You're pretty good

>You're pretty good

Attached: revolver ocethot.webm (640x640, 1.79M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine shooting her in the head her soft brains dribbling out of her foid skull onto the white snow, melting out as the blood and fluid seeps into the earth.

based edgyness

I did, and I keep doing it everytime I see someone of the opposite gender, how do I stop this?

I can imagine your forehead sweating and your fat sausage fingers shaking as you type this

Attached: tumblr_nr2asfQ5i51tg07vxo1_500.gif (480x270, 938K)

Stop trying to fit in, it's embarrassing.

Attached: 1352695252362.png (640x480, 17K)

Imagine seeing the guy behind this post, hahaha. I'm fucking laughing just picturing it.

Good Lord and all that blood dripping down her body.


....But not as good as me

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Back to /g/, buddy.

Have sex, incel


Gurofag or just an incel?


Back to your dilation station

haha WHOA bro MonkaS

Based jii san

Gee, I wonder who posted this.

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I'd fuck 'em

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>implying she won't out draw you

Attached: 1549545589421.webm (840x472, 1.98M)

>tfw no qt gunslinger gf
why even live bros

>no trigger discipline

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Where the fuck is this being filmed? Chernobyl?

Attached: 1524887644908.jpg (300x188, 19K)

Wtf both?


>it was loaded
>no trigger discipline
>treating it like a toy
>that one guy doesn't even flinch when she throws it around
The cameraman is lucky to be alive.

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I'd cum in her pussy if you know what I mean

____ ___

The emo look on guys look so fucking gay.
Why would any straight dude take on a look that's so feminine?

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It could be filmed literally anywhere in Russia

To fuck emo girls

how else would you convince emo girls to peg you?

What's it like inside the mind of a scene kid?

>firing straight up
People have died from those coming back.

I want to _______ daria!

Attached: daria12.webm (563x1000, 1.91M)



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I lost my virginity with one from my class and I wasn't emo.
I made fun of the cuts she had in her arm once, became obsessed with me, and I ended up banging her in her home.

>I'm as angsty as other teenagers but my daddy didn't hug me, so I want you to hug me instead.

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>tfw nobody appreciates fun spinning

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80's glam metal bands fucked millions of girls

Attached: Theatre_of_Pain_era_Motley_Crue__2_.jpg (522x375, 64K)

>that lack of trigger discipline
gulag for all of you

Attached: Negro Community.jpg (500x330, 51K)

>all that make up
I won't be tricked

Scene kids aren't emos

how do you twirl a gun and have trigger discipline at the same time, last time I tried I shot my pinkie toe

I would if you weren't fat.

Not gonna lie, that girl is cute as fuck.

What kind of gun were you using? Those old single action revolvers aren't going to go off twirling them about

Shit man my friends roommate looked like that. Ended up getting stuffed daily the whole semester

>twirling a loaded gun

Attached: 1508565344807.jpg (484x750, 100K)

Stuffed as in getting laid, or that he got fat?

>Trigger discipline
Stop spreading this myth, there is no such thing

you've never had any formal gun training then I see.

nah it was way newer, kinda heavy
I don't remember it belonged to my roommate. He tried to show me but after breaking his car windshield he said that's enough and told me to leave, we haven't spoken since

wow, such training,
>Hold gun
>Point gun
>Pull trigger

daria is VERY cute, she doesn't need trigger disipleine

Attached: passable56.webm (1000x563, 1.67M)

What a simpleton you are to think that's all there is to it. You must think watching action movies counts as weapon training.

>Cant prove me wrong
>Throws insults instead

Managing to hit your target is far more technical than just pointing and not shooting yourself from an amateur mistake matters too.


>point gun

Single action triggers do nothing unless the hammer is cocked

Stuffed as in getting his asshole fucked by my roommate and I and some other friends. Basically a cumdump the whole semester. Was great while it lasted.

Wow, that's gay.

But the hammer is still resting on a cartridge if it's loaded. If you drop that thing it can fire.

>dunning-Kruger effect, atop the peak of mount stupid

Which is why the hammer traditionally rests on an empty chamber.

boobs give you no tactical advantage

Here let me show you how easy it is

Why would her brains melt? You fucking retard, learn to use punctuation.

Why did I laugh at this?

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Yeah but it was a blast.

Because its old school trolling. The kind Yea Forums used to be famous for.

Why is everything so shit now, man? What happened? It used to be so simple.

God made man stronger than women. But Samuel Colt truly made them equal

this is literally not true, the whole reason mai shiranui for example lets her tits sway and hang out is because it distracts her opponents

I thought the saying was "God made man, Sam Colt made them equal"

The internet is srs bizniz. Back in the day, everything was for da lolz and no one gave a shit.

>My face when everytime I hear 'You're pretty good' I can only think of the last fight with Ocelot in MGS4.

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a nightclub with twenty people is fun, a nightclub with like ten thousand people is not so much

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I cant grow into a cowboy enthusiast boomer if I'm not, user

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>YOU'RE PRETTY GOOD...Good...good...

>have a nice day

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> what did he mean by this

>When the trumpets are blaring as they both inject each other so they can continue fighting

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