1 month later... my general is dead.... i am forgotten

>1 month later... my general is dead.... i am forgotten.....

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Other urls found in this thread:


it's a single player game with a set end, dummy. People move on after finishing it.

it's time to grow up user

video games are dead

>3 minutes later.... my thread is dead.... i am forgotten....

its a more linear less RPG experiance compared to dark souls, therefore it offers less content in replayability.

no build variety, so no lasting replay value.


>games go from flavour of the month so quick
>it's now flavour of the day

The game had fuck all content and it was nothing but rule34 garbage on social media that turned the game into a meme in memory

>It's a "some faggots still don't understand why the concurrent players stat is irrelevant to single player games" episode

I hate reruns.

main reason people forgot about it so quick, too short and too casual

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thank god, souls games are part of the cancer killing this board

well yeah, we beat it and there's no multiplayer you dim fuck

>47 hours

hell even the porn was mediocre.

>47 hours for all achievements
>not short

>getting all achievements is just a straight grind and doesn't require you to actually git gud even a little bit
would it have killed FROM to make some achievements like "beat the game without the charm" or something, fuck

>no class variety
>no multiplayer
>bad music
>bad lore
>even the speedrunners stopped playing it
A misstep.

Every Fromsoft game is like that.
At least in Dark Souls 2 you can find covenant rewards normally in ng+2 or something like that.
Believe it or not, beating the game twice is less of a grind than grinding for covenant items.

>turning the most degenerate autistic players of games (speedrunners) into a monolithic group

May the lord have mercy on your soul

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Most people would rather just watch the endings they didn't get online than play through again. The only thing left after seeing the endings is charmless/bell NG and I doubt many have the patience for that. Great game, just no replayability due to zero multi or customization.

>thinking 8k is bad
thats average pc numbers for AAA games this is nothing new

God shitkiro was such a boring game I hope From Software never does a pure action game again.

To this day you'll see threads about Dark Souls.

he's pointing out that Dark Souls 3 (2016) has more players than Sekiro (2019)

Dark Soles 3 was in my backlog and when I finished Sekiro I went back.

While Sekiro has better gameplay I think Dark Souls has better replay value because of all the builds and such, also multiplayer elements.

> mfw game forces me to adopt parrying as my primary defensive measure instead of just rolling away

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I'm trying to finish my last ending and it's just so boring now.

build variety and pvp retard

Dark Souls has multiplayer, mods, and more build variety. Sekiro doesn't have these things, but that doesn't mean it's a bad game.


>haven't even beaten Sekiro yet
>urge to replay Bloodborne keeps intensifying
I'm never going to finish this game.

because they're giant rpgs that breed endless discussion, sekiro is just a solid action game

yea idk wtf from was thinking with this one almost zero replayability

I still play Dark Souls 1 because of the amazing level design and build variety. Sekiro has neither.

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It needs DLC bad. It only had 1 or 2 cuh-ray-zay bosses that From is known for. The rest were good, but generic-ish.

Dark Souls isn't a single player game, retard...

What game? Surely you are not talking about Sekiro because it has about a minimum of 60 hours of content that is top tier, 9/10 at worst and many times 10/10 perfection, such as the best bossfight in game history, Sword Saint Isshin.

this level of delusion... holy shit

maybe you all don't have a sense of pride and accomplishment

Speedrunners are running it just fine to this day, you are wrong.
>no class variety
Not a valid argument since it is not an RPG. Metal Gear Rising doesn't have class variety either, complaining that it does not is no different from you complaining about that for Sekiro. Pure idiocy.
>no multiplayer
Good, it was the worst aspect of every FromSoft game and their games would have been even better had they never done that.
>bad music
Sekiro has the best soundtrack so far pretty much because it has the highest percentage of god tier tracks when compared to all tracks in the game. Bloodborne has some tracks that are by far better, like Ludwigs theme, but it only has like 3-5 good themes at all and everything else is trash.
>bad lore
Sekiro has far superior lore over the entire Dark Souls trilogy. It's on par with Demon's Souls lore, with Bloodborne probably having the best lore.

>A misstep.
Sekiro is their most successful game yet. It already outsold DS3 and Bloodborne, and its been out for over a month. Sekiro was a great success and is a masterpiece.

Thankfully they don't listen to retards so they will probably never make another Souls game again (thank god) and will make more god tier games like Sekiro.

>is top tier, 9/10 at worst and many times 10/10 perfection, such as the best bossfight in game history

Because DSfags are a bunch of glue sniffing retards who can't let things go.

Imagine believing this

Yeah you do seem delusional. Dark Souls fanboys typically are, they can't even figure out Dark Souls is FromSofts worse Soulslike IP.
Hey maybe Tanimura will make another rehashed Souls for you spergs so you can stay quiet for a couple more years while Miyazaki will provide another masterpiece for the patricians.

