This is LITERALLY me

This is LITERALLY me

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Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw i spend more time browsing Yea Forums then playing vidya

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Completely true to me as well

LMAO trueeeee XDXDXD

What retard ever needed to study?

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Why are we here?

t. history major drop out

This is soooo me

Based highschooler who should have been in honors classes but took regular because they were easier

this is me

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im playing a video game right now

Based gook


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based lefty

Physics major
Honors classes are for retards
56% Amerimutt

Replace Yea Forums time with shitposting on Yea Forums. I may not have the best kd ratio but my shitposting is on point

Based fellow cunnysseur

>Mfw im going through my engenieering without study a damm thing
Im almost there

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Why do you people sarcastically mock this when it's literally not wrong and applies to many of us?

biomedical or civil?

A B in an honors class looks worse than an A in a regular class

This websites an addiction

u stupid newfag i fucking hate you


Physics BSc is easy mode. You literally have next to no labs. EEs have easily twice the workload you do.

Get a Masters in Physics, then you can gloat.


Why? I've done nothing to you

Yea Forums loves to hate itself. We know we are all autistic spergs but theres always some autist more sperg than you are and that autist enables us to type "kys op" and continue on our day hating ourselves

Bretty good


Anybody that went to college

2.1 gpa? Oh right this is Yea Forums, you'll probably say 4.0 lmfao


that happens
somewhere along the line, Yea Forums became the baseline and anything that deviates from that baseline gives me anxiety
video games, tv and movies that require attention and not just putting on as background noise while I shitpost, everything

Based, absolutely, undeniably, utterly based.

Most American high schools only require you do the homework and get at least a C on the tests and you can finish within 2.5-3.0 GPA range.

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I can't say I never studied
but my studying consisted of a quick once over of the slides before going into a test

I'd say this is pretty accurate
but replace 'study time' with 'work 90% of the time', then add one more panel of the super focused dude labeled 'other 10% of work'

Video games are a chore. The fan bases are basically just secret clubs. We all play the games (which is basically work) so we can be a part of the fandom and enjoy discussion of gameplay and story. Or appear like we are deep to people who haven’t played the games.

It’s a giant system of multiple levels of fandom and secret clubs that you only get access to by putting in the work (playing the unfun games)

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1.9 on 65% just 2 more years and i can die in peace

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>Implying I even did the homework
Shit was like 10-20% of the grade and I aced the tests anyway.

>mfw 3.7 gpa but 35 on ACT
>mfw no face
My literal autism makes remembering to turn in work fucking hard and I'm shit at papers, but at least I can do tests well

Grow up.

I appreciate your honesty. EE undergrad is rough. But honestly user you kind of brought it upon yourself because you say you never study. Wtf dude

The fuck, how
My school had Homework be 50% of my grade, shit sucked since I rarely, if ever, did the homework.

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Get a planner. Fill out planner with due dates ,etc. I did my first semester in college.


stop attention whoring pedo.

I like my professor, the research we do is interesting and I would feel bad If I did badly in one of their classes

>halfway through nursing program
>feels like I've been in here for 10 years
>its only a 2 year program
Holy fuck, help me. Theres so much content to study in so little time.

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In mine it was up to the teachers and if it was 50% then I'd at least half ass it the day it was due.

seething tranny

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seething pedo.

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that's one fucking ugly voice.


Interesting, most public teachers just follow some fucking curriculum that is comprised of temporary memorization and busy work.

>cheated my way though my entire ME degree
Its only on that very last final the question really hits you, "When was the last time I didn't cheat on a test"
Well I didnt cheat in any of my business administration minor classes


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how tf do you cheat?

I just keep bouncing off games. Weary.
Can't be fucked to watch movies. Books escape my interest. I put a solid six months into self-improvement, losing the weight, getting something of a career path, still nada, no interest.

Fuck I'm bored of life.

>tranny is a yuro
shocking nobody lmao

Idk man when I was in HS I always found that I would get like Ds on my end term grades even if I nailed the tests without doing homework.
It kind of changed in uni but I guess the homework really just became writing papers and group projects as opposed to hardcore busy work nonsense.

>he didn't have a nerd buddy that did your homework

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>implying trannies aren't pedos

Phone, classmates, previous years tests...

