Ohno nisabros...
NIS JP is dead
This is what you get for liking Disgaya
They've been fucking up hard since the PS3 days.
Atlus will just buy them. It's been a long time coming.
thats actually pretty fucking sad to hear. it was bound to happen sooner or later, but its still shitty to know its happening for real
Exactly how the fuck do you fuck up a mobile tie in to a simple as fuck game that could easilly be made into a cash grab
Make a hand full of levels
Put the item world random gen levels
set a gatcha system so you can get units
make it PvP too so people can fight each other and have a goal besides grinding
tons of money
All the whales will waste tons of yen to get their waifu or some xp booster/weapon/armor
You can even make named characters rare pulls while normal units are normal pulls with much better odds
They shouldn't have pissed away their money on a shitty mobile game.
Good disgea is a fucking shit series
How the fuck are they managing to lose all that money, didn't Disgaea 4 and 5 sell a metric ton? Not to mention a bunch of smaller projects that had decent sales.
damn that's fucking sad, I remember having to pull it off day 1 because "server overload issues"
>We'll never get Disgaea D2 on Steam
This. I've always fucking hated Disgaea and I'm glad the shitters who created it are going bankrupt.
Good riddance
inb4 they got bought out
Real question is who
Hiring some decent coders instead of kids who don't even know how to code could have helped them
I can bet that ONE dude who is good at coding could replace at least 10 of their employees
>b-but NISA is the one who sucks at coding
both of them do, NISA fucks up simple text injections and NIS proudly boasted that D3 just COULD NOT run on the PSP and PS2 because the levels are way too complex, when their levels are the simplest shit in gaming designing
It starts by having no vision
>man, every one is making dough on this mobile shit
>hey satoshi, lets get into that, you know what an android is right
>good, lets get started
Huh, aren't most mobile games made on an absolute shoestring budget? Did they fuck up and dump a ton of money into it?
Konami, and I fucking hope I'm wrong
They need to hurry up with their Disgaea 3 and 4 pc ports
Atlus is gonna make sega buy them out
harada's art is the reason i played the games and anything nis shat out.
>can't pay employees
>hurry up anything
good joke user
Just get a cheap ass vita or vita TV and hack it
his art is more NIS to me than any of their gameplay mechanics
Why would Konami want to by them out?
They've been bleeding money thanks to the failures of the American branch.
Welp not surprised by this, i really liked Disgaea back then but they never really evolved, it's just the same shit again and again.
Yeah, that shit they pulled during the Vita/ PS3 era was fucking disgusting, on par with what 3DS/WiiU era Nintendo was doing.
Please Nintendo. Swoop in, and rescue these people.
Bullshit. The American branch is the only thing keeping them afloat. NISA pushes 100x as many games in the West as NIS does in Japan
>Atlus buys NIS
>Gains ownership over NISA
Please let it happen.
>wanting Smashfags to get Disgaea involved in their discussion
>play demo for this gay series on switch
>cringe harder than I've ever cringed before
This is the weebiest weeb game from weebtown here on the ween Express
>NISA brings over Persona 5 for PC under ATLUS' name
Their IPs are really not what nintendo usually do
I see either SEGA or Square buying them out
The fuck is Konami is getting from buying a failing company? all they could do is strip their IPs as pachinko machines, and even then I doubt people would care that much for a disgaea pachinko
What did they do? I recall NIS being one of the few serious supporters of the Vita with those internal pet project games like Yomawari, Firefly Diary and Rose in the Twilight.
>NIS not able to pay salaries
Don't you mean SEGA?
>P5R is published by NISA
>game melts your PS4 if you switch the audio track
Another NISA quality product
>Falcom buys them out
>NISA completes its takeover of Falcom localizations
Like poetry
Please no. I would have to wait until the consoles are emulable.
Not NIS, NISA. NIS makes the games, NISA does "localizations", but that's mostly badly translating the games while adding in bugs and cutting out content.
Coven, soul nomad, and phantom brave. Have they made anything else worth mentioning?
mobilegames are cuthroat as fuck. plenty of them die almost instantly or within a year.