>and is a masterpiece

Genuinely curious as to why this board overrates this game so much. It is an excellent game but to actually call it a masterpiece and FromSoft's best effort is hilarious to me. What ranks it above their other titles?

>used to shitpost about how short game really is
>it's actually true
I still enjoyed it, 80+ hours in steam, NG+++ completed.

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The funniest part about delusional cucks like these two are, they never have a counter argument. Completely incapable of providing an example of a supposedly better boss in game history than Sword Saint. Because it's impossible, none exists.

the gameplay is extremly satifying

>better combat
>better gameplay in general (can climb, jump, sprint infinitely, no stamina system)
>best bossfights by far, their other games bosses don't come close, even the previously best ones like Gael now seem disappointing in comparison to most Sekiro bosses
>way better lore than Dark Souls, though BB and DeS also had top tier lore
Well in general, gameplay is just the most important aspect of a game, and it was improved in every possible way. Sekiro is easily FromSoftwares best game and a masterpiece, for now that is.

>hurrrr speedrun is short that mean game is short duuurrrrr
Do you also eat your own shit

Dark souls 3 is unironically ten times more fun than sekiro. There's a reason everyone outside reddit doesn't talk about it anymore. The redditors don't play it either they just want to look cool

this, people act like locusts

Vergil 3

Not to anyone who isn't retarded. There's a reason why Sekiro sold more in 1 month than Dark Souls 3 in three years. Because Dark Souls 3 was a huge soulless disappointment and has no replay value unless you're some kind of low functioning autist who thinks casual PvP with extremely bad netcode is "fun".

Overall more polished than any other From games, combat is top tier and likely some of the best bosses in vidya history

>a huge soulless disappointment and has no replay value unless you're some kind of low functioning autist
sounds kinda like sekiro desu.

Come on now. It's a good bossfight but the animations do not compare even slightly to vast majority of FromSoft bosses, especially not to Isshin.

Not according to the majority :)

lol wrong fight

That usually happens to single player games. How is this surprising? You've seen all it has to offer until the inevitable DLC.

Because it is an RPG with a variety of builds and vague as fuck story so that people spend a lot of time filling in the blanks.

Not the first Vergil fight, doofus.

Gene in God Hand.

all the polls I've seen on Yea Forums say sekiro is mid to top tier but not the best.

Whoops, meant Azel.

I'm literally playing it right now

Just bought this, amazing game, still getting gud.
Also the parrying reminds me a lot of Furi.

>its fun

the window for parrying is way more forgiving, but there are some more mechanics overall. I just wish sekiro had more things to spice up the major battles.
also a tip for anything that ends up causing you trouble; try being more aggressive and anything that isn't a grab or sweep can be deflected.
by putting on pressure and consistently deflecting attacks on time you can knock bosses out in a fraction of the time by playing it safe and doing chip damage. you don't need to do anything fancy, just attack and react.

there's like 3 sekiro threads up right now?

kekiro was just a testbed.


>muh build autists seething

Easily the best From game I've played so far, there's no frustration in losing to bosses which I normally got from Dark Souls and Bloodborne, its almost the game solely relies on skill than it does on RNG.

I wonder what they'll do for the DLC

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>Sekiro has the best soundtrack so far
Sekiro only has one good song.

Fagiro has no good OST

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Does it play more like Souls or Bloodborne?
This is important.



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Bloodborne plays like any other souls game.

it's a strange comparison though, there's enough to argue it's very different and there's enough to argue it's much of the same. honestly I think aside from the new parry it's pretty much a souls game.

>60 hours
I did the severance ending, completed every sidequest and autistically scanned every area for every single worthless little item and I still only clocked in at around 35 hours. I don't even think 100% takes 60 hours.

I wish.

I will now leave this thread.


>Best selling game in the series
>Longest game in terms of content
>Most active playerbase in the series, is still alive on PS4 and PC
>DSP died the most times on it, making it the hardest game(He beat Isshin in 3 tries)
>Most kino bosses, soundtracks and lore
Dark Souls 3 reigns supreme, even after all the shitposting.

>it has about a minimum of 60 hours of content
I 100%'d the game in ~50 hours (i.e. ran through the game four times) and I have not played it since

Is this supposed to be good? This is the only good song on the soundtrack.


Nine Tailed Fox

your weebshit boss sucks, sorry.

The pace is similar to Bloodborne and Dark souls 3 but its entirely a different beast when it comes down to mechanics, dodge, deflection, abilities and prosthetic abilities.

The hitboxes were finally perfected in sekiro and there's no bullshit in bossfights.

Well, i love it.

If it took you 60 hours to beat Sekiro you went out of your way to bloat your play time. The game takes no longer than 30 hours to 100%.

>generic weeb flute garbage#543534534
your game died for a good reason

Isshin isn't weebshit because he's actually a samurai who does precise simple moves instead of over the top bullshit. Maria, Gael, and Friede are actual weebshit characters.

