simply epic, we did it bros
Bros... what happened to... KOTOR III...
what was their endgame? They know nobody is going to play mobile-tier half assed shart market based "video games"
why do they keep making them
This is their final coffin!
post yfw you didn't buy Anthem
Its literally the first Bioware game I haven't purchased since I got KOTOR.
One down, thousands of corrupt social justice shitheels to go.
So, how long until EA takes them out back and Old Yeller's them?
I'm looming pretty hard
Oh I am looming alright.
When it happens, you just know there's going to hundreds of danger hair blog posts complaining about how restrictive and unfair working for EA was too. I spit on all of them
>Mostly single player game
>Playing with other people is actually a pain in the ass
I do not see the point.
get woke, go broke
Doe bad games going F2P really fix things? ESO went F2P and I still didn't return to it because subscription or not, it's still a shit game. If FF XIV went F2P I still wouldn't go back to it because it's still a shit game.
Just play the Old Republic bro
dail goober :D
the power of bioware
For a free to play it is actually pretty good, just needs more content
I am saddened that you bought andromeda out of loyalty
>Anthem goes F2P
Tortanic 2.0 incoming
Only if there's an honest to God proper overhaul of the game to go with it. It's generally not enough to just make it free and add a price tag to random shit. I don't see it saving Anthem because Anthem's problem isn't the cost of admission, it's the lack of content, care from the devs, and boring as fuck gameplay/story keeping it down
>game is not even 1 year old
>may be going free to play soon
Wew lad that few thousand people who bought it day 1 sure as shit happy
>f2p is good
Dumb lizard.
it blows my mind that anyone would have thought anthem looked good. it was "EA funded destiny clone" since it was announced. what a piece of shit.
I don't get what anyone was expecting. The moment it was shown at E3 it just reeked of Mass Effect, Destiny and Halo all being merged into one grey, bland and boring blob.
>muh ironman/powerarmor itch
>When you realise that we're in the best timeline
What's the point of bringing it to EA Access if they make it F2P?
Bioware stole it away from Obsidian with TOR.
I just realized this is exactly what happened to SWTOR which actually made it a selling MMO so this is gonna delay Bioware's coffin
>Doe bad games going F2P really fix things?
Yes, obviously it worked considering those games are still chugging along with regular expansions.
yeah, but i still dont see how you could fall for more EA horse shit. when i saw that initial reveal trailer of the iron mans jumping off that building and flying into the jungle and underwater, and people saying stuff like "this is going to be the big new thing and you can fly around anywhere in this huge world etc, etc," i just thought to myself:
the game is not going to be like this.
and it wasn't. it was shit.
Yeah bought it because I loved the Mass effect trilogy. And to be blunt it will probably be the last Bioware game I ever buy.
Got it for free with a new Jewvidia graphics card, does it count?
all my friends kept trying to shill it to me, mfw they all wasted their money and i was right about it being an insta flop
This is just some idiot who thinks games that don't do well go free to play so he is passing it off as a rumor
Except Bioware been on a tight leash and EA is finally done with them.
If you guys want to elongate your e-peen, go to the subreddit. Everybody's in turmoil over the flop and the oncoming F2P. There are people out there that spent 1k in microtransaction
A toast to all the blue haired women losing their jobs
That has nothing to do with the game going f2p
that leash just turned into a noose
>There are people out there that spent 1k in microtransaction
What the fuck is wrong with people? As if falling for the marketing and buying the game in the first place wasn't bad enough
Because the market keeps changing faster than they can shit out games. Right now the money makers are apex & fortnight, but that will probably change in the next year or two, by then tons of game companies will pump out dozens of shitty BR clones
holy fuck
I might play it.
But then again isn't the flying ass? And the gameplay loop trash?
With F2P elements on top, it would be even worse.
Bioware's biggest mistake was releasing a free open beta test. What the fuck were they thinking lol, did they actually think the product was good? That open beta probably cut their sales in half
What in the hell?
I tried the alpha and it took roughly 30 seconds to realize the game wasn't fun.
IIRC they actually tried pitching KOTOR 3 multiple times but it kept getting rejected by EA
although granted how TOR turned out I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing
They brainstormed over what it was going to be for five. fucking. years.