Think he's talking about the localization changes like script changing, censorship, all that jazz on top of adding gamebreaking bugs to the localized versions.
>NISA gets Trails of Cold Steel III
>their twitter announces Trials of Cold Steel IIII
>all they could do is strip their IPs as pachinko machines, and even then I doubt people would care that much for a disgaea pachinko
>Obvious fit
>Always on the table
Nintendo, Sega, Bamco
>Are making huge moves recently in console gaming and have a shit ton of money
Sounds just like the AAA market. If you aren't a big name IP or company brand then you get your throat slit.
What does this mean in regards to disgaea 6?
Another bad developer dead, whose next?
Basically they bet on the vita and on the PS3/4
The vita fucking died because sony didn't care for it outside of japan, so no western money buying their vita games
NISA fucks up every single game release they can that is not a mainline disgaea on consoles, so even less money from outside of japan
In the last few years they have been porting their vita games to PC to try to salvage something, but the mobile game failing really fucked them over apparently
Oh shit its gonna be Cygames isn't it
Whitto Piggu go homu
Konami has been making thick profits since they stopped making big games, why waste money on a dying company
probably dead
user, Atlus is owned by Sega
>NISA fucks up every single game release they can that is not a mainline disgaea on consoles, so even less money from outside of japan
You are talking out your ass on this one. NIS’s financials show that NiSA was making the most money between the two. NIS has been making bombs in Japan for years now and hemorrhaging money
The Vita games still sold decently, that's the thing, but their fucking awful localizations and bugs caused a lot of people to avoid them.
Hell, just look at Ys VIII, it sold because of how good a game it was but the localisation was so bad that they had to re-localize the whole game AND re-dub it, and they introduced some bugs and even spelled the game's name wrong in the save menu.
Ah. Yeah, they were pretty infamously awful in the PS3 era. Don't know much about NISA this gen beyond their localizations of the games I listed (a task so simple a room full of monkeys could complete it in a week) and the Ys VIII debacle.
>More than likely to take the few good people like they did last time
Compile Heart
You still need take account the development of the damn thing well as the content cycle.
Yes it's free money if done right, but have quite hefty front loaded cost. Thats why ton of mobages die in like a year.
Oh, I'm dumb, you're right.
Laharl Sonic when?
>blaming the west when your company has a history of mismanagement
>The vita fucking died because sony didn't care for it outside of japan, so no western money buying their vita games
NISA's Vita games still sold well even with their bad reputation. Hell, they had excess money they used to secure high-profile games for localization and made a killing on them like Ys8. NIS is the one that blew a ton of money on stupid ventures like the mobage.
I wouldn't mind it. I honestly wonder how long Cygames will stay this rich and powerful before their top executives get replaced by soulless suits. Right now they're based though.
Nintendo rarely buy some company unless there is something that interest them.
Funny enough Monolith soft got acquired because Nameco didn't wanted get caught by Nintendo.
Hopefully never and they become the RedBull of gaming
Also to go with this, if CH buy them that means you have the ZHP/original Disgaea team AND they'd then have the IP if they bought NIS. We could finally get ZHP 2.
exactly what did Ninty wanted from the Fatal Frame makers then?
Outside of the Ys VIII, this is bullshit. NISA still moves anime and manages to even sellout kusoge like LOST Child.
nah, more NepNep and dungeon crawlers with half naked girls for you
No one knows.
Also they only have 50% of franchise, so only thing set in stone is new games being on Nintendo consoles.
What's this called? I want to see it in action.
Galapagos are the original Disgaea and ZHP team with new recruits mixed in. Also unlike NIS, CH actually pays their employees.
Yeah, it's fucked up how Konami has been more successful than many active videogame companies by doing nothing.
That was a good investment for Nintendo, Monolith ended up being one of the most important teams in Breath of the Wild's development.
Hopefully Falcom is next.
When was the last time they made a good game?
Disgaea 5 was great.
Yeah, Cygames is great right now, but when they switch presidents it will be time to worry.
