not wrong though.
>indie game
>has cute girl
>she's a lesbian
You've probably never seen me, does that make me invisible? An no, he is not supposed to be "up there". What the hell are you talking about? Are you actually this fucking retarded?
Black did nothing wrong
Communists were atheistic.
The game is about the fallout that comes from communication failures.
The dyke pirate and her mom's completely inconsequential story arc is about them not being able to communicate with each other
The fate of the kids in the tower is tied to how they were taught wrong on purpose as a joke and it was never communicated to them how their world really was
The shit with Chrome escalated to the point that it did because Chrome had an incomplete understanding of his world (because no one told him) but was really really convinced that he had the whole picture
And the deal with Royal was that he was never told by the people in the know the truth about the cosmic space worm. So in his ignorance he tries to beseech it, and gets killed for his efforts.
The entire game is about the consequences of withholding information.
seriously? Glad I didn't pay for this shit then
But MC is not lesbian, in fact, she ends up alone and curling in her bed with a "don't fucking speak to me, I just killed "god" and he was just a fucking bird".
>only cool thing about the game is the upgrade system
>only interesting thing about upgrade system is walking faster to the credits
>shit story
>game is a bad take on metroidvania
>mediocre ost
>final boss is random space bird mechanic that just pilots a giant worm around, i guess
how long did the dev spend on this? feels like the only thing worth effort was the pixel art style.
I don't think she has any real commentary on it but she'll help you with the right answers assuming you got her to max friendship.
I fucked it up on my first playthrough because there's a point in her town where you have to run after her IMMEDIATELY or you won't be able to max her friendship.
>You've probably never seen me, does that make me invisible? An no, he is not supposed to be "up there". What the hell are you talking about? Are you actually this fucking retarded?
No, it's the religious people that are retarded because they're the ones that believe this.
Was talking about brown pirate girl.
>Samba and Mina are incredibly close, and seem to have romantic feelings for one another
>traditional religion bad
>secular religion good
The artsyle and the sprites clashed with each other.
>religion is fundamentally bad because of the actions of some people
Holy shit straight from r/atheism, it's time for you to go back fedoralord
I know, I am just fucking with you.
I am sure NOBODY knew that the space worm was just a space ship landing for gas.
>this is what reddit actually believes
Pretty sure they're sisters, user.
I actually really liked the story.
Gameplay does have its problems. I had a lot of fun with the demo like eight years ago but I feel like the systems didn't come together so well in the end. Losing your equipped skills because you got hit sucks.
You fucking moron. No actually thinks he's just "invisible" and no thinks he actually lives in the sky. Just because you saw heaven portrayed as clouds in some dumb cartoon it doesn't mean people actually believe it.
Yes, and?
OK, well at least you've singled out the point. But I don't feel like it melded those themes well enough into a complete story. When you stand at a distance it sounds like a decent concept, or maybe a good art school project. But I'm just not satisfied. The things that were clearly meant to uplift didn't uplift. The things that were meant to evoke sadness felt cheap. The world had some cool ideas, but the fun is bogged down by this ever present soapbox.
user, you are insane. If that is the case then this is fucking incest.
Imagine actually believing religion just because you're scarred you'll look like a neckbeard if you don't.
Hugs count as incest now? Fuck, I've committed incest with my entire family!
I'm just mentioning wars because of your post about "killing far more people" due to the fact that all the wars in history compile together quite a number of deaths
I'm incesting your family RIGHT NOW
>I-it's not that my arguments are trash people just don't want to look like me!
is there a videogame that actually has a nuanced take on religion? everything I've seen is either pants on head retarded new atheist tier "hurrrr religion is all about control" "durrrr religious people are dangerous and insane" drivel or the classic "we gonna kirru goddu to gain oul fleedomu" jrpg plotline
I'm not asking for apologetics but just something slightly more subtle
I thought they were in my first playthrough. But it was actually faggotry all along.
Their culture is strictly anti-gay in a way that the bad guys seem to not really be, so that's why Mina has all the tension about her culture's focus on reproduction.
The bigger crime is all those hidden secret areas are for materials you'll never need. You'll find 3 skills you like and stick to them, and everything else is just completely ignoreable.
I always want to find the extras out of completion percent. But what a bad system for a metroidvania... to discourage the side content so badly.
One Concern clearly had a plan to hide on the moon while the space worm did it's thing.