All this shows is that you have absolutely abhorrent taste in music.

Yeah, I noticed how the whole thing can be confusing at first coming from souls games or pretty much any game because enemy/bosses HP bars really are secondary.
I cheesed a few minibosses with the axe thing, too.
Still don't understand the whole unseen aid or dragon aids thing.

You're such a liar. I went blind into sekiro and I have 60 hours aswell right now and I just got to the last fight with genichiro and isshin.

KYS I bet you didn't even play it.

Sure, i don't mind.

>isshin isn't weebshit
>one version of him dashes around doing anime judgement cuts and throwing fire across the arena and the other version jumps around spinning like a madman with a spear while tossing lightning every 3 seconds
Pure fucking delusion.

I still think it's worth a playthrough, but I also don't think it deserves all the praise it gets around here.


Sekiro is just a shitty game.

Why is there such a heavy bias against Sekiro on here? this is the only place I see people shit on it and they cant even provide a good argument for why its bad other than "its not soulsborne"

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why the fuck did it even had a general?

>you just didn't play it!
Are Sekiroturds the new Bloodbornefags now? I played the game, it's short as fucking shit and you are actually retarded if it took you more than 30 hours to 100% the game.

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basically posture breaking is king. whittling away at a boss' HP will reduce the rate they recover their posture so for some fights it's pretty much a requirement to get some hits in before really driving home.
unseen aid is just a chance that you won't lose exp or gold upon true death. the dragon aid is a bit trickier. there's a timer upon revival it seems and then also a dial of enemy deathblows you need to refill till it's available again. you can get more chances at revivals when you progress further.

Honestly I bought it a week ago and I'm having the absolute time of my life with my (sadly) limited time with it, definitely a goty candidate, don't know what you're on about

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I'm playing it right now. It's still good and will probably will always be good for a replay.

Great Shinobi Owl is better than any other soulsborne soundtrack.

Define 100% in Sekiro, because I doubt you had 99 attack level at the end of it.

>can't appreciate classic japanese music
Sure, just not for you.



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>We should stick a giant Dark Souls boss at the end and make him damn near impossible
>fans will love it!

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>How my blood boils!

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100% as in getting every ending and beating every boss.

So your telling me a single player game gets played through and then people move on?
What a shock fucking neck yourself

>2 hours ago...
>this post is forgotten...

How many times am i supposed to play it? I hop back on bloodborne and its just as active as its always been so isn't it obvious? No multiplayer = ded game

He used a guide.

you fucking liar, you probably save scummed or were flat out cheating.

sekiro is shit
it doesnt know if it wants to be a souls game or hack and slash. As a result the core gameplay falls short even if its incredibly polished

Some people just hate for hates sake.

Look at DMC5, the game completely delivered but gets shit for any petty reason.

I fucking despised this guy while fighting him.

How retarded can one person be? Fucking idiot.

mad soulbabbies that got stuck at shinobi hunter are upset that they can't cheese boss fights

>judgement cuts
None of his moves come even close to resembling judgement cuts.

Are you fucking dumb? Sekiro is not that long. If you want my save data for me to prove it then just ask. If it actually takes you 60 hours to do one run in this game you are either retarded or terrible at the game. This game does not have that much content. The world is linear and the zones feel small because of the movement options. You can't even re-fight bosses or mini bosses. What the absolute fuck are you doing that takes you 60 hours to beat this game?

>it doesnt know if it wants to be a souls game or hack and slash
No, that's Bloodborne, the game has a stat that's in its name but is a complete afterthought, streamlined everything from DaS but without shields, and rewrote the story at the last minute to be more obscure.

Sekiro has a couple problems but is perfectly functional 99.9% of the time.

My only complaint with Sekiro is the ridiculous amount of boss and mini boss battles. Game is just going from mini boss to mini boss with a few token adds here and there. I really hated that.

>that they can't cheese boss fights
Prosthetics exist for this very reason, so you got btfo.

None of those are anywhere near as good as Isshin

It’s as close as we’ll ever get to Yojimbo.

I dont believe you and you're probably full of shit, and yes show the save data.

Wrong. You did not 100% it if you took only 30 hours.
Mate, it's objectively the longest FromSoft game, no amount of seething will change that. Obviously DS2 does not count.

I feel you. Normal enemies just don't do it in this game.

Polls on Yea Forums? Okay, Hillary.

Isshin isn't even the best fight in Sekiro, and it's hilarious that you think he's the best boss fight ever made.
Gehrman is a far better fight than Isshin.

It's the best action game, in addition to being best FromSoft game.

>single player

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>it's objectively the longest FromSoft game
How deluded do you have to be to believe this?

>Gehrman is a far better fight than Isshin.
Look man, I love that old cunt, but that's bullshit. Gehrman is nowhere near as complex as Isshin.