>Cygames president literally sent a bunch of gatcha money to Konami and ordered them to port ZoE to modern consoles because he wanted to play some ZoE
>remove the main cost of being a video game company (actually making video games)
>casually rest on top of millions built from beloved IPs you have collected over the years and gambling
Konami was right in the end, who knew
They're really conservative when it comes to spending money or making deals in general. Cygames has been mentioned multiple times in this thread and Nintendo reportedly had a huge interest in buying them when they were smaller, but only own 5% of the company.
Considering they're worth billions now and literally too big for even Nintendo to buy they missed the boat on that one.
Ys VIII sold like hotcakes, the only problem is that they had to spend like double on the localisation because they localised the game twice and dubbed the game twice, but the game sold so much it makes up for that.
Wait, is that why that happened?
Can you just pay out of the ass for Konami to release something and they will?
I would guess someone in the higher-up is a huge fan of the series and would rather buy them up and support them indefinitely than risk the chance of the makers going bankrupt and no more Fatal Frame.
Konami owns the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG. They could stop making video games and gambling machines entirely and still make mad profit off of Yu-Gi-Oh
It was only good if you skipped all the event scenes.
Konami are actually very savvy when it comes to making money and if someone wants to give them obscene amount of money to port a game, they will.
Microsoft can't buy them, r-right?
this is NISA's fault for utterly obliterating their reputation in the west
It was free money for Konami and good PR. Also Cygames has a ton of money, not just from gatcha, they have their hand in anime and other shit too.
A bunch of Capcom fanboys at Cygames are even making a Dragon's Dogma clone because they were butthurt at Inafune-era Capcom's shit games and really wanted more Dragon's Dogma. Of course, now Capcom is better, but since the game has been in development for a while they are continuing with it.
Good, NISA have been fucking up for years with subpar quality ports and niche game titles that nobody liked.
Glad to see it die. The gaming industry really needs standards.
how much do you think it would cost to get a PC version of Harmony of Despair
Thats amusing and somewhat weird considering that monolithsoft wasn't that hot shit back them.
They had made some well received games like Xenogears/chrono cross and Baiten katos. But Xenosaga was a pretty big sore thumb and the rest of games were more niche or didn't grabbed much attention.
Buying Nameco back them would be huge.
Microsoft generally doesn't buy Japanese companies.
Roughly whatever amount you think the president of Cygames was willing to spend for a ZoE game.
Should have made Makai Kingdom 2 while they had the chance
Yeah, I think at the time they probably didn't have the expertise either, they managed to get their hands on some really talented people during the Xenoblade 1 era.
Backstabbed Sony by porting to other platforms including mass poeting to the PC. Unironically fuck them and their garbage traitor cunt ways. Hope Xseed is next for traitor porting exclusives.
Feel bad for the Japs who spent money on the Disgaea gacha game only to be butt fucked this hard. F, the real victims.
I hope someone changes her diaper...
What's their last game released and why won't people buy it?
>localised the game twice
That's because the first localizaiton was a machine translation grade mess.
B I G H O L E.
Nintendo works on long term business, rather than buying some dev that is currently doing great then running into the ground.
That 5% of Cygames also include dragalia and possible other deals since cygames want break into console market. Also helps that cygame staff is kinda made from squeenix staff.
Hopefuly Sega or SCE buy them
Are you seriously going to be blaming them for porting to other platforms when their main platform aka Vita had all but been abandoned by Sony?
Honestly, I think Cygames is being retarded and stupid.
Smartphones are where the money is, and where developers want to go, fleeing the sinking ship named traditional gaming. Why are they wasting their gacha money to get into a dying market instead of using it to strengthen their position in the mobile market?
xenoblade is fucking shit. every single nintendo game is shit
>backstabbed the backstabber
That isn't how this works user. Sony has been fucking developers for awhile so they deserve everything they get. Especially these days. Get Sony's cock out of your mouth next time you want to speak to someone...
Because they are smart enough to leverage their IP. All your eggs in one basket will always be buisness suicide.