Then they were going to go back to the planet and use the tower kids to rebuild
They might not have known exactly what space worm was up to, but they knew what would make it show up, and how to avoid it if it did show up.
Meanwhile, Royal breaks the giant spine circle, because no one thought to inform him that's a bad idea, and called the worm directly to the secret moon base, because no one thought to inform him that's a bad idea
Don't they fucking make out in the ending?
Isn't that the same philsophy as #notallmuslims? Though many, if not all muslims do not condemn for the death and breeding out of all infidels
Resonance of Fate
She looks like a blowup doll and her hair is retarded.
She makes Elro feel better by jacking him off. Also, I liked Elro's character because everything about him being a despairing asshole is completely justified.
well if you want to talk about wars only 7% of all wars in history were based on religion
the source is the encyclopedia of wars by phillips and alexrod, it's a good book you should read it it'll be a nice change from sam harris polemics
Picked the fuck up.
Not really, the art sucks and the story probably does too.
That face is WRONG.
It's a good system in the one hit KO mode where you have to decide between the armor or your other upgrades you like.
I never really thought of the game as Metroidvania. Just kind of a puzzle platfomer. It's less Metroidvania than Cave Story, which is itself not really Metroidvania.
Nice DSLs
Hug? They were kissing, blind idiot.
Your problem is that you're not staring at her midriff you goddang gayos.
How's the fast going?
If the face sucks, then nothing else matters.
She can suck alright.
It is a linear game. But it dabbled in metroidvania in the way metroid hides missile canisters every-fucking-where. You have to admit it does feel loosely structured as one though
the funniest thing to me is that retarded contrarians have to be so contrarian that they just start dicksucking the actual majority instead of the relatively niche online community
sam? is that you?
And you're unforgiven too
What did you expect from a game literally called Iconoclasts
>well you see he's not an invisible man in the sky he's just an invisible omnipresent force who controls and sees everything and sometimes kills a fuckload of people for petty reasons in the old testament
Well that's a lot more sensible.
That's the mode I played. And no, you still can easily find a couple of upgrades to stick to.
Fuck off Dean
You're right, their handmouths are all over eachother.
I just looked at the pdf, I'm not trying to debate, I'm just genuinely curious, I'll have to read more of it, thanks
Please make a logical argument for why heaven or god is real and why there is no scientific evidence of them
>haha the theory of evolution is dumb because it says we come from a squirrel frog who assfucked a monkey I saw it on south park XD
why are atheists so retarded
what millions?
Not sure what you mean, but that doesn't really answer my question.
>christians/jews/muslims unironically believe in desert fairy tales that ripped off older desert fairy tales and will sperg out and kill you if you don't believe in it with them
No, just ugly.
That's a really poor attempt at a comeback mate, where you so BTFO that this was the best you could do?
The ending is confusing to me.
Most people seem to interpret it as "NotChozo wants gas". But he already has a shitton of ivory in his ship that restores the entire planet when it explodes. Seems more likely he was refueling the planet than the other way around and was demanding an explanation for why it needed refueling so early.
I really love this game. I do wish you could save Royal though. Needed more branching content in general. I've played through the whole game twice but it really does not have much replay value.
I always felt her hair looked more like a magnet than a wrench.
I'm calling you a Muslim, you faggot.
A fairy tale is fictional, user
I do
Yes user exactly
>i-is that the best you can do???
actually not a rebuttal, mate
and then
Yes, The Bible isn't fiction and therefore not a fairy tale. Glad you agree!
I'm an atheist and all but no one thinks he's invisible and no one thinks he lives in the sky. you'd have to be actually retarded to believe that. maybe that's how the mythology started out because people back then we're ignorant but the myth has evolved alongside the people. it's why the abrahamic religions have lasted so long.
Let's be real here, how many weapons did you find in Symphony of the Night you used immediately? At least Iconoclasts has hidden items that can be built towards something useful, a lot of other Metroidvania's don't have that.
Of course you're a fedora tipping incel athiest cumguzzler
no user the bible is fictional and is a bunch of fairy tales
I never took it as him filling up on gas. I took it as him being a sort of tech there to read the meter and getting pissed they'd already used up all their ivory.
I don't remember very well, but I'm pretty sure that people were shitposting about how it has tumblr noses, the protagonist being a dyke, and stuff like that
Leave him alone. He's hurting.
Muslims are gay and smelly and evil, prove me wrong.
Have sex.