Sekiro is FromSoftwares defining masterpiece, you just couldn't beat it because you are used to summoning for help and outleveling content

Neither are complex, but isshin isn't complex like you want to think. What the hell makes him complex?

You can stop lying now user, no one in the thread believes your nonsense about doing 100% of bosses and minibosses in 30 hours. It's literally impossible on first playthrough, even if you died like once against each it would take over 40h to do them all.

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>baddies actually think that Sekiro is long because they suck at the game and it takes them too long to beat it because of this

Bigger moveset and more mechanics at play.

>prosthetics offering an assistance level anywhere near summoning/cheese builds or weapons

How shit at the game are you? Answer my question. What the fuck are you doing that makes you waste so much time on the game when there isn't that much content?

Did you count the 50 hours you spent watching gameplay on YouTube?

DSP beat Isshin with in 3 attempts by spamming the axe, so yes.

the precedent set by the "Games as a Service" trend has tainted your minds to treat every game as if it needs a constant stream of content every fucking 2 weeks or whatever. this is a single player game and by pushing this idea that it needs to stay "relevant" through producing new content or some shit is pathetic and makes you no better than whoever said single player games arent marketable or whatever the fuck

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>most speedrunners nowadays are ________.

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Isshin is easily the best fight in Sekiro and easily the best boss fight ever made. Gehrman is a fucking JOKE, literally all style over substance, oh wow he does cool anime moves like floating in the air and powering up. The actual fight itself with Gehrman is easy and disappointing, and he has a few attacks. It's nothing compared to the complexity of Isshins vast movesets, top tier animations and CHALLENGE.
You're fucking crazy.
Don't have to be deluded to believe a fact. The only From game that is longer than Sekiro to 100% on first playthrough is DS2, and who gives a fuck about DS2.

I already said that sekiro is polished. Its the most finished fromsoft game so far
I just dont like a lot of aspects of the it. They tried to make anime swordsmanship with proper sword clashing which is actually a big deal but then just had to ruin it with R1 spamming your foam sword. Posture is also a fucking dumb mechanic

It has way more content than any other From game, which is why it takes longer to complete, lmao. Maybe if you had actually played through the game instead of lying about it on an imageboard you would know.

No, I played it blindly. Are you really this shit at the game?

Is this that transformer flag I've been hearing about?

I played it until Genichiro. Fought him a bunch of times and after finally winning I just didn't feel compelled to keep playing. Never happened with Souls.
Ever since I quit Sekiro, I beat BB once and DaS3 twice already.

Subjective opinions that 99% of people do not share. No one complains about posture and surely no one else here even has a clue wtf you mean with foam sword criticism, the attacks feel good.
Posture is like by far the best combat mechanic From has ever developed.

>It has way more content than any other From game

>no online
>no chalice dungeons
>only one main weapon
>no armors
How, exactly, does it have more content than games like Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne? Be very specific here.

It's a single player game. The fact that it was hot for 2 weeks is impressive. Everyone played it, everyone enjoyed it, everyone talked about it, now it's done for the time being. In a few years people will pop it in and play it again, it's not a multiplayer game, why would anyone still be playing it a month later?

You didn't 100% it, you obviously missed a lot of minibosses. Game can not be 100% finished that fast on first playthrough.

I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say.

is this supposed to mean something?

>just had to ruin it with R1 spamming your foam sword
I don't know how you could get through the game without jumping, deflecting, dodging and so on. Saying Sekiro is R1 spam is beyond retarded. It's a game about counters. Jumping alone has like 5 ways to counter shit.

>killed it once on NG
>every other play through make it jump off the cliff
kill it once legit, everything after who fucking cares

Typical soulscuck, just wants to play easy games and brag about beating them within the community that deludes themselves it's hard. Actually unable to beat a challenging game that does not let you overlevel.

I am not very far in the game but Seven Spears was like fucking Darth Vader for about an hour or two.

Sekiro is one of the worst action games out there. You need to play better game if you think Sekiro is anything but subpar both as an action and a Fromsoft game.

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What’s better?

>no online
That's 0 hours of content for 99% of players since almost no one gave a single fuck about the awful multiplayer that was casual as hell and had terrible netcode
>no chalice dungeons
Again 0 hours of content for vast majority of players because only a total autist could enjoy procedurally generated endless hallways that look the same.
>only one main weapon
>no armors
How are these "a lack of content"? Why would it need to have these things? It's not an RPG, it's an action game. It would have suffered from such things.

Then, look at the actual good content in a game, the content that matters:
>Sekiro has far more bosses than any other FromSoft game
>longer game than any of their other games
>some alternate boss fights on different playthroughs
>actual hardmodes you can stack to make the game really challenging, something that is completely missing from their other games, which become permanently laughably easy after first playthrough

>you obviously missed a lot of minibosses
No, I didn't. I can even name them.
>samurai generals
>both bulls
>headless (land and water)
>lone shadows
>ashina elite
>both seven spears
>okami warrior on the tree
>chained ogres
>long arm centipedes
>shimichen warriors
>every juzuo clone
>both snake eyes
I wouldn't count the giant snake or the master carp as mini bosses because you don't even fight them.

