What is the strongest Pokemon Yea Forums?

What is the strongest Pokemon Yea Forums?

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I herd u liek mudkipz

if we remove legendarys its probably magcargo

FEAR raticate

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mega fug

At least post the video user.

But evolving it would make it explicitly worse at pulling off FEAR.
And there are Pokemon that pull off FEAR far better than Rattata anyway.

Unironically this.
Only mon to get banned from all tiers.

What Pokemon has the strongest power of your dick?

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Going off of Pokedex entries: Arceus, not even a question

Going off of gameplay: Fug

Probably Gardevoir or some shit with its psychic powers.

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Praise Fug, only Pokemon to get banned from the banlist.

A reminder that the banlist only exists in the first place because of this guy, and there has yet to be a boosting move as powerful as Gen I Amnesia to this day.
Also Doubles are the real Pokemon meta and Fug is strictly worse than the Primals in that format.

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Fug is up there at least.


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The fuck is fug

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Flying type in german is called Flug and someone edited to to say Fug with an image of Rayquaza. So Rayquaza is Fug now.
There I spoonfed you, are you happier than you were before?


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yeah thanks user :3


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It's mew. she has the powers of every single pokemon



Not really. It takes the satisfaction out of figuring something out if someone does it for you.But you didn’t have to spoon food me, that was your choice. You’re probably a nice person


What's the strongest non-legendary pokemon?

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>Arceus is literally every type


Machamp with its belt off.

Are the psuedo-legendaries allowed?

Gardevoir makes black holes so muh waifu is

The hell is a First Encounter Assault Recon Ratticate

>Caterpie used tackle

Gardevoir isn't even weak to bug anymore.
You should have said "Gastly used lick"


but that's a shitty SFM gif of Warframe

>HK47 Registeel
ok now this is based

>-6 sunkern used mach punch
>Gardevoir fainted

Literally melts everything by just existing

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>that Carl Landorus


Boy, every thread you go past the speed of thought and every thread you themonuclear combust only to do it all over again the next day. boy, where getting you a job.

>necrozma wins lol

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For me, it's Ledian. The most OP motherfucker to ever exist.

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>Arceus wins lol

No Arceus did


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They both won in two different timelines after Dialga and Palkia got rekt

> 1 | Groudon-Primal | 72.29291%
Based Groudonchad showing his dominance by being in 3/4 of all Uber Teams

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arceus wins when you add up all the forms, it's over 90%



The one that involves quantum physics when they make it.

Can someone tell me what the fuck this thing is supposed to be? Easily the worst looking pokemon of all time.

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magma toad

Kinda? The ending makes it clear the outcome entirely depends on Arceus being a good sport and not ragequitting like Frieza

I like mewtwo being the strongest as a metaphor for humanity growing stronger than the natural forces of the universe simply by its own doing through both technology and natural "evolution" see mega mewtwo

Ha ba ba.

That's actually a really good interpretation of what transpired in the split timelines, and I'm just going to assume that was the intent.

>Shouldn't have been a legendary: The Pokemon

It's not even recognized as a legendary in Platinum.

>fire and steel existing simultaneously

what is this pokemon trying to say about how fire and steel interact

I mean we have a fire/water mon now so I don't see how fire/steel is so weird.

>"defiant statement there is nothing you can do to me"

What's this from

>Giratina doesn't win by just fucking off to the distortion world

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Well, it's really hard to melt steel, any old fire couldn't do the job.

But he made two scenarios and Necrozma won in one of them

what do you think he would do if he was in ryme city during the mewtwo parade incident

This was fucking great. Watched it 4 times already.

What would he do if he came back to the world where Necrozma won?

To be fair Pokemon fucking off somewhere else isn't as entertaining unless they return in a silly way like in the first vid

I assume they're going by the rules established in the last video where leaving the "battlefield" results in disqualification.
I guess the entire galaxy counted as the battlefield but still.


