Why do we hate this? It's fun

Why do we hate this? It's fun.

Attached: The_Legend_of_Zelda_Twilight_Princess_Game_Cover.jpg (250x354, 83K)

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Yea Forums is not a collective, have your own opinion faggot

I hate it because it is a Nintendo game.
I got a used copy of the GameCube version for $5 and didn't learn that it was expensive until years later

Well I loved it but it also introduced me into being an edgelord

>a fucking nintendo game made user into an edgelord
what happened when you discovered anime?

It's the best Zelda game.

I want to make a Commandos 2/MGS-style stealth game with MGS3 non-Subsistence top-down camera and MGSV style controls. The game will include RE7-style campy moments at times and will feature musical moments after absurdities go down a la RDR2. Hitler will be a leader of an Ocelot Unit-style boss battle with a mood and music ike video-related.


I need $4,000 for mocap and two computers.

3D Zelda Ranking
It's mid tier, not bad but not great

/pol/ likes it so that's more than enough reason for me to hate it

>Yea Forums is not a collective
You faggots always say this. Maybe when the Yea Forums userbase at large starts displaying opinions other than the 2 most extreme ones at the current time, you'll have something to back up your claims

But I like it, it's unironically Zelda and the OoT formula at its peak. We will probably never get an atmospheric moody game like it ever again in the series.

No we hate Windwaker. TP is fine.

Okay this game normalized it for me.

Hitler won't win in my game, bud. But I suppose I may have to keep the Hitler element under wraps. Hitler is going to scream in German to get the player and epic hype music like in the video will start.

Not him, but you're still wrong to paint Yea Forums as having a single opinion since even then, there would still be 2 differing opinions.
Anyway, TP is low quality because the lack of any difficulty whatsoever and the multitude of abandoned/forgotten story elements.

Last time we voted WW actually beat TP, and I'll never understand why considering WW doesn't do anything better than its successors or predecessors.


There's nothing edgy about TP dumbass, it's actually one of the more uplifting games.

i don't hate it, but it made me realize the Nintendo Bonus

Nintendo can literally release a 7/10 main Zelda games and get 95+ scores

those negatives apply to 90% of all LoZ games though, and probably 90% of video games in general.
It had the best dungeon design, the best balance for puzzle difficulty, the best enemy designs and items in any LoZ, and a great cast even if the plot was midling. It's easily one of the better LoZ titles.

You're full of it

Zelda games shouldn't be that edgy, dark, moody, etc. Also I hated playing as wolf link.

>edgy, dark, moody,
Kill yourself

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>the multitude of abandoned/forgotten story elements
TP wrapped up every story by the end UNLESS you actually fucked around during Ilia's quest, you can end that quest without ever going back and leaving her with memory loss.

Nah, pay attention it's literally Link helping everyone out of their ruts and become better people out of their struggles like Colin, the Zoran prince, Midna.

The game has poor pacing, hideous character design, and is way too easy, even for a Zelda game. It's a decent game overall, though.

the bloom

>those negatives apply to 90% of all LoZ games though
Most Zeldas have difficulty in their puzzles if nothing else and TP is somehow exponentially easier than even WW.
>It had the best dungeon design
The aesthetic was the only good thing about them.
>the best balance for puzzle difficulty
Fuck no, you'd have to be genuinely retarded to think the puzzles in any 3D Zelda save SS are good.
>the best enemy designs and items in any LoZ
I can see enemies, but most items were recycled and the new ones were either shit, under utilized, or both.
The game overall is just not very good, it's easily overshadowed by others.

>Anyway, TP is low quality because the lack of any difficulty whatsoever
That's literally the entire series without Hero mode, you imbecile
>and the multitude of abandoned/forgotten story elements.
Like what?

I don't mean like that, I mean in terms of character development and plot build up. For example, the kids are irrelevant after Kakariko and Ganondorf steals Zant's spotlight.

>Most Zeldas have difficulty in their puzzles if nothing else and TP is somehow exponentially easier than even WW.
Please be bait, please be bait, please be bait...

Because its not as comfy as wind waker

>That's literally the entire series without Hero mode, you imbecile
Go play Master Quest or SS.
>Like what?

>The game has poor pacing
This is the worst part of the game coming from a TPfag. The bug hunts were just as boring as the Triforce hunt in WW yet Anouma brought that shit back when you said he wouldn't do it again.

>Nintendo can literally release a 7/10 main Zelda games and get 95+ scores

We're talking about TP not botw

>never played 2D Zelda

It might as well be. You could replace this board with one generated by AI and it would be difficult to tell the difference.

>the kids are irrelevant after Kakariko
Because they're the early game objective, midgame shifts focus on finding the mirror pieces.
>and Ganondorf steals Zant's spotlight.
Ganon was forced because Shiggy is a fuck, but it made sense regarding Zant's slimy character, plus it came midgame instead of right at the end which would've been worse.