CyberAgent is bleeding money on failing projects. Hell if they don't become the next Index Corp.
>and where developers want to go
You can do a better bait than this, user
Because most of their staff (president included) is made of up nerds who want cool shit.
Their anime and games divisions are raking in the cash though, it's their stupid TV projects that are bleeding money.
>Sony abandons handheld market where most of your audience is
>Sony enacts vague policies and starts censoring and banning niche Japanese games
Sony are the real traitor cunts
Great news, hopefully this means NISA goes under too. Fuck them for ruining so many localizations.
Nep still exists.
>Trials of Cold Steel IIII
Not sure if joking or serious...
>Hey we are leaking money from our stupidity.
>Lets blame Nintendo for this.
Because they've always used mobile games as a quick cashgrab to make real games. You can't really expand the mobile market, you either make gacha games or you make trashy endless runner games. The mobile market doesn't include real games that developers want to work on.
wait when did cygames become the biggest shit ever and also based? What should I play from them? On the topic of NIS, most of their games are shit now but it makes me sad anyway. I remember watching that God awful disgaea anime as a kid and playing the original because of it and loved it's characters. Pure nostalgia but I'll miss Laharl, Etna, and Flonne if they vanish for good
I'm serious. And user, not "Trails", they called it "Trials".
Nintendo kills another third party
Switch was a mistake
Signs of NIS problems have shown up on Disgaea 1 Complete, but I didn't though it was that bad.
Quite a shame if NIS is kill and this SRPG franchise will be dead too, that will leave basicallly only 3 SRPG franchises still alive period.
Like what? The only arguably bad venture they've made lately is Dragalia Lost, and that's half Nintendo's fault. It's also still making a profit. Unless you're counting anime, even then gay dragon girls made them ridiculous amounts and topped charts in BD sales despite only being moderately successful (people bought BDs for the gold bar code).
Also Cyberagent IS Cygames, they're the same entity. Except that DENA and Nintendo have a small stake in Cygames.
Eh, unless you want to play a gatcha, I'd say wait for the PS4 games they are funding. If you really want to play a Final Fantasy style game, there's Granblue which is made by a lot of ex-Squaresoft staff but it does have a gatcha for characters which sucks. The good thing about Granblue is that your actual gameplay stuff you get from the game itself, not the gatcha.
Didn't even notice that one. Goes to show how much they care about their work...
So, they're just idiots living in the past while ignoring the golden eggs goose they happened to run upon.
If I were one of their stockholders I would oust Cygames' current president and subordinates in no time.
AbemaTV. And Dragalia was in the coasting phase and is now trying to get new players with the recent FEH crossover.
They would want you to play the Zone of the Enders 2 remaster that they funded and published
Japan talking about this
Play Granblue, it's never too late. You're 5 years late but there are new players coming in every day. There's also literally thousands of hours of content to enjoy before you have to worry about being competitive or esports shit
Nintendo consoles are the only ones that get emulated with any kind of speed, though. Switch emulation already exists, whereas we still don't have even Vita emulation and we're only just now getting decent PS3 emulation. Xbox console emulations are in an even worse state.
>KMR is a god tier man who just wants to make games and has the fuck you money to do it
>Some faggot user thinks this is wrong
Hang yourself with barbed wire
You are a fucking idiot.
Mobile games have fleeting demography, you can't exactly keep a big number of people playing around it forever when newer and more interesting games happen.
Even if you do, there is something attracting them for it. Anime, Manga, console games etc.
And I really hope that FGO dies a horrible death to make you retards shut up.
>Compa is a company that should die
based and kusogepilled
It is wrong. They aren't teenagers anymore. They can't risk the company's capital investing on his childish dreams.
What if those non-Smartphone projects end losing money and their gacha front starts to decline?
Oh, I forgot about that. Well I doubt one blunder is gonna bankrupt them, they have multiple constant streams of income.
Xbox 360 emulation is rapidly improving now that the DX12 version is out. Games like Halo 3 are actually playable now. OG Xbox is still a mess though because of those proprietary Nvidia system calls.
