This is a Nintendo Switch thread! What are you playing?

This is a Nintendo Switch thread! What are you playing?

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Tetris but the joycon keeps drifting my fucking pieces.
I'm considering looking into doing something that nulls the sticks because I only use the joycons for Tetris and Pro-Controller for everything else I have.


Is Hyrule Warriors a meme? It looks like it has tons of content but it's meaningless if I'll get bored of the gameplay in an hour.

is there a fucking solution to joycon drifting?? mine is almost unusable now and i'm not fucking buying a new one

You need to buy this and spray it under the flap to remove any dirt causing the drift.

Surprisingly not too hard to play using the joycons

Depends on how much you like musous. Content wise there's quite a lot to do but I can't fucking stand musous and end up dropping them pretty quickly.

octopath but i realized every character's story is godawful and should be skipped, making me pause and consider the nature of JRPGs

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is that the same as compressed air?

It gets boring quick.

I finished the story and then dropped it, adventure mode is just too tedious.

Persona 5 is pretty good, especially when it's portable :^)

Thanks, I'll skip it for now. Any recs for other stuff? I have most of the big first party titles and some standard indie games like hollow knight, stardew, dead cells etc as well as some neo geo arcade games. I imagine there's still a lot of stuff I've overlooked.

Zelda. I have over 3000 hours in it.

You get all the Wii U ports?

I already finished them all on my Wii U, but it wouldn't hurt if you never had one.

>tfw really wanted to play Splatoon for the Splatfest today
>controller for my tv decided just today after working just fine for months now to just NOT WORK anymore
>have one of those tvs where there's no control panel on the tv itself
Ordered a replacement battery which should get here tomorrow thank fucking god.

Otherwise, I think I'm going to start Ori and the Blind Forest soon. I also really want to buy the Octo Expansion finally and play through that, as well as Cuphead and Wargroove eventually.

I really need to buy this still. I got a $50 to Target for my birthday and thought about just buying it since it's dropped in price over there to the same amount of cash. I really need a new Switch game.

They have games for the switch?

>Ori and the Blind Forest
And by that, I meant Hollow Knight. Fuck, got my Metroidvanias mixed up.

I also have The Mummy Demastered which I kinda want to knock out real quick but after playing it for a few minutes, I'm not sure if I like it to be honest.

Xenoblade 2, finally picked it up again after getting frustrated with it last year. I still don't fully understand the battle system but im getting a better grasp of it as I go along.

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I have MK8, NSMB and Tropical Freeze. Anything else worthwhile? I can't think of any others.

Bayonetta 2 is pretty good.

tell me you are not actuall playing tetris with the joysticks

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>tfw still have to buy MK8D, NSMB DX, Captain Toad, HW DX, and Pokken DX
I hate being a Nintendofag sometimes. Because their games almost NEVER go down in price.

Thinking about just buying Captain Toad and Pokken soon though.

Nah, I use the D-Pad, it's just the slightest graze against the analog that starts the drifting craze.


but the sticks are only used for targeting players in tetris 99
It has been a while since I played PPT, but can't you change the controls there?

Hey bros I need the pic of smug Zelda with the "0 hours since Yea Forums last cried about botw"
Will someone post it, please?

I’m. Sick home from the hospital but I’m still on octopath

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>engaging in console war faggotry
Fuck off

I fixed mine yesterday, cost 3 dollars for a new analogue stick.


Are you the foot infection guy?

I just finished up a movie, about to start back up on botw or maybe start no more heros tonight, can't decide.

Who else here idort btw?
Gonna have my ps4 going tonight too, doing its usual job of playing netflix and gathering dust

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Why not homebrew if money is an issue?

unlike these pussies i got u covered senpai
make sure to rub as much salt in those wounds as possible for me though please

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My nigga.
Playing through it myself right now and I only have Ophilia left.

Yeah. I ordered the jig so I could hack my switch while I’m stuck at home recuperating

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based hospital user making a (relatively) swift recovery

>Gonna have my ps4 going tonight too, doing its usual job of playing netflix and gathering dust
Pretty much what I use mine for too. Granted I was thinking of firing up World again just to cross it from my backlog.

