Games where you put in a lot of work for a specific weapon or piece of gear but then the developer shits all over it...

>games where you put in a lot of work for a specific weapon or piece of gear but then the developer shits all over it and makes it useless

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wow (artifact weapons and gear in general)

are there any games with a system similar to artifact weapons, I really liked it


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the truly amazing thing is this is the exact same thing that happened to the exact same gun in destiny 1
what the fuck were they thinking when they remade it, put in in the heavy slot, and made it do even more damage

artifact weapons was tits i miss it

Geomags for free this weekend.

I guarantee they playtested something from Season of Opulence and realized Whisper breaks the encounter so they just nerfed Whisper instead of reworking it

Too late anyway. Should have been nerfed before Forsaken even came out. There was practically no reason to use any other heavy in raids.

What's funny is it is outclassed by 2 other exotics. Darci can outpace it if you ignore infinite ammo and the new pulse flat out destroys

Imagine playing such a terrible game

>Cructh of the Worm

Well now DARCI is the go to heavy exotic sniper, and Whisper is now destined to be shards

>I need more than 24 rounds to finish an encounter
Why not just get "I'M A SHITTER" tattooed on your forehead.

That's probably why they nerfed Sleeper's ricochet damage, but Whisper it was just the fact that it was unambiguously better than everything else and it totally broke the ammo economy in PvE. Last Wish was fine because that's a lot of short damage phases with bosses that have small weak points, but Insurrection Prime is a complete joke with Whisper as is. Not that the nerf is gonna change that, with 24 rounds.

imagine taking a huge dump on your entire playerbase a few months before your biggest competition releases a new game in the series that literally created the looter shooter genre

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>simulatenously the most fun mission they added to the game and most annoying.
Spending my time waiting around with two idiots just do their floaty race course to get this gun was just a waste of time.

>He didn't solo it

Thats the worst part about all of this, they basically wasted everyone's time. Why bother grinding anything when it's going to be nerfed into worthlessness? You can bet your ass Outbreak and Recluse are next.

Change recluse to arc. That will nerf php and warlocks

Why is everyone acting like the gun is going to die? It's still gonna have Whispered Breathing. Do you seriously, really, actually need both infinite ammo and god tier DPS on the SAME GUN for it to not be totally worthless?

>tfw dropped destiny at 1 and got to watch everything getting worse
I don't know how any of you lads could justify sticking with it. Destiny 2 was even worse than 1, hell.

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Destiny players in 05/17/2019?

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Infinite ammo is what made Whisper exotic, without it you can't really consider it an exotic, it's just a waste of a slot.

DARCI was always a stronger gun, but it didn't have unlimited ammo. But now that Whisper is losing that advantage, everyone is just going to switch over to DARCI and vault/shard Whisper.

Darci does about 3%less over all damage but can dump all its ammo faster than whisper. So if both have similar capacities the faster gun wins since you can swap to another weapon. Or in PC case swap to outbreak.
The infinite ammo allowed whisper to outlast not out dps

lmao, people here actually played the trash that was destiny?

What the fuck did you retards see in those games? They are shit.

For real how the fuck y’all fags entertaining yourselves

i pretty much did hence the two idiots parts. It never failed to amaze me how dumb people were during this thing.

>Bungie can't design bosses that aren't just large pools of HP with a crit spot
>it's the guns fault

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So if something isn't the unambiguous best, it's trash? You'll still be able to use Whisper for all the same shit, and you'll be able to use it in any of the encounters that you can use DARCI in.

Maybe I'll grant that with Barricades and Lunafaction existing, this nerf doesn't work as well as Black Hammer to Black Spindle did in D1 and Whisper could use something else to give it an edge, but christ, stop digging the gun's grave, "DARCI will go through all of its ammo slightly faster than Whisper and let you swap to something else" when most damage phases barely last long enough for you to empty DARCI anyway is hardly a fucking reason to say Whisper is gonna be garbage now.

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Try running raids with groups while not using the BiS gear, see what happens.

It has good gunplay and atmosphere. The main gameplay loop is shit though. I just think it pretended to be a good RPG by dumping huge amount of grind forgetting it's fucking shooting game where you just shoot shit ad infinitum.

I liked argos
Make more mechanics and shit to do and less muh dps vs hp bloat

Let's take a moment to really take in the deep lore and understanding in the Aksis encounter.

The entire room is in the shape of the Destiny symbol (Tricorn). The back, left and right areas make up the "Y" and Aksis' platform is the "0"

If you look at the environment of the area, you can see Fallen technology on the left and Warmind (Human) tech on the right. Aksis being in the middle symbolizes that he is the centerpiece or culmination of Fallen and Human technology being used together.

When you start the Phase 2 fight, Aksis and the structure holding him extends outward from a hole. This is similar to the Archon you fight after being raised by your Ghost, and it's similar to the Archon Rising you can find in the vanilla Cosmodrome when you choose a VIP Patrol mission; both Fallen bosses climb out of a hole in the wall.

If you spell Aksis backwards, you get Siska, which sounds awfully similar to Shishka, one of the first moderators.

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Thanks byf

>think about putting in the work to get whisper over the past two weeks
>too stupid and forgetful to actually do it even though i've had the same tab open these two weeks
>gets nerfed

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I don't raid with anybody that's gonna have an autistic fit over as minimal a difference as that one.

The Whisper is the reason why I quit destiny and games related to that kind of loot.

The fact that a single piece of loot not only almost invalidates play styles for end game content but is so difficult to obtain makes me lose interest in the entire game.

Why make all these unique and interesting classes with varying playstyles if none of them matter unless you use them a certain way and have one gun.

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Whisper was not the best option for every single encounter, just the ideal encounters it was made for

Dude fuck whisper and it's not even a lot of effort. It's literally less than or up to 1h20m and it's an easy 1h20m at that. I was sick of being obliged to carry the thing around every time I did a raid, hopefully they come up with some decent buffs, but Whisper itself trivialized EVERYTHING.

Of course the game is still untouchable garbage. Maybe with the next expansion they can make it playable for more than 3 months. I doubt it though since they can't get their act together in PvE or PvP content and PvPvE content is a fucking joke. I expect a dozen more recolors, one new archetype that is inherently worse than everything else, and more worthless rolls that drop more frequently in a more diluted pool. I just wanted D2 to be dope.

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Do people still play Destiny 1?

DPS = deeps
HPs = heeps

Mechanics are annoying too, though. Bungie's only idea of mechanics seems to be stand on plate or grab x and place in y. Odd variations of those included. Hook me up with some chase mechanics or environmental shit that isn't standing on a plate, gimme some of that monster hunter shit if you're going to fag up the bosses like that. Maybe some real roles, too, and actual aggro mechanics.

Which is just about everything? Calus, dogs, bathhouse, last wish in its entirety, Argos, WotW quest, virtually every strike boss that I can think of off the top of my head, and it can even be effective in Gaybit.

>playing Destiny still
You deserve this.

I thought Yea Forumscels hated destiny and were rabid warframe fanboys

I remember this pasta. Who are you, friend?