>Because they're the early game objective, midgame shifts focus on finding the mirror pieces.
Trying to justify it doesn't make shoving the later parts of an entire character arc into the ending okay. Even the resistance wasn't much better.
>but it made sense regarding Zant's slimy character
No, him being an insane manchild came completely out of nowhere and only served to make room for Ganondorf.
>plus it came midgame instead of right at the end
Twilight Palace is not "midgame".

Because the fanbase is full of retarded zoomers who think Breath of the Wild is the pinnacle of game design.

>Most Zeldas have difficulty in their puzzles if nothing else and TP is somehow exponentially easier than even WW.
Someone post that retarded WW cave puzzle

/pol/ also likes breathing

You do realize that WW is only one Zelda game, right?

>No, him being an insane manchild came completely out of nowhere
>Twilight Palace is not "midgame".
But the Gerudo Desert is, and that's were Midna tells Link that Zant is definitely not working alone because his magic is different from their magic.

TP was unironically a 95/100 game. Gamecube era Nintendo was a beast unlike anything that exists today, consistently pumping out 9/10-10/10 masterpieces. Nintendo bonus didn't become evident until the Wii era when Nintendo began to decline and hack journalists missed the memo and kept giving Nintendo 10/10s. Skyward Sword and even moreso BOTW got massive boosts from the Nintendo bonus. TP and most zeldas before it actually deserved their scores.

This is the endgame dungeon folks.

Attached: WindWaker.webm (640x360, 2.52M)

it felt souless
also the movement system was really sensitive, overall the combat, camera and controls sucked
my opinion, don't reeee on me

There are no bad main Zelda games, only some are better than others, but none are below a 7.5/10

I see you haven't gotten around to playing Breath of the Wild yet

Yeah, the beginning of the game is a slog, but at least it picks up after that. Oddly enough, the the Triforce hunt never bothered me, but I've always found the sailing relaxing, so that probably helps.

It was weak foreshadowing and nothing more. They could've done almost anything with that.
I guess I should clarify, what makes TP easier is the fact that you revive in the exact room you die in.

>Playing a remaster on a console made for literal infants

You're fun.

It's the same shit on the GC.

>WWbabbies actually think this is good.

you will never make a game

>It was weak foreshadowing and nothing more.
But it doesn't come out of the open which was the point of this discussion.

I want to be Wolf Link and knot Midna's imp pussy!

I love Midna!

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How does using magic Midna doesn't know about imply that he's a spastic retard?


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I think it has the best bosses in the series

>I think it has the best boss designs in the series
fixed, because they were botched

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it's good, just not as good as the earlier games

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You know that's fair and I do agree with you.

It doesn't that's just to set up that Zant doesn't have the means himself to actually threaten Midna, him coming out with powerful magic is a clearly a surprise to her. Plus he was already a unhinged individual as expressed in the end, realizing Ganondorf was just using him was the breaking point.

I really wish it could be both way because the worst bosses, Morpheel and Armogohma, had neat designs but awful and easy gimmick fights.

Botw is better than TP, SS and WW

It's worst parts are when its being original and its best parts are when its being derivative of past zelda games

Right yeah I forgot about Morpheel and Armogohma.
I still think Stallord is a fun boss despite how easy and gimmicky it could be.

Whoops sorry

For me personally, I don't hate TP, but it's probably my least-favorite 3D Zelda.
The aesthetic is mediocre compared to the others. The music is really low-quality chiptune midi shite that just sounds like a generation behind anything in WW, even if the compositions are alright. The world was too big with nothing to do in it. The story had no real emotional weight to it. Midna is an overrated companion compared to the previous one (King of Red Lions). The dungeons are alright, though.
It's not BAD, but it's just sorta boring and drab to me. There's no reason to play it over OOT - it's effectively a gimmicky reboot of it, anyway.

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Stallord should've been more fast paced, more damaging, I loved cutting through the zombies to get to him.

>Midna is an overrated companion compared to the previous one (King of Red Lions
The fuck? KoRL was boring was fuck. It's not until the very end where he dies that he becomes interesting compared to Midna who changes as the game progresses.

I know it's up to personal opinion, but the sassy tsundere imp is just not as appealing to me as the wise, jovial boat man.

>sassy tsundere
>bringing in anime memes
Just keep your shit to yourself.

He's not wrong. Midna sucks and is just monster girl/pedo bait

You know that I'm right, though. That is her entire character. She's using Link at the start and eventually grows to like him. TP was actually my favorite Zelda, so I have some nostalgic attachment to it, and even I can admit that Midna is overrated. People only like her for her pear figure and that shit is hot but the King of Red Lions is still superior.