I've met EEs who I wouldnt trust to design a fucking mother's day card

t. public school system cuck

previous year tests shouldnt even count as cheating. they should be available to students its fucking retarded

Im a third world subhuman thank god college here is free and besides here the gpa doesnt appear on my degree or title and only jewish infested companies ask you for that shit
>you kind of brought it upon yourself because you say you never study
In the end i dont care i got a severe depression complex my suffering will end once i get done with this shit

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This is weird to me because eastern euros and south americans on /sci/ constantly call americans retards and say their degrees are easily as hell to get

>he didn’t fuck the cute shy nerd girl and have her do your work

Classic case of sour grapes. You think there's any lucrative jobs over there?

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the only exams I need to study for I end up doing poorly on regardless so I don't bother; im half way through a commerce degree and ended my second year with a 3.7 cumulative gpa and studied for maybe 2 hours per exam the night before

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Idk maybe they re butthurt
Hes right here in mexico an EE has the same pay as retail slaves, Macdonald's eployees and low tier Workforce in the U.S.

>Be third world EE graduate
>Laugh at Ameritards who thought their degree was hard
>First day on job
>Die from electrocution from lack of safety standards
>MFW showed those 56% pigs

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I did, actually. My first and only girlfriend was a shy, smart girl in my class (the smartest, in fact) and I used her to do my math and physics homework while I taught her english. We broke up not long after we graduated, probably because she realized I'd be holding her back. She was right, since now I'm a 26 year old failure with no higher education, no future and no gf.

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was she finn?

Haha you found like a fuckin loser ass faggot.


That's because I am

i know a guy irl who moved to binland and does some low level retail tier job but has a wife and kids

suomi grills are qt

Yup. These days I spend more time thinking about playing vidya then actually playing them

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if you don't feel half asleep/dead when posting here, if you actually feel energised and like this means anything then you are 15

This thread gives me comfort that i failed my calc 3 and bio chem

It's not that unrealistic. I got a job as a electrical tech with a company making precision measurement equipment with a shit GPA. Only like 2.4 or 2.5. In my interview I focused a lot less on my school performance and focused more on independent projects I've done. I have a bench with loads of gear at home and build diy stuff all the time so I have the hands on experience. Beyond that I talked about my performance at my last job which was not EE but showed I had a good and long working relationship with other people and that I'm reliable.

Poor GPA isn't a deal breaker in most cases. You just have to find other ways to sell yourself. Now if you've put absolutely no work into improving yourself and you have a bad gpa, no projects to show off, and no previous job then you're probably fucked. Even getting a minimum wage tier wageslave job is better than nothing which is what I had before I came into this career incidentally

Now I work at company that pays well, has full benefits, 401k, and tuition reimbursement so I don't even have to pay for my bachelors. A pretty good deal consider the shit background I came in with.

i passed calc 3 with an A, but barely got by with a C in diff eq
fuck everything about diff eq, that class is from hell

>they should be available to students its fucking retarded
b-but then how are profs supposed to reuse test questions then?

I never said you can't find gainful employment with a 2.X GPA, user
99% of getting a good job, even with an EE degree, is about who you know, and/or being at the right place at the right time

guys im high and this thread is fucking slaying me

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Someday you'll look back and cringe hopefully.

Most just change the variables

Oh, I probably should mention that I did know someone from the company who gave me information about the job opening. I don't think he went out of his way to ensure I got the job and I never asked him to. I know him but we're just kinda of acquaintances so we aren't so close I think he'd go to that level.

based desu

you networked. which is fine, thats pretty much what everyone does. its not hard to do either, autists just blow its difficulty out of proportion.

She was really skinny and lithe, even though she had the biggest rack in class (not huge, but pretty big), and had light brown hair and wore glasses. She always wore white clothes that didn't reveal anything, but they were form fitting and she looked great in them. She was shy and had few friends, and other guys in class used to browbeat her into doing their math work until I punched one of them in the nose because he got angry at her for getting a bad grade during a test after she helped him. Not trying to make the relationship work is the biggest mistake of my life and I'll never get over it.

Thanks for reading my blog.

