It's over, bros. Classic has sharding…

It's over, bros. Classic has sharding…

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those are spawns. you can tell because they immediately cast their buffs.


where does the one he was fighting go, retard?

imagine paying for this

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Classicfags are on suicidewatch

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Classic is done, pack it up.
Homecels on suicide watch


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Why would anyone play WoW this summer when Shadowbringers comes out in June?

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>retailcucks only argument
>it’s literally nothing

game hasn’t even released yet and this shit is already old

what is sharding?

shidding and farding?

because no one with an active sex life cares about finalfaggot14

Try telling blizzdrones this and they shit themselves.
>b-b-b-but it's just during phase one!

Kinda caving in, gonna play classic with some friends
Going warrior and I'm gonna tank for us, what spec should I be for a mix of tanking and questing?
Mostly fury, some prot? Do I go into prot at all for dungeons while leveling?

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good luck finding your friends with sharding

A reminder to ONLY run end game dungeons with Druchad tanks.

Warrniggers will res EVERYTHING like total faggots.

Attached: druchad.png (772x789, 425K)

So when the shard/layer/whatever blizz is calling it this week is full and you invite someone in, it exceeds the cap and still brings them in? If so what the fuck is the point of even doing it?

based wow is shit but its still the only mmo that doesn't feel like indie shit

>i-it's just phase one!
>i-it's just p-phase two, t-they weren't expecting that much!
>'s fine like that...i dont like crowded s-serves anyway...

I defended it
I didn't think it would be this bad, I just assume it would be starting zones only or something

why is blizzard so shit

I don't know MMO shit, but I'm curious. Someone gimmie a full story?

>a mob glitches out while the others in the group kill you
Unintentional and the result of a shit decision, but very much the vanilla experience.

that's not what's happening at all shill

probably kicks someone without group into another layer

>"I'm fucked now cause of that shit I'm gonna die"
>barely takes any damage
Truly just like classic where mobs only did like 1% of your health every hit even if you're a fucking Priest.

>start mining large thorium vein
>"opps it disappeared"
>killing rare mob that drops something worth hundreds of gold
>"opps got phased lmao"

>be standing in crowded Org
>randomly get ported to empty Org
yea this game is gonna be shit

Its over, bros. Classic fags are sharting...

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>90% of the playerbase for FFXIV is healthy females with SO's
>90% of the WoW playerbase is lonely incel males with anger issues

R*dditors are even worse than Classicfags. You need to go back.

post discarded.

Instead of a seamless world, NPCs and other platees randomly pop in and out depending on how the servers feel out.

It's only there for the initial launch

>man can’t wait to go back to vanilla back when the game was hard
>it’s so challenging I’m sure all the casuals will quit in a month :^)
>classic consisted of afk spamming 1-2 buttons and you were lucky if dungeon AND raid bosses had more than 1 mechanic
>each expansion that followed classic was much harder
>classic is in no way hard or challenging it’s just a mindless grindfest
Why do people look forward to this shit? Retail is fucking awful but Jesus Christ classic isn’t much better

>"There will be no sharding!"
>"Sharding will only be for the first zone"
>"Sharding is only for phase 1"
Sure mate.

If I could match the mental gymnastics blizzcucks do I’d never have any worries in life

what went wrong bros?
we were supposed to go back home

Generic anime art style, wheres the heart?

>each expansion that followed classic was much harder
6 man raids :)

Just level as fury and keep tanking gear incase you do dungeons

Nostalgia goggles and curiosity since they may never experienced vanilla.

But you're right, vanilla was time to win not skill to win. You were timegated weekly for raid drops and fight mechanics can be cheesed by outgearing the fight rather than clever use of fights mechanics.

why does his main target guard thats about to die dissapear?

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Thats all of wow, not just vanilla

The art shits all over WoWs mess of 2004 textures and mixmatching colors

But it's worse in vanilla because the timegating is more apparent due to the lack of outside gearing sources and you can really feel that most fights were designed to be DPS gearing checks rather than team mechanic checks.

