>Skill I
>Skill II
>Skill III
>Skill IV

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Other urls found in this thread:


try playing better games

>surprised they dumbed down the skills for what is essentially a WoW-clone
Theme Park MMO players arent exactly the brightest bunch out there user still it is a shame they removed the -a, -ra,-ga bits of spells. At the end the only people who care are those who played past FFs and XIV is filled with loads of players who only have touched XIV.

>DRG randomly using his ranged skill

Attached: 1558052426773.jpg (1024x910, 135K)

>user refuses to use discord because he's afraid to get tranny cooties

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Sounds reasonable to me.

>it's an S rank spawns the minute you enter an instance episode

Attached: 1534411015373.png (672x758, 185K)

it's not on the GCD so why wouldn't you?

if eureka or anything like eureka is in the next expansion this game will die in the west

Piercing talon user. Dont play dumb and think you didn't know which skill I'm referring to

Wouldn't be surprised if they're stupid enough to continue doing it since it takes no effort on their part. I haven't played since Pagos.

my DRG is only lvl 40 so I'm not sure

Installed this game and I've never played a Final Fantasy game before. What am I in for, and should I just go play the game in chronological order instead of starting here? Started a Thaumaturge but haven't even started questing/combat yet.

final fantasy has no connecting story between the games

Will MCH actually be worth it in 5.0 or will DNC make it automatically irrelevant no matter what changes

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XI still did it

It doesn't matter because you should play what you like more you faggot

>passive aggressive comment at the end of a losing frontlines game from someone who did jack shit throughout it

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>Alt tab for 10 secs
>miss the s rank call out
>by the time you teleport and run to it it's already dead
>what do you mean wait? you had plenty of time, how about you spawn it next time :)

I fucking hate aether.

Attached: xiv adjust.jpg (1200x720, 104K)

I'm ready for some Skill Vs baby

They’re not wrong. Help spawn S tank instead of twiddling your thumbs in Rhalgr’s.

Me and a friend got kicked out of all LS for like a year because we did that and killed it on our own and somebody saw us and called us out on it.

Well, more reason for you to keep spawning S ranks by yourself.

Eureka is much better at Pyros. The logograms made of it much much MUCH bearable

God, I hope they don't fuck over SCH as hard as 4.0...

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I only just recognized Gunbreaker Thancred. I'm a fucking retard.

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I was you once upon a time, you'll miss a few references later but it'll all make sense. If your interested you can just look them up later.



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>FFXIV 1.0
>Skill > Skillra > Skillaga
>FFXIV 1.18
>Skill I > Skill II > Skill III > Skill IV
>FFXIV 1.19
>Actually no wait, let's go back to Skill > Skillra > Skillaga
>FFXIV 2.0
>Actually fuck that, back to Skill I > Skill II > Skill III > Skill IV

It was a desperate time user

I literally just started playing today, after Tonberry finally unlocked.
Anything I should know?

I'm an Aura Thamaturge starting in the desert (although it looks more like a prairie) city.

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Stop fucking up suppression

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Character posting is frowned upon since /vg/ is a bunch of attention whores

You picked a good starting class, make sure to get your job stone at level 30 and remember to spend as little time in ice as possible


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I'm levelling my stuff to 60 to claim all the garo titles that I'm missing, who needs fast queues on primal? I got war at 35 and drk at 46

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FF14 only connects with the other games in a multiverse theory explained through the story.

>still the best minion
Will she ever be topped

Attached: succubut stew.png (700x650, 165K)

doesn't matter. the west does not like eureka at all. the clear rates are abysmal compared to japan.

That's not mini Nero

puff of darkness

*blocks your path*

Attached: scathach.jpg (347x396, 98K)

You got me, mate.

Okay sorry. I just really like this lizard race.

Dunno what a job stone is, but I'm sure I'll find out.
Thank you.

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>doesn't sit on your shoulder

Yes, if they ever make a Wind-up Penthelesia or however you spell it.

Don't listen to these uncultured swine user, she will always be the best.