>lmao April fools have 2/30th of a 10 roll
>April Fools have 4 10-rolls as a joke haha
FGOcucks aren't prepared to handle KMR.
I'm glad someone like you doesn't run Cygames. Cygames is taking big risks out of passion and trying to break into new markets.
Coasting off one success until it dies is exactly how you do die as a company.
redbull jumped on the diversity & inclusion bandwagon they're worthless now
What if they sold Disgaea and/or La Pucelle to a company with competent writers?
It's really hypocrite from you say that because FGO is popular due constant streams of adaptations.
And only reason that people actually stick around that kusoge.
Their primary goal was to make enough money from smarthphone games so that they could make non-smartphone projects.
Does this affect NISA at all?
I only mentioned that it's in a worse state than PS3 emulation.
>And I really hope that FGO dies a horrible death to make you retards shut up.
It will most likely die once Nasu leaves (which will be in the next 2 years), since the writing of the others working on it range from awful to meh. And that's with them handling a skeleton plot he laid out for them. Making them have to come up with the entire plot themselves is gonna be a disaster.
I see mentions of Squeenix. Do the Japs think they're seriously a healthy company after how much money they've bled recently?
No, companies die when their managers waste time on things not related to the company's primary market while neglecting their primary source of income.
Breaking into the mobile market is the equivalent of hitting big with crypto: you're set for life. Those faggots are wasting the gift they were given.
NISA is owned by NIS, so I'd think one way or another yes.
>try to pander to losers who want the same thing over and over again by doing the same thing over and over again
how could they have failed ..???///?questionamrk
user that one blunder is a huge money sink. Even with Dragalia not being the best seller it had decent sales and was being blamed to why they are down the past quarter. Their expectations on that game was too much considering how cut throat the mobage industry is.
>You set for life.
Thats not how it works retard. Mobage makes huge money but cow run dry soon or later. Having a strong IP sets you for life, not a kusoge.
He ask for b-grade not c-grade.
And just like crypto, it won’t last forever.
mobile will also die one day
Wasn't the creator of AbemaTV the one that tried framing Dragalia and got caught?
No, Fate Grand Order is popular thanks to the game itself and the strength of the brand; the adaptations are just eye candy for fans, not a primary money maker.
Well, I'll enjoy the laugh when Cygames has to sign for bankruptcy.
You absolute retard
What do you want them to do?
Make another phone game? Compete with themselves?
Phone game industry is stagnant and boring
This is a lot more interesting than I thought it would be.
Yes. It was obvious as fuck.
Do you even know why F/GO is popular? It's sure as hell not off it's own merit as a mobile game.
Fate is absolutely everywhere.
Nigger the fuck are you talking about? Type Moon works on all sorts of other shit all the time too, they are literally working on a new Case Files anime, Babylonia anime, Camelot movies, and also are planning on Fate/ Extella 2.
He got caught? That's news to me. All I know is that he was trying to frame Dragalia for the lower forcast.
Can they at least give a fuck to tsukihime already. I wanna play the remake.
>thread about NIS
>fateniggers ruin it
Dragalia is on a weird ass position where is doing okay but also everyone says that is a fucking failure.
Don't help that Nintendo don't market the damn thing properly and FEH keep printing money with low effort. But honestly anyone saying that it should print much money as FGO is stupid.
And all this shit is boosting FGO popularity. When UBW aired the whole year was dedicated to rerun since ton of people started playing it.
You stupid think that shit don't affect it.
Never ever.
I was hopeful too, since if the Tsukihime remake featuring Sacchin route was a success the next logical step would be F/SN remake with an Illya route. But it's vaporware at this point and Nasu is going to retire soon.
>Dragalia is on a weird ass position where is doing okay but also everyone says that is a fucking failure
Gatchafags are always declaring each other's games a failure, it's tradition at this point.
UBW was before FGO was out and Nasu said people who play FGO don't give a shit about anything non FGO.
>Japanese version has the name of area in English
>Western release changes the name of the area anyway
Why fucking bother? If its already in English, leave it the fuck alone. Even Ar Tonelico 3 had that same situation.
