Friendly reminder to never try to be a YouTube celebrity Yea Forums

Friendly reminder to never try to be a YouTube celebrity Yea Forums

Serious question: you’re ProJared and now have to reintegrate into society and get a real job after this fiasco. What the fuck do you even do? How do you prevent an employer from googling your name and seeing this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Video games

Did something happen with Belle?

>1 hour documentary
yeah fucking right i don't even know what projared is

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Serious question: You're OP and now you have to create a shitty e-celeb thread and get out of mothers house to get a real job after this fiasco. What the fuck do you even do? How do you prevent an employer from hiring you due to your crippling autism?

FUCKING DROPPED. never post this video ever again

>you’re ProJared and now have to reintegrate into society and get a real job after this fiasco. What the fuck do you even do? How do you prevent an employer from googling your name and seeing this?
This isn't the result of him being a YouTuber, it's the result of him being a scumbag and a pedophile. Even if nobody knew who he was and he had a real job he'd get sacked and humiliated for doing that shit.

Am I supposed to know who the fuck any of these people are?

she no longer has braces

It’s the video component of a podcast senpai. Just watch it while doing something else

Who? What?

>150k a month

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I think the easier solution, if you had a clear path to becoming an e-famous youtuber, would just be not to fuck people that aren't your wife. It's just that simple.

I think the argument is that because he got famous he had the ego to try and solicit minors and his fans

At least that’s what they talk about

He lost tons of subs but his views went up big time.

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don't care, post more bratty elf slut

Her ass makes it worthy.

Is that real? Wtf.

Seriously tell me that isn’t real, you’re going to ruin belle for me



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>he thinks that’s her
Top kek, keep falling for the memes m8

What ass?


I seriously don't understand why people care. People cheat on each other all the time. It's a shitty thing to do but people act like he murdered her entire family or something.


>meanwhile thousands of people commit adultery every hour of every day
who the fuck cares

>girl literally sells her body online
>guy gets in trouble for it

So she's the victim in all of this while raking in the dough.

lol white people

It’s the pedophilia, they even say it in the video that that’s why they’re even covering it. No one gives a shit about the divorce

I guess some people miss public executions and that's as close as it gets in the USA.

Asking the real question there.
Was she the only one allowed to fuck other people?
She probably expected that his goofy looking ass wouldn't be able to find anyone else to fuck and that's what she would have been OK with.

Here’s what she looks like with less makeup

You only say this because you are a cuck or never had a girlfriend.

No idea who the person even is, or if those two are the same, but would you be surprised? You can tell she is wearing a ton of make-up, and that plus photoshop can work miracles on anyone.

>how to dismiss thots
>see thot
>does she have no tits?
>dismiss thot

Literally who

His views jumped because people went to videos to downvote them. Total viewership isn't as important to a youtube channel as viewer retention is. If you have a hot month or week where you have a spike in viewers you don't suddenly get paid more money. You get the initial burst but if you don't retain those viewers and have them watch more content it's a total waste. However it's not like he even posts anything to youtube anymore and is almost exclusively on twitch. he hasn't made an actual youtube video in like 6 months so his subscribers haven't been valuable at all.

oh she's okay

If you think that photo is undoctored boy you are beyond help.

I warned everyone it was a boy.

Holy fuck ahahaahahahhaha

Easiest 150k ever

So did she?

She did, white women are the demon. Eve ate the apple.

It's not her. She has that second folder in her eyes, the dude on the left doesn't have that.

But she's probably ugly as shit without all that make up, eye liner and dye on her.


rent free incel

nah he's right, every other race of woman is tame

regardless if she is a boy or not she has that monkey face irl you don't see in her IG.
You can notice it in her youtube vid.

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Oh this changes everything


What you thought that girls naturally come with plastic hair, mascara, lipstick, eye changing contact lenses and 20 pounds of face smoothing drywall compound?

As bad as she is, the people who pay her are infinitely worse.

i have fucked more women then you ever will i even have a few STD's white women are the worst women, seething wh*Toid

I know mate. The wonders layers of make up can do to a person.

If you got any kind of exposure, even as a video game youtuber which should be the absolute lowest of the low when it comes to attracting women, you gonna get bombarded with horny young girls. thats just the truth. even the ugliest nerd can become a pussy magnet if he gets enough exposure. He probably got spammed with hundreds of horny girls under the years and responded to a few.
Personally I'm extremely paranoid about my privacy so I would never do anything even remotely close to sexting or sharing pictures. But I don't see this as a big crime. Even Hollywood celebrities like James Franco got caught with it

No, I completely understand why cheating is bad. I still think turning your life into a reality TV show is stupid
They should have dealt with this situation without the public exposure. But like, what to expect from some attention whoring cosplay girl.

Haha, open relationships. Every fucking time.