Maybe you would have a point if these fights took long, but every single fight int his game that isn't a boss can be finished within 2 minutes. You act like they each take at least an hour to beat. How bad at this game are you? Be honest.

It means a contrarian anime board isn’t a measure of public opinion or sales.

i just got up to him for the first time, died 5 times trying to learn his attack patterns. suddenly, everyone i fight does half my health bar with each attack, even though its near maxed. its gonna be a bitch, but i think the key is to keep him cornered near the cliff, wail on him and try not to get stomped.
good times, especially since i thought it would be over once i got to fountainhead

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user im not good at the game but you obviously did not finish it in 30 hours and 100% it.

you either cheated or altered your save data.

Nah. It's objectively the best action game so far in game history. Really took a huge shit on DMC series and others in the action genre.

DMC, Ninja Gaiden, God Hand
Bloodborne, Demon's Souls, King's Field
Get fucked.

>invasions didn't have any community, they didn't contribute to the souls games at all
Invasions are what put the souls games on the map and gave them enough lasting appeal for endless sequels. You're welcome, faggot.

Mr YouTube over here.

What I mean is that it takes way too much R1s to kill a boss. I get it. They added this cool new mechanic of deflection to the formula but then they realized they cant just have bosses go down in 5 deflects so they had to pad the fights and just made you whack the boss hundred times. This is what I mean by "it doesnt know if it wants to be souls or hack and slash". There is a disconnect between stylish parries and souls style beating a whacking sack boss. At least to me it looks silly

>keeps lying
God you're retarded, really desperate for people to think you're some kind of gamer god? Go to sleep kid. Anyone who actually has played the game knows the game is well longer than that.

you could just say no,

Wrong. They were a funny little side thing in Demon's Souls but most people played it single player, Souls games got on the map for being punishing and more challenging than most modern RPGs. PvP was never popular.

Naw, doesn’t feel like an adventure

>Again 0 hours of content
>it doesn't count if I say so
>>Sekiro has far more bosses than any other FromSoft game
This is only true if you count mini bosses as full fledged bosses, and even then the game just copy pastes the mini bosses over the game world for bloat and even forced the player to go through them by locking progression behind specific ones.
>>some alternate boss fights on different playthroughs
Bloodborne does this, so Sekiro isn't unique in this regard at all.
>actual hardmodes you can stack to make the game really challenging
How does this make the game longer? The bell hardly changes anything and the charm just makes it so you have to perfect parry every hit to not take damage. It doesn't add enemies, change their behaviors, or move bosses around. You are absolutely fucking delusional. I spent more time on the chalice dungeons than the entirety of Sekiro, and the chalice dungeons sucked.

>Sekiro has far more bosses than any other FromSoft game
it really doesn't, there's somewhere between 25-30 unique bosses/minibosses which isn't anything special

Literally any other action game.
>It's objectively the best action game so far in game history.
You'd have a very hard time making a case for why that is the case.

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Get real. Bloodborne was the definition of compelling, but Sekiro is refined. Your list is rough around the edges.

>no you just didn't play it!
If this is your only argument then you lost
Keep coping, shitters.
>gamer god
How hard do you think this game is? Getting through sekiro is not an achievement.

Why is it that every time we have a new from game there's some fat autist that lies about how easy and how fast he completed the game?

Seriously. Every. Fucking. Time.

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>Single player game with much less replayability than previous games has less people playing it than a game with multiplayer and more replayability
when did this shitty "i am forgotten" meme come from? is it just zoomers who think every game needs to be talked about 24/7 for years on end?

I like metaphors and parables.

>They were a funny little side thing in Demon's Souls
Except how the game pushed it by making it so that helping or hurting people through invasions leads to a revive. There's even a boss revolving around invasions. Nice try,

God fucking damn (You)

>1/4th the replay mechanics of older games
Wow who woulda thought. It's feels the best but it's the worst "game".

>that one guy who kept posting his screenshot "his" bloodborne platinum

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>people can actually beat the game so anyone who claims to have beaten the game in under 100 hours is clearly lying
How bad are you?

A japanese man beat it in 32 minutes without glitches

RDR2 and Sekiro are peak Western Samurai gunslinging Kurosawa Unforgiven kino in double feature form.

Are you fucking retarded or something? You definitely do not need to hit any boss a hundred times, except maybe Demon of Hatred.
Every single other boss fight is a few minutes long at most when done right.
The game knows perfectly well what it wants to be, and 100% fucking nailed it. It seems like you're the one that's confused and tried playing it like a Souls game like some kind of mentally damaged mouthbreather, not realizing that you're supposed to go for posture kills not life kills in the game.
>this guy fucking played through the game running in circles and hitting the enemy lifebars for dozens of minutes because he was too fucking retarded to learn how to play

>literally every souls game excluding DaS has an invasion boss

Learn how to use literally.