So is there an issue to this gameplay wise or just immersion?

look at the date retards, this isn't from the classic beta

You're right, hope they add titanforging to dungeons so people can gear outside raids

Because they were shitters when the orginal game was relevant, they were the literal children and lower level players who gawked at the losers who maxed out in end-game gear.
They never really experienced the game and still fatansize about being that cool warrior in full golden grand marshal gear with a claymore 1-2 shotting everything in their path or that autist hunter who had a ashkandi for some god awful reason.

>feMales with SO's
So literally all trannies

Both. It not only breaks immersion but can exploited in PVE for farming or PVP for trolling.

literally a confirmed bug

>He's never launched a hotly anticipated game game and made day 1 work with no downtime


nah i knew this was going to be a joke, idk why but I knew, I was hyped for like 2 months after it was announced but then I started to feel like something was off, and of course I eventually came to the realization that it would be shit because its nu-blizzard and they are only doing this bullshit to try and save the game since BfA nearly killed it again. When this is your motivation nothing good will come of it, they don't care about the fans they only care about the profits

ironic considering they said that it wouldn't be profitable but now are desperate for it to save the game

Heavensward did it no problem

yeah because FFXIV has no playerbase. the only faggots that do more mental gymnastics than WoW players are FFXIV trannies. Remember that time they tried to convince everyone that it has more subs than wow and then it came out that it only has like 190k subs? I remember

>asscandy has 80 attack power on it
>some god awful reason
you really are a smooth brain huh

I'm sorry your post got filtered. You must have said a word that automatically means your post has 0 value.

cope that your favorite MMO is dying while FFXIV is growing by the day

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>i..its still in beta they will fix it on release'll see hater, i'm coming home

ashkandi is a dps increase for hunters and a dps decrease for melee

Who the hell on Yea Forums is going to pay $15 per month to play a MMO that aged horribly mechanically

Why even call it "Classic" when it's not even close

The entire point is recreate the world, not just make a shittier version of live

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>pay one hours wages
>for a months worth of entertainment

Gee i dunno, who would make such a stupid investment?

Is grinding boar asses for 100 quests like its 2004 and fighting bosses that boil down to target dummy DPS checks worth $15 to you?

yeah, among other things.

For some fucking reason the actual companies don't know how to release an exact copy of their base game.
Every single "progression" and "classic" server is bastardized code of the live version of X game.
>Anarchy Online Progression Server
>Everquest Progression Servers
>now Classic WoW
I never tried oldschool runescape but thats the only one that sounds like its actually using old code.

Don't worry, it wont after 2 months when there's only half a "shard" worth of people still playing it.

>so retarded he forgot there's range AP and melee AP differences

Then I suggest you play better video games if you find 2004 generic fetch quests and stale dps check game design engaging

thanks for the advice!

I don't get who on Yea Forums would pay money for this shit either. At least with private servers it was free, had no layering/sharding, and actually used the old game code instead of the modern Legion/BFA code.

>used the old game code
private servers don't do this

its layering and most streamers said it was okay
have sex plz

literally a beta and error server
it will be fixed
seethe harder fag
have sex

>Most streamers said it was okey
You realize most streamers didn't even play WoW back in BC days, right? Most of them started out back in Cata at best

>run sideways and jump over squares
>your princess is in another castle
>run under dragon and touch the axe
>thank you crouchario you are winner!
there's nothing wrong with simple games

don't be gay
re: layering, there are other arguments to be made about it but that particular sharding thing was a bug and there's already a blue post about it.
This. Most are wrath or catababies. Not the worst thing, no one expects everyone to have to be 40 years old to be "credible" but it is kind of gay that they all tend to lie about it but mysteriously can't prove they played retail vanilla or their old armory feats of strength aren't there either because "lol i sold that account".

I never played WoW because I wanted WC4 and got a shitty MMO. How did it actually work in vanilla? The only concept of MMO I have is MapleStory, where there were servers with 20 different channels you could switch between freely. Obviously you can't have millions of people all on the same server, so what happened?

Not the same server code but they use the exact same vanilla client from 2006 and most of the server code is emulated to function based on reverse engineered server code from vanilla. Beats the hell out of this unoptimized modern client Blizzard is pushing and this layering/sharding/phasing shit they're adding to the servers.