I ain't watchin' that shit. What's ahegao girl got to do with the ProJared debacle?

I'd just embrace it. He got JUST'd. He either kills himself or own up to it. Not better either way but at least it's better than nothing. It's a cautionary tale to not be careless on the internet. Damn schmucks.

So was she or was she not fucking other guys? Because this makes me feel like a fucking tool for seething against Jared and think everyone who did it would feel the same too.

I'm not gonna lie that makes it better I'd pound that boy pussy into Oblivion.

Not videogame

>putting your personal life on life like this
You vapid attention whores.

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Friendly reminder to NEVER get married. Friendly reminder to NEVER use social media.

It's fake.

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Videogamer you pedantic jidiot.

why do people like you comment on shit you literally don't know anything about

If they were truly in an open relationship and it wasn't just her quoting Jared about how he thought their relationship was, then HOLY shit this is the LAST time I ever give women the benefit of the doubt. They are ALWAYS up to something.

>Let's see other people.
>Oh o-ok...
>Gosh Jared, why are you always here during the weekends? Go spend some time with your girlfriends from time to time and let Chad and I have the apartment.
>o-ok, well, let me see if Holly's free and wants to hang out, I think she likes me...

He's probably going to make a video statement to explain himself. If this was an open relationship them the infractor is her not Jared. The fucking bitch broke his privacy to expose the guy on the internet.

Nice shilling asshole
Enjoy your ban and professional assasins ive sent to your house

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You dont need to be a youtuber, you can be working on your on the lowest job possibloe and someone spread rumors which means you will be fucked because image of the company >>>> shit >>>> you
And is not hard to spread rumors and make shit up. Companies wont even waste time finding the truth and if something goes to court it takes time and EVEN if it was all a lie your reputation is already fucked because 1) it can never clenaned or go away 2)people dont trust courts whenever the decision isnt their point of view

>what's make up, photoshop, perfect shots after 399 tries

>It's a real girl


Oh nice! I was told I couldn't post a blog about my personal life on Yea Forums, but I'm a videogamer, so I guess it's cool!


he's going to hire a hitman

Yes, she is my little.


Any more?

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Still hidden under layers of make up.

I bet her hair is pure black. She looks like boxxy

Don't know about what? Are you trying to justify people putting their personal life to the internet?


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Just don't fuck up and get into a fiasco, stupid.
Like, shit.

>caked up in makeup

Open relationships are never a good idea for a man. Any chick can go out tonight and get 30 cocks. The proper way to cheat is dont let her know ever and dont even.let the side bitch know where u live. If you're thinking of cheating, you should have already deleted social media a year ago.

He blocked her then posted his "statement" on twitter dumbass

>I'm like 12-14 in these pics

Now we're getting somewhere.

You can just feel the cash grab in the left one.

>muh makeup
Did you know that if you peel off the skin most girls are ugly?
What's the difference?
Checkmate incels.

>actually getting into an open relationship
Jared deserved it even more, that shit's a fucking trap.

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fucking yikes

kys OP

wait you guys are actually siding with projew? he's a retard lmao he got caught

weird flex but ok i guess

There is no such thing as an open relationship, fucking americans.

The projared controversy? The entire reason for this pathetic shill garbage thread?


I hope she goes full camwhore like those other IG thots and uploads a vid of her pussy being destroyed by a giant dildo machine.
Thats all thots are good for the giant dildo olympics.

You are one dumb gorilla nigger if you think that photo isn't doctored and she isn't made up.

Why is the one on the right a boy in a cheerleader outfit?

>open relationship
>bangs other dudes but get jealous when the dude start fucking around

Cosplay thots are always a big bag of crazy, holy shit...

she did according to that dudes twitter

What the fuck happened, I'm so confused.


>implying skinless girls aren't hot

Skin doesn't give you cancer nor makes you age thrice as fast. Also, you don't get to ruin skin with your atrocious female beauty standards.

Honestly the original has possibly the best dab of all time.

>our open marriage didn't work because he had feelings while fucking other bitches, while I'm a soulless cunt when I'm giving ass to other guys


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It's a video by the guy who gave us king kong.wmw

Heidi's twatter is golden right now.
He didn't give her enough money, that's the problem right?

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Uh yeah, these idiots claim the vast majority of obviously evil villains did nothing wrong. Chances are if you're on the same side of an issue as the majority of Yea Forums, you're fucked up.

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This, chicks looking unflattering without makeup is the most normal shit ever, it's rare to find anyone with a flawless complexion unless you're blessed with korean skin, only virgins wouldn't understand this concept

>if a guy uses photoshop etc to make himself look better
>savagly attacked
>woman does it
>no one bats an eye.

God I love this girl so much, I've been saving up for a while so I can surprise her.

Based jadusable

Hope he finally destroys these eceleb shits