Post vidya related reaction images, along with the games they came from...

Post vidya related reaction images, along with the games they came from, so we can compile a list of the most commonly sourced games for such things. I'll start: Team Fortress 2

Attached: 1558140662006.jpg (225x250, 13K)

Alright, have another TF2 one.

Attached: 20190517_210105.jpg (748x509, 119K)

Bumping for interest.


Attached: asslon.jpg (252x226, 13K)

Attached: 1478438488490.jpg (217x222, 34K)

Grand Theft Auto III

Attached: happy claude.png (400x400, 159K)

Risk Of Rain 2

Attached: 1555213765931.png (500x486, 57K)

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Attached: 1557958851679.jpg (203x254, 54K)

Fallout 4

Attached: enclave fuck you.jpg (510x530, 219K)


Attached: GENUINE.png (720x706, 690K)

Devil May Cry

Attached: 1529352136437.png (383x412, 213K)


Attached: 1556242180479.jpg (197x256, 7K)

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Attached: let go.png (546x432, 283K)


Attached: 1123465765496.jpg (728x713, 99K)


Attached: banjo stops.jpg (928x768, 123K)


Attached: 1541456068769.png (422x494, 229K)

Fire Emblem

Attached: 140095749787.jpg (218x208, 22K)


Attached: nigger beater.jpg (1015x1024, 107K)

Link: The Faces of Evil

Attached: 1557850198754.gif (360x238, 1.43M)

The Wolf Among Us

Attached: glass him.jpg (440x498, 100K)


Attached: ass.png (1440x1080, 985K)

The Nintendo Wii

Attached: are wii gonna have a problem.jpg (640x519, 22K)


Attached: 1472191070978.jpg (400x400, 92K)


Attached: heavy sunglasses.jpg (585x529, 75K)

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Attached: big boss' smile and optimism.png (451x484, 232K)

guild wars

Attached: Panic_(large).jpg (248x248, 19K)


Attached: majima.gif (500x334, 2.88M)


Attached: welcome to hell.png (360x420, 195K)

Lego Star Wars

Attached: 51907569_2068494016599986_4383293478830866432_n.jpg (750x744, 49K)

Smash Ultimate

Attached: cry me a river dickface.jpg (747x1024, 112K)


Attached: lel.png (256x264, 48K)

Detroit Become Human

Attached: deviant located.png (445x472, 360K)


Attached: 1551977166272.png (656x858, 1.08M)


Attached: you are more hassle than you're worth.jpg (402x463, 44K)

Shin Megami Tensei 4: Apocalypse

Attached: 400.jpg (585x351, 319K)


Attached: spoken like a true redditor.png (462x289, 215K)

Devil May Cry

Attached: be gone thot.jpg (920x1083, 59K)

Fire Emblem (Famicom)

Attached: cain.png (5000x5000, 88K)

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Attached: beyond words.jpg (512x425, 32K)


Attached: newspaper.gif (300x300, 1.99M)


Attached: dead inside .jpg (274x411, 30K)

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Attached: I shall never smile again.jpg (500x646, 41K)

Mass Effect

Attached: I'm looking forward to killing myself.png (808x855, 1.03M)

Luigi from Mario is Missing

Attached: IMG_20190514_192919.jpg (750x742, 46K)

Sonic Forces ( I think)

Attached: infinite edge.png (800x732, 575K)


Attached: absolutely heretical.jpg (680x510, 70K)

danganronpa 2

Attached: DJkGza5VAAAH4TE.jpg (1200x675, 132K)

I've got the better version of that.