Nah I already proved it, you're the one having an impossible time disproving the claim. Have fun trying for an eternity (or at least until a better action game gets made, might take years).

Sekiro is meant to be played blind. You’re not welcome here anymore.


>number of players tells the whole story

OP is a fag. The two games are only similar in action mechanics, but beyond that they do completely different things. By OP's logic Fortnight is better than TF2.

>hurr durr
You didn't prove shit.

I did play it blind, you fucking dumb ass.

He has samurai genes tho

it's only 1000 less and dark souls has multiplayer, shit argument

>How hard do you think this game is? Getting through sekiro is not an achievement.
You're the one who thinks that, you're the only bragging about 100%'ing it in an impossible time that no one has done on first playthrough.
It didn't push it, you could play the game offline dumbfuck... PvPfags are truly fucking delusional.

tips before the thread dies
>hold O the whole time
>run to your left and you'll aboid his stomps
>keep close to him, his ranged attacks are a bitch
>jump up to the left to avoid his running attack
>fire umbrella gives you a free hit when he does his jumping attack
he's the hardest boss in the game for all the wrong reasons

>eaten the game in under 100 hours is clearly lying

moving goalposts now are we?

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30 hours blind. Maybe you should play the next From game deaf?


HHMMMMMmmm??? 2.,......>1.....??...>3??

Yeah no one really cares about your blind rush through of the game where you missed optional bosses and minibosses.
100% is what matters.

>it's not a big part of the game, there are just obligate, unskippable bosses based around it

I played it three times but got PTSD about facing Owl and Isshin every time. Good game though, really enjoyed myself.

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>you can play offline
You literally can't until DS3, there's no offline option.

the difficulty in this game is dynamic. The more mistakes you make the longer and harder the fights become all because of the posture mechanic
basically if you keep fucking up during the fight it can last three times as long as the boss keeps healing itself when not attacked. You could blaze through the game if you do it flawlessly but other people will find it much slower.
Thats not a problem in other from games since HP is always static

this place has been infested by insufferable BBfags. sekiro isn't the only that can talk expecting some lardass shows up screeching that DIS NOT BLAWDBURN, GAME BAD, GIT GUD.

No, it's literally not a big part of the game. There's one boss in DeS based around it and you can play an offline version of it. After DeS the multiplayers focus became even far smaller than before.
Multiplayer was always recognized as the joke it is by majority of fans, because it truly is trash tier. The cringiest part is that DS PvPfags actually think it's "a high skill cap competitive multiplayer", many even think it could be at EVO. It's more fucking casual and less skill is involved than Smash Bros for fucks sake, which is the laughing stock of competitive multiplayer games.

>Mate, it's objectively the longest FromSoft game

Are Sekiro shills genuinely autistic

Holy shit you're fucking retarded hahahaha
Literally just unplug your ethernet cord from the PS3 to play DeS offline.
Souls fanboys are too retarded to figure out how cords work apparently.

That's not a problem in Sekiro either because you're supposed to learn to play and stop fucking up, dumbass. Literally the whole point is to become good enough that you can perfect parry everything the boss does so that you can max their posture bar even if they are at full life.
You failed at what the game tries to FORCE you to learn. That is on you.

>by the majority of fans
Just because you were a giant pussy and played offline to stop a chad red from bullying your prostate doesn't mean "The majority" did. I daresay more people involved themselves with the multiplayer than went without, actually. You "Souls are a singleplayer game" fags are cute at best, willfully ignorant at worst.

You don't need some gay little popup to tell you that you've accomplished a great feat. Stop being conditioned by modern games.

Cope, shitter.

Wow, "Unplug the internet" sure is an intended gameplay mechanic you subhuman. How do you exist as stupid as you are? Are disconnects also an intended counter to invaders? How about modded consoles, are those intended?

Imagine saying any other game in history has ‘too few bosses’ because it has less than 25 bosses

For stating a fact? Explain.
DeS is about 20-25h, DS1 30-35h, DS2 40h, DS3 25-30h, BB 25-30h if you do 100% playthroughs on first time ever playing them. Sekiro is a minimum 40-45h when doing 100% on 1st time, of course Shura path does not count because that's not 100%.

Not him, but if you can fail to learn what the game is trying to teach you and still win, over and over and over again, then the game is either not actually trying to teach you something or doing a terrible job at it.

>you're the only bragging about 100%'ing it in an impossible time that no one has done on first playthrough.
No one here is bragging, now you're just being a projecting little nigger.