>Beats the hell out of this
really doesn't

it lagged like shit you actually flat out couldnt loot monsters when the game first went live you would get stuck in the loot animation and slide around all over the place

>Imagine thinking pservers work anywhere close to actual blizzard coding
Its not even about defending blizzard, but you can't seriously believe that made up algorithms, formulas and code is anywhere even close to the real deal.

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>Its not even about defending blizzard, but you can't seriously believe that made up algorithms, formulas and code is anywhere even close to the real deal.
uh sweetie verdan the everliving shoudlnt be htiting me for 700+ when im 3 levels too low and my gear is broken, i know because i played on nost you zoomer fuck

Legion client runs worse than Vanilla client in raids. Framedips happen more often. Not to mention that it's not vanilla at all at it's core. It's just a reskinned version to emulate the look of Vanilla. If you're a real vanilla player then you would be boycotting this modern abortion client not embracing it.

>Legion client runs worse
No it doesn't.

It's literally bloated with syscall requests and is single threaded. There's a reason why the graphically superior FFXIV performs better in 100 man Eureka raids than WoWs 80 man alterac valleys that look straight out of the mid 2000s graphically.

nigga put that glass down that shit dirty as hell

It really does. They added so much junk under the hood over the past 15 years and haven't bothered to clean it up. Modern WoW chugs harder in FPS today than it did running the vanilla or TBC verison.

Dont know why anyone would play either one when FFXI Eden and WoW Ascension exist.

>play 15 years ago on shitty store bought computer eventually fitted with a decent graphics card
>runs the game like a dream
>play today
>dalaran takes 50000000000 years to load
>FPS drops even with the best PC parts on the market
>long as fuck load times in the oddest places
>can randomly end up on a oceanic server phase while playing from NA and get stuck with over 900000000000000 MS

>Server permanently feels like it's on 200 ms latency despite having 15 ping
>Classic cucks all around me praise it as being 'authentic vanilla'
Imagine hosting your servers on dog shit hardware and being fucking praised for it. Can the Blizzard fan base get any more pathetic?

>They still havent made one MMORPG with decent not boring shit ass combat

TERA was so close but they had to fucking kill it

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The encounter mechanics are what make the combat in any game. Tera could have the best fluid combat ever but it's pointless if the enemies are dumb damage sponges that all boil down to tank and spank.

Eve Online does the same shit and none of the boomers there bat an eye lid either. You can't even 1v1 people without massive retarded delays to input.

Queue times out the ass, I could barely play launch day. Maybe waiting 2-3 hours just to get in on the more populated servers. I was behind the leveling curve in vanilla too since I was retarded but I imagine if you were with the bulk of the playerbase a lot of collect quests would be nightmares to complete.

I personally like ESO's
It has a high skill cap with things like weaving, and most of its dungeon bosses have more difficult mechanics than WoW's raid bosses.

Now you understand why all these raiders have a $1000 gaming PC just to play WoW. Need a core i7 just to not dip below 60FPS during BFA raids.


Wow that shit didnt die in 2 months?

Not strictly related to what you were commenting on, but since the last two xpacs were relatively smooth launches, i'd expect classic launch to not emulate the clusterfuck that the 2004 launch was.
I mean, who fucking knows also.

Not a fan of the game world. Literally the most boring, uninspired fantasy world I've ever seen in an RPG.

Too close to home?

Not him but it was hyped, had a big start, then nearly vanished before reinvigorating itself. it's doing pretty well now.
As a disclaimer, i only briefly played it at the start, im only going off of how popular it is. Still not a WoWKiller but it's doing fine on its own. I couldn't comment of course on the day to day or patch to patch drama or not-drama it has.
I agree with this, not a big elder scrolls fan in general which probably contributed to me not giving enough of a shit to stick around.

>high skill cap
Its piss easy to weave and actually makes the game feel janky and shitty. Instead of cool animations and fights everyone looks like some retard having a fucking seizure the entire time because their all weaving.

