rate/critique my base
Rate/critique my base
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Grow up.
uhhh based
uhhh im gonna say its BASEd
get it? like base but based lmao
>t. nigger tranny
2010 called
based and redpilled
>So many reasons of pepe and wojak that it's not even original anymore
What the fuck happened to this site.
go dilate
kys phoneposter fag
okay, this is based
Shut up MovieBlob
>t. virgin faggot nigger-lover
>pairing based pagliacci with cringe /pol/tardation
Good God you're defending this too.
This site really is shit. Redditors and normalfags.
Hehe look a pepe with a clown face lmao based!
hmm... that's exactly what a nigger would say to try to shut down discussion...
Back to Discord, tranny.
>t. seething tranny
Jannies intervene in 3...2...1...
Really nice
I want to make a Commandos 2/MGS-style stealth game with MGS3 non-Subsistence top-down camera and MGSV style controls. There will be a diverse playable cast including an Irish Green Beret Snake stand-in, a young handsome French spy who resembles Sean Connery, and a Russian sniper. The game will include RE7-style campy moments at times and will feature musical moments after absurdities go down a la RDR2. Hitler will be a leader of an Ocelot Unit-style boss battle with a mood and music ike video-related.
I need $4,000 for mocap and two computers.
Ironic black kid/10
i watched this animation hundreds of times in highschool
not just this one but all of dick 1 and 2
fuck the sneeds #NotoSneed
>You will never experience movies like this.
I wonder how well a swastika fort would hold up in a Siege
Baste and redpilled
Ironic that the person with reddit spacing calls others redditors and normalfags.
>guy with down syndrome on the far left who doesn't even know wtf is going on
>Spacing equals Reddit
Good Lord you're off the deep end.
it does though you fucking nigger
>t. Discord tranny redditor
>two spaces between every sentence
is this what passes as comedy for zoomers?
we really are fucked aren't we, these kids will fail hard in the real world
real talk: how long and how many transactions did it take to make this?
I don't mind but holy shit that stupid pepe being reused like that thinking it's original is stupid. No new meme, just a fucking pepe with clown face. How stupid.
>Everyone who isn't a nigger discord tranny is a zoomer
I make $230k/yr, you dumb nigger. Fuck your own mouth, kike.
Meme harder bomber
Why did this game make a comeback?
The real world is about to end, bud. Fascism is coming back
im 25 and was introduced to Yea Forums through habbo hotel raids
Yea Forums.4chan never changes
>thinking this shit is hitlarious
I do nazi the humor in this.
been playing on and off since 2014.didnt play at all 20 0$ , only chinks pay for videogames
As always the left cant meme and have a shit sense of humor
kys you bitchmade faggot
Lmao that dude in the back doesn't give a fuck
cry more bitch nigga. get dabbed on
Black man here. Y'all are crazy ass white boys. Mass shooters in the making.
>ebaumsworld ftw
This shit was almost 15 years ago...
fucking faggot newfag cry more
swastikas are Yea Forums heritage
just look at these posts
destined for failure
>this is what passes for humor among trumpanzees
I can't believe that terrible, plebbit tier webseries unironically gets posted on Yea Forums now
how far can this place fall
Is there a Yea Forums Clan or is just a shitshow ingroup now?
Here's my base, been playing since 1015 as a side hobby. There is a pol clan you can join just post a Yea Forums message or some meme
Clan tag 8R9PY9PV
>being this much of a faggot soilord
Fucking hell, kys m8
This but unironically. The SEETHING replies just proves it.
fuck i wish i stayed in th10 a little longer to max my walls/cannons/archers, it’s so hard to farm in th11
Lmao you didnt get it what a retard see pic related
There's an entire sub-reddit dedicate to hate him you could fit in there better than here
what the fuck is this?
so you unironically browse that place
yeesh zoomers are fucked
Do you still play? It is a little easier now that they reduced the cost and time of a lot of upgrades, and if its still hard maybe drop trophies a bit?
I bet you just goebbels this shit up.
i looked up the tag but no results
What's the original from?
based and red-pilled
fuck women too though
It's some shitty character from the Walking Dead dying.
this might have been funny the first billion times but its not funny the first billion and onest time
walking dead asian getting heda smashed in
What a bunch of literal psychos lmao. Stupid fuckin bogan cunts
Not at all but since your fee fee's get hurts so badly your kind shills hellholes like that falseflag sub reddit and the stonetoss image edits here
thats a mirror retard
Here it is, its honestly a pretty comfy clan in spite of everything
in the ass anally
do you even understand what you are typing? buzzwords out the ass
but if this was a nigger and a white girl this would suddenly be a bad thing
based. trannies get the whammy
got it, had to include “#” when searching stupid supercell
>that guy on the left who just wanted to watch tv
Yes it would. You think you're making a point saying that? Fucking brainlet.
why does it make a difference
the strong must fear the weak
I'd be pretty impressed if a white girl could throw a nigger like that.
that faggot got sent all the fuck way back to Discord lmao. fuckin tranny faggots hahaha
>from finland
>proud canadian
these zoomers man
Anyone play Clash Royale?
i haven't played this game for over 5 years. They still haven't made any upgrades after TH12?
I thought wh*te people hated chinks?
how can you not find this shit funny?
oh wait it doesn't have someone screaming nigger into their mic at full volume.
have sex
it's unfunny retard shit
it's the kind of stuff you draw in school when you're bored
it's not edgy in the slightest, it's just cringy
pretty good, you are fitting well with the indians who play this game
Why can't trannies ever dress normal? You'd think they figure out that dressing like a freak, looking disgusting and standing out like a sore thumb will make people have a negative reaction towards them.
th12 came out last year.th11 wasnt even out 5 yrs ago
the clip is from brazil iirc. not white
>t. nigger
what's a Mirror Retard?
shut up, nigger
now THAT'S funny!
my bad i meant TH11, i was TH9 max everything when I quitted. Looks like the walls are about the same and everything else looks pretty much the same.
Oh fug the handyman from timesplitters
Wow you made it look like a swastika
So epic! Totally epic ftw!!!
haha funny thing is what it shouldn't be so avant-gaurde