Why am I imagining this scenario when it has nothing to do with my post

>if you aren't bad, you're lying
Not everyone is shit at video games like you are kiddo.

There is zero way to accurately measure things like that outside of going by averages.
Going for 100% on the first run is also practically impossible without a guide, since it requires you to do a lot of really unintuitive / secret things.

>Just because you were a giant pussy and played offline to stop a chad red from bullying your prostate doesn't mean "The majority" did
Nope, I played online and was the red. I played around 800 hours of nothing but Darkwraith invading in DS1.
I am just stating the FACTS here, the PvP community was always an extremely tiny minority of the playerbase, not even 1%. The PvP was never very good, objective truth.
Anyone who deluded themselves the PvP is good or requires skill is a fucking delusional manbaby and has never played a real competitive multiplayer game like a fighting game or something. Grow up, it was a fun little experiment from FromSoft but it ultimately was a failure and there is a reason they have no interest in doing it anymore. Because it fucking sucks.

then why give people all these healing items? If they expect you to beat the bosses flawlessly why encourage "wrong" behavior.
Its fucking dumb. It shouldnt matter if you finish it with full estus or 0. A kill is a kill

The PvP "Community" that got into """"Competitive"""" pvp is small, but you're retarded if you don't see how huge invaders were in cementing the soul series. You don't need to be a metal following build optimising hyper fag to be into the PvP or online component of souls, and you severely underestimate the proportion of the playerbase that did.

Sekiro is smaller than every fucking Souls game, if you take more than 30 hours to beat Sekiro on your first playthrough it's because you probably died an innumerable amount of times. NG+ is like 15 hours even with Kuro's charm because you already know how to tackle everything. Sekiro has no exploration and no optional areas. Compare that to Bloodborne which has 8 optional areas and endless amounts of dungeons to play through. Doing 100% in this game is not even close to being as time consuming as the other games. There is nothing left to experience after you get all the upgrades in NG+

>Going for 100% on the first run is also practically impossible without a guide, since it requires you to do a lot of really unintuitive / secret things.
There is nothing secret about Sekiro's optional content. The shura ending is just picking not to fight owl. The return ending it just tlaking to the little girl and she specifically tells you want to do to get the "Fruits". The purification ending is just eaves dropping on kuro then talking to emma. It isn't like Zelda's optional delivery quests

Obviously I was talking about averages. Just compare the games "completionist" runs on howlongtobeat, Sekiro is the longest.
>Going for 100% on the first run is also practically impossible without a guide, since it requires you to do a lot of really unintuitive / secret things.
No, it isn't. I did it in each one without guides, that's why the game took me 45h to 100%, because I actually explored every inch of the world. Obviously someones personal experience of 35h to do the same does not count when they looked up all the miniboss locations from a guide.
Many of the minibosses in Sekiro are only beatable for a short time and they despawn if you wait too long, but I was able to kill them all on a completely blind playthrough, because I backtracked to a lot of places whenever those story events happened like Owls invasion.

mods got sick of the sekiro help threads constantly being up

You are actually denying numerical data if you actually believe Sekiro to be the longest game FromSoft has ever made.

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>Just compare the games "completionist" runs on howlongtobeat, Sekiro is the longest.
See It's the shortest.

>DaS1 62 hours
Ah, back when everyone was shit at Souls

This occurred to me too. I kind of want a 'cinematic' mode where
>bosses are really hard to chip vitality from, except big cunts like guardian ape, they block what would normally chip them & deflect what they would normally block so don't attack stupidly
>firecrackers only work once per fight
>if you do manage to land a hit it deals 2-4x more damage
>much less need to chip down vitality before building up posture damage
Make the fights interesting posture duels that only involve a handful of non-deathblow hits.
Oh yeah, and
>for fuck sake give enemies a plausible deathblow reversal for their first 'life' , its dumb fighting a fat fuck I just slit the throat of, he should be dead as a doorknob

That's not moving goalposts, that's strawmanning. Lurk more.

Not at all, the game does a very good job at teaching it. Some people are just too low IQ apparently. That guy is the kind of person who fat rolls in Dark Souls.
The fuck are you talking about? Healing items have nothing to do with it. You're the one who failed to understand how to play the game even though it couldn't have possibly made it more obvious.
It is objectively longer than every Souls game. It's ok kiddo maybe you'll find all the optional bosses and secrets on your next playthrough.
>Sekiro has no exploration and no optional areas
Just flat out lying now huh, pretty pathetic. Starting to sound like you haven't played the game.

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You sure showed me!

>It is objectively longer than every Souls game
No it isn't.

>comparing to versions with DLC
Yikes dude, do you ever NOT lie?
Obviously you should compare to their base games, which absolutely were shorter than Sekiros base game. For fucks sake anyone that played DS3 at launch knows full well that it took a pathetic 25 HOURS TO 100%.
Sekiro will have DLC which will make it longer than the other games are with their DLC.