Attached: jesus shit you son of a bitch.jpg (898x803, 121K)

Ape Escape

Attached: 1539803798326.jpg (351x344, 17K)


Attached: donte raped.gif (324x184, 2.52M)

Fire Emblem

Attached: stupid bitch.jpg (468x583, 62K)


Attached: escape.jpg (410x424, 17K)

Fire Emblem Fates

Attached: elise.jpg (300x300, 27K)

Super Mario Sunshine

Attached: chuckster.gif (400x218, 702K)


Attached: 1534386972669.gif (256x256, 329K)

Smash N64

Attached: yoshi hammer.gif (480x328, 1.35M)


Attached: slap.gif (1275x713, 2.34M)

Team Fortress 2, and Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Attached: Carl Engie.jpg (590x554, 195K)

Monster Girl Quest

Attached: do you think this is funny you little faggot.jpg (800x600, 190K)

Super Mario RPG

Attached: 1535486762894.png (254x339, 65K)


Attached: 1555130141443.png (185x322, 126K)

Half Life

Attached: shut up faggot.png (800x732, 56K)

Phantom Pain

Attached: 1478799875822.jpg (380x380, 108K)

Eggscom: Enemy Unknown

Attached: 628.png (600x833, 604K)


Attached: I'll register you as a retard.jpg (400x551, 77K)

Witcher 1 I think

Attached: [KURWA INTENSIFIES].gif (171x174, 372K)

Mass Effect

Attached: I should go.png (338x400, 216K)

Mount and Blade: Warband

Attached: 1508519215.png (512x512, 90K)

It's from the cartoon trailers for Fallout 4, also for those that don't play Fallout 4, the game uses said cartoons for intro splash animation when you boot the game up.

It's kinda neat.

Attached: Grumpy Vault Boy.png (385x430, 136K)

Fire Emblem Heroes

Attached: yandere elincia.png (290x240, 126K)


Attached: connection to jesus.png (500x511, 147K)

Nier Automata

Attached: this cannot continue.png (434x434, 142K)


Attached: no loli-gagging.jpg (345x327, 58K)


Attached: 4EBEBFF1-F622-4702-BB04-F64A43A79682.png (655x445, 235K)

Smash 4

Attached: peach.jpg (413x434, 23K)

Red Dead Redemption 2

Attached: nani in tarnation.jpg (700x493, 37K)

Fallout New Vegas

Attached: an abomination before the eyes of the lord.jpg (1000x403, 103K)

Kingdom Hearts

Attached: Oh no my dick.jpg (1797x1744, 144K)

VR Chat

Attached: fbi.gif (650x400, 3.86M)

Persona 5

Attached: look at all these fucks i don't give persona.gif (540x296, 1.01M)

Club Penguin

Attached: 1526787441062.jpg (500x330, 39K)


Attached: resistance is stupid.gif (600x338, 516K)

Witcher 3

Attached: 1515024945836.jpg (197x255, 7K)

Croixleur Sigma

Attached: Croixleur Sigma_20190421234542.jpg (404x358, 55K)

OC this time

Attached: heart.png (211x106, 5K)


Attached: lick it clean.jpg (385x385, 24K)

Fire Emblem Path of Radiance

Attached: keep screaming.jpg (383x353, 23K)

Quake Champions ;_;

Attached: 1528995506810.png (671x787, 1.09M)

A Hat in Time

Attached: smug.gif (544x420, 856K)


Attached: Autism increased.jpg (480x211, 10K)

Monster Hunter World

Attached: 1519572254568.jpg (600x400, 21K)

Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia

Attached: alm.png (279x345, 111K)

Attached: darn.jpg (376x411, 31K)

Mario Kart 8

Attached: 1478320499040.jpg (500x281, 45K)

Persona 5

Attached: 1546186920448.png (500x405, 171K)

Metal Gear Rising

Attached: I am a slave to my memes.jpg (365x274, 27K)

The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask

Attached: panic.gif (500x270, 301K)

Half Life 2 Episode 2

Attached: pain.png (201x212, 14K)


Attached: visibly concerned.png (680x382, 416K)

The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

Attached: fuck.jpg (862x1024, 85K)

Splatoon 2

Attached: 1530824783250.png (326x306, 243K)

This is my 57th post in this thread. I'm done, I'm going to bed.

Attached: watch and learn.gif (378x209, 1.79M)