What are some spirits you're really surprised to see

What are some spirits you're really surprised to see.

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Don't remember the name but the Minecraft-like block animal

don't summon him

Who? I don't remember the name and that's what it looks like

Surprised that The Last Story and Pandora's Tower got some spirits.

Oh that one pig thing from the paper game

You may be talking about one of the characters from Cubivore

Its the Pig from Cubivore

>That retard who thought it was a Minecraft pig. Niggas have no taste

Thank you, it was that one

Never said it was a "Pig" because I didn't know what it was suppose to be, also I'm not black

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Elite Beat Agents.

Kaz Miller

seeing MGS5 Miller is fucking bizarre in a game like Smash. He doesn't even have an MGS3 version like Venom Snake or Ocelot

Culdcept getting Spirits and a track is still amazing to me.

>Nintendo still remembers Eternal Darkness
Would literally make me buy a switch if they did a sequel.

Only Whites in the World of Light

For Mega Man, I'm surprised Dr. Cossack and Alia didn't get one while so many no name Master Robots did.

The protagonist from Day of Distaster

Volcanion getting a spirit was nice for me considering I feel like it's a Pokemon only I like

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Honestly didn’t think it would be remembered, but was fun for what it was doing as far you can get with a basic action movie plot.

Even the most unpopular robot master are more important than doctor literally who and his who daughter.

Alia's from Mega Man X though. You're thinking of Kalinka.

Yeah, fucked up there, but Aila is still kinda not really important for Megaman as a whole. If it was only X being represented then maybe.

>Literally X series' Roll
Weak bait