Pc, ps4, vita, n3ds, og purple 3ds, switch I sort here. Just too lazy to take a pic and the gf has my vita since she plays Tetris and mgs3

Thank you based bro
Cringe at these cucks

puyo puyo tetris

Man, it looks like someone tried to blast a hole in it.

diabetes is a bitch

was it really necessary to post that?
why do you look non-white btw?

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Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

Shit's pretty addicting

nah, if the joystick is drifting it noves, jn some tetris games joysticks and the dpad control tetrominos or however you spell it

Got Snake Pass recently because it went on sale, and I knew it was good, but it's actually really good. Only on stage 4, but I know the game gets a lot harder

how many points in tetris are needed to have a decent chance at getting the coins?

>Granted I was thinking of firing up World again just to cross it from my backlog.
did you not finish or are you going to play the "dlc"? cause fair warning, it fucking sucks

I remember you from a couple nights back with that sexy purple 3ds

Xbone,ps4,switch. My ps4 gathers dust for the most part while breath of the wild and xbone gamepass takes up most of my time

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Anyone have any recommendations for joycon grips to use in handheld mode?

Fuck it, here, missing psp1k and vita
Foot infection
I’m Colombian and foot has been wrapped in bandages. Hospitalized for 22 days means low vitamin d

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Wtf did you do user?

Nothing, really; since hacking the console I don't know what to play anymore other than emulated SotN
I guess I'll try CTRNF but after that, I don't know

I'm scared of bricking my Switch.

Also, did anyone itt know there's a massive sale on a bunch of shit going on right now? I just bought Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove for $11 thanks to the Gold coins I had saved up.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2
60 hours in and I haven't finished the main story yet. I'm getting a little burned out so I think I'll play some Splatoon/Kirby for the next days.

Does any of you buy physical releases of Indie games? I hate digital, especially with Nintendo. Where is the best place to find out release info for them?

>did you not finish or are you going to play the "dlc"?
Just got to high rank and dropped it.

Eh I bought Isaac physically but that's

waiting on the splatfest to start, also go team time travel

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is splatoon 2 worth playing singleplayer only?

any hacked switch bros (or early amazon shipment bros) want to report on the performance of team sonic racing? docked 2p preferably but I'll take any info I can get

with the octo expansion maybe but the base game. NO.

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Not at all I would say


>need suggestions for something comfy but not too comfy

>been thinking of octopath...

I need a break from smash

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even with the octo expansion that's like 70 bucks for 20 hours of content (10 for octo valley, 10 for undersea metro). I wouldn't recommend it at all for singleplayer

>been thinking of octopath
Do it. I’ve put more time into than on botw

Redpill me on Splatoon 2 Yea Forums

Got the GB tetris theme this morning and been playing the castlevania collection. Nice to have Bloodlines.

I need recommendations, I got mario red joycons and my switch looks sick, but instead of finishing lets go and xc2 I just keep playing tetris 69. Whats good to play rn?

Probably one of the best multiplayer shooters on the market. Most of the substantial DLC was completely free. There's a shit ton of content there outside of the single player. Haven't played it yet but the Octo Expansion is supposed to be really good too and I'm going to buy that probably tomorrow or this weekend period so there's that.

alright I guess that'll be the next game I binge

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God I hope they announce the Prime Trilogy at E3

Fantastic game, but gets old quickly if you plan on playing solo with randoms. Pretty much zero interaction with anyone else since it's a Nintendo game so teamwork is limited. I doubt you'd get more than about 20 hours out of online on your own, and that's generous.

Idort here as well. But my TV’s been fucked up lately. Seems like there’s this weird blue tint that just getting more and more blue and honestly I’m at a point where I can’t even play my consoles on it anymore. Switch’s been great for me since it got portability. Been playing a lot of Dragon’s Dogma on it.

I've put in over a 100 hours and all I ever play is solo with randoms. lol

I do want to join a discord and make some friends who are into it though.

Also, the game is EXTREMELY active and even though support for the game is coming to a close, it's probably going to still be extremely active for quite some time, judging by how Splat 1 is still quite active.

she cute

The single player mode is just basically training before you tackle the online. It's good for what it is, but it's also really short and definitely not worth 60 bucks on its own.