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Honestly, that's the point where I had to make a change. Now I just shitpost on Yea Forums, but I also play video games when the threads I frequent get slow.

I'm so tired, always

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>ended my second year with a 3.7 cumulative gpa and studied for maybe 2 hours per exam the night before
Get a load of this brainlet

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>that faggot ain't gonna call himself nigger on his own

>One hour after waking up from a 11 hours sleep, already yawning and getting sleepy again
w-what's happening to me

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You're ascending to the next plane of existence

Are some people just genetically predispositioned to not be smart?

Im pursuing Aerospace Engineering, but I just failed my first class, no matter how hard i study i just dont grasp the concepts. Is this my platue?

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100% aids

>play vidya
>get loading screen
>alt tab and check Yea Forums
>uninteresting scene happens
>alt tab and check Yea Forums
>go take a shit
>use phone to check Yea Forums

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Are you guys me? I always feel tired but my body will be too restless to sleep.

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Well you can't spell plateau. I'll just assume you're tired.

Why'd she pick Death Machine if they suck?

You're sleeping for too long, retard. More sleep doesn't mean less tired.
Drop it down to 8 hours.

You’d be surprised how much a change of mentality can effect your energy. If you don’t want to be tired, don’t be.

Everyday when I arrive to work, I have to wait an hour before I can clock in. Sometimes I sleep / relax during that hour, and other days I study Russian (since I am trying to learn it). And the days I actually study, I will more energetic throughout the day as opposed to if I just rested.

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I needed to study but never did.

could be either
>you're interested in the subject but not smart enough
>you're smart enough to do pretty much anything you put your mind to but don't give a shit about living


I really really REALLY feel you Yea Forumsro
and yes, you can be predispositioned to not be smart

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I always look at it like this:
Imagine trying to explain the concept of an infinite universe, a complex mathematical theorem, or even how the government works to a 3 year old. Now consider that, the child's mental development into an adult takes place along a set path and caps out at some point.
Some people have a higher cap.

tl;dr: yes

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>sleep 7-9 hours daily
>eventually realize it takes me an hour at the very least to fall asleep
>drop it down to 5
>set up a loud alarm
>almost always wake up instantly and feel fine throughout the day
8 hours is a fucking meme.


I've never studied in my life. I would say studying is for extroverts too ignorant to take a test, but obviously nerds and Asians study hard so I have no idea why so many people do it.


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>>you're smart enough to do pretty much anything you put your mind to but don't give a shit about living
That might be me but I just tell everyone I'm retarded.

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I think it comes down to the way things are taught and how you learn them. I had a good physics teacher in high school and a lot of the concepts and mechanics came very easy to me, but when I took physics in university, my professors were shit and I couldn't remember or figure out how to do half of the problems I know I'd had no problem with years earlier. It depends on you, to be honest. Not everyone can learn things from a book.

Oh, I left you out.

You're sleeping too long.

what are these called

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Diabetes. Not even kidding, serfs worked hard every single day and only had bone problems, never fatigue issues.

Why are there so many total fucking retards in this thread/on this board? Are you all ESLs or have you simply never read a single book in your entire fucking worthless lives?

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haha epik post user :P
shadilay my comrade

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My experience with illusion game in general. Also kenshi

TES V Skyrim

being this new

Maybe, but I don't think it really matters. There are different types of smarts. Intelligence isn't a videogame stat. Lots goes into it. I know some very smart people that are gifted in completely different types of things. One's a math wiz, but the motherfucker writes like he's a retard. One's a legit author, but she can't do simple algebra(was in school with her from HS through college). That being said, they also never worked on their weaknesses outside of what was mandatory for them in a class setting. My cousin couldn't music worth a shit 5-6 years ago, literally couldn't keep tempo with a metronome, but diligence and some lessons from me, he's a very decent guitarist/violinist now. Stick with it and keep challenging yourself. It may just click with you suddenly at some point. I'd be more concerned if it's something you actually want to pursue for a career. Are you sure you really care for the subject, cause if you're not, you my subconsciously be blocking yourself from getting your head around it.

Anyone who isn't a liberal arts major.

I always finds it hilarious that the bottom right never happened and the gamer gurrl "community" went straight for top left.