Nobody playing Sekiro for the first time is going to miss Hirata Estate or Fountainhead Palace, they aren't hidden areas at all and are streamlined to be accessed. Fountainhead is unplayable on literally one ending only.

>OP makes fun of Sekiro because the discussion is over and everyone played it
>everyone starts talking about sekiro


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That website has a separate page for each of the DLCs, with their own times

It's the base version. Dark Souls/Dark Souls Prepare to Die, Dark Souls 2/Scholar of the First Sin, Bloodborne/The Old Hunters are all separated from each other.

>Healing items have nothing to do with it.
yes they are dumbfuck
>get hit
>by the time you are ready to engage the boss he already restored a huge chunk of his posture
>fights drag on too long as a result
by your logic they should have removed healing items because you are not allowed to make mistakes

Oh and no getting free max posture if you manage to survive getting posture broken, which vs a boss like Genchiro or Owl shouldn't happen.

There's not much depth to keep it interesting past the first playthrough. It's a very shallow action game at the end of the day.

Yeah, Yikes. You don't even know about the website you tell people to use. Also Demon's Souls doesn't even have DLC, so cope more.

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Too long for you, maybe.

>Artorias of the Abyss adds on 15 1/2 fucking hours to DS1

Do you not know how to fucking count?

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>main story
The handful of optionals in DS1 does not account for the other 8 1/2 hours.

So what the fuck is up with old Isshin? I think it might be that I'm better at fighting spear enemies, but he's way harder than Sword Saint. I've been at it for an hour and never got past his first bar; it took me less than that to beat SS. I'm on my first ng+ and I'm not doing an autistic no charm + demon bell run, why is he so hard
Owl 2 will push my shit in even harder, won't he?

I know, I don't care personally, I just get triggered when people say they 100%ed Sekiro's achievements and that that means that they got good

>back pedaling this hard from your 15 hour claim
If every sekirofag is as brain damaged as you are, then it's no wonder why you think the game is so hard.

What? I'm just some guy commenting on what I find to be a weird disparity. It should not take 15 1/2 hours to beat the extra content of DS1.

I like how you haven't provided one ounce of proof that you finished any of those games within those time spaces.

You can keep moving goalposts though.

The website doesn't say that you fucking retard. Do you not know how it works?

>got 200 hours thus far
>still enjoying it
>dlc is guaranteed

>go to this website lol
>you didn't play them
You'r a Grade A troll, you certainly earned these (you)'s.

The website explicitly says that the main story takes 46 1/2 hours and the main story as well as optional content takes 62.

There is more optional content to Dark Souls than Artorias of the Abyss. Are you actually brain damaged?

Yes, and that extra content does not make up the remaining 8 1/2 that remains from the purported 7 hours of AotA

>implying im the same user

oh yeah sure maybe you just want smash prediction/cope threads 24/7
fucking kys

Sure, and Sekiro shouldn't take 15 hours to go through the Hirata Estate (the only optional zone in the game) either, yet according to that same website there's almost a 15 hour difference in play time. Your stupid fucking asshole seems to not realize that "extra" means anything that the person playing the game decided to define as extra content for them in regards to their playthrough and not anything specific like DLC. This is also all user submitted averages you god damn moron. I even posted the AoA page showing that the average time for it isn't any where near 15 hours. Maybe you should learn how the website works before trying to argue about it. Maybe learn how to count as well.


>implying online is what keeps DS3 alive and not the fashion
If you could dress up Sekiro more people would play.
It's not just looking at the same game, it's looking at the same boring outfit.

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You are so angry about some argument you believe you are having with me, it's quite embarrassing.

I don't care about achievements, retard, but if he managed to get them all in 47 hours, that's pretty fucking short.

Feels good being autistic.

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You can always mod the game, but even then it's just reskins or the default outfit.

I cant beat isshin the sword saint. I get to his second phase and he just completely dismantles me with that spear.

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easiest way is just to run away from his spear bullshit

>get btfo like the retard you are yet still feigns victory
If every Sekiro fan is as stupid as you are, the it's no surprise that you all think the game is impossibly difficult.

stop giving him (You)s thats all he wants

You continue to think I'm someone I'm not no matter how many times I explicitly tell you, I wasn't going for a "Victory" in the first place, I'm some random third party commenting on your posted image. I've not even played Sekiro yet.

Just like the RDR2 general on Yea Forums
really makes you think
It's almost as if sony shills are only here to trick you into buying their kusoge

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You're still retarded for not knowing how that website works yet still attempting to argue about it.

It's more a dispute of the data being displayed than the mechanics behind said data.

>extra means it has to be DLC and not whatever the person did when they decided to count the "extra" portion of their play time
>still ignoring that AoA part of the website that says 7 hours
Yeah, you're retarded.

Big Brained Patrician here
Protip: last game in this ranking is still a rock solid 8/10 game

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