A lot of good shit just came out over the past few weeks so take your pick really. Dark wood is a great little horror game that I will recommend to anyone. There’s also Dragon’s Dogma which is also great in general.

How do you keep it interesting? I can put a lot of time into multiplayer games on other systems but no voice/text chat makes teamplay comparatively basic. The core mechanics are really solid and I'm guessing it's the most active multiplayer game behind smash.

recommend me some JRPGS, already beat Xenoblade 2

Wtf is wrong with that bitch

Get Xenoblade 2. Doing sidequests and fighting optional bosses is really comfy once you understand the flow of battle. Also it comes with GOTY 2017 Tiger! Tiger! packaged in.

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she thought he was air humping her

The cunt is doing society a favor for once.

Picked up ARMS 2 days ago. Really loving it, don’t care it flopped.
Aside from that alternating between Bayonetta 2 and practicing Bayo in Smash.

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Is owl boy worth it?

Honestly? I never use voice chat anyway. I do kinda want to though.

Does Xenoblade have interesting endgame content?

Hell fucking no.

team sonic racing

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That's cool user, glad you're enjoying it. I'll probably grab Splatoon 3 once it's out, I imagine devs have already shifted focus to it behind the scenes.

The expansion pass has a fuckload of challenge trials you can play at any difficulty for slutty costume unlocks. The main game has a dozen or so monsters wandering around the world you can choose to battle at any time, but are obviously meant for postgame fights.

Should I grab darkwood?

Yeah, lots of post-game superbosses that break the level cap, some sidequests, cleaning up whatever remaining Blade quests you have, a NG+ with a sizable amount of new content including new Blades and new skills to unlock and if you have the DLC there's Challenge Mode with lots of hard challenges I wouldn't recommend tackling until post-game, customizable difficulty/hard mode if you want a challenge in NG+, and that's without mentioning Torna which is a good 20 hours of extra content by itself, 40 if you're completionist.

>don’t care it flopped.
it didn't flop at all though. Thats just snoyboy cope

Cuphead, god I can't wait for E3

.you should grab my wood ;)


Anyone here play Warframe?

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Thank God for this Tetris 99 event, normally I finish around 60th place but I keep making it into the 20s since us casuals are flooding it right now. The new Gameboy skin looks awesome!

Arms sold well, just not as well as BOTW or Splatoon 2. It got fucked over by Splatoon honestly, since most people jumped over to it as their main online game. I'd love to see a sequel.

Cool, I appreciate the help. Will I regret buying the DLC after playing the main game, or does it add stuff throughout? I won't be playing it more than once.

When does it end? Maybe I should jump on it right now.

Moero Chronicles H

>tfw want to buy Switch but I am poor from third world country.
Even if I buy Switch I couldn't afford the games. Maybe the smarter choice is to save for PC instead.

>>been thinking of octopath...
Go for it. I've been playing it recently and a lot of the problems that seem to be said here are greatly exaggerated.

Any decent card games that I can buy and be done with? I don't want to deal with microtransactions, but I want a real card game instead of a hybrid roguelike/RPG like Steamworld or Slay the Spire. I know of Yu Gi Oh in the Japanese eshop, but anything available in the west yet?

cross progression with PC when

i don't want to grind for everything again

>joycons keep disconnecting themselves in handheld mode
absolutely nothing these things are fucking shit and i've cleaned all the contacts and it still does it but at least i got the gameboy skin in tetris 99 today

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buy a used un-patched switch. Install homebrew, get all games

Most of the stuff from the DLC unlocks in the first three chapters of the game, with Challenge Mode opening at the start of Chapter 4 (since there's some low-level challenges you can tackle early, but I wouldn't really recommend playing it until chapter 6 unless you don't mind your final party getting spoiled by item reward names). Torna is its standalone thing I'd suggest waiting for post-game to play. All in all if you're sure you want the DLC I'd say go for it early.

Also remember that even if the DLC gives you 12 Overdrive Protocols (items that allow you to switch one Blade from a character to another), they're still really rare items in-game so don't constantly switch Blades around between Nia and Rex early on, keep them for when you really need them. I know at least one user who blew all his OPs because he didn't realize swapping Blades between Drivers consumed an item.