In the end EA had to put the foot down and tell them to make the game. And then EA had to tell them to put flying into the game. The only thing it has going for it is only there because EA told them to get shit done.
Bioware is dead. When EA is your saving grace then you're fucking done.
Is this porn or satire?
Remember when TOR went F2P and became a fairly profitable success? We laughed at that too.
This. The retarded oversight and game direction at Bioware itself might as well he nonexistant. You have tons of staff producing the small little pieces you want, but absolutely no one working on fitting it all together to make it work or even designing key game mechanics until 1 year left on the ticker.
TOR at least had some ok plots like the imperial agent one, Anthem doesn't even have that.
It'll still make some money tho because dumb people.
It's because the guy who did that was Casey Hudson and he literally left the team while they were in development so they had no idea wtf to do next
>they banned people from bringing up destiny in meetings while they were making a destiny clone
Ey yo, fuck EA and their shitty games. Bring back the creativity
I'm guessing they lost all their veteran devs and all the diversity hires replaced them
it truly looked like garbage from the devs gameplay demo, gotta be crazy to pay for that
sauce on that?
more like free to not play
Glad I avoided that shit. Last Bioware game I bought was Mass Effect 2.
Looks like Shadman
read the article, the problem was almost entirely with the old guard.
I know that doesn't fit your particular alignment in the imaginary online culture war but the problems were top down, new hires do grunt work dude.
Wtf is anthem?
Which is a bigger let down, Anthem, or Fallout 76?
>free to play and bring it to origin access
Neither are a letdown, both are exactly what I expected from their respective companies based on prior releases.
A Destiny clone created by EA many years too late
tfw you didn't pay for Anthem and its going free to play.
Pretty sure I read somewhere most of the people who made the good Bioware games left the company around the time EA bought them
>diversity hires
It had nothing to do with "diversity hires" it was just general shit management. Shitty management from Bioware because the actual guy who was supposed to be directing everything left so the remaining team constantly debated over what to do or what Anthem even was and they deliberately avoided learning from other looter shooters to avoid copying them and shitty management from EA because lol the game may look like shit but it's bioware and they have magic so everything will be good after crunch time by the end
What resulted was when a guy basically stepped in and said listen we need to get this shit done, no matter how shit it is, we don't have time or money left
This is why "ideas guys" are actually important, people. You need someone in charge who knows exactly what the game is supposed to be and who makes all of the creative decisions or else nothing gets done. That was supposed to be Casey Hudson but he left.
I would've said Fallout 76 if it didn't seem like shit the moment they announced it
and why ubisoft can't get rid of michel ancel no matter how hard they try
>implying diversity hires can't be in management positions
they weren't
read the article.
Imagine buying this game at full price.
Guys, you can get anthem for 10 bucks now. Would you plz support and help save Bioware?
I paid 80 US dollars for it :/
The anthem reddit is in shambles with buyers remorse fags justifying their purchase lol
Good to see Jabba is still getting work
BS, you dont do shit in Animal Crossing and that still gets good scores.
anthem is functional even if it has the bare minimum for content. 76 is not even functional as an experience.
Oh Lord,
Lol serves them right
get fucked bioware
the article on how they fucked it up was entertaining
In retrospect, this was a dumb move by them.
you should seek out a refund
That came out already?
That's a lot of chocolate
It's been out for like 3-4 months hasn't it
>not the pastebin
Get fucked shittaku....not clicking
>played the beta
>really enjoyed it for what it was, am a sucker for third person shooters with ability use, combos, and spacebar-dashing to evade abilities
>Anthem feels like mass effect multiplayer
>decide to wait to see how the game goes at launch
>oh fuck
>holy shit
>beat around the idea of slapping down 30 bucks just to mindlessly shoot shit
>suddenly f2p rumours
I'm glad I didn't buy the game.
look at the url dummy it's using the archive
All these stupid as fuck publishers and shitty tranny studios failing is a good thing.
and that's a good thing
Whoa...Did girlpower cause Bioware to shit out flops like Andromeda and Anthem?
they are trying to get rid of him? why? dude literally put rayman on track again
I had to deny my autistic /m/ urges but I did it
Im not falling for you islamic tricks
Nobody did
Yes, once they color their hair and say "I'm woman" they ARE one
I'll take the blonde in the camo. All the rest are just plain fat.