>Instead of cool animations and fights everyone looks like some retard having a fucking seizure the entire time because their all weaving
not sure how similar it is but thats how i felt playing darkfall. You'd watch two guys melee'ing and they were basically running figure 8 patterns, clipping in and out of range and cycling health/mana/stamina spells.
Looked like the opposite of a cool fight

I don't expect it to be as bad as vanilla but there are things to keep in mind.

-BFA and Legion both had sharding and CRZ which means that you were never going to find a zone too over/underpopulated.
-BFA and Legion both also had level scaling which means you could pick between 4 zones in Legion and 3 in BFA to level in any order you wished reducing the amount of players stuck in the same zones (e.g. westfall and barrens).

Layering sounds like the best option in my opinion on paper. How they implement it will be the real test but they absolutely have to do SOMETHING. Any purist who wants the "real" 2004 experience is out of their fucking mind.

>NPC Daze and dismount.
Not coming back to that garbage.

>i5 8400
>gtx 1080
>16gb of ram
>samsung evo ssd
>still dropping below fucking 60fps just flying in a empty area

Never played Darkfall but the gameplay footage does look like that.


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i fucking hate every game that does this kind of garbage.
i vaguely recall also trying blade and soul and of course if you wanted to do best on most classes it involved some other program macros and shit due to the awful client and trying to clip animations so everything looked retarded.

i do have to admit xiv is nice in that you cant do it, but that game has its own problems. really hoping classic doesn't have this garbage sharding.

I predicted this in another thread yesterday. What's happening is someone leaves the full layer, leaving a space that gets automatically filled by people in layer 2. They automatically get put into layer 1, even if they are in combat.

what made me hate vanilla after playing on private server is how slow HP/Mana regen is in general. I mean I get that you're supposed to use that downtime to chat, but sometimes I just want to fucking play and not get artificially timegated by archaic subscription playtime extending game design tricks.

I would prefer queue times to layering. At least I can choose to go to another server. I can't choose a new layer.

And yet you play retail that literally time gates you

>Any purist who wants the "real" 2004 experience is out of their fucking mind.

This always pisses me off. Real 2004 experience relies on having the same exact community WoW had in 2004. Literally impossible anyone to bring back. Everyone aged. Trends are different. Even if everyone suddenly reverted to being teenagers it wouldn't be the same..

hell, wow is like that too, with pvp at least. you get some autist rogue strafing and running circles around you constantly. looks retarded.

how do you know it's "this"

should i ditch darkshore and travel to westfall?

RuneScape is the ideal. It's manual layering. Everything is as populated as you want it to be.

I don't know what this was, but it certainly was not typical sharding. Those mobs were actually spawning. Dunno what was with the one he was fighting though. Legit just looks like it reset for some reason.

Fuck retail, fuck zoomlennials, and most of all, FUCK NIGGERS

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Because logically it's the only way it could work. Otherwise layering would be pointless.


last time I played retail was during patch 3.5. HP/Mana regen wasn't snail paced during then.

I would play the game if it weren't for those bloody PINGAS

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*taps world of warcraft themed wine glass* tink tink
Here here to my frogu friend! may he live and be king in the north the unsullied slaver queen of dragons!

also ESO pvp meta builds are all about stacking self heals and shields so fights take agonizingly long. Nu WoW does it too and I fucking hate this shit

Yeah sure I totally believe you.


Glad to know that isn't just me. I thought my fucking hdd might be dying or something. The load anywhere with people is awful

if (player.isIn(dangerous_location)) { layer.setChangable(false) }

There. That's how you can make it so it's not the only way layering could work.

so like FFXIV's cross world visit system. you choose which server you want to go to and get teleported there and stay there until you choose to leave. you can also only phase in and out of a server next to a major city aetheryte, so it's not like you'll be questing and have players or NPCs phase in and out in right in front of you in every zone.

But then someone jumps ahead in the queue.

I would prefer if it were just normal and everyone was on the same server and that was it. As other people have shown is completely possible.

Retail fags are fucking seething

I hate retail and I'm also seething. It seems like blizzard constantly lowers the bar further than I thought was possible

that works too but if everyone is on the same server then you end up with lag and other server problems like severe economy undercutting and people stealing world bosses rapidly.