Ends midnight Sunday, Pacific time. Hop on and get it now, it's a good time. I suck and it took me about an hour. The new skin looks great, much better than the original.

There's that Dragonball card game.

>cross progression with PC when
Sounds like you missed your chance, they enabled linking of accounts for the first 2 months

A good pc would cost more then a switch and 5-10 games
Buy a switch and hack it bro

cross progression != copy & pasting your account

Uh that's exactly what it is dipshit

I forgot about this. Anyone have any experience with it?

what are some good games with single console local multiplayer?

I bought these, all of them are super fun couch co-op:
Overcooked 2
Mario Kart
Horizon Chase Turbo
Next I'm getting the Capcom beat em up bundle, guaranteed good time with friends.

I’m glad I bought this instead of a PS4 since I’m moving to another city for a career change and this is easier to transport


Whats a game thats not zelda or mario that you can just put a ton of hours into?

Disgaea, musous, xenoblade to a slightly lesser extent.

Haven't beaten it but I put a couple days (not full 24hr days) into Into the Breach and am kinda over it. Thinking about Darkwood or Cuphead next

Monster Hunter
Dead Cells
Enter the Gungeon

Any online multiplayer game (MK8, Smash, Splatoon 2) if you really get into them.

Got $20 Eshop credit what should I get already have and have beaten most of pic related and
>Neo turf masters
>Thimbleweed park
>Shovel Knight
>LA Noire

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>Oh no my shitty pointless cosmetics can't be used

Need something to play with my girlfriend. She loved Overcooked, I hated it if that helps. Was thinking Captain Toad but it's a little pricy for how simple it looks

Into the Breach is one of my favorite games, highly recommend it.

see And add Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

Beat-up bundle is great but I burned through it a quick weekend. Battle circuit is really fun since it has lots of special move inputs

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mario party's solid

Shit, get better soon bro desu.

Just finished the main story of Saints Row the Third. Patch helped a lot of the frame rate issues but even then people over exaggerate the problems the port has. Not perfect but it’s still really fun. Been also playing Tetris 99 of course, and I preordered Mario Maker 2 digitally so I can stream it at midnight.

What are your hopes for E3 bros?
More info for Luigi’s Mansion 3
Rare Replay Switch port that’s runored is real, Banjo for smash. Sea of Thieves on Switch
Two smash reveals, Pokemon, animal crossing, Luigi’s Mansion 3, third party games from last gen plus a few from this gen and maybe some new Mario Maker stuff.

>That basedboy Mii

Tropical Freeze is garbage. Mobile level graphics, shit soundtrack.

I hear good things but I don't much care for strategy games

did the saints row patch fix input lag?

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My PC because my switch finally died due to its defective battery. Debating sending it in to Nintendo to get fixed but not sure if it's worth it or I should just wait for the Pro. Anyone gotten an out of warranty console fixed by Nintendo before? What did it cost you?

Unironically Undertale

Ah, then it won't be for you. I dont see Horizon Chase Turbo on your screens definitely pick it up if you dont have it and liked Outrun. It's on sale right now too.

>Hunter Cyrus
Based and strategypilled

It’s definitely less input lag than before. Cut it in half. Input lag was only sorta bad but the patch made it not noticeable after a few minutes, if you’re expecting Mario Odyssey controls though it’s not that tight.

I saw that game but I was suspect on it's quality but I looked at it earlier and liked look of it. Is there drifting?

No, it's a very basic arcade racer, a spiritual sequel to Top Gear with the exact same inputs- gas, brake, turbo, and steering. Very basic, stupid fun

If i hack my switch can i still update smash as content comes out? I have a legit copy of that already

>typical zoomer just wants to play on his mommys ipad

I'm kinda afraid buying electronics used. Also I don't know a thing about hacking consoles.
With Switch the games I want are Zelda and Pokemon, maybe some Mario. If I buy PC I could use it for more things.