Surprisingly, Radiata Stories. The church in that game has a lot of corrupt assholes, but you do have reason to believe their leader and many of its followers are genuinely good people.
Elro did everything right but also did everything wrong.
The one bad thing he did was killing Grey even though Grey had nothing to do with his father's death and was honestly just trying to be nice.
But if he hadn't set all the events in motion then the One Concern would have gotten away with their escape pod plan and Bird probably would have killed everyone.
You'd need to be actually braindead to think that.
No. You did not just say something as rad as a plethora of weapons to find and try is just as good as junk raw materials you'll never need for upgrades that provide an insignificant stat boost, and only until you take damage. No.
??? I don't believe in the myth but I think it's fine for people to. at least I'm not in here calling it a fairy tale like some disrespectful asshat.
Sure thing, billy. Now get back to doing your homework
yeah it is. but that's not what the game's about. it's obvious you've never played it.
shit this was meant for
it's not a myth, it's called metaphysics
aristotle arrived at the conclusion God existed through deductive reasoning based on empirical observation, it's not some arbitrary social construct created out of necessity by a given human culture
denial of metaphysics is a relatively recent phenomenon and unironically the cause of most of the issues befalling the modern western world
why not call fairy tales what they are. why should i care about the feelings of brainwashed cultists when i call their fairy tales, fairy tales.
WHY IS THERE SO LITTLE PORN OF THIS GAME?! I checked Paheal and there's barely anything, and even less of it is any good. This is a fucking tragedy.
What do you think the Communist and French revolutions touted?
STFU euphoric incel cunt
Not sure why you would assume that since I'm actively bashing how dumb the philosophy of the muslim faith is, but ok.
You still haven't answered my question by the way.
I thought it was pretty clear he was a technician. Planet sent an alert that shit was getting fuckey so chozo came to check it out. That's why he looked pissed at the meter, because the people had been tapping the gas that made the planet itself run. As for the specifics about Ivory and why the planet needed it not to be used up... I don't know. Maybe some crazy shit involving the secret boss.
The answer is you ghei nigga kys yourself
communism & french revolution.
Nearly every single human issue is a failure to communicate or misunderstanding. All wars are simply communication issues.
lol Christians having sex
Most. Sometimes people just wanna kill. See: Attila the Hun.
jesus does a lot of fairy tale bullshit in the bible. turning water to wine, resurrection, curing the blind by touching them, making food from thin air, etc.
don't be willfully dense, there are degrees to which things can be fiction. I'm not that user, but seriously. was "fairy tale" too strong? would you prefer "legend" or "myth"
>board with most % of progressive garbage and discord trannies are idiotic about religion
Really activated my almonds
Welcome to being an engineer
-t. Just finished the FE
proof most stories objectively factual happened from the bible without embellishment or changing of critical details that have been confirmed by historical evidence
But Christians do have sex, it's incels like you that don't.
Oh I see now, thank you very much for your constructive feedback
>he thinks his sky daddy is real
Oh no no no no no no won't you be surprised when you die oh no you won't be since you will just be worm food
I bet you suck your mother's dick with that kind of language, don't you, you incel?
If Attila had simply listened to reason and traded instead of looting and pillaging, all those deaths would have been avoided and he wouldn't have died in his 40's.
>Grey had nothing to do with his father's death
Being part of the murderous cult controlling the world would definitely count as "having something to do with it".
You got me, I've been found out
Robin is not lesbian.
But then she wouldn't have stolen my heart.
the absolute state of r/atheists
reminder that islamic extremism is a jewish invention
That's literally what guilty people always say. Thsnks for admitting you're a pathetic incel.
>le fedora meme
Yeah you christcucks lost lmao
Don't you get sucked out of your body as a ghost and tortured by little red dudes with pitchforks for having sex? That sounds nasty, miss me with that shit.
counter contrarianism doesn't make you intelligent
Uhuh, unlike that sorry excuse, right? Christ lad have some dignity, or at least some self awareness.
Rationalization and listening are 2 different things.
I was happy to see iconoclasts thread since it'd been a while since I thought about it and it would be fun to talk, but it looks like that's not gonna happen tonight.
Sounds like I struck a nerve there
you're obsessed with incels, post your faggot face and prove you're not
You can thank the jews for that.
yeah, nah
you have to go back
There is no "scientific" evidence because god is strictly something metaphysical. It doesn't make sense to prove god "with science". However, god is not the only thing that cannot be "proven" with science (such as the validity of science itself). Anyone who thinks that only things that can be described with science are worth believing are morons and hypocrites.
