Mfw Nook/Sable/Roverfags get butthurt that Isabelle is the face of the franchise now

>mfw Nook/Sable/Roverfags get butthurt that Isabelle is the face of the franchise now

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waifufags win again. nothing new.

>tfw a Celestefag

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Isabelle isn't going to return in any main AC

This does not stop my enjoyment of sable at all. Nor do I limit myself to sable and nook.

I wish

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If they brought back the stories that you would learn on occasion about the main characters, would you like her more, Yea Forums?

Isabelle a cute.

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Sorry man, but I'm not really in the mood today and ranting about Isabelle is pointless in a thread that was obviously only made in an attempt to make people mad. It's just not "genuine", you know?

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I don't care if she's the face, just give everyone a personality.
I don't want to talk about food anymore.

Just give me a larger world size, better dialogue, and more things to do in the next game. I don't care about smash.


Animal Crossing full anime when


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Just because I like Sable, my wife, better than Isabelle doesn't mean I hate Isabelle.
Isabelle is pretty cool too

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Only if they toned down her presence

It already exists.

Only if they balanced the characters out, so every character is equally as important.

yeah, how about we turn this into a real thread?
post your favorite villager

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good dog

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liked and subscribed

nice, just got him in my town

How will Isabelle fags react if their waifu doesn't make it in the next game? Just asking as a hypothetical.

twitter will probably have a meltdown


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>mfw even the fucking Animal Crossing fanbase have gen wars

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At this point we've completely run out of things to discuss, only the e3 trailer can save us now.

I'm gonna be so anxious on the 10th. The true future of this franchise is going to be completely unloaded on us at E3 after months of zero information.

The worst part is that even if it looks absolutely horrible, it'll still sell like hotcakes. Although after what they did with splatoon 2, i'd say i'm still hopeful.

>reddit dog

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