Industry wide crash when?
I want my niche, socially awkward hobby back please.
Be honest anons. Would you play it if it were free to play?
Will it kill Warframe, destiny and that other MMO shooter that Ubi made?
>Wesa no like da Naboo! *tic tic tic.* Da Naboo think dey so smarty, dey think dey brains so big
TOR was KOTOR III, do you really want a TOR II?
This thread is Reddit
this would be an awful awful move
I haven't played anthem in months but until they fix the problems with the game it shouldn't go f2p, all that will do is let everyone experience how shitty and broken the game is and make them loss interest first
fix the game, then go f2p
That's nice. Bioware hasn't been worth shit post-ME1 so whatever.
one of anthem's biggest problems was this motherfucker and there's nothing diverse about him
this guy was so hated by the swtor community that they were happy when he stopped working on the game
Haven't bought a EA game in over 15 years
Post cap or link I want see the type of faggot who would spend 1k on a game
>they were happy when he stopped working on the game
I don't understand why devs still think it's okay to add ridiculous mtx to full priced games
The fuck
desu I pirate everything anyway and ignore multiplayer
It looked cool at E3 2017 then looked like garbage at 2018. According to Schrier it's because the 2017 demo was 100% bullshit, just a target video.
How will they ever deal with such a thing? Maybe - just maybe - they could just try their best at making a good game, instead of chasing trends.
>would you play it?
I enjoyed the beta for what it's worth.
>will it kill "x"?
Fuck no lol
RNG is his best friend, he just layers RNG on top of RNG. I never played TOR so I can't say how bad it was but people have told stories about how shit the RNG in that game was while he was there. In anthem's case loot drops worked like this:
Items had rarity from common to uncommon, to rare to epic, to masterwork to legendary
The bonus stats you could roll on a weapon were completely random so you could get stupid shit like a sniper rifle that has stats that only work on other weapons
Bonus stats had a range so for example damage rolls ranged from 50% damage to 250%
On top of all this MW and legendaries were rare as fuck so the odds of you getting the weapon you want, with the rarity you want, plus good bonus stats was incredibly low. You could play the game for weeks and never see the weapon you want drop at MW or legendary rarity and even if you got it odds are the stats would be garbage so you'd need to find another one.
EA kills another one
Neither, both were obvious dumbster fires.
>It looked cool at E3 2017
it looked boring at e3 2017 as well, it just had nice graphics.
..which we all know not to trust anymore anyway.
So in other words it looked like shit at e3 2017.
If this is true, I unironically wouldn't mind F2P Anthem. Definitely would check it out. Fuck putting ANY money into it but the flying looks cool.
they are exactly the always online trash I expected
>43g per bar
Its smaller than you think
Thats about 50 single serving bars of chocolate for the entire team that worked like 18h per day for months.
>looked cool at E3
In what world did it look cool? It looked like a game you’d see a movie character playing.
>implying I even considered buying this shit
pretty sure that still doesn't back up your stupid claim.
Especially when he presented actual facts to you.
>I read somewhere
lol it doesn't get any more vague than that huh?
>$80 for an obviously shit game
checks out.
Return to reddit.
I didn't think that was meant to be some sort of 'reward' for them I was just saying the bars look fairly big and 62% is a nice chocolate
>mfw didnt even originally know about anthem
The anthem and apex shills on Yea Forums got BTFO
EA is fucking stupid, everyone knows that if you let trannies creep into something it eventually leads to a quick death.
I don't even know what you do in this game.
you shoot at things until it dies
It was literally their reward.
It was the launch day "party". Devs usually get a lazy day and some fancy food and candy after finishing working on a big project
If anything, their reward is a poor joke
Check the full party CAPCOM gave the DMC5 team during release
I don't think the game isn't even 6 months old
I almost did... but my code never worked so they refunded me the money after a week.
It was a sign from anime
oh damn lol
that's fucked
>above autocorrected to anime
There is no salvation for me, run
>tfw NEVER paid for a single bioware game
I thought I had missed out on a new meme or something I was afraid to make fun of you for fear of looking like a fucking newfag lol
>may be
Yes, that source in entirely reliable and not dubious at all.