You can update the controllers and calibrate them in the system settings (if you haven't tried this yet). It might not keep calibrated, but it should last until you turn off the switch at least

More game revealed compatible with the voucher thing because so far the only confirmed compatible game I want is Astral Chain. Finding out what the robot thing was on Retro's farewell artwork to Reggie
Reggie makes a final appearance, passes the torch to Doug Bowser, walks out the door. Once he's gone Bowser turns to the camera and says "Well now that Reggie's gone, I'm proud to announce Mother 3 is coming to Switch, worldwide! And it's out... right now! As the first GBA game for Nintendo Switch Online! Nintendo Switch Online subscribers will be pleased to find new games from the Game Boy family of systems added to the service every month, Make sure to enjoy Mother 3, as well as Kirby's Dream Land and Super Mario Land, our games for the month of June!"
Smash, Pokémon (boxart + legendaries revealed, shitty armor gimmick shilled, linear routes with no exploration, friendly rival sucking your dick every two steps), Animal Crossing news of some sort.

No, you can't go online with a hacked Switch.

Such a damn good character

Thanks broski

Been playing stardew valley lately. it's really comfy to lay on my couch and play it with some youtube in the background

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What's the best grip for Switch to use in handheld mode?
Preferably a dockable case. I just want some comfort while playing in handheld mode

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Got a Switch and downloaded the NES app, thing. You pretty much download all of the NES games at once right? You just have to communicate with the server that you're still an online member right?

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yeah and you need to be online whenever you access the library

Just use the switch without one like a normal human being

Bought Dragon's Dogma last week and haven't stopped playing since. I'm on NG++ and don't anticipate quitting anytime soon. It's an awesome game that I didn't give enough of a chance on 360.
The voucher deal has made games like Xenoblade and Tropical Freeze pretty tempting.
Still hoping and praying for the Sonic Adventure series and Persona 4 to make it to the Switch.

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It's uncomfortable.

Is Phantasy Star 1 still worth playing or has it aged badly? Having an ingame map seems cool.

I'm not normally into lifesims but I've been thinking about picking it up. It seems pretty comfy.

Satisfye grip is comfy, if you get it on their site it comes with a case big enough to fit the grip too


It really makes me feel like I'm doing good in real life. I think everyone who is trapped living at home with no hope for the touch of a woman or a friendly nod from a shop keeper should play it

Get the rubber joycon grips instead of a full case if you still want to use it’s docking capability with ease.

god that bezel is so ugly
I don't want to buy one in case there's a switch mini around the corner, but smm2 is tempting

I'm finishing up Steamworld Dig.
I was thinking about starting up either Dragon's Dogma (which I've played before) or Starlink, any recommendations?
I enjoyed it. The game certainly feels its age but it's a fun dungeon crawler.

Are there any good third party controllers for 2D games?

Pokken controller by hori is fantastic.

Does the wii u one work?

They're the exact same controller as far as I know, yeah.

Stardew Valley


satisfye, but you cant dock it

I'm not sure if I want to dish out 3200 yen (which is like 29 bucks) for the castlevania collection

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They literally put in as least effort as they possibly could have, but I really love most of the games so I still bought it.

Been trying so hard to resist starlink every time it goes on sale. It looks like Max space comfy but I know I'll probably end up disappointed

Why not just emulate the games? It's not like Konami's going to use the funds to make any new Castlevania game

You can't really criticize them when it's obvious sheep will still buy it. Konami has no reason to stop being a shit company

whats wrong with it, was thinking of getting it and Mario Rabbids for $20 tomorrow at GS

...damn it

It was so cheap a while back I couldn't resist. But I'm a little afraid that it won't be great as well

Picked up Katamari Damacy Reroll the other day, been wanting to especially since I never got it when it first came out (still think it was a bad idea to release it so close to Smash).
As a longtime fan of the first two games in the series I much prefer the controls of the original but it's nice to be able to play and roll on the go all considering. (I know there were PSP and Vita games but I didn't really play those either)

Realistically what are the chances that Metroid Prime 4 gets a 97 like BOTW & Mario Odyssey?

getting those 100 points in tetris was way easier than i expected, even with my broken joycons

anyone knows some good games that don't use the R button, mine is absolutely fucked the rest of the joycons kinda work

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The better question is what are the chances Prime 4 is released before 2022?

