How do you trick your brain into thinking that playing video games isn't wasting your time?

How do you trick your brain into thinking that playing video games isn't wasting your time?

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but it is a waste of time. all entertainment is. who cares?

Life sometimes isn't worth living. Escapism is nice.

Unironically become a wagie and just say you're "rewarding yourself" at the end of the day.

I mean who care honestly? I just play cause I have noyhing better to do that I will actually enjoy.

if you have other things you have to be doing then you are wasting time. The best feeling is when you can sit down and just play a game with no worries

Boomers watch tv for hours, why can’t I play video games for hours?

Why would you lie to your very own brain?

Nothing a do in this life matters, the kikes will ensure any fruits of my labor go directly to some ungrateful shitskin

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>posts on Yea Forums
>comments on wasting time

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isn't life "wasting your time" until you die? why not do what you enjoy?

Just think about all the assholes that watch tv and netflix, or stare at their phones all day

Think about why you play games

Then after you played the game ask yourself if the game fulfilled the reason why you played it

If yes then your time wasn't wasted

way to be slightly better than a boomer you wall-eyed sack of shit

if you want to follow in the footsteps of your sedentary parents then go ahead.

Hehe, thanks for the foodstamps, bucko :)

Realize that time has no value to begin with.

If something makes you happy good, you do not have contribute to society.

Your only responsibility is to yourself so long as you do not harm others.

I know that it is a waste of time. But I am addicted to the distraction. Getting immersed in a new game or character lets me forget how much I want to die

hey, someone's gotta pay for the black man's leisure, cuck.

>he doesn't play video games while riding a stationary bike or running on a treadmill

The same trick that normies do to get through the day as a wagie

Why is harming others bad if my only responsibility is to myself?

I've literally nothing better in life right now, and I can barely enjoy anything (including games).

i still dont understand that meme

Because harming others typically results in them harming or imprisoning you.

With your freedom stripped, you typically become unable to fulfill your responsibility of being happy.

This is a major consequence of living in a society

why would you even care that you're "wasting time"? Isn't that the point?

Become a successful streamer

The nomad lifestyle holds no appeal to me. Maybe you should just get a job and settle down instead of being a drifter.

TVfags make the same argument, but just like you they don't actually do it.

Nothing you enjoy is a waste of your time. If you constantly worry about how you're not spending your time as well as you could be, you will literally never stop worrying because there will always be something better you could be doing with your time.

But I am the waste of time, energy, and resources. I tried lots and failed, playing is all I can do to escape reality for a while longer until I muster up the courage and cowardice to kill myself.

I always workout at home while watching youtube or something. It helps me keep my mind off the pain