>pedo bait

>my favorite
I meant my FIRST Zelda.

companions go in dungeons with you

>It was weak foreshadowing

Did you forget the cutscene that rewrote the sages from OoT to be shitters, fucking up Ganondorf's exile into the Sacred Realm only to panic button him into the Twilight Realm after he fucking killed one of them? Because that all totally fucking happened right after Arbiter's Grounds.

She's short, has a young-looking rounded face, and has small tits. Explain to me how she isn't.

>but the King of Red Lions is still superior.
He's not considering his most interesting moment is touching the Triforce to sink Ganon's ass and serving as a vehicle.

>Did you forget the cutscene that rewrote the sages from OoT to be shitters,
It didn't rewrite anything dumbass, OoT's sages are chilling in the WW dimension. Plus sages get a killed too as seen in WW where their ghost pass on to Makar and Medli.

>Explain to me how she isn't.
She's an imp and never once makes herself out to be this hot piece of ass. She makes it clear throughout the story that it sucks being in that form. Plus she's actually a grown woman.

Ganondorf absolutely did not end up in the Sacred Realm in TP. The whole game is basically him making good on his promise to go after Link and Zelda's descendants but in OoT the sages succeeded. Unless the Twilight Realm doubles as the Sacred Realm (because those guys got banished for flying too close to the sun and pissing off the goddesses with their magic), they very clearly did not succeed in TP. It's possible I guess but I dunno, man.

the temples were among the best in the series.
Everything else felt like filler.

>makes herself out to be
>she makes it clear it sucks
What the fuck does how she see herself have to do with her not being pedo bait? The devs gave her plenty of ass shots and they clearly designed her to be sexy.

>b-but she's actually a grown woman!
burn in hell, pedotrash

>that's just to set up that Zant doesn't have the means himself to actually threaten Midna
That too is in inference, anything could've happened and she wouldn't know.
>Plus he was already a unhinged individual as expressed in the end
That's my point, it was at the end.
Those weren't the OoT sages, they never planned to send him into the sacred realm, and Ganondorf was still completely irrelevant between that point and the fight with Zant. It isn't built up at all and shits all over his character.

Agreed on the temples but the game had some decent minigames here and there, plus the fishing hole. Definitely fell flat on the sidequests though, very barebones stuff.

TP is set in that point where Zelda sends Link back in time to relive his childhood, which happens to be before they actually meet. Link's friends never become Sages because the Sages of that time send him to the Twilight Realm after his botched execution.

Whose character was shit on? Zant was already established as a whiny manchild with delusions of power by Midna's own word, while Ganondorf promised a poor soul extravagant powers by masquerading as a god (which Zant also repeatedly alludes to) and basically acting as puppet master while Zant did all the dirty work.

>shits all over his character.
>murderous warlord is still a murderous warlord
The fuck are you going on about?

Goddammit, that makes sense. OoT and its timeline fuckery, I swear.

>send him
*send Ganondorf to the Twilight Realm after Link snitches and they botch his execution.

Yeah, I didn't get it either until someone explained it to me here. How are we supposed to know that Zelda sent Link back to a very specific time with that one cutscene at the end of OoT?

It can all be inferred, problem being that it's just left there to be inferred. It stands to reason that Zelda would do that and then Link would let everyone know about Ganondorf before running off to Termina. We're just not shown it.

Well, I semi-take that back. That Link made it back to Zelda means they probably had that conversation in the garden again and yeah. Link didn't know how right she was the first time but he sure as shit knows now.

I played Master Quest and it wasn't even that hard. In fact the puzzles were just random and you could figure them out by doing the dumbest shit. Random cow stuck on the wall gee I wonder what the game wants me to do.

It was advertised as the new Ocarina of Time and didn't live up to the hype. Still Easily in my top 3 Zelda games tho.

The dark atmosphere was the best part of MM, though.

Not all the puzzles in MQ were that easy and I mentioned SS for a reason. On top of that, that's ignoring every single 2D Zelda.
That "murderous warlord" is reduced to an unthreatening manchild.

>Zant was already established as a whiny manchild with delusions of power by Midna's own word
The delusions were given a slight mention, but absolutely nothing more than that. At best, it could be assumed that he was power hungry.

>I mentioned SS for a reason.
SS was easy as fuck, the real challenge of SS was stomaching the Simon Says controls.

>That "murderous warlord" is reduced to an unthreatening manchild.
You were referring to Zant, I thought it was Ganondorf.

Nah, the puzzles were pretty good later on, especially Sky Keep. The combat was somewhat difficult too against humanoid sized bosses.

SS had some of the best boss fights in the whole series, like Koloktos. The sword duels with Ghirahim and Demise were fun as fuck, too.