The dog I used to own became so old he fell down the stairs. I cannot prove to you with science that this is the case, but my memories (as well as other shared memories) or reason enough for me to believe it to be reality. While I may not be able to convince you, that does not make it any less valid of a belief. Similarly, the "witness of the holy spirit" (as it is often called) is a completely sufficient reason for someone to believe, EVEN IF it was not actually the case.
However, since you asked for some LOGICAL arguments I'll give you some (there's a lot more nuance/steps to these, but I've simplified just to show that logical arguments do in fact exist)
1. Anything that begins to exist has a cause
2. The universe began to exist.
3. The universe has a cause
1. Anything that is designed has a designer
2. The universe is designed
3. The universe has a designer
1. Anything that exists has an explanation for its existence, either as a necessity of its own nature or by an external cause
2. If the universe exists, it is due to an external cause and not its own nature
3. The universe exists
4. The universe has an external cause
Look, I'm not saying these are "knockdown" arguments, and they require a lot more discussion/elaboration, but your an idiot if you think there are no positive (logical) arguments for god.
that movie sucked
It's disguised as a game about religion but it's actually about the dangers of fracking.
It's not a great Metroidvania and the story isn't as compelling as something like Iji but I still liked it and spent a lot of time thinking about the world and characters afterwards. It has a lot of the same kind of energy as Gravity Rush.
Tales of Symphonia, ironically. The church is full of well-meaning people who legitimately partake in their pilgrimage for what they believe is the only way to save the world, and they offer up sacrifices because this is simply how it is as far as they know. Their entire religion is based on teachings from a strong half-elf who is simply using it as a tool to create a perfect clone of their sister, but the religion itself only teaches good deeds and every single church is well-meaning, though they are also unfortunately misled by the machinations of something greater.
I really want one video game that just has a good church with a good god and isn't trying to be """""""""subversive"""""""""" by making some part of the chain of command secretly evil or manipulative. I literally think the only video game that does this is Dragon Quest.
Blame christcucks for that. Christianity is a hot button topic on midnight Yea Forums
nice apologetics fag. if gods real wheres that pizza i prayed for
I guarantee I've had more and better sex than you ever have, but that has nothing to do with whether or not gods are real, so stop deflecting to make yourself feel better that your sex life is boring with one person you barely like but are stuck with till you die because god would get mad if you left
The world would undeniably be a better place with no religion. No holy wars. No muzzies mutilating female genitals and stoning people to death. No church shootings. No retarded anti-libertarian laws. No cults like Scientology and Happy Science preying on the weak and vulnerable for easy cash. No priests getting away with diddling little boys.
I am sure that on an individual level, religion brings purpose and joy to less well off, less educated people in society who would otherwise have to face the harshness of reality with no respite. Some people will ultimately be way happier by being able to live out their lives in some delusion. However, on a macro level, humanity would strongly benefit from not basing our entire value and belief systems around old folktales.
I wouldn't even say that god doesn't exist, but believing that your own religion is correct over other religions seems absolutely retarded when there is no concrete evidence for any of them.
Just took this with my webcam. Nothing I love more than fag dragging some incels on the back of my Camaro so come at me bitch
no they'r not.
muslims are just insane evil people who value islam over peoples lives.
christians and jews used to be too before the west watered down peoples blind following of the ideologies, defeated theocracy & became civilised.
communists are too.
these ideologies have the largest counts of slaughter & oppression in history.
meanwhile atheism is not even an ideology but a lack there of, is a product of enlightened modern civilisation in the best countries in the world, has no authoritarian or oppressive regimes & has started no wars.
Love thy neighbour
The powers that be have decided that you've had enough pizza. Now, if you pray for a treadmill, that'll be a different story.
Yea Forums doesn't know anything about theology other than reddit talking points.
Yikes, calm down incel.
No, wars are struggle for power.
It's not just any ology, it's THE ology.
is this what god fags pass for philosophy? no wonder they're morons, they've never read any theory in their lives.
Atheists and nihilists are the ones giving religious extremists power. Your apathy is complacency with their crimes. You'll die like a dog when the day comes.
try to get out of your basement sometime
>Anything that begins to exist has a cause
Are you implying that that cause can't be random?
Are you also implying that there was a beginning to the existence? If so, when was the beginning of god's existence? How is it possible for anything to exist before existence itself?
