What are some good singleplayer fps games?
Ive never been into the genre but id like to start now.
Can you guys recommend me some?
What are some good singleplayer fps games?
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Which ones have you played?
Is that really a lobster?
lobsters are bright red
Start with the original, Doom
Well, Wolfenstein 3D was the actual original, but its extremely dull by today's standards
looks good to me
That's only when you cook them.
Prey 2006
Duke Nukem 3D
Halo 1-3 +ODST & Reach
Half Life 1 & 2
Doom 1,2,3 and 2016
Serious Sam
tangentially related but is this shit worth a buy?
That's actually a common mythconception. The creature in OP's is just a Mollusk. Lobsters are actually bright red all the time. They just keep the Mollusk's in display tanks at restaurants because they're cheaper and easier to get than real lobster.
I can't speak for the dlc, but Rage is super boring and generic. Save your money.
>Rage is super boring and generic
K, how about memelands 2: the recringing? does the GOTY edition even include all the dlc or is randy "magic trick" pritchford trying to jew me?
I didn't like the first one so I didn't bother with the second one.
it has the only worthy ones unless you plan on going to level 72. They didn't put the upgrade pack 2 on the goty
Imagine being a 400+ million year old aquatic abomination and then being kept as a pet by the Zoomer human species.
I think that lobster is cute
*Angry lobster noises*
Battle Engine Aquila
Goldeneye and Perfect Dark
Duke 3D and other build engine games like Blood and Shadow Warrior
Turok 1/2. Turok 3 is really meh.
Serious Sam
No it’s a dog fucking mongoloid
Someone took a hint from the Simpsons episode where Homer adopts Pinchy.
Can't tell if you're trolling or just retarded. Mollusks aren't a single type of animal it's a phylum of invertebrates like snails and octopus.
And that user was right, lobsters only turn bright red when they're cooked.
Yea. Lobsters can survive on land so long as their gils don't dry out.
>hates johnny cash
I know where you can go, amigo.
No, Mollusk's are the brown lobster-like creatures in OP's pick. Lobsters are bright red, unless it's a Rock Lobster, which is more of a blues.
There are no bright red living lobsters user look it up for yourself.
From Brittanica: Mollusk, also spelled mollusc, any soft-bodied invertebrate of the phylum Mollusca, usually wholly or partly enclosed in a calcium carbonate shell secreted by a soft mantle covering the body.
brutal doom
Jedi knight series, technically
Red Faction
E.Y.E Divine cybermancy
Yes it is.
>mollusk's are a species of lobster-like creatures
user are you taking a jape?
I remember a chick in high school who thought coral was a type of natural rock formation and looked at me like I was retarded when I said they were a living colony of animals.
To this day, the discovery that she was serious has destroyed my ability to detect people merely pretending to be retarded.
Depends on what ya want.
Story time! The two newest Deus Ex.
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 1 has a decent campagin
Sandbox = Far cry series. Only realy played #3 myself. Most seem to like that one. 5th seems decent as well
I'd adopt that lobster.
you mean crayfish ?
you realize they only turn this color after being cooked right?
This might be the most Reddit post I’ve seen in over a year.
I always figured everyone thought that at some point.
someone should've bought it and then recorded himself masturbating while cooking it haha and then sent it to him haha
Why are crustaceans so based?
everyone did
just looking at a piece of coral, it looks like porous rock
That's a California Spiny Lobster
Serious Sam, TFE/TSE. The HD remakes regularly go on sale on Steam for a couple of bucks. Also, Metroid Prime. The actual shooting isn't really good, but the atmosphere and exploration are top notch.
no guarantee it's californian, there are spiny lobsters all over the world
>lobsters only turn bright red when they're cooked
I don't know about "bright" red, but a few lobster species are pretty red naturally.
Dont bully the critters ;_;
dont they're shit. pirate if you must
singularity user
play singularity
They’re bottom feeders with hard exterior and gruff anti-social attitude, that conceals their vulnerable insides. If the average user was an /an/imal they’d be a crustacean.
I played both and they were so boring that I quit after 2 hours
Yes, the pigment astaxanthin is red but bonds with proteins in the lobsters shell that give it a range of coloration patterns (blues, yellows, browns when colors get mixed, etc.). Heat denatures the proteins, unbinding the astaxanthin and showing its regular red hue.
That lobster is pretty red, but if you boiled that sucker it would be one uniform shade of bright red.
How can you even tolerate this thing being around? It's like a giant roach.
I work with a guy who thought rainbows only happened in the United States.
For a long time I thought tornados only formed in America.
The question is not why, simply that they are.
>hates any music by Johnny cash
>will destroy anything around him
every time
Lobster thread?
Why are all your god dam animals giant fucking beast Australia?
Are you literally the real world version of gothics setting? A prison filled with violent and deadly creatures?
Really enjoyed the first Rage. Great 7/10 experience. Borderlands 2 is pretty bland
Pretty damn good list
I feel bad for this lobster, imagine how old it must be to be that huge and then it just gets dragged out of the water by its antennae
>le lmao lobster doing hecking doggo things ecksdee
I fucking hate these shits so much
>Giant beasts
Abo's killed them 30,000yrs ago in a Continent wide Forest fire.
There was Crocodiles that could gallop on land so I can't blame them from going all Exterminatus on the whole place.
If you search Australian Galloping Crocodile you should find the still existing species that can move around on land.
I saw a gif on /an/ but didn't save it.
How long do lobsters live for in the wild?
Pretty sure lobsters take about 10 years to grow a pound. And they can live for 100's of years since they're biologically immortal due to their immunity from aging.
Until eaten.
>Abo's killed them 30,000yrs ago in a Continent wide Forest fire.
I have heard this said but it was never confirmed
did Abos genuinely fuck up Australia and make it a desert hell hole or was it like that before Abos arrived?
Crysis warhead.
Yeah but they have shit immune systems
I know there's a massive hole in the ozone layer which explains the intense heat and UV radiation. I'd say they chose to settle here despite the harsh environment.
There are trees that propagate during forest fires.
We've got no recorded evidence of a lobster ever dying of age. For all we know they're like elves: eternal lifespan unless killed.
Rage is textbook mediocre. At that price, you’ll get your money’s worth, but thats about it.
Only get borderlands if you got people to play with.