1) idk who that is, what purpose does the image serve
2) why would i pay a sub for a game that's just wow
3) ffxiv has the most barebone fights/arenas. only the visuals carry it
4) go fuck yourself

blessed post

>my first MMO was WoW
hi jit

Then just make it so that if you were in a dangerous zone when selected to change a layer, upon leaving a dangerous zone you are at the front of the line to enter a layer in need of more players.

It's when several players are on the same server on the same vicinity, but still can't see or interact with each other because they're on different "channels" or "layers" of the server. I remember Tera had this where you could freely jump between channels in an area, but WoW kinda just forces it without letting you know.


Attached: 62487-ragnarok-online-sera-free-play.jpg (595x369, 73K)

>The Troll racial meme will make a come back.
I am healing 5 hp per second and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

Probably also they kick you out of a layer if a group joins and is overpopulated.

Blade and Soul was great, but too ping dependent. If you had more than 100ms you were screwed everywhere from pvp since you couldn't combo properly to pve since your dps would always be shit compared to someone with lower ping.

In beta, noticed layering two times. Got layered after grouping for forgotten pools turtle quests into a full pool of turtles, and layered near the top of barrens into a layer of a 100% dead harpy camp.

I'll take this over 15 foot player view distances desu

Pretty sure it was per "tick", not per second.

>The world is a dangerous place and you have to think what path you're gonna take through a zombie filled shit hole.
No shit.

it also had a shit client, i tried to play the mage and to dps well you needed low ping AND to fuck with how you used the left/right button spam shit with either weird rebinds or program to like autospam them as the engine had weird built in delay on left/right mouse.

god fuck that game.

i miss /bnsg/

Did the those private servers not have that?

Some individual player will get sharted

agreed. They really should have just copied that formula instead of trying to hoodwink everyone with their doublespeak tactics

NPCs always hit you at the distance you'd expect a mage to attack at. And then you just get dogpiled.

The beta only has a few hundred people.
Imagine how bad the “layering” will be when there’s 250k people trying to play

Going to run a 5 rouge gank squad with the guild name (STV is closed). It will be closed due to aids

Private Servers did not have that. They also ran on the original client and had original lighting.
The later Private Servers (like Light's Hope) were really well done, all through Naxx, and were way better than whatever Activision shits out for "Classic".

To be fair, BfA is a lot like that when you're doing world quests. At the press of a button you're in the layer for people doing the 40-man world boss quest.

I was wrong, it's not even per second or per tick, but who knows?

calling ff14 artstyle generic.......
jesus christ dude

Of course not.
They staright up had 1-2k people in elwynn forest (and every other starter area) trying to kill the same 10 wolves for their quests.

You're joking, right? All the asian games look the fucking same.

I'd rather play Tibia again than this shit, hell I'd even play current BR infested Tibia over this

And it was a good thing

This may come as a shock to retail players but you can do things besides quest in an MMO

Yeah, I remember that. LMB and RMB had a weird built-in delay so you had to map your keyboard keys to that, and then use a third party program to bind those keyboard keys to your actual, physical mouseclicks. What a shitshow.

I have literally never touched WoW, whats sharding?

jesus stop trying to call over wow players to ff14, it was wow players who ruined wow, I don't want them to ruin another decent mmo
the pleb filter asian style and catgirl will only keep the retards out for so long

Theres literally nothing else from 1-20.
Some private servers even in an attempt to alleviate the complete standstill in early areas increased exploration XP by almost tenfold so that people would just fucking leave the early area.
It would still take longer than normal leveling but better than nothing.

I guess I could go to the other zones where level 1-10 enemies are, right from spawn as a level 1 pleb.

So it's instancing.

That's fucking silly because instancing is what makes not-MMO games into not-MMO.

You know those shits that feel like you are shitting out shards of glass? That. It's what playing classic feels like

>actual world of warcraft player tells someone to have sex

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>So it's instancing.
I guess you could call it that. Now imagine this on an open map like the middle of the barrens with invisible boundaries which determine which layer you're gonna get thrown into next. Just look at I remember this happened to often when spotting a vein from a distance, walking towards it and it suddenly disappearing because the server threw me into another channel where that vein was already mined.