Its mentioned distortion world was ring out but even then what the fuck would Giratina do against Giga Necro or Arceus?

Registeel was extremely fucking based in this video lol

Yeah the explanation video said the Distortion world counted as “out of bounds. The rest of the known universe was fair game since time, space, and omniscience weren’t confined to the earth. I’m guessing the rest of the ultra beasts were on earth when Yveltal drained all life from the planet.

I believe in the extended explanation basically went with that stuff and said Mewtwo was MVP who could have technically survived the Yveltal doom event but then he'd get beat when it got to the Arceus part

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>Defiant Statement, there is nothing you can do to me
>Do your worst.

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man, registeel's so fucking cute, like a funny little ball with arms
and his shiny looks like a mint gumball

Almost Accurate. I doubt Mewtwo could put in THAT much work but Groudon and Kyrogue would be stall each other not Groudon getting wrecked.

Him and Ho-oh has the best lines. Wasn’t expecting that Mickey Mouse wishing well joke.

I was hoping someone would make this.

this gal

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There he fucking goes

All of the Regis are great. How anyone could be afraid of those good golem boys is astounding.

You forgot
>Observation, this is a good opportunity for slaughter

It's the big earth froggie
Barely anything actually treats the thing as a legendary outside of the name of it. In the anime, some trainer even just casually has one with him, not even a challenger who gets screentime.

I mean realistically, Groudon would get wrekced by Kyogre. Even in the games, during their battle, Kyogre is surrounded by sea and Groundon is just sitting on a rock.

Assuming primals is what you're basing this on, if Kyogre joined battle afterwards Primal Sea would override Desolate Land and it would smash Groudon.

Unironically the best part

This is the objective tier list:
>Lake Trio

>Rule 15

My body is ready

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I'm blanking on the name but that new grass type that you need to teach stomp to evolve

Lore Wise they were Dead locked till Rayquaza showed up.

What do you mean? Giratina should be stronger than Necrozma, not Arceus though.

I guess you could say that Kyogre took Groudon by storm.


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Meloetta if Boogie has anything to say about it.

Groudon dies to any water attack. That's the plain definition of getting wrecked. The funny thing is that Kyogre could just touch it and groudon would literally die.

Had to look it up. That's the real Professor Oak. Neat.

Bottom heavy + thigh gap = nice

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He's doing his best.

Thicc thighs save lives.

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Is mewtwo really that strong that he could solo most legendaries?

If the dex is to be taken as canon, yes. Psychic is broken as fuck.


Pretty much all legendaries who aren't universal gods which are the ones featured in the end. Although Giratina is also considered a universal god too.

>not the dick edit

The science explaination said that distortion world is considered death

The accompanied video explaining the reasoning stated he technically wins but that shit is cheating and not fun so it's a "disqualification".

Speaking of which Lockston is surprisingly not awful. He reminds me of when Game Theory used to make actual Science video's.

Game Freak masturbates Mewtwo hard.

I do as well to a fat male Mewtwo from time to time.

Stronger than Necrozma after boosting itself with all that shit at the end?

I do as well to his feet

Where the fuck was reshiram's crotch feathers?

I don't know what fucking video you're all talking about, but what exactly makes people believe that Necrozma could beat Arceus, someone who canonically rewrites the universe?

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Yes, even Dialga and Palkia are stronger than Necrozma regardless of the amount of energy it has. Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina are broken. They are literal Gods of reality. Dialga and Palkia only lost because of narrative, even Lockstin's own explanation of why they lost doesn't make sense. And considering Giratina has full control over the balance between time and space as well as antimatter itself, it is more than capable of defeating a fully powered Necrozma. Only Arceus is more powerful than the Creation Trio.

How would it fell to tounge his bulb toes haha

Doesn'tmost of the fanbase consider them part of Arceus?

Imma pleb.
I should really play Platinum again. Such a comfy fucking game.