>The universe is designed
This statement has no basis.
The weird thing is they never really explain how Polro died. Elro calls him a coward and it seems like he might have killed himself after he couldn't stand working for the Concern anymore?
but I want expel all muslims from the west before it's too late. it's religious politicians with their notions of blind respect for religion, implementing blasphemy laws & importing the third world that are the problem.
power vacuums are created because of a failure to communicate which then causes the wars. Scarcity economies will always need something to stay alive. Staying alive means working with the group. In the tribal human era not talking with your group meant exile and certain death, it's in man's best interest to talk through problems.
all those atheists passing anti abortion laws and other religious horseshit like allowing doctors and pharmacists to deny medical coverage to people, or supporting israel because they expect the apocalypse to happen by doing so, totally atheism
>tfw just banged gf before I opened this thread
> we are cuddling now laughing at your replies together
It's all well and good for people to believe that there could be a god given the unknown nature of our existence. What confuses me is why religious people are so CERTAIN that there is a god. Seems like wishful thinking to me.
>I don't know why we exist
>There are multiple possible reasons that we can comprehend, and probably even more that we can't comprehend yet
>But I'm CERTAIN that the reason is the one that would result in the best outcome for me
Scar City is overrated.
Wow a delusional incel roleplaying chad, I'm shocked. Please have sex before you shoot up a McDonald's playplace.
>browsing Yea Forums with your gf
gross. I bet youre one of those couples who send epic memes to one another too.
I'm saving your post to my pasta folder. I'm also giving you this webm of a dog falling down stairs.
pro-abortion laws are just racist atheistic white people killing niggers in new ways, prove me wrong.
My interpretation was that the Technician came down to check on the world and was mad that it was gassed out. No Ivory means that the world is going to collapse, and he angrily was remarking "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" since they were using ungodly amounts of it in the capital.
>iroN oMArps
What game is that? Never heard of it.
the characters are ugly
and they're not japanese
They're not killing anyone, it's preventive.
>the face of the modern materialist cuck
>Are you implying that that cause can't be random?
it doesn't make any sense to talk about randomness in this context, the question is ontological: how can nothing create something? it's logically impossible, then the question becomes can the universe simply exist and this introduces the problem of contingency
>Are you also implying that there was a beginning to the existence
the universe is contingent, which means it exists but in principle it could have not existed, God in contrast is necessary and this is not an arbitrary distinction but a logical one that has to do with the nature of change, the concepts of act and potency, the distinction between essence and substance, all rather complex philosophical questions I can't explain in details here but if you're genuinely interested I recommend edward feser's books, he does a really good job making these questions accessible to the layman
if it's saying jews are bad, redpill
I think it might be a game where you hug Robin!
Atheism enables degeneration.
these are all terrible arguments, and even if they weren't, they say nothing to the nature of a supposed god, the same reason pascals wager is retarded. if god exists, which one?
your first and third postulates merely attempt to establish that the universe exists from a causal source, which I have my own issues with, and postulate 2 is entirely nonsense. "design" requires a coherent definition. maybe a puddle would look at the pothole it fills and say "wow, I fit this hole perfectly, it must have been made just for me! but by who?"
Yeah, we are pretty happy together too :^)
Pictured: best girl.
failure to communicate is barely responsible for any human issue, humans are just fucking assholes
since when do black people have abortions?
>they're not killing anyone
>in principle it could have not existed
Yes, but to state that it has a beginning and an end as fact is disingenuous when we have no way of knowing either way. If existence does have a beginning then god would be one possible cause, but then that brings to question what existed before god and the cycle continues infinitely.
Are you ready? You think you can tell us what to do? You think you can tell us what to wear? You think that you're better? Well you better get ready to bow to the masters.
She used to have bayonetta guns on her heels. I wish he fucking kept it.
Thanks, glad other people feel the same sort of way about it.
Niggers aren't people so it doesn't count.
Blacks have more abortions than than any other demographic in the US.
19 million aborted in 2018, more than twice as many as the fucking holocaust. They're literally genociding themselves.
user, i...
>power vacuums are created because of a failure to communicate
Can you explain?
Grey was still complicit in Elro's father death and represented the ignorance of the government's enforcers towards just how evil the people they worked for were.
>Sorry my people had your dad killed Elro but he was a heretic lmao
I'd definitely want to kill whoever said that.
Not him but
>implying theres anything inherently wrong with killing people