Not in a linear pile of shit like WoW, this isn't SWG

>Literally the most boring, uninspired fantasy world
play morrowind

>instead of fixing the dungeon loot system Blizzard introduced fucking sharting in marting
This game isn't even close to going home. The core idea of WoW was that if you are on your server, you see everyone. Removing this removes everything. The real problem was always the dungeon loot system.

>b-but sharting will be only there for the mart and the first few weeks
Sure, they will just remove it, like the new interface and other "minor" changes. Just accept WoW classic is dead. Blizzard literally said they fucked up because they literally and unironically don't have a backup of the original WoW anymore. The game you are playing is nu-WoW with a classic skin.

getting corpse camped? no worries just go to another layer. Banding together with allies to defeat enemies is sooooo last decade.
quest npc dead? just go to another layer!
want to escalate a skirmish or save a zone getting pillaged? Don't even try to bring a couple of raids in to help they'll just get stuffed on another layer
someone kited a dangerously strong mob to your area or let an infernal loose? just hop on over to another layer!

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They said they'll remove (layering), before the end of phase 1, and so far I don't have a reason to doubt them this time.

whats wrong with dungeon loot? Do you mean itemization?

>oh you don't like ESO?
>then you should play Morrowind to better appreciate ESO

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Haven't played since cata was announced. This is the first time I understand what sharding means.

>Kids will NEVER experience the ULTIMATE BLISS that was OG vanilla WoW

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>ruin another decent mmo

You mean blizzard. They make the decisions about the game.

>The game you are playing is nu-WoW with a classic skin.

good, stay that way and don't come out of the shitty hole you dug for yourself
you can't argue that every decision blizzard made was to cater to the casual le big bang theory "nerd" normalfags who play wow
it is entirely the players' fault regardless how much you try to shift the blame to blizzard
wow is a monstrosity representing the mongrelised western gamer culture

I've already been there and experienced the several month patch cycles with minimal brain-dead content. I don't play either anymore, thankfully.

Because levelling in FF15 is boring as fuck

that's just a criticism towards mmos in general, as far as mmos go ff14 is a good one so I don't want the retarded casual normalfag big bang theory fags ruining it like they did to wow

Pure arms for leveling, you can go fury at level 40ish but its still not great till you have decent gear. You can tank easily at anytime if you know what your doing.
>invite a random guildie
>/laugh at the rogue as you phase out of existence

So without access to /sit for guaranteed crits I'm not actually sure, typically on the existing pservers you would just roll arms/fury (you start as one and swap to the other once enrage comes online). Whatever ends up being the one people roll for optimal leveling/dps you just go fully into that and try to grab some tank gear as you level. You do not need to have any points in prot spec to tank leveling dungeons. While you're grinding make sure you apply hamstring and kite the mobs around such that you only get into melee range when your autoattack timer is up. If you're using a big slow 2hander almost every mob will attack faster than you and you can mitigate a decent amount of damage by dancing around them and trading 1:1 like that.

I forgot to add it's going to feel shitty especially when you watch your friends playing other classes, warriors have shitty time to kill, minimal sustain, and no real mobility. I'm used to playing with dragonslayer and other world buffs out the ass too which won't be nearly as prevalent. Make sure you get first aid because you will need it.

Idk if we were playing the same game, but that's already on FF14. I honestly have never played a game full of more incompetent players, literally "you don't pay my sub" attitude from every other person.

It's honestly baffling to me. People like to say "OH THE PRIVATE SERVERS ARE SO UNSTABLE" but Elysium and Light's Hope were nearly a 1:1 perfect recreation of classic WoW, and I played through it all from the base game up until Naxx, doing all the raids too (got midway through AQ back in real vanilla).

Seeing all this phasing and sharding shit just makes me think "My god, a bunch of retarded dramawhore Russians made a better Classic than Blizzard did".

multiplayer is a feature

Because FFXIV is bad. No ifs ands or buts about it.

