Why do consoles even exist?
Why do consoles even exist?
to fuck over consumers
To sell video games.
There is a reason almost all multiplat games sell better on console than PC.
Before 2000: They were cheaper, and easier to program with than PCs
After 2000: Prevent most piracy.
Multiplats sell better on consoles because PC has thousands more games. You do not have to buy every new release like on consoles.
>thousands more game
And 80% of them are shitty Indie trash.
>he fell for the AAA meme
how does EA's cock up your ass feel fag?
PC Switch master race
Theyll be gone by 2025. Dont worry! You can stream your games and pay for xboxpsplus gold to access your saves! When Microsoft gets ddos’d you wont be able to play the license you rented!
And 95% of console games are "AAA" trash.
physical DRM
Because PC is confusing and volatile and most people just want to put the game they bought into a machine and hit "play". That's also why digital-only systems and DRM stuff has never stuck: because people don't want to deal with any of it.
Also because brand loyalty and because exclusives are very tempting.
Because when I spin the disk around my finger I have a lot less fun.
You make it sound like the top selling PC games every year aren't AAA trash.
to actually play games on. not pirate them, obsessively min-max the graphics settings, and then get bored and go back to shitposting on Yea Forums.
>you can only play indie shit or aaa shit, there are no other options!
Cheaper and more accessible than PC, and only functionally worse in areas that the general public still doesn't care about (framerate, resolution, etc)
To make money reliably and consistently if you succeed. If you make 1 good game that's nice, if you make 1 good console you'll make money off of it for over half a decade.
Resolution is only bad on the switch. Ps4 and xbox are good on that part
Right, choices are for morons.
this. Imagine paying for internet twice.
Totally, only idiots buy the same thing twice. That's why my refrigerator doubles as ac.
It's a legacy thing. Imagine you're in 1985: are you gonna buy a $4000 PC or a $180 NES? Well, Nintendo got that money and kept making consoles, and more people kept buying the consoles making Nintendo more money, and Nintendo gets the money to make more consoles, and the cycle continues.
Even though the AAA trash still sells very well on PC, there is still far more variety of different and better games on PC.
It just blows my mind how much shit you can put on a tiny piece of plastic these days
i bet you thought this was funny
Love my XboneX, playing Apex right now
Don't be sad we all say dumb shit sometimes, you'll use your head next time.
We're not quite at 2tb micro sd cards yet, hell not even 2tb usb sticks yet. But soon... soon.
Accessibility, ease of use, cheap. Delusional narcissistic PC fags will never understand these concepts
Says the fedora tipping PC MASTER RACE basement dweller
Japanese are computer illiterate
Because Keyboard and Mouse fucking suck, that’s why
People like video games
Do you think they'll port epic games store to the switch?
Simple. Most people just use a PC for work related or casual internet browsing. They don't want an expensive high powered gaming PC that'll be obsolete in six months to a year. At least with consoles you get a good six years or more before its time to upgrade.
wait was the joke making fun of poorfags or something else?
>he posts this while advocating for removing for peoples choice to have a console
I love Steamdrones
Just the idea that because two things can perform the same function they're the same. Like, what why I replace my shopping cart with a car if they both roll down the street? It's stupid to pay for the same shit twice, user claimed.
Well I was originally making fun of people who pay for internet and then pay for gaming online services like PSN or xbox live. With most PC games I'm already online I dont know why consolefags put up with this shit. Other user is just a retard.
>better games on PC.
Sounds like opinion.
What was the last PC exclusive to win GOTY?...
It's even dumber than I imagined, my bad. You're telling me you pay for an internet connection AND spottily? Moron.
>Just the idea that because two things can perform the same function they're the same. Like, what why I replace my shopping cart with a car if they both roll down the street?
hahahaahahah is that what you thought holy shit you are a retard
To appeal to plebs that don’t want to build PCs.
PC is garbage. It costs a lot more, you always run into compatibility issues and the community fucking sucks. Consoles are streamlined and have a lot less bullshit.
Boy is your face gonna be red once you catch up.
Who gives a fuck? Are you so braindead you can't enjoy a game unless it's been plastered with some bullshit award?
I am more advocating against shitty logic than removing your freedom of choice. I understand, sliders are hard, you'll get there.
At least with Sony and MS you know the money is going towards dedicated servers and offer free AAA games with their service. with nintendo you just giving them money for no damn reason really.
>To appeal to plebs that don’t want to build PCs.
