Companion Character dies half-way into the game

>Companion Character dies half-way into the game

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Why was he so grumpy?


Cat autism.

because her owners kept calling her tard

>get your final companion character only after you lose the entire rest of your entire party and the world is destroyed

This is whole I didn't know it was a girl



Feed your cat and tell them how much you love them, you fags.


>Ultrabro/secondary MC you take as a given splits off and becomes the antagonist

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zoomer meme

>that one time the WWE let the cat be a special guest for Monday Night Raw

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she had dwarfism

Grump all you want in heaven, grumpy cat.

>Companion Character slowly gets more and more un-heroic throughout the game, eventually brutally killing who you thought was the final boss when that wasn't necessary

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Because he’s dead

because his name was tardar sauce

The effects of an underbite and dwarfism.


>Jean shorts

Good riddance.

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how'd this ugly ass cat even get popular

>Your pets will die in your lifetime

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Not if I can help it.
this is just a joke

I'd imagine the cat being ugly was the whole reason


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RIP little buddy

it was a time when people on the internet laughed at the simplest of things so a cat that looks like its constantly pissed off seems pretty hilarious
it also fit in well with that meme format of having a reaction image and text that fits in with it

>stupid grumpy cat zoomer meme
Fuck off

call me when doge dies

I dont believe you, reveal your secrets to pet immortality this instant


t. Florida man

Is this a Game of Thrones reference

Man, urinary tract stuff takes so many cats. How come they haven't cured it yet?

>small mammals

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>playing games for a sense of companionship
I mean if any game were well-written I could understand it but because the vast majority aren't and you're probably talking about some embarrassing JRPG that's written at the level of a 14 year old I think you're just retarded

I see you are mad your weak ass bait here
Got no (you)s and tried again. So take this and go incel

thinking on elfs

The one month old kitten of a friend of mine just got her spine broken after being run over by a wheelchair. She can no longer move her hind legs. I've been in a rather sour mood all day because of it, even though it wasn't my cat... Anyone know of anything that can help it?

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get it a wheelchair of its own

already happened bro
i swear i'm not crying

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stop pretending to care about this overgrown rodent, normalfag teenagers

Our last cat died last month. Lived a long happy life but could have gone a few more years no problem if it weren't for kidney cancer fucking his shit up. Poor guy deserved so much better than that, nicest cat you'd ever meet and even total strangers loved him.

>spine broken after being run over by a wheelchair
I tried not to laugh, I really did

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Same. Had to put down my dog last year. Lived a solid 14 years
I've lived the majority of my life with that dog. Sometimes I still instinctively turn to were his bed was expecting to see him laying there

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>sleeping with your dog
what a fag

you retarded or something?


>Run over by a wheelchair
What the hell? How is that even possible?

ask the vet you tard

>buys a turtle

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I'm not entirely sure myself. My friend got home from work and was told by her wheelchair-bound sister that she accidentally ran the kitten over. I wasn't told anymore details than that, but keep in mind that the kitten was slightly less than a month old, and wasn't therefore wasn't fully developed yet. If this thread is still up tomorrow I might be able to tell you guys more.


>his bed

at what number of cats do you turn into a cat lady? I'm at 4.

You should have stopped at 2

wow that was so long a-
holy shit


I’m literally going to kill myself when my cats die.

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I think you need to be a lady first, user.

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Grumpy was a grill.

oh good I'm only up to 7


RIP in piece grumpy cat.

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Unless there are other complications don't worry too much. Plenty of cats have had severe disabilities that seem awful to human standards, but cats just don't give a fuck. As long as your friend doesn't give up and keeps loving it, the cat will be happy and live a filling life. Just go watch some videos on YouTube about these kind of things. They literally don't feel sorry for themselves and keep on trucking.

>he’s still stealing souls from beyond the grave
>not even meme cats are safe from Stan the Man

I always play alone, companion AI is dumb

is grafics cat still alive

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Fuck, man, i know this feel. I worked on a farm when i was a kid, and we had a grand total of 6 dogs and 12 cats die from accidents. Then we had to put the only survivor down when we moved house.

Chin up, bro.

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Play SWAT 3 or 4, you will adore those cunts by the end