It was obviously a bad game. Every time Yea Forums relentlessly spams a game, it's going to be a shit one. Especially when it comes from EA, Bioware or Nintendo.
finally noticed the earring holes. homie's an absolute faggot.
I'm sad. Bioware was so good, once.
>friend bought it
>played it a bit
>yeah I'm having fun !
>tries to refund a few days later
>can't because he has more than the minimum hours required to get a refund
>regrets buying it
Everyday I will remind him
I never bought it, and I NEVER fucking will.
>mfw my friend tried to get me into Destiny 2 when they were giving it for free
>knew beforehand what was behind all these loot-shooter shenanigans
no spaces before "!" or "?"
Like this! Or this?
All the broad stoke plotlone for jotor 3 got rolled into tor
the nose tells me otherwise.
Stop killing my language you frog fucker
ESO has been doing quite well, maybe it's just not a game you enjoy
diev et mon droit
Bioware was already dying around ME2, so define 'old guard'.
>Some journo speculated on some shit
no there aren't. you cant even spent that much money in the store. i refuse to believe this.
>post yfw you didn't buy Anthem
Who cares, these games suck massive balls
>he presented actual facts to you
unsourced interview excerpts aren't facts
At this point the only thing I would be remotely interested in from Bioware would be remasters of their old games when they had actual talent working on them. And I'm sure they would fuck that up too. It's real fucking sad that Anthem and Andromeda made me appreciate even ME3.
A shame, because the gameplay was better than shit like Warframe is. Why did it have to fail bros?
Be thankful they haven't raped it's rotting corpse in front of you
Is this porn?
No it's the new Jurassic Park
It's not at all, EA have already giving them 50-60 million dollars to make the next game.
7 years to make this garbage... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
>no romances
>beta male virgin protagonist Freelancer
Shoulda had romances BioWare this game failed cause no romances BioWare
>EA + post DA2 Bioware
>generic GPU box art robots
>people still got excited
No faith left.
Well, i did not expect the webm to go down that way...
people who actually bought anthem, why did you do it and what other mistakes have you made?
right here
they're not dead
while the game is shit and everyone hated it, it still sold over 3 million copies and they also made shitloads from microtransactions
Yea Forums always talks about TORtanic being a huge failure, but it made massive amounts of profit
>still replied
Look at this moron
I guess that's what happens when you take advice from Anita Sarkeesian.
Doesn't matter how much they sold, what matters is how much actual profit they made.
76 has been more entertaining to follow for sure. Todd is going insane
fucking this.
They deserved it for killing Mass Effect. It could’ve been a first game but these idiots decided a looter shooter that nobody asked for was a more important project than one of their well known series.
ME easily has another trilogy in it if they took notes from the failings of 3 and actually put effort into Andromeda
that's probably because their "team" was in the verge of imploding at teh end of the dev, with everybody hating everybody and nobody wanting to celebrate anything of that garbage except the 2-3 people on top of the pyramid.
Say what you want about crunch, when everybody gets throught it, you end up with a real team, and not a collection of divas.
What's with the allcaps? Yea Forums has been calling for Bioware's death for a decade. Probably longer.
My brother was on the fence about buying it for a while and asked me to buy it for him a few times. Glad I was able to convince him not to get it. Now he can play it with his idiot friends who payed for a trash game
imagine paying for the collector edition of this.
Their last few games have been sweatshop factory-tier. It was only a matter of time. Now they can rest alongside all the other companies EA has killed off in their time.
I honestly wish people would learn from it, but they still sign contracts with EA to this day. Just goes to show nobody cares for the quality of their products anymore.
that was hilarious. if they just listened to the Austin team it probably wouldn't have been such a disaster
i dont need a face , because i always pirate EA shit i will never buy a single game from them but i will continue playing their games , FUCK YOU EA burn
hahahaha and i know people who did and not only that but they rush throuigh it to end-game with late night grinding and full friend-squads, i watched them stream it and honestly it looked good and fun but i wish that was me :(
Sorry sweetie, I remember Mass Effect 3: You'll never see another red cent from me
>ywn get this many (You)'s
I don't want it even if it's free
Yeah. You would pick using a loom over playing Anthem, any day.
What the fuck is this abomination?
>On the house
Seriously though, why is Bioware taking this long to die?