>mfw 4.1 gpa but 27 ACT
>got into chad UCSB
>will soon fuck hot blondes left and right

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same. no one at the warehouse I work at knows I have a medical degree from an ivy league
what does it matter, the final result is the same anyway regardless of the path you took

Careful with them rape accusations. Stay away from the Sorwhoreities

how about saving money in transferable credits you dip. AP master race

Lots to truly excel. You can do pretty well just paying attention in class and doing homework. But then again, there are some Newtons out there who can make perfect grades and not study, but they always seem to fall somewhere on the "spectrum."


Go to bed, Donovan.

that's literally me, I'm currently trying to install mods to morrowind but it's giving me a stroke

In mine the principal thought making homework not count was a good idea. It was epic

Are you deaf? That’s a great voice. Are you a nigger?

Non amerifat here,what the fuck is an honors class

stay mad retard, that's one shit sounding voice.

Can confirm, am on spectrum

literally me

So, generally there are 4 tiers
AP which is college level courses that you get credit for
Honors which is the in between which doesn't count for anything other than circle jerking
And retard classes
GPA is weighted for 4 points for an A, 3 for a B, and so on to 0 for an F. AP classes get +2 points for each class so an A is a 6.0 a D is a 3.0 but an F is still 0 usually. Honors classes only get a +1.

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Don't know about the US, but in Canada they were like AP classes. I had the option of skipping freshman level courses and jumping straight into second year after graduating from high school

literally me when I'm gaming

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>That first prompt on the AP Literature Exam.

I'm starting to think CollegeBoard hates men.

>an A is a 6.0
What kind of retarded bell curve did your school have? Honors and AP got the same +1.0 at my school so you could only max out at 5.0 GPA.

Nigger I'm not underaged, what question are you talking about

that's not a stroke, son...
unless that was clever innuendo
OR unless morrowind is somehow able to function as an H-game

I could be wrong. I'm going on hearsay. Never looked at my own GPA

I got a 4.0 in diffeq but a 2.6 in advanced calc and it's possible I'm going to fail real analysis too, everyone in the class failed the midterm and I got a score of 3 out of 60.

t. "gifted" highschool burnout who never learned how to study and gives up on anything that doesn't instantly come naturally

Then again, my school had like no middle ground. The students were either smart or stupid and the distribution was just a double hump with almost no one being in the mean area.

anyway forgot to end the post with

>next to no labs
...wut? Im not the guy you replied to. I dunno about your school, but i have a physics labs up until senior year.

God, being a Philosophy/Polisci doublemajor feels so good. Good luck stressing your little brainy while I ace Law School, STEMlet.

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>tfw you somehow have the highest GPA out of everyone in your university's program and you just want to hang out with the four or five friends you have during the graduation ceremony but you have to sit on the stage with people you've never met before and be alienated from everyone one last time before you eventually drift into post-grad life and never talk to most of them ever again

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You're absolutely right to do so. I love doing math but it's the worst major to take because it's so hard and there's zero reward for doing so. I should have taken philosophy desu, I enjoy it and it would have been easy to bullshit if I needed to.

thats what you get for being a nerd


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I didn't even try half the time and that's the worst part

I just finished Differential Equations this semester, it might be the most boring course I've ever taken. Managed a B- thank god, studying a few hours before each exam and picking it up the pace near the end.

I never could study. If I'm not interested, I cannot even force myself to do something. And rereading shit I already know when it's already uninteresting is peak boring.
Same here. There were only really a handful of actually intelligent people so we all knew and hated each other for one thing or another except for this Mexican family that were always the valedictorian for whatever year they were in. Smart, nice people who spent free time volunteering, going to church, or studying. Nobody could hate them.

Speak of the devil, just saw this shit in my Jew York Times paper.

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why does he have child porn written on the back of his computer

My school was different in the sense that everyone from the township was almost guaranteed to be in honors classes and everyone else was almost too stupid to be in normal classes. I took AP physics but normal English classes because I really didn't like English, and my teacher literally had us read middle school level books. I had to ask to borrow a copy of 1984 from the other class because I couldn't bare to write an actual paper on "The Chocolate War."