Ilya doesn't need a route because everyone already loves her.
Dragalia had everything it needed to be a success but still never took off. The clunky ARPG gameplay just didn't resonate with people the same way GBF's turnbased call back to oldschool FF did.
>If I were one of their stockholders
Cygames isn't a publicly traded company you fucking retard.
Translators get payed per translated word. In this situation, they used a synonym so they get payed.
>oy vey, why are these goyim pursuing passion projects? They could be making so many more shekels!
I hope Sega keeps going on with Valkyria Chronicles.
Wheres my new Ogre Battle game Square-Enix?
I just want her to have a happy ending after all the shit she went through. The closest thing we got was the bittersweet moment in HF where she sacrifices herself.
Illya's very existence is doomed just like Sakura so she'd make an interesting heroine. At the very least you'd have a subplot about finding her a new/stable body.
Unless you are a whale that loves being fucked by bad rates, I still don't get why people put FGO on a pedestal.
>mediocre ARPG gameplay
>bland as fuck designs and art style that looks more cartoonish than other games
>is scared to be "too Japanese" and even censored out a fat joke
>ridiculously tame Valentines event
Dragalia feels like a game made for ironic weebs, it's "not icky turn based combat for nerds", it's not "too anime", the main character isn't custmisable and talks so he's not a "virgin's self insert".
When Nasu deletes FGO and expects you to restart FGO2 fresh, are going to waste your time on another hell?
Looks more like incompetence to me.
Well Valkyria Chronicles just recently come out of the dead and I never thought of them, cause they are more different than regular grid based games.
I meant basically: SRW, SD Gundam G Gen and Fire Emblem franchises
Half of the stuff you're complaining about is western only and the western market doesn't really matter. It didn't take off in Japan either because the game just isn't fun, plain and simple.
It had Cygames characters and Nintendo characters to pull from for crossovers and plenty of promotion (in Japan at least) but still failed.
I wonder how Nasu feels right now.
>Extella mocked for being shit
>Extella Link mocked for being shit
>Last Encore mocked for being shit
>Tamamo fans know nothing about Tamamo
>has to shill Sakura hard for people to remember her
Please... I just want Disagae to do good so more people will draw porn of Cleo... Please...
Pls Nintendo, then we can have her confirmed for Smash!
This but of Notte. I have a weakness for cute fairies.
People just blame nasu, but also forget that he have people working with him.
Isn't just Nasu, Takeuchi is also involved for example.
How did the Heaven's Feel movie turn out anyway? I honestly swore off Type-Moon since Fate/Zero when they got too popular for their own good.
Press F to pay respects
Press S to spit on their grave
Press D to dab on their grave
user dragalia at the start was basically a beta. You've got 3 different sets of items gotten from the gacha pool. Adventurer, dragons and a Card item for bonus effects and because of that the game had shitty rates. Since the recent changes the card items were removed from the pool and now it's one of the more generous gacha an average of 150 free pulls a month and a lower price for a pull. It was 1500 currency per pull before but now it's 1200.
The censor was because americans are too triggered of fat jokes. Ironically the fat joke is still in the european release.
Takeuchi is scum and is why Nasu doesn't go after any of his dream projects. Takeuchi is horrified of the idea he might have to do more than copy his preset saberface and static poses so he constantly railroads Nasu into taking the safety money route.
Nasu would have to come up with a bunch of new ideas because all of the old ones got merged into HF. Unless you want a route split where the HF events still happen mostly the same but Illya is the main attraction.
TM was never being good at handling their IPs.
Almost everything they do is under aniplex rather than themselves. Compare to cygames who handle almost everything. TM acts like a glorified indie company rather than someone with a huge IP on hands.
Very good from what I heard a smash hit even. We also have concenting sex scene not related to mana transfer so that's a big bonus for Sakura fans.