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No, it's some sort of cleaning fluid + compressed air. I tried using compressed air and it never worked, but the contact cleaner worked great. From what I read it works for most people with drifting problems.

Whats the deal with BOTW? I've been playing it for a while and it really doesn't seem as good as people make it out to be especially after replaying Dragons Dogma.

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>Been thinking about getting a Switch for a couple of months now
>Decide t opass by the EB Games after my job today
>They still have The Pokemon Switch in stock
Welp, time to look for games.

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I'm back on Xenoblade 2 now that I can edit my save. I'm not looking to do anything particularly unfair, like max gold, 999 of every item, custom abilities, etc. I did 700+ hours of fair play and I don't just want to throw that all away. What I want to do is use save editing to complete more stuff, like leveling up Malos at any point rather than that short window you have him. I'm also considering adding unobtainable items like Lead Chips to my inventory.


Anyone gonna get Sonic racing?

Aww damn I wanted that but they didn't have any left :(

>poo poo pee pee color scheme

Yes. Updates work like any other installation. Though if I were you I would just install the game separately anyways. There's some weird thing about the cartridges being updated and not being able to use them if you ever decide to revert your switch to normal. I don't know exactly how it works but there's something screwy like that.

Have Vandham in your party the whole way through. Fill in both his affinity grids. Do it for xer.

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Currently nothing, I'm not into Smash and most games released are overpriced inferior ports so far. Last game I played was Nights of Azure 2 and it looked and ran like shit.

Can someone give me a JRPG recommendation that isn't Final Fantasy?

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Anyone new to MHGU?

Almost done with the main missions in Kawase.

I want to get an RPG next, but most of the big ones on switch look like sequels to series that I haven't played (Xenoblade, DQ, Atelier etc). Any got recommendations?

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How bad is pokemon let's go the price seems to be dropping on amazon specially for let's go evee

i just have 2 reasons to play it, meltan because the anime has made me love it and the fight with mina, if only gamefreak confirmed pokebank with let you transfer pokemon from lets' go to sword and shield maybe i would have an actually solid reason to buy it

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Too be fair, you don't need to play the first Xenoblade to get the second one. Atelier is the same I believe, but don't quote me on that. Fairy Fencer has been fun so far and is similar to the one's mentioned before. Dragon's Dogma if you're looking for something different. Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon and Vesperia are also good

No reason to get it when you can just emulate FireRed/LeafGreen, both of which are much better gen 1 remakes, and if you miss modern conveniences like special split I'm sure there's romhacks out there.

I thought World of Final Fantasy was great. The switch version has a ton of content (lots of optional arena fights and side stories, constant stream of things to do not just at endgame). It'll keep you busy for a pretty long time. It's the closest to a legit final fantasy we've had since X so there's that too. If you just want a timesink grindy game then check out Monster Hunter, one of the best on the system and will keep you going for a few hundred hours.

Getting Vandham to level 99 and maxing his Arts shouldn't be too hard in NG+ Chapter 3 considering you can delevel for more experience and can fight that Sauros in Gormott. It's just maxing his charts and Thought Cloud that comes off as daunting to me, particularly the latter. I wouldn't mind if I could just make NoponGro affect Drivers other than Tora, because at leas that would feel legitimate. But just setting those values to 84000+ in the save editor seems cheap.

I also want to give Malos and Jin their favorite items, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's programmed to not let you access their other menus.

Meltan/Melmetal will be central to the armored pokémon gimmick, no reason to think it won't be front and center in SwSh.

>It's the closest to a legit final fantasy we've had since X
Bravely Default/Second would like a word.

Just got Darkwood today. I’m enjoying it so far. Pretty spooky at times but nothing overwhelming. It’s been rather hard but fair I think.

Pic related - me at night time in game

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>What's wrong with shitting out a handful of roms with no changes for $30
It's doubly pathetic when you see what Capcom does with Mega Man collections. And even then id still say fuck those.

Started playing AC3 but holy fuck is it boring. I think I'm still on the tutorial part (many hours in) since I'm still controlling this British guy.

It does, however, run great (I'm playing portable). Seems to be locked 720/30.