The person who wrote the SAT, wrote it specifically to disadvantage immigrants and poor people, so now they're countering that tendency in his tests. Ironically, he came to hate his earlier views on race and poverty and the SAT tests and thought they were a bad judge of actual intellect and ability and wanted them removed, but by then it was too late.

And it never occurred to them to just remove them? What even on it would disadvantage a poor person? How the fuck does that even worl.

are you me

based schizo

t. /pol/ddit


>get home from work at around 8pm
>have easily 6~ hours to kill before bedtime
>think it's perfect time to play video games
>Steam library of over 200+ games
>start up a game for ~5 minutes
>then quit as it loses my interest and go back to watching youtube/shitposting on Yea Forums
>6 hours later, just wasted my entire night and didn't play any games
>this happens every fucking day for the past year and I fucking hate myself for it because I have literally 6 hours of prime video game time and every FUCKING time I have no interest in playing anything

how do I fucking stop doing this shit bros. It's the same thing as "spend all day at work thinking about vidya, then when you get home you don't even play vidya"

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Are you me? Minus the phone part fuck phoneposters.

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Try a different genre of games from the kind you normally enjoy. When I had a job I started playing single player games since it was all I had time for and I wish I had done so sooner.

>thinking more about how much fun I used to have playing games then playing games
modern games just are not worth your time

I love these

games haven't been good since 2007.

You go to bed at 4am while wagecucking?

False flag for the Feds, he actually gets his CP per fax

Different people need different amounts of sleep. So 7-8 hours is more of a baseline than a recommendation. Some people need more, some people need less.

comp sci major here
>in b4 herr durr comp sci is easy
go back to making less then me faggot

sounds almost like this

i think he/she/it's talking about undergrad...


Hey me, how's it going?

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keep pushing bro. i just wrapped up junior year, shit gets really hard.

best strategy is to get ur gpa as high as possible your first 2 years, cuz junior year is literally hell.

>have a 3.9 overall gpa
>never studied a day in my life
>literally have 0 idea what im doing
>don't know any of the material for any class
>dumb luck and guessing is getting me through all my exams

i cant fucking stop but this is going to bite me in the ass down the line somehow when my luck runs dry
please kill me now

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>Wanking while gaming
What game was he playing?

m8 im not even a part of this why are you hurting me

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If by study you mean "read the textbook because you're too lazy to go to class", then me, with a once over before the test.

The voice of a serial faggot.

>Maybe, but I don't think it really matters.
It's probably the most important thing there is user.

You ugly

Dwarf Fortress

Haha me too, now I'm a retailcuck.

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>mfw anons keep bragging about how ez college/uni is
>mfw I failed a semester from carrying over my highschool methodology
Ignore those faggots, they're either exaggerating or very intelligent, if you're closer to average you'll need to put in more effort

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depends on your major. if youre in stem then yea its not easy. if youre in a meme major like pschology or womens studies you can get an A just by showing up

Joke's on you fags, I've never studied AND I failed out of high school and college!

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it's 'cause you're tired after work. Your brain is fatigued with decisions made during the day, and it just wants to stop thinking, so watching Youtube/posting on the chans is perfect for that. Playing vidya requires thinking, which your brain is done with.

I actually want to switch to Philosophy from my Comp Sci degree because of that, and the fact that I actually enjoy it.
>tfw I'm in my third year

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>realized too late I wanted to switch
>was hardly even passing anyway
>dropped myself out
>now a NEET
I think this is what I actually wanted in the end, fuck effort. Don't want to live anyway.



lmao, every time i restart new vegas

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Lmao, you're fucking doomed, dude. Enjoy your NEET life going forward.

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>mfw I’m no longer some faggot who spends more time on a video game board than playing video games
It’s a great feeling knowing that’s it going to be alright

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The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

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why are you spouting common knowledge like its edgy?

If that's common knowledge, why haven't we removed the jews from our societies?

Everyone already knows this shit faggot. But it’s not video games

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The virgin "burnout" honors student
The chad "literally never changed his mind on what he wanted to do since middle school and is now a PhD. in it" wise elder

>our societies
Idiot, Jews ARE our societies now. We are the minority

Now imagine a smart student who literally has no idea that the entire world is run by the jewish mafia. I'd wager that that 'smart' student is not very smart at all.