F just because Disgaea 5 was a great return to form
Not surprised considering Kara no Kyoukai already had sex scenes, especially KnK3 that has plenty of rape and is starring Sakura's prototype.
paid* you fucking idiot
>port P5 to PC
>it runs better on a PS3 emulator
I shit you not this could very likely happen
>nintendo buys NIS
>they help develop the next Fe game
How would you feel?
Please no, Fire Emblem Awakening was literally Fire Emblem Disgaea already.
more horse weiner and boob/flat jokes in fe, what a bargain
The sex scene was anime original though. Basically the Director is a Sakurafag and wants the best for his Waifu. Also the second movie sold more than the first and we're expecting the last one to sell even more.
Who needs to buy Disgaea so that we can get an SMT crossover?
>NISA will SEGA resources
It's good in the sense of no real powercreep outside of merlin. I'm still using my very first archer I ever got routinely
Heaven's Feel 1 was decently received and 2 was extremely well received. Last one is almost certain to do far better than both, since it has the 2 of the best fights in the route (and possibly a third, if they loop a certain bad end into the adaptation as well).
FGO niggers forget that their shitty mobile game would be nothing without visual novels
When was the last time that TM actually acknowledged the VNs?
I'm not talking about adaptations but giving attention to VNs itself.
>no real powercreep outside of merlin
Oh you sweet little NA babby
The only other real powercreep in the game was skadi
I doubt they'll be able to get Sparks in the movie, they're already strapped for time as it is. It'd also fuck with the narrative even if it's presented as a dream sequence or whatever.
It's probably gonna be an OVA if anything.
>company that makes shit games is dead
not surprised
How valuable is NIS anyways?
salty coins and milk
falcom hasn't really been in any big trouble since they had to exit the pc market. psp literally saved them, one of the reasons they're so friendly with sony
falcom is great, fuck off
Mighty Wind is a kino track, I also still say that's the best fight in the whole VN as a standalone. There are more impactful ones for their narrative, but Shirou going all out and tracing 6 fucking copies of Kanshou and Bakuya to magnet them into each other from different angles is awesome.
>Nisa has outlived it's own parent company
I hate this timeline.
Skadi is who I meant. She is THE powercreep. Merlin isn't shit compared to her. She's better almost 100% of the time, the outliers being like 1 or 2 challenge quests that are impossible to 3 turn unless you're a hyper whale (see: MHXA Gilfest quest).
I just hope it gets done. I have hope, since they adapted Rin's Good End. It'd be a damn shame to pass on it.
>Sex in my anime
Abe san really pushing for youngins to start humping
>Exactly how the fuck do you fuck up a mobile tie in to a simple as fuck game that could easilly be made into a cash grab
Wasn't something about the code being shit.
>She's better almost 100% of the time
Do you play the game? Skadi is only better for farming and a few challenge quests and that's cause refund farming is pure bliss with only needed a farming ce on one unit. Literally all sakdi does is make the grind faster and guess who needs to grind more? The whales who have a ton of servants to level and skill up.
Still baffles me how the fuck this shit don't have a auto system. And took over 2 years to get a damn back button.
You know basic ass features of any modern RPG.
Skadi or not, Arash is love and Arash is life
They probably haven't figured out how to automate that shitty card picking combat mechanic.
If you add an auto feature than people will realize the game is nothing more than an idle game where you just watch things happen.I think the back button thing and various other basic features were just them giving the IP to a shitty game dev casue they didn't think it would blow up so hard.
Only the eSport division and I think is a minor group, the main division of drinks it's still as always been.
My brother that works in the F1 team and various of his co-workers are still pissed about the models fiasco, so you can guess they aren't very happy with feminism and diversity
What happened with redbull?
What did they do to my girl?
I will pay any price if it means NISA dying.
Takeuchi is the art director from FGO and accepted that instead of making the artist redo the art.
First off, farming is 95% of the game. So that alone would make her better almost 100% of the time and make my statement true.
But "a few challenge quests"? Clearly I play more than you, because she is THE go-to challenge quest supportslut (outside of the previously mentioned handful of outliers). She enables a 7 turn giant Kiara kill for fucks sake, what in the world makes you think she's not the queen bitch of challenge quests? Remember that the first 3 turns of Kiara's fight are deadturns, since she full heals at the end of them, and she has 4 healthbars after that. So you literally can't kill her faster than this.