Yes, because they just made their respawn time 2 seconds instead of the blizzlike 5 min. When you speed up respawn rates by 15000%, you can surprisingly handle more people.

How many players does Ascension have?

Private servers start a queue at 5k pop usually, incrementally raising it to 10k if they paid Cragge to help them every launch was an aidsfest. They only have to worry about 1 server and the tech required meanwhile Blizzard has to streamline that process to 500 servers on 3 different continents

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>were nearly a 1:1 perfect recreation
I don't think you actually played vanilla.

>WoW player is a balding fat white virgin
i am not surprised

nope. those marines cast that buff when they aggro, not when they spawn.

I mean shit user it's been 13 years what do you want from me. Seemed close enough to me.

like in TBC
sharding is about saving on server costs, doesn't have anything to do with population

What am I looking at here? t. Haven't played wow since 4.0.6 and never played vanilla

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this. ff14 is also where the cute girls are. pic related.

Attached: ff14.png (1047x1494, 1.56M)

>as far as mmos go ff14 is a good
As far as wrath clones go.


>game where difficulty is a core factor and extra mobs gets you killed pretty easily
>can be suddenly thrown from one shard to another, immediately getting aggro from multiple mobs
Have the designers even played?

that's a compliment since Wrath was the most successful peak of WoW's history in player numbers.


People are randomly getting tossed around different instances of the same server. Blizzard in an effort to stop server costs from being so high implemented a system that allows people to move around like that to make it easier on them. So a sever can have several versions of each zone and it ruins things because there is overall less people in the world.

Just go arms. Hamstring kite if alone, cleave/WW/SS speedleveling if with a healer. And you'll be useful in PvP, too.
0 points prot until(if) you decide to tank 40-mans

So the people crying about this are false flagging ff14 fags and retail suckers right?

I don't know how to break this to you. Sharding is in. They're not making it up.

nah. they legitimately removed the world aspect of world of warcraft.

hm, back to Kronos III then

what are you saying
sharding INCREASES server load.

The part of the game that was hard was leveling before you become a fucking juggernaut with a massive toolbox. Early on in the game you suck shit and getting an extra mob will kill you. The raid encounter design became more complicated with expansions, but the world questing/grinding experience got easier and easier.

Literally a heroin addict who sold himself as a gay prostitute to get more drugs

Blizzard already confirmed Sharding.
The first phase of release will have sharding. Which will then turn into something else (still divided)

It also has Crossrealm PVP which wasnt introduced until the last patch. Nice game.

No. It doesn't increase or decrease it, it breaks it down into chunks so you have less hardware on standby.

Level 1-30 you're nobody and hunt boar asses for living (they don't drop)
Level 31-50 you feel like a soldier being in contested territory and waiting for everyone to fuck you up the second you engage a mob
Level 50-60 you feel like hero with murdering all those dragons, zergs or scourge
After cataclysm:
1-5 you're nobody, have an heirloom
5-endgame you're hero who twenty minutes after leaving his farm to adventure solved world ending twilight hammer conspiracies, raped elementals to oblivion etc.

In classic you feel like building a character, later it feels just like getting hero handed down and go save the world for 8th time

They still have Phasing/Sharding during the first 3-6 months of release though. Thats been confirmed, along with XRealm Battlegrounds.

Why the FUCK do all you stupid faggot zoomers call it sharding when it's fucking phasing? Phasing, faggots.

wow is literally some uglified disney garbage

god i wish that were me

>eceleb screenshot
die underage

tfw have no idea where that area is because the game doesn't really care about areas., you visit most once for story and that's IT
I don't even remember seeing an entrance for the burn

Gonna take a big hot shard all over your post mate

>Surrounded by hundreds of other players to interact with
>First thought is "geez why can't I just collect 10 bear asses"
You're the reason retail sucks


I really really wanted to like ffxiv but holy absolute fuck the anime weeb shit and fucking traps and all this gay shit. I can't do it.

I am a weeb and that is fucking awful, its just this dumb superjumping and "pull my katana and teleport behind type of shit", what normies on youtube call "its so anime".

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