If a character has a flesh sword equipped, should they unsheathe it like example A, or example B?

If a character has a flesh sword equipped, should they unsheathe it like example A, or example B?

Attached: flesh sword.png (523x561, 16K)

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B? Is this even a question?
Literally no one would choose A over B.


Attached: NothingThereBreaching.png (466x407, 199K)

>Flesh Bankai

Their arm should slowly start to split in half in immaculate body-horror fashion, right up until you finally start to see the blade, at which point their arm fucking explodes and the sword itself is revealed, protruding from the elbow joint where your forearm would normally be.

>use own arm flesh to make up flesh sword
>now can't swing it efficiently because your muscles are now on a stick

Example B is just Eliza from Skullgirls

Attached: Iloveher.gif (500x496, 1.38M)

Why not just borrow some from your opponent?

>Having it sheathed in the first place
Bitch, if it ain't grafted to my arm by default, it ain't a flesh sword. That's just a sword with flesh on it.

Like so.

Attached: 2202225-mercer_blade_concept.jpg (434x640, 20K)

>grow sword from own flesh and bone
>dies seconds later because you're using a now exposed part of your flesh, blood, bones and organs to hit people and contaminated stuff instead of keeping you alive.

>that power ranger villain that could pull bone swords from his body
anyways, B

Attached: 1558147773256.png (523x561, 11K)

if you can do that why would you even need a weapon in the first place, just kill them outright

>eye goes from yellow to cyan
also whats with the wedge of bone thats on the top of her head

>not having your weapons grow out of you like tumors

Attached: maxresdefault (9).jpg (1280x720, 273K)


Attached: mercer_blade.jpg (1436x1683, 247K)

I present to you a time when option B went horribly wrong.

Attached: cool cooler wtf.png (1000x524, 517K)

Without getting into too much detail, she has a thing called a "parasite" that's like an anime pet/powerup that inhabits every person differently. Hers is especially old and powerful, i think it's implied to be the inspiration for egyptian cat gods, but that could be headcanon. Most people wear there's on themselves somewhere but her's takes the place of her skeleton. Then her body gets goo'd by it's powers and she becomes like a reverse Venom, wherein the spoopy monster is on the inside, and the gooey outside it the human disguise.

I don't play skull girls, but all of the character concepts are tops

Neither. Rather, the character should have a large lumpy mass attached to their upper arm, or some other part of their body, like some kind of grotesque tumor. When the character wishes to wield their fleshblade, the tumor painfully shifts underneath their skin, undulating towards their sword hand. From there it engulfs the hand and forms the blade.

Attached: Goku Vs Nikki & Ginger (720p HD) (720p_30fps_H264-152kbit_AAC).webm (1280x720, 2.25M)


Any examples of B in vidya, or is this off topic

Did you try reading the thread?


Stick figures only exemplify a sheer absence of artistic talent. These offensive scribbles reinforce ignorance and by virtue of tolerance, a quality which in most circumstances should be admired; we are ultimately encouraging a culture of laziness and a disturbing reliance on what some in the artistic community refer to as "symbol drawing". Stick figure drawing is typically reserved for conceptualization; yet many "artists" use symbol drawing not as a constructive tool, but as a substitute for the knowledge they lack. This half-hearted approach to the creative process should be admonished at every turn. Shameful.

B but with a keeping it sheathed giving you bonuses to your physical stats. When you unsheathe it you lose the stat bonuses but gain improved damage and regen speed/regen is linked to damage dealt.

Agreed but the OP image seems to have been made just to provide an example, and as such your point isn't relevant.

how about like this?

Attached: flesh atronach.png (1561x1000, 72K)

Alex Mercer and Krauser don't work like B

for me its big band. mecha musica

Attached: 1543345547039.gif (1073x1299, 1.73M)

Just don't sheathe it in the first place

Attached: 69a2c7633453bb1bf4ad2d488186ae34.png (1000x745, 275K)

Sause pls?

Attached: 1556603670533.gif (500x277, 505K)

Awesome manga called Jagaaaaaaaan (yes its actually called that). Its about a police officer that puts up a front of being a nice guy but secretly hates his life and wants to blow away everyone that annoys him. Weird parasitic alien things begin to invade Earth unbeknownst to anyone, and our main character is blessed with the ability to turn his body into weapons. He finally finds a purpose in life: hunting down each and every one of those parasitic faggots.

Attached: jagaaaaaan.jpg (1200x901, 504K)

so its a reboot of Parasyte

Its Parasyte but good

there is nothing wrong with parastye. its just old as fuck.

Its honestly not anything like Parasyte, I was just shitposting. I do prefer Jagaaaaaan though.

>there is nothing wrong with parastye
Ending felt rushed

Based Mercerposters

Attached: Prototype Style combo.webm (680x384, 2.4M)

They can't be sheathed
You need to disarm them.

Attached: Necromorphs.jpg (1900x950, 1002K)

What else has this artist done? This style looks familiar for some reason.

He did a spin-off for I Am a Hero. Now that I think of it the artstyles are similar.

Why flesh? Why not just bone? Like that one character from Naruto that has his bones come out of his body as spikes and shit.

Attached: 1396072027076.jpg (276x368, 25K)

I love you
I love you
I love you

damn i forgot this game was actually well done.

>the way his legs move
Huh. I never noticed that.

This. See also: Parasyte

nice pasta, haven't seen it before

Yeah, it's like his legs are on a revolving pivot.

i remember there was an old power rangers character that pulled a bone sword out of his knee

YES! I remember that one as well. He was the one for the time something rangers. A guy with a burned face. He used to hit his knee and a bone would pop up, and that was the handle of the sword.
Btw, I googled the Naruto guy. His name is Kimimaro

I quickly sketched out my idea for a "flesh shifting" sword summoning method

Attached: Flesh Shift.png (956x742, 2.71M)

Unpopular opinion time; I liked Krauser's arm blade. It was totally out of left field and felt like a filler boss, but god damn was he a fun fight.

youtu.be/1sBwB3zkUFw?t=133 like this

Too bad the human enemies fucking sucked ass since they countered everything you did so hard

jagaan is way more autistic in a bad way that parasyte

I don't think I can get away with posting the money shot.


Attached: 011.jpg (972x1400, 282K)

Cool. I'm bored, so I'll read it now.

Is it a flesh sword that they made from the flesh of something else? Then A
Is it a parasite flesh sword inhabiting the character or something similar to that? Then B

did this ever get fully scanslated?

how densely packed is his flesh that he can afford to turn it bullets and shoot 100's of them at a time?

Don't think so.


dont ask my age

Attached: Ransikfrceofthefutureprtf.png (507x555, 382K)

Both as customizable intros

Attached: 1460248428953.jpg (542x616, 55K)


This looks like Monster Hunter swords

You can't even tell what's going on in that middle pose of B. A is the only legible one that makes sense.