Not to mention Kama, who is dozens of times harder than her and even many whales gave up trying to clear her non-debuffed form (and many of them still needed 40+ minutes to clear):
They've never cared about the in-game art in the first place.
Nobody wants to do the grindy bullshit. FGO is so narcissistic the way it continues to insist upon itself with shitty events that require to 100% everything to get the welfare unit.
Make the auto button. People only want to play the boss battles. You know, the actual fun part of the game. Since we've brought that topic up, let us fight the bosses again whenever we want.
>But it will ruin the rich narrative and the emotional impact of the battles!
Suck my cock. The writing in FGO is garbage. AND you're either reading stinted fan translations on a wiki or dealing the horrible localization from seamonkies so it's watered down garbage at that.
God I wish FGO faggots weren't such spineless shit eaters. If they could stand up for their cash for once the game would be playable for the rest of uf.
F1 teams aren't allowed to employ females models to participate in the grid in any form.
At this point you know the reasons why, it starts F and ends with ucking feminism.
That's fucking awesome though. Thots are slowly losing ways to get easy money because of muh femanism.
>People only want to play the boss battles
I couldn't care less for the boss battles. I just read a guide and copy what other people do or command seal. I literally do play for the story and cause I like the animations of some characters a lot.
I was buying NIS games last gen, then I caught onto how many times they released definitive versions with all the DLC so I stopped and the same thing doesn't make me feel good abiut buying Atlus games now either.
Everything in Prisma is just so soft and juicy.
My point fucking proven.
>N-No it's okay. The story is just simple enough for me to follow but over the top enough to make me feel special. And I like seeing the same animation played literally thousands of times! So QoL improvements should never be added. It would be horrible if people were allowed to play the game differently from me.
That was confirmed as the opposite actually.
>It would be horrible if people were allowed to play the game differently from me.
It would though. Game gets auto or whatever -> people are momentarily happy -> people slowly stop playing -> game gets shut down eventually. It is in my best interest to not have auto so the game continues longer.
I unironically buy the "not skipping np will make people bond with their servants more". It gets people more invested in their characters when they have to sit through their animations.
Do you play any games with auto that are big? Off the top of my head I can think of is draglia lost where the story is an empty shell with even worse characters and E7 where the game is insanely grindy, even by gatcha standards, because their is an auto and people afk grind.
The funny thing is that after everyone was boasting that "Action games are so much deeper than turn-based games", most of Dragalia's content can be autobattled.
Not really. NISA actually makes money.
Only thing that can be auto is the usual grindy stuff. Raids, Void and High dragons you are pretty much forced to coop.
You don't actually want auto battle, you just want the grind to be less which isn't what other people want. They unironically take "pride and accomplishment" in their grind which attaches them to the game and keeps them playing.
You're fucking retarded and a cuck. All it means is NISA will become independent and will localize even more non-NUS franchise.
>Spike Chunsoft is beginning to take their spot as a better publisher
>Heavily censored Zanki Zero
They're a different shade of shit
>spike Chunsoft is beginning to take their spot as a better publisher and deservedly so.
You kidding right? Not even NISA censored loli panties shots in danganronpa.
They're actually worse.
This. Even the PC version of Zanki Zero was fucked with the censorship that the modding community is trying to fix all of it from what I heard.
Good on the PC guys
>Spike being worse.
I can agree that the censorship shit was bad on Zanki Zero but at least they allowed you to mod the PC game. NISA is King Shit for a reason. They fucked up Disgaea 5 on PC and yet fucked up on YS in translation so badly they had to redo everything. Spike has never and will never fuck up beyond this level. It's funny how you can only use the few times they censored but not even once where the translation was total garbage and having to completely take away something that was originally supposed to be there because reasons (Disgaea 5).
We talking censorship-tier. Also it's obvious d5 didn't have online because nis is bleeding money so they can't afford a server.