I had a super easy time in high school, learned max 3 days for the final exams. Then i went to university to study physics and basicly did no study work for the first two semesters. Man that fucked me over in the third semster. Really had to change my study habits to not fail university.

I don't think you understand what the word 'minority' means.

>Being professionally useless to society
>Ragging on the STEM chads who figuratively make the world go round

I mean I got my business minor while doing ME and now I'm in an MBA program for engineering management, but anyone who can't do STEM is actually a low IQ subhuman. My business and law classes were cakewalks compared to stress analysis and thermal systems.

Also there is an indescribable pleasure in knowing how the world works, I only envy physicists.

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The great hilarity about you STEM faggots is that you never realized that the jews are openly trying to destroy you. You're smart enough to do incredibly precise mathematics, but you're also stupid enough to get enslaved by the jews. Let me guess, you were in the GT program.

>mfw that chad is a Jew

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>who can't do STEM is actually a low IQ subhuman

As someone to left STEM, I can attest to this. I am, quite simply, too stupid. I wish I was fucking joking.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night, Chaim.

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I did the whole 9 yards, Gate program, honors everywhere, presidential awards, straight to uni with honors, had a hard time with the ME classes but I made it and got the minor since I liked public speaking so much and talking with people, doing an MBA now and might join a nuclear lobby soon since nuclear energy systems was my emphasis.

Also I'm a pretty hard right leaning technocrat with fascist friends who went into both STEM and polisci, all my left leaning friends did art or literature or failed out of even polisci. A few are doing server work until getting an "acting gig" they swear is coming. Either way you'd be surprised just how many people are J woke in technical fields that require actual brainpower.

Admitting it at last means you're in the right mindset to better yourself, or find something you can do and enjoy.

>J woke
Is that what you simpering faggots call your jewish masters?

>dog collar

You already know what it means
Implying you didn't know what it means you could have easily googled it
This is the equivalent of someone saying "I hate vanilla ice cream" and you say "Is that your way of saying you think vanilla is the best flavor?"

So you agree that the jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers. All in the name of power, am I right?

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DId you remember to dilate today, faggot?

Haven't looked into JFK
USS Liberty is just a fact they did it
Twin Towers wasn't Jews

Hate Jews for the right reason retard

Those bone problems caused them extreme pain and death at around age 35 though.

I hate video games.

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>I'll just assume you're tarded*

Oswald literally expatriated to the Soviet Union, you stupid faggot. Yes, the jews murdered JFK, because they brainwashed a stupid faggot. Now kill yourself for being so utterly unaware of history.

I almost never did any kind of home work at school, and I have never in my life 'studied'. If it's important information you just remember it from the class.
The only time I've done homework is for my trade certification, where I literally can't pass the course without submitting assessment. And even then I flunked a couple classes and has to redo them because I didn't hand in the assessment items. High school just lets you bullshit and pass without handing in shit.

>t. public school tard

>paying for primary and secondary education when it's given out free
Your parents are idiots.

you triggered some bad memories in me, i remember the feeling of not being able to understand concepts no matter how hard you try, while others just breeze trough them

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Thanks for the laughs user


>"public school education"

Beyond based

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How many careers require private education?
And how many of those that do are actually enjoyable and fulfilling?

>the only reason to be smart is for a job
This is your mind on public school education.

>>the only reason to be smart is for a job
Really a meaningless word. I presume you mean "have high test scores", in which case then yeah, the only reason to have high test scores is for a future career, and even then your future is usually completely detached from your early education. It's really only tertiary education that matters for your career.

Who draws like this?

that isn't cunny you filthy plebbitor

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unironically this.
they teach you everything you need to know during lectures and tutes.
if you have to study outside of class then you just werent paying attention

only correct one

This is literally me

any accounting bros.
shits pretty easy but after the experience from my internship i might kill myself before 35

>and even then your future is usually completely detached from your early education.
Actually, it's almost entirely dependent on it. Both your knowledge base and skills develop and improve over time... if you're actually getting an education. If you literally learned nothing in 12 years of primary school, then you are 12 years behind people who actually received an education, and weren't pushed through with the whole "no child left behind" clusterfuck.
You're mentally a toddler compared to your peers.