EA usually axes devs after one flop, meanwhile Bioware hasnt made a good game since Mass Effect 2, which was almost a fucking decade ago.
The elites still have control over the future of the automation. You better start praying for miracles friend.
eso didnt go free to play though retard
Imagine living in a country where everyone is so fat that you start thinking this is hot
literally me
those who didint see this cluster fuck coming deserves it.
>buying EA games
Fucking how though? It feels like an alpha tech demo.
they're dying but people will still buy their games because
if I've learnt one thing from ea forced backfires it's that gamers as a whole are the most batshit retarded and autistic grouping ever to exist
good taste
It gets more players, and some of them will spend money. Underperforming games that go F2P usually see higher profits and player count.
They took the Warframe Pill.
>being controlled by white genociding kikes is the best timeline
literally nothing has changed you fucking retard, rich fucks and corporations are still feasting on the corpse of this country
>MFW I wont have to spend a fucking dime now to play the fucking game.
Damn its good to be cynical.
not even worth pirating
I tried to find an image that accurately depicts this sense of having been brushed aside and shat on by someone who went looking for greener pastures, and then watching them impale themselves on the spikes of their fickle new audience.
I couldn't really find anything.
>mfw my resolve not only pierces the heavens but also the black stone heart of rich corporate dogs
why do shareholders continue to allow sjws and liberals to waste millions by putting their agendas into their games which alienate millions of potential costumers?
mass effect 2 sold millions by adding Sex-Appeal alone yet in anthem all the women look ugly and are completely covered up
>wanting kotor from modern bioware
>ea bad
Game was actually good, imagine falling for the rebbit psyop.
they got it cause they did it
Is this why they indefinitely delayed new content patches?
>this actually happened
>white president is way cooler than the previous black one
it's like waking up from the best dream ever with sunlight warming your face and birds chirping
I don't get it
So Mobile Strike is a game for fat women that dress like they're 50+lbs lighter than they really are?
Tell all my friends not to do it, they yell at me and tell me off. They won't admit I was right about them wasting money. They're in denial saying they enjoyed it, they don't have more than 10 hours of play.
Feels good to be right.
Include me in the screencap
I warned my friend not to get bfv, f76, anthem, they told me pretty much what you said, and they all dropped it within two weeks. I like to remind them about it every now and then.
its not worth the time even as a free game
and knowing EA it will be worst possible monetization pay2win
>Implying brap and thicc posters know the difference
I'm going to go with 76 because it also had associated merchandise letdowns and controversy. They couldn't even do something like vidya clothing right.
neither did the people who bough anthem.
Looking at the current state of Bioware why would anyone want them making another KOTOR. Consider this shit a blessing.
I actually thought 76 would POTENTIALLY be good (though I didn't purchase day one or preorder like a fucking idiot), and I remember anons on Yea Forums getting hype with me at the trailer
I never expected anything at all whatsoever out of an EA- owned company and never saw anything here but derision
so Fo76
The shitstorm has been fun to watch though.
>mfw I am not a retard.
I don't even feel bad for bioware or the retards who bought it. Everyone knew it was going to be trash.
I don't get it either. BioWare is so bad that even the hardcore Biodrones died off. The only people left that still want another game from them are desperate Dragon Age fags.
I also hoped, but waited to see it flop.
I watched some guys play it together and it looked fun, but then I realized it only looked fun because they were having fun with each other rather than the game itself actually having any merit.
Based peppermint sòyboy
I truly believe EA is literally done with them.
I fucking love watching society crumbles. It's not only video games, it's the whole world, and it's amazing.
I might be a filthy furry, but at least I didn't buy this mess.
People buy Bioware games?
Neverwinter was cool back when it had a community, other than that I can't think of anything else I didn't pirate.
Tell me the defintion of insanity Yea Forums.
Surely they can't be serious?
>Alright so here's the deal Bioware
>You make character-driven RPGs
>But not anymore
>From now on you will make action games
>WTF Bioware why aren't your games successful?
T-thanks EA...
