I was alright

I was alright

Attached: 220px-FF_XV_cover_art.jpg (220x234, 23K)

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If you didn't like this scene, you're not human or ever had close friends

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

Or they're horribly written characters.

Road trip with bros was comfy
Everything else was shit, especially the combat

t. subhuman friendless incel

The party banter and relationships between the 4 homos was good. The rest of it was pretty bad.
>Base game at launch
>With all DLC's, reworks, overhauls, total re-do's of the last half of the game, addition of dozens of cinematics, story-scenes, dialogue, etc

>i will never forgive this being the combat tho

Attached: xv combat is so fucking complex.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

I really enjoyed fishing

i think it should have been the actual final scene, would have made a bigger impact

>all those months leading up to release people were saying turn based games are dead and this would be the future of jrpgs
>fucking world of final fantasy ended up being better than this mess

have sex

It had some bright spots but the game was hacked to pieces so most of it is a gruesome mess. The potential was there however, either as Versus or early XV is had all the ideas to be one of Squares best works.

>ynr this being the game that mentally broke Barry/xv-kun and prompted him to start shitting up KH/KH3 threads.

This, especially if you played the game when it first came out.

Can you retards stop bringing up this utter faggot out of nowhere? Its just as bad if not worse than the shit he pulls.

Nah, I want that faggot to continue to seethe. Kys Barry if you're reading this.

bend over

The sad part is that even though my above post can be argued to be hyperbolic about the combat, it's really not. Most of what's available is 1000% optional and totally irrelevant.

Even the post-game super-dungeon type content boils down to spending your AP on the right passive skills and literally hitting 'attack' from behind enemies, proccing multiple 9999 9999 chain attacks with your buddies. It's more efficient and wildly faster than nearly anything except rapidly expending farmed super-magic which takes ages to make and is literally like consumable grenades.

You end up just running circles around everything and fishing for what are effectively 'backstabs', because they hit overwhelmingly hard, give invincibility, and are entirely the most effective way to do combat all the way through everything in the whole game, incl. all end-game/post-game.

The webm i posted, while you might see someone argue that it's cherry-picked or unfair, on the most basic level is fundamentally the truth of the lategame of ff15, too...

>"hey should we develop the main character throughout the game?"
>"nah save it for the timeskip cutscene at the end"

Not dabbing on him would kill like 90% of ffxv discussion.


The worst part of combat isn't even the "hold x to win" meme, it's that every aspect of combat just sucks.

>No real magic
>Summons, while visually stunning, are random
>Enemies run around randomly with no patterns, purpose, or threat control within a fight
>Non player controlled characters do the same
>Very little control over what your teammates are doing without switching to them
>Very little in the way of team up attacks (rng backstabs?)
>Can spam items/revives pretty much infintely so there is never a fear of losing

There's no structure to a battle and no way to quickly issue commands to your teammates so you never actually feel in control of anything, it's like being in a mosh pit. Making an action combat system that incorporates a full party of multiple characters isn't easy but by god they barely even tried with XV, but I guess that's mostly because Tabata wanted it this way. This is my biggest concern going into 7R as well, the whole point of a turn based system is you the player controlling the entire partys actions, they need to find a fun way to allow the player to control one character and issue quick but meaningful commands to the others without interrupting the battles flow, not to mention switching between characters has to be quick and painless too.

Gambits from 12 were a great idea in a barren combat system, they would have done well in 15 and 7R

>magic system is grenades
l m a o

>literally like consumable grenades.
Speaking of that, why was the magic system in XV so shitty? Lack of a magic system would be a better word. They're just elemental grenades. I remember them falling into disuse with me unless I was just messing around with effects. Only that one autistic user from a while back defended the system.

Attached: pepe_smoking_disgusted.png (391x303, 46K)


Attached: Bad.png (1856x963, 1.8M)

post more xv girls

Attached: 552.jpg (850x1288, 352K)

She's basically Rikku with short hair and a terrible hick accent.

Attached: 115c08dfffab857b63a88c5602c80ac2.png (951x1920, 2.03M)

>"hey should we develop the romance so that players are emotionally invested?"
>"nah just put it in cutscenes. actually, make it so you never interact with her in game at all"

Well to be fair they did develop it, the problem is they then proceeded to cut 90% of it over 6~ years leading up to release.

>"hey should we make sure to tell a good story and explain the characters' pasts and motivations?"
>"how will we sell expanded universe content then you baka?"

If only there was jiggle

I played and finished the game the week it came out and liked it a lot. I want to pick up the Royal edition for my PC when I get a new one soon. How much of an improvement am i in for? (srs answers only pls)

A lot of improvement. It's a completely different game, desu. If you loved the base game, you're in for a treat. You're probably also partially retarded.

I'm glad you are alright user

Attached: 07685708.jpg (500x403, 49K)

Your favorite FF game is probably one of my fav games ever so does that make you retarded too

Being able to remap the controls so you can have attack and block on the shoulder buttons is the best.

Yep. Confirmed retarded. Keep on keeping on, space cadet.

why are the new bosses they added in insomnia (the old king people) like 20 times harder than ardyn who is basically an unlosable cutscene

Diagnosing ourselves now are we? Wow, he might be normal some day!

It was awful kill self