I'm gonna try to muscle through it until it opens up and then I can hopefully ignore the storyline and enjoy the ship combat like I did with Black Flag.

The Holy Trinity

Got my switch yesterday. So far its the most fun console I have owned

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>Shut off power and allow any hot surfaces to cool. Make sure all stored power is drained from the system

ya fuck using this on a switch

How is Kawase? I'm really excited for it

Take the joycons off of the system dummy. It worked just fine for me and most people seem to say the same thing. You just spray it under the thumbstick

Saw one today, think there was a reprint or something

It might depend on whether you're a long time fan or not. This is the second in the series that I've played after Sayonara, so some of the changes like the large map and survival features don't bug me as much as they might a series veteran (the challenge stages seem to be more traditional in how they work though). I've had a lot of fun with it; it does feel a bit repetitive at times and the story is fine for what it is so far, but the learning curve for the physics is enough to keep me engaged.

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It's the only switch game I sold back. It was so, so, so easy that I really could've played without even looking, and that's just boring. Actually got $38 from gamestop so that was the best part of the game.

Unfortunately I'm a fake fan of the series. I really like the music and aesthetics but I've just never had the chance to try one. I'm gonna emulate one of the older ones before the US release

Rankor's a pretty cool guy. Makes me wish Starlink's scripts had more meaningful interactions between characters:

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Sayonara is the most accessible due to the smoothest difficulty curve, but they all play pretty much identically. You can't go wrong with any of them.

Nefarious Its on sale for 4 bucks

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bigger resolution

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I wish I still had my Vita because I'd definitely prefer to play it on that. But I guess I could use my pc for it.

sell me on it

You missed a great sale last week unfortunately. All three games on steam for around £10 (I think 15ish dollars?). If you're open to key sites you can probably find them all really cheap still.

What site would you recommend? I've actually never bought from a key site before

the music is decent, the characters have some flavor to them and the dialogue is funny. I wouldnt pay full price for it, but at 4 bucks its a good deal

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Indie platformer where you play as a Villain who goes to different places stealing princesses from different kingdoms. This game was surprisingly entertaining and totally worth it for $4.

Attached: becky.png (276x292, 84K)

>oh well that's a sexy cute girl
>doesn't have a name
>from warframe
>it's a boy

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Nowhere seems to have them for some reason, they must be too niche. Keep an eye out though, they'll almost certainly go cheap again in the summer sale in June. You'll get 3x the game for cheaper than Sayonara alone on switch, unless portability is a deal breaker for you.

Dig 2 is a far better game than the original. If you made your way through 1 you'll love 2.

All three Xenoblade games are actually standalone stories and can be enjoyed without knowledge or experience of the other games. Think different Final Fantasies but with a twist. Pretty sure the same applies to DQ.

Dammit user I was resisting dig 2 and thinking about getting heist because while I had played and really enjoyed 1 I didn't think I needed more but you're making me reconsider

Resident Evil 0
looking forward to 4 hoping it has gyro

Smash and Redout.

Redout's okay, but not a proper F-Zero replacement. Also the motion blur gives me headaches.

Been playing FFXII and I'm loving it so far. I'm at the Henne Mines looking for best girl's sista. Tall brown amazon women wielding spears should be in more games.

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1 is shitty because of the procedural generation. Dig 2 is entirely crafted and a massively better game for it, plus it's just enormously more polished.

>Atelier is the same I believe
It would be pretty bad for the franchise marketing if each new game required you to play the 20 that came before it.

Only thing that concerned me is I just finished Hollow Knight and am burnt out on the Metroidvania meme

It's a (tiny) collection of roms using a proprietary emulator. Just fucking download them and play them on your PC. This is an insanely low effort cashgrab from Konami, don't fall for it.

What are you in the mood to play genrewise? Might be able to help if you narrow it down.

Been Playing Puyo Puyo Champions like Mad when not palying Smash with friends. Generally getting bodied, but every now and again I can squeak out something. Popped my first 10 chain a couple days ago, which is rad.

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It's legitimately garbage, and this is coming from someone who liked SuMo. It is the worst mainline Pokemon game by far.
If you want a Gen 1 nostalgia trip play HGSS. I won't recommend Fire Red/Leaf Green because those aren't great remakes either, but they're still better than LGPE.