this, as much as i hated school i only recently recognized it's importance.
it's basically skill development and not knowledge gaining


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>and weren't pushed through with the whole "no child left behind" clusterfuck.
Oh, you're assuming I'm American and currently going through primary education.
Well no, I'm not American and I went through primary education during the 1990s.
But even if the school education is poor then why aren't your parents contributing to your education? Are they totally detached, to the point where the only place you could learn anything at all is school?
What kind of house did you grow up in? Were you raised by a robot nanny?
Success and/or happiness in life has little to do with education and almost everything to do with the home environment.

when will peopel stop spreading this retarded meme

average lifespan was 30 years old because infant mortality was like 50% and child mortality like 10

if you made it to 15 you would likely make it to 60

When you wake yourself from your deep sleep you will feel tired. You need to find out what your sleep cycle is so you can set your alarm accordingly. Or let your body tell you when you need to wake up

>Oh, you're assuming I'm American
You should have started with that, you brainlet. People care about the opinions of non-Americans even less than public school tards.

My dad left me before I was born and my mom had to constantly work to afford the home so she couldn't teach me much.

And yet she could afford to send you to private school?
Sure thing, mate.

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

I went to public school, wtf are you on about?

That's a different user.

>reddit spacing
>factually incorrect
Like clockwork

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

Shitposting is the most fun game you can play.
You can't prove me wrong.

>Are some people just genetically predispositioned to not be smart?
Yes. Intelligence does vary between different species & different members of an individual species. Ergo some individuals are going to be dumber than others. See mental retards as an example; some of them aren't that way just because their mothers drank while pregnant.

>You can't prove me wrong.
I literally can't.

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Was hoping for this to be posted
You aight

What's the USS Liberty?

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

Use a search engine, you stupid pile of shit.

Fuck off shinji.

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Hmmm nah. Too lazy.


>Hmmm nah. Too lazy.
Are you proud of yourself?

If it makes homos like you salty, then yeah. But just to make you happy, I'll look it up.
Wat. Wikipedia doesn't even try to hide the Jews did it. It was an "accident".
>oh whoops sorry we sent out jets and ships to sink your ship and cost you millions and killed 34 goy-er guys
>here's a little money we're really sorry :(
If any other country "accidentally" sunk a ship, there would be Hell to pay innit?

I'm actually at a loss. Are you on the jewish side or not?

Yes, but Israel is our greatest ally, so it's okay.

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I'm not. I don't think I am at least...hmmmm

Yes, and it was an NSA spy ship so they had recordings of the Israelis acknowledging that it was an American ship and to fire anyway before they were hit. But they still try and dismiss that as a conspiracy theory.

The whites have finally understood the jewish slavery invective that they put upon them. World War 3 will show that whites are the supreme race, and you will all bow to us.

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>World War 3 will show that whites are the supreme race, and you will all bow to us.
If whites were the supreme race, they wouldn't be so easily tricked by God's chosen people.
WWIII would be white people genociding libcucks, and a bunch of shitskins getting caught in the crossfire.

Iqdp, saucenao, google and yandex give nothing and ive been searching boorus for last 15 minutes

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>If whites were the supreme race, they wouldn't be so easily tricked by God's chosen people.
I won't pretend that my forefathers were utter fucking retards. But you have to realize the utter suffering you have imparted onto my people. You will feel that with interest.

>not recognizing fucking shadman
I don't know whether to pity you or be envious of your innocence


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You're confusing the order of operation. You stopped feeling tired and then you start thinking in the ways of the non tired person. The willpower comes first, not your thought magic.

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That's kind of like me. I took a bunch of AP classes, and did pretty good in them without ever studying. I've seriously need to start studying now, and it's going to be my 3rd year of college

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

>spend more time thinking about playing vidya

At least it's cheap and you'll save money

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I can relate bro. Shit sucks

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me in the back to the right

When you hit 25, this will be your face permanently.

>yeah im totally catfishing this dude haha
>nah im not finding pleasure in pretending to be a cute girl or anything h-haha


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from the art it looks like shadman?

so his parents think he isn't playing videogames


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> implying we're in highschool
The state of Yea Forums

I haven't played a video game in the last month.