>But do not worry just yet
Pssh surprised they didnt go with "and thats a good thing"
EA and all publishers have an obsession with adding live services because that's how they generate 75% of their revenue. They desperately want to be able to add microtransactions to SP games
that pic is a joke right
Problem is game development takes time and no one can really predict how other titles, successes or flops, will shape the gaming scene. EA sure as fuck didn't account for Battlefront causing the shitstorm avalanche it did, for example. Once you set upon a certain course with a game you're stuck on it.
in NY a baby can be killed up to the birth, literally.
Yeah, but it's an actual argument used by souless sjw
The flying felt really cool tho
I don't think everyone takes Bioware serious anymore user. People trust CDPR Studio more than Bioware.
Even if they made KOTOR III now unless they do a bunch of retcons it would probably be shit
They completely bastardized Revan, he ended up just being a fucktoy for Vitiate in the novelization, ends up becoming just a generic boss in TOR (who you can loot pants off of) until he gets split into two or some shit and vanishes. They also bastardized the Exile, she's just a generic Revan fangirl who eventually get killed. I have no idea how they could make a KOTOR 3 that connects with the previous two games at all, the premise that KOTOR 2 left was that the Exile was going to the Unknown Regions to fight the True Sith and possibly find Revan, now that's not possible.
What the fuck? Why are you all laughing? It's nothing funny, a lot of people are going to be unemployed. People with families, hopes, and it's statistically possible that some of them even end up homeless. Why do you hate progressive companies? This game was built with love and care by a team of amazing workers both male and female, it shouldn't be falling, for the sake of the human race everyone should buy this product.
Shame on you Yea Forums.
What do you mean people don’t like full priced microtransaction riddled shit fests of a game?
They brought this on themselves,
They didn't learn from back in Mass Effect 3 and they didn't learned from Andromeda and now this. It's good he studio dying so because now they can find something better to do with their lives actually.
Anthem? More like Whathem.
Lol, no one cares about the novels so it would be easy to just completely ignore and retcon it IF they wanted to do KOTORIII. A buttmad Drew Karpyshyn would be the only one trying to prevent a retcon.
>there are people who purchased Anthem full price
>there are people who purchased Anthem legion of dawn edition full price
>there are people who paid for in-game cashshop currency
>there are people who bought in-game cashshop items at "launch prices"
>there are people who STILL defend anthem after the report of all the shit that happened during development
>there are people who "worked" on Anthem
He looks like a soi'd up Stonewall Jackson
>Zayne and Jarael
That’s just cruel, user.
Not going to lie, all this cathartic news about Anthem and F76 flopping so FUCKING HARD it threatens their respective company's lives gets me to keep up with the news only to laugh at it.
Is this what they call TORtanic mentality?
>I don't think everyone takes Bioware serious anymore user.
Pretty much. They're a far cry from that monolithic RPG titan of old they used to be.
goddamn, what is that from? I wanna fap to picasso hentai.
>tortanic was 7 years ago
just retcon TOR and the novels. I just want more comfy KOTOR
Mfw I warned people I know about this hunk of shit game
Mfw they ignore me
Mfw this game flopped hard
Its a music video.
and Mass Effect 2
and Mass Effect 3
and Dragon Age 2
and Dragon Age 3
i hope you shitpost about this to them. they deserve it.
Battleborn ain't looking too bad now is it?
Studios keep shitting out these games that die at breakneck speeds even faster than before.
>Ywn fire Randy and fix gearbox
>source: my ass
though not even going f2p would save it at this point
I unironically loved battleborn, it just had shit head 2 head modes
You must know the fall that awaits for Bioware and the fact that EA is done with them...
>At this point past the launch period, ME3 had more content releases and patches than the actual GaaS title has.
How do you fuck up this goddamn hard?
And trying so hard to be a frontrunner.
Bioware is dead
based Steve poster
everyone's face seems catty and vile, kinda surreal... this isn't patrician laughter nor our reaction to Anthem flopping
>for the sake of the human race everyone should buy this product
gr8 b8 m8
If that's true (and I kinda doubt it is, considering how much EA hates the idea of free-to-play), then the game probably isn't long for this world. Going from 60USD to 40USD to free? Hell of a death spiral.
Women in the porn industry have no right to whine.
If they choose to enter a "degrading" business, that's all their own fault
F76 if only because no one had expectations for Anthem. Anthem was a bigger flop overall but people knew it was going to be shit.
tbqf if you had any expectations for F76 you're pretty retarded anyways