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It's implied he destroyed a whole universe and with his actual abilities its not hard to imagine why since his whole thing is consuming everything and taking its power.

The video this thread is mostly referencing says/shows that's it's a tossup and it's hard to gauge who would actually win between him and Arceus.

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But if Arceus can rewrite the universe, he can theoretically remove Necrozma altogether. Doesn't Necrozma only "eat" light anyway?
Kind of funny that Bulbapedo has very little information on this sort of stuff.

I wish GameFreak would just release a canonical history of the entire universe of Pokemon. Make it open ended so there is room to add more Pokemon for the future.

The video is more fun when you DONT watch the explanation

So this vid got me thinking about USUM. Are they actually fun or is it the same easy snoozefest as SM?

Arceus governs the pokemon universe, but Necrozma is literally the eater of worlds
And in the vid, Necro assimilated Victini, which is literally the pokemon of victory with all those meta-plot armor, so the ending is a toss up between him assimilating Arceus, or Arceus just snap him out of existent

Practically the same except different cutscenes and actually has postgame.

Pretty fun to say the least, and fighting Necrozma without knowing anything prior is hype
well until you realize you can just bring a ghost type with focus sash and zmove him out of existence

Is it weird to not care about almost any of the pokemon outside of the starters?

Pikachu with prep time

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Good shit as usual from this guy, only gripe is that based Regirock gets punked out by Marshadow, but Registeel, Regigigas, and the Regice cameo make up for it.

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Probably because you're not into it and all they use to promote every game is the starters, sounds normal

But I am into it. I even played Emerald to completion recently and outside of the mudkip I picked, the Regis and Rayquaza I struggle to think of a pokemon that stood out that wouldn't get me made fun of.

It's still shit, only really worth playing if you haven't played SM.

I suppose. As for the Victini thing, the pokedex entry only says "it is said that trainers who use Victini always win", implying it's not entirely true or is at least unconfirmed, so that doesn't say too much. Could argue that Arceus's dex does the same thing, but the HGSS event gives it solid ground.
Don't personally consider the anime or movies canon since they don't tend to have too much continuity with the games, but that's just me.

Cacturne is based

Yeah he looks cool. I just felt kind of overwhelmed with pokemon since I didn't know which ones were good and which ones I needed to level up for gyms.

I was the same way up to 4th gen, you just need more exposure to the pokemon and to get too familiar with the starters and legends. You'll naturally start branching out and trying new mons.

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It's shame that you're basically only limited to trying out 4 or so mons since you need an HM slave. Not to mention why would you ever not use your starter.

get aggron and skarmory

>to completion
post battle frontier golden medals, user

the mickey mouse joke got me real good.

Not that good when almost everything at that point in the game is super effective against it
Why bother when I have a shiny Taillow?

"story" completion.

>keeping shitmons on your team because they're shiny
don't do that

He was one of my strongest pokemon, why would I get rid of it for a weaker pokemon that's weaker to more things than the one I already have?


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winning the battle frontier is also part of the story, user

Anything after the credits is just epilogue shit that doesn't really matter.

I love how his artstyle let's him go just plain batshit anime. Also that Thanos Snap.

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This, there is no another correct answer

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>no buttcheeks

t. filthy smelly dumb casual
go play your VNs ugly

Ass is gross

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White herb geomancy is pretty busted, and is the only reason anyone would consider using Xerneas in ubers.

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Kinda bullshit that they said necrozma could ho on an infinite climb dispite nothing really impling that

Fug is still top tier in doubles. I mean whenthe primals werent banned everyone still brought a fug because
>it could still hold an item
>the move it needed to mega evolve was really good
>it countered primal groudon
When you think about it primal groudon is the strongest because the whole meta is about removing its super sun

mega fug

Power herb you shit

I'm not really sure. I don't even know where this destroyer of worlds shtick is coming from when at most Necrozma devoured the light of an entire world to restore itself after it was gravely wounded by human intervention, and later ate the light of an island nation.
From what I can discern, Necrozma in true form has the abilities of
>Self-Augment (Aura)
Which is good but Idk. He could probably beat Palkia (since Palkia manifests attacks as slashes through space) and maybe Dialga if he got the aura activated, since Dialga is slower and requires physical action to use the power of time.