My 3 I'm working through right now are NSMBUDX, Va-11 Hall-A, and FFXII TZA. I feel like I haven't been this enthusiastic about a platform since like either the original DS or PS2.

That's great user, well done. I'm new to puyo puyo and I'm only just getting the hang of longer chains. Hopefully I'll get a 10 chain soon too.

I think I want something more hands on action-y. My game history right now is Xenoblade -> Hollow Knight -> Into the Breach. Xenoblade took too long to get going but I did enjoy it. Hollow Knight started to overstay it's welcome and didn't have enough depth to compensate for it's length and Into the Breach has RNG and progression problems in my experience where things like first turn placements can make objective loss unavoidable and progression feels incremental and unsatisfying. I wouldn't be opposed to another strategic game but it would really have to justify it's existence. Things I have on my wishlist are things like Cuphead, Dragons Dogma, Darkwood, App Out, Katana Zero, Pato Box, Baba Is You, Wargroove and Dark Souls

Hey, is the [Switch]Girls Und Panzer any decent? or is it Anime shovelware kusoge?

>get Switch
>octopath is coming out for PC anyways
Why do they do this

Would you consider monster hunter? Generations Ultimate gives players a bunch of free gifts like some money and potions (don't need to accept them) that can make the usual monster hunter startup a little smoother for new players. It's probably the best jumping in point for new players without simplifying later content like in World. It'll last you for literally hundreds of hours, has a very active online community (can be played just fine all solo if you prefer) and has a lot of depth and strategy for you to enjoy.

Did you hunt every korok seed without a guide, what the fuck?

Dragons Dogma and Dark Souls are both inspired heavily by MH, and MHGU has more content than both combined

Octopath is good. And it's pretty bite-sized, too; you can finish a chapter in like one hour if finding time to play is a problem

>you can literally see the dick in the picture

>dark souls is heavily inspired by MH

You have to remember Monster Hunter is comparable to Call of Duty in terms of popularity in Japan. MH had already been around for over 5 years by the time Demons Souls was released, and a lot of mechanics (uninterruptable animations for attacking and healing, relatively slow evasion rolls, reliance on tells for bosses etc) are very similar to the MH series. Obviously a lot of the Souls series originated with King's Field and Shadow Tower, but most of the new stuff added from the transition to PS3 was a combination of Monster Hunter and Zelda (the lock on system for example).

currently downloading
>Octopath traveler
>xenoblade 2 + dlcs
>pokemon lets go evoli
>hollow knight

Call me when everything on the eshop isn't twice as expensive as steam or psn.

How's Thunder Force 4 (Sega Ages)? I haven't played a ton of shmups so don't have too much to compare it to for classics, but I like danmaku games and psikyo shmups on saturn.

pleb filter, engage

>Bodies the fagnite dancer
God sit on my face.

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Idort reporting in, PS4/Switch/PC.
Currently replaying FF7 on switch, as well as picross 3 when I am in bed.

I just got it and I can't even do a fucking hadoken with the joycons. Port is 1:1, no filters or any additional options, for the price they're selling it is ridiculous, I got mine mostly for the artbook and the limited case

I don't want to be a dick but that's probably on you, I'm not the user you're replying to but motions haven't been a problem at all. Main issue has been the small face buttons.

How's FF7 on the Switch? I heard it has a music bug.

The music bug got patched recently.

Nice. Portable FF7 is always fun so I'll probably pick it up. Thanks user.

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So you are a brown nigger? Can they fix that as well?

It's a great port. It has a 'x3 speed boost' and a 'refill health/mp/limit' toggle on the joysticks which are unobtrusive and good for casual replays. The textures are all high resolution, no bugs that I have seen so far. It's basically the PS4 port, but portable. They look exactly the same docked.

been playing my gba, 3ds and switch in handheld a lot these days too
yo tambien onions colombiano

I’m doing a second playthrough on Dark Souls. It’s even better than the first one because this time I know where to go and how to do it. I started it on Monday and now I’m at Sen’s Fortress

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Damn son, can I use that edge to cut my coke?