ITT: Games Yea Forums told you were bad but turned out to be really good

ITT: Games Yea Forums told you were bad but turned out to be really good

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It’s not only good but it’s better than the mainline series, the unironic edge makes the game charming.

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Certainly not what OP posted. But The Last of Us is actually pretty good. The story and gameplay are both way better than I expected, and it's not really an SJW game unless you consider lesbians existing to be SJW.


pic unrelated

Yeah okay bud
Not even good bait

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I can't think of any I played that were universally shit on by Yea Forums but opinions were fairly split when nuPrey came out but it turned into my personal 2017 goty.

YIIK, more like YIIKES

I had fun exploring the world of fallout 4 and playing it like an action game instead of complaining it wasn't an rpg anymore.

name any game that isn't NieR Automata.

Yea Forums hates literally every game that isn't that specific JRPG full of tits and ass with a bland tiny world that makes Morrowind look like a 2020 release.

I don't know if I'd say "really good" but the people acting like it was god awful were retarded.

>pic unrelated

Why don't you tell us how you really feel?

>I am a massive faggot please rape my face


Jesus fuck that looks awful.

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YIIK? More like YUCK

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> Yea Forums told you
it's not just Yea Forums, anyone with a functioning brain could tell you this is shit and be right
Expect this thread to pop up daily.

why does everybody call this game "YIIK"?

cuz it's literally in the logo brainlet

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>mfw this is a normal battle and not a boss

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II = 2

>17 seconds just to deal 18 damage
>camera guy deals more to both enemies in less time

>literal 20 second mini game of just moving the stick around
did the developers not stop and think how fucking tedious that would be for the player? like holy shit




This player is 10 levels below the enemies in a game where playing normally has you 3 levels above everything.

Yeah watever dev

My fucking eyes ache from that flashing, holy shit.
Just think: a commercial product like this is going to give some guy a seizure after he's had to pay for it, the poor son of a bitch.

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I know nothing about the game op posted other then its bad, why has it suddenly spiked in popularity

why did the left hate this game again?

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It's literally one autist who's been fucking OBSESSED with this game for years (even before release when it was practically vaporware). He can't stop making threads.

I think the SJW argument towards the game started long after the original release, it was just movie game and ladders shitposting for a long time iirc

Ah, a fellow hoybro.

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Honestly I think this could be a good battle system if it had some changes
Just relegate the minigames to super attacks that are rarely used and cut down on the battle animations

>Devs didn't include a 100 jump attack

shit game

No, action commands can be good if you keep it classy. Just relegate anything beyond 2 button presses to progressively more expensive moves.

The combat of this reminds me of how euro shmups work, taking the core gameplay of a jap game and completely missing the point (in this case with turn based with actions combat), by adding bloat to it to make it more "involved".

>turned out to be really good
played it for the two hours steam allows before a return. Here's your fucking (You) you lying ass faggot.

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you had fun exploring the copy pasted layouts over and over.
there is a game you will like called minecraft it has a similar amount of textures as fallout 4

Holy fuck, how are you supposed to take damage when you have the panda protecting you every turn?

>how euro shmups work,
what's an example

Why? Just why?

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Least the music's not bad in this fight.
Only saving grace

Deadnaming and the creator (who's not a bearded hipster) being in a podcast that featured Roosh V, Tim Poole and either Alex Jones or Paul Joseph Watson.

is this after the patch that speeds all the damage and status animations up, hoola hoop chick goes from one hoola rotations a second during the command selection to 4 hoolas a second during combat?

The visuals for this game are so horrible, they hurt my eyes so bad. Constantly flashing and shit. How did they look at this and think it was fine?

>music is not bad

You mean the HEEEUUUUU AH HEUUUU AH HUUUUU isn't making you want to vomit? They can't even keep in tune the whole time.


why won't Yea Forums let go of Yiikes?

is it one masochistic shill?

> Bushido brown
> hula hoop girl
why do these 2 annoy me so much, specially the girl

Not even joking resetera got ridiculously triggered by this game.

> PP instead of mana
why do people do this? just call it mana instead of some dumb hipster shit

Resetera and leftists in general get triggered over any form of media that doesn't openly use anti-white, anti-christian rhetoric

>wacky enemies xD
>wacky attacks xD
>wacky music xD
i really hate this

> san
> ni
> Ichi

>music's not bad
Somebody post it

This song is the ultimate pleb filter.

>that time the dev went on an autistic rant about how everyone was pronouncing it

I think people just find funny how these intense battle themes are used on slow as fuck fights.

I swear I never see gameplay posted outside of that shitty alpaca fight and the fight above.

all this hoy posting reminds me i have a save around the very last bitty bit of smtIV I should play it and beat a game for the first time in my life.

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You’ll be playing a better game than YIIK so go for it.

go to youtube
type in yiik
scroll down

Stop shilling your Chore-Playing Game

>There may come a day where people unironically praise this game

Attached: laughter.png (356x256, 200K)

>Deals more damage the more you hit
>Can stop at any time
>Amazing reward for getting all 100

people don't even remember the game unless some shill posts a thread about it.
At best someone will remember it in the future, play it and realize its shit compared to the retro 2040 post-hipster trash future games he has.

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who cares faggot people are allowed to like whatever they want, you wanna get knocked the fuck out?

>le we're quirky like Earthbound!

The only way that'll happen is if the contrarians kill everyone else.

Stop shilling this shit game.

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You can only have this opinion if you started with DmC

Nothing phases me after Undertale.