Ok, now you're showing favoritism

I bloody hate how fucking attractive I find Lopunny and her mega evolution...

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Fuck yeah Necrozmain one timeline

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what an ugly pokemon

Ditto since it can be the strongest Pokemon, but even stronger.

Jirachi is sexy.

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>Jirachi is sexy.

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post the one where he enters the speedforce.

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Arceus probably sent them to play a part in the shaping of the world the same as Dialga, Palkia, and the lake trio.

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>Mega becomes /fit/ and has ripped yoga pants
Fucking will never get over this

Good shit

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Arceus never actually created a universe, only a world. It didn't actually create time and space and spirit, it governs them in a sphere of influence roughly the size of a world. It terraformed the planet and seeded it with life in the games, and in the anime it's actually weak as shit in the cosmic scale.

So what I'm pulling from this thread is "Arceus wins if he feels like it" right?

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Pretty much. That's how it is with any god scale being. Either they are written to be flawed like Arceus was in the movie without its plates or depending on the level of their power they can snap things how they wish.

I tried working with is but animal dicks are just disgusting sorry man

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well, considering that controlling space-time in a small sphere doesnt really work in a sense, since that sphere will behave differently from an outsider perspective. A sphere frozen in time, stuck in space, yet everything around still move and work as it should, thus from an insider perspective, time isnt "frozen" when it thaw, which contradict the clause
a simple example: only earth is frozen in time and space, but when it "thaw", the solar system has change its location, thus the stars are different etc. Not counting the fact that if earth is actually stuck in time and space, it wouldnt even orbit the sun when it thawed
it will kinda work, however, if the sphere is the whole universe, thus "outsiders" are of different universes with different law and shit

>pokedex says it literally shaped the universe
based retard


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bruh, the Pokedex is written by a bunch of teens. its not pure fact
like, just watch this guy's previous pokemon battle royal, where the pokemon are literally how it is written in the dex. its absurd

Don't shame the Regis like this.

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Citizen Snips.

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Cherry picking. Every pokedex entry specifically mentions that it is only mythology, stories, that sort of thing.

Also, only two of them believe it created the universe. FIVE of them believe it only created the world. And one of them just says it was born before the universe was made but not that it had anything to do with that.

Believe it or not, I'm pretty sure it's canon in the Pokemon series that the strongest Pokemon is the friendships we made along the way

According to the anime, Charizard

Did you get your dose of OMP today?

anyone got the dance party with regigigas

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Also got fast boi version

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If you're playing the game, Primal Groudon is infinitely better than Primal Kyogre and will beat Primal Kyogre much more easily than Primal Kyogre can beat it.

Regular ones Kyogre is clearly superior but nobody gives a shit anymore.


Do you have any idea how their abilities work and how much switching happens in competitive play?

Yes, but this is solely within the context of this video, and Kyogre jumped in after Groudon and oneshot it.

>no wait, video


Both, since the original post was referring to the accuracy of the video relative to the games.

You can't say this is "solely within the context of this video" when the two posts above you in the chain are both solely about the games and ignoring the video.

I love his style and personality, just wish he didn't have noodle limbs in game

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They're all about this comment which is referring to how accurate the video is to the games. Primal Kyogre crushes Primal Groudon when it enters battle afterwards or has slower speed and enters at the same time, and it doesn't appear there's any trainer to switch them.

>They're all about this comment

>If you're playing the game


Which is referencing the initial post, where the guy is talking about how Groudon stalls out Kyogre (which only happens when Desolate Land is active to negate water attacks), which is rating the accuracy of the video.