How did he make such a fucking popular game ?

he fucking programmed it on his basement, how was he able to do it but others were not able to do the same as him ?

Attached: Notch.png (718x449, 590K)

What he happened to be making was something a lot of people ended up wanting to play, and it happened to get noticed. Many people are able to do the same, but actually doing it requires great luck on top of ability.

He's unironically a genius of a programmer. He programmed a lot of the game on his own.

He was a non-npc

hes based and redpilled

he named the jew

>make game
>it sells millions
>become rich
>roasties wife immediately divorces you and tries to take your money
>sell game to Microsoft for billions
>hire best divorce lawyer in the country
>wife doesn't get shit because Notch's money legally belongs to Microsoft
>wife seeths so hard she threatens to kill their child and loses custody
>last seen coalburning as a single mom in Baltimore
Sometimes, the good guys really do win

He did a lot of it himself and didn't delegate it to some lazy fuck with no vision, he also asked Yea Forums

liked and subscribed

disliked and flagged

>based programmer
>hates niggers
>hates kikes
>hates SJWs
>publicly endorses /pol/
men like that are 1 in a billion

Attached: 1456470873686.png (900x1120, 1.6M)

It's a combination of
>getting massively memed on Yea Forums and reddit
>being a perfect game for early lets plays
>turboautists making a billion mods for the game
The lets plays especially contributed to the explosion of zoomers playing the game after beta, which made it marketable, which is ultimately why it sold for billions.

Source? Everything I know is literally the opposite; she left because she didn't want the life of being some billionaires trophy wife and notch basically lived up to expectations of ending up with no life and no friends because of monies.

He got lucky.
Infiniminer was literallyb the same exact game earlier but that guy didn't become a billionaire. He wasn't lucky. Notch did the same thing and became a billionaire. He got lucky.
The dirty secret (((people))) don't want you to know of is that success in life is 50% nepotism, 50% pure random chance and 0% hard work.

It's a flash-in-the-pan thing. I wouldn't say he was some genius of s programmer, and Minecraft wasn't even solely his original idea. Shit was mostly luck

>I don't want to be a billionaire trophy wife
>but I'll take half your money lol
>what do you mean I can't have it?

It’s pretty easy when you’re an autistic basement dwelling racist. Only thing different between him and the faggot neets here is that he’s somewhat smart

Too bad the stupid cuck gave her a couple million to be "fair" and stay on good terms with the psycho who threatened to kill their kid on Facebook. I bet he felt really at peace when she blew it all on funding her nigger boyfriend's sad attempt at a rap career.

I view game development as like a cave where you explore and mine out the best possible ideas, and there are only a finite amount of them. He tapped into an extremly easy and good idea and the gameplay takes care of the rest.
Games are so boring now because of diminishing returns, where it is extremely hard to make new innovative ones, (eg. No one has made a Virtual reality MMOFPS because its too hard to make, and devs would rather make products and abuse copycat marketing statistics). He tapped into an idea with excellent gameplay.

user look at what you just typed. Who would give up a life of money?
What makes more sense.
She was a bitch who left him because she wanted her own slice of the pie?
Or she just didn't want to be a trophy wife with billions?

he created something that was never created before.

Autism, and hatred for women and minorities.

Too bad he is obese. Also what is with Hitler's fingernails? I thought he was a clean freak.

I really hope you're not trying to cite those faggot Kotaku journalists that spent a whole fucking year trying to paint Notch as evil for selling his IP while treating his wife as a saint who just wanted to have what she was "entitled" to.

he was probably a nailbiter