I've built my own PC, I've built other peoples PCs, I still have a PS4 and Switch.
I wont support SNOY going forward so hopefully Xbox and Switch can hold its own.
>I understand, sliders are hard
Fuck off, I've been playing PC games for over 2 decades.
This is what r/Mustards actually think
They are more simple to use and have higher quality exclusive games. I've never had a problem playing a game on ps4. But I've had countess problems with compatabilty on PC or even just getting steam to open. Also there's a much lower upfront cost when it comes to consoles. PC is much cheaper in the long run if you factor in pirating/free online. Console is much better for casual multiplayer games too because everyone is on the same playing field when it comes to hardware.
It's a good thing sarcasm isn't lost in the abyss of your assblast, otherwise we'd be in trouble.
God, that's actually fucking hilarious.
Do you mind if I use this one to win internet arguments?
>that was your attempt at sarcasm
Oh dear god
>I didn't see the road therefore it wasn't there. Well I am convinced.
Do that and you'll be hearing from my lawyers, anonymous website guy.
Consoles are meant to be hardware dedicated to run certain features in the most reliable way possible. You just plug the things in and they work on the TV. No fiddling with User settings and making sure you have the right graphics cards background software or whatever.
...or accidently buying your little brother an expansion pack to a game they didn't own, and you got him a butt cake too, what the fuck.
This is not the Case with this generation of consoles though, as the XBox one has a home menu loaded with tons of different features that can be activated at any time using the wrong combination of buttons, and will require an entirely different combination of buttons to turn off, and hell, while we're at it, let's have 2 or 3 extra layers of passwords to remember in order to access your account I guess.
Then there's the PS4 which has a menu designed by Terry A. Davis, freezes constantly, and has some of the shoddiest connection ports that never seem to work right and make little children cry cause they can't play their plants vs zombies game.
So yeah. to an extent, you're better off just buying a 2011 laptop off Ebay and downloading indie Puzzle horror RPGs.
>Because PC is confusing and volatile and most people just want to put the game they bought into a machine and hit "play".
fpbp, they’re basically retard quarantine zones.
Poorfag lol
Oh no, don't guarantee me from sweaty tryhards lost in their fever dreams of becoming pro gamers with all these cool exclusive worlds.
Your face will never be red because you're so retarded that you'll never understand that your dumbass comparisons don't apply
>At least with Sony and MS you know the money is going towards dedicated servers
fair enough, but since the option of PC gaming exists and even ps3 had functional free online, I just think its lame consolefags put up with paying online when the alternative exists. I remember sony and nintendofags kept acting all superior for having free online but as soon as they announced that it would require a fee they backtracked "w-well $10 isn't that much" It isn't but its still a rip off knowing there's a better alternative. I guess its the exclusives that get people, but even then most worthwhile multiplayer games are on PC anyway.
Honestly I was considering getting a switch for splatoon2 and MM2 but paying online for only 2 games I'll only play every once in while seems like a hassle.
It's a two for one sale, neat.
>I remember sony and nintendofags kept acting all superior for having free online but as soon as they announced that it would require a fee they backtracked "w-well $10 isn't that much"
ah yes the shitposting was glorious
If you are going to claim something is better, you need proof. Why would I take just your word, when it's clear you are a PC elitist.
Yeah I mean who would pay internet twice hahaha I mean you pay for internet once why pay a company that exists and provides internet content to you I mean hahaha $20 a year for using an internet you already use hahaha why would anyone waste $20 a year I mean what kind of moron could want to do something like support a platform they use or show appreciation through money hahahahahaha
>but paying online for only 2 games I'll only play every once in while seems like a hassle.
wagie or normie?
For underage, normies and neets. Well adjusted adults who aren't poorfags play on PC if they even play games at all.
If an adjusted adult why the fuck wouldn't I buy anything and everything related to my hobby?
I just dont like playing vidya every single day.
I bet you watch movies, do you buy every fucking movie every made?
Just the ones tailored to my elusive taste of exposed nipples.
>everyone just pirates
>no one buys games because they spend all their money on building a pc
>no one buys games at launch
>people only buy games when theres a sale
This is how you kill gaming
They sell. PS4s kept Sony afloat, Every Nintendo game not on a Nintendo system has been ass and Microsoft wants to promote the greater brand so they’ll operate at a loss
They started out as entertainment machines with a different audience and feeling from computers. Eventually it mainly became the delivery method for games created by in house developers.
Why would you say that?