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The only good new class on release was DRK and it was for a very specific reason, they dont have a good track record with new classes.


this never fucking happens though
on people wait at least 5 fucking minutes at an S even if it's right outside a fucking aetheryte
maybe get off your ass and get to a hunt as soon as it's called
maybe join more hunt linkshells, I'm in 5 and I never miss an S
Maybe spawn them yourself

maybe realize hunts are competitive and you're not entitled to SHIT you lardass moocher communist, it's a HUNT not a fucking bread line

mfw I RP as a wind-up succ

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You are unworthy

No it wasn't, DRK was a fucking train wreck on release. And so was AST.
MCH wasn't garbage on release, but no one knew how to actually use it.

take the rat pill friend

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I don't understand the point of minions.
But then again, I'm the sort of person who uses the default background on their computer and mobile phone.

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I say very specific reason because it was used for Gordias clears over PLD at the start. I intentionally meant that it wasn't good outside of being a numbers gain and not a clunky mess. Also no, MCH had to get buffed to where it was at the end of 3.x before it was good.

>that man hand

Redpilled artist

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What's the deal with Linkshells? What sort of things do people use them for? How would I go about getting in them? Would be nice to see some chat, game is so quiet.

I get a lot of FC invites but I'm not interested in Discord, and everyone says you don't even raid with your FC anyways. So that seems pretty pointless.

The skill is like level 15

literally only on blackmage, the most boring class

Every healer has it you ding dong

Linkshells are basically private chat channels for people you choose to invite. Basically PMs/whispers but for multiple people, i.e. you want your circle of friends to talk in the same place but not over public chat. Also has the added benefit of being able to talk through instances whereas PMs don't go into instances

Daily reminder that every single one of you are fucking trash at this game


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oh you mean the ones that you never use a different level of? oh you must be talking about white mage the worst healer

Benefic is still a thing.

You seem incredibly bitter over this and I'm not sure why. AST uses Benefic 1 and Benefic 2. SCH uses miasma and miasma 2. SMN uses ruin 2 through 4.

>It's a NIN tries desperately to meme on the DRG player to avoid scrutiny of his own shittiness episode

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can you fucking idiots get off japan server when you're not japanese?
stick to american server really nobody wants you in the japan server
thank you

im bitter because they are by far the absolute worst classes. it's like having a hobo with a shit caked beard outside a luxury store

>its a friendless user uses Yea Forums to vaguely co-ruminate about a very specific scenario


i loved to tonberry because i heard it has better players so i can clear content easier lol

i mean, if you can read and speak japanese well enough without translation machine it'd be retarded to pass on playing the only alive dc

Takeshi SEETHING over here lmfao

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>Implying it happened to me
I play PLD and watched it happen on a trial last night, I just enjoy NINs because they're so butthurt about fucking everything while still imagining they're hot shit instead of just shit.


for me, its garuda

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>still thinking about something that happened last night
definitely happened to you, user but its ok i am here for you. FUCK ninjas

nins were probably in the right

I doubt it, succubus is 2cute

Why are tanks such crybabies in this game, maintaining aggro isn't needed anymore just vokeshirk during busters and move bosses to certain positions and they think they are hot shit

>going back to the US for summer to fuck Chad

>tfw got commend for using a cool sword
Thanks ifrit

Attached: coolest motherfucker.gif (132x191, 55K)

Another thing to 'collect', and another source of Mogstation revenue. Everything they add to the game is to push more Mogstation crap. You bet your fucking ass when Egi glamors has a proper UI for it, there's going to be Mogstation Egis.


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> get more commendations for wearing skimpy glam

theres no mogstation minions as far I know, only SE store soundtracks

give leakies......................

While we're talking about commendations, remember to laugh at every user posting multi-commend screenshots. They actually think they got those commends for a reason instead of just being the odd man out among a premade.

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Lick it.

Tell me about 5.0 blm asshole

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look on the mogstation right now retards

fire iv nerfed to 250 potency

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>not wearing slutmog nor do I have any gaudy achievement weapons
>get commended as SAM for literally nothing at all

Attached: 5d6.jpg (792x612, 252K)

>mfw I got 2 recommendations on Titan cause the other DPS sucked and the healer + tank were probably a party
I ain't complaining desu.

The alternate worlds aren't the other FF games. They're just alternate versions of the FF14 world.

who /onlycommends5timesperweekforchallengelog/ here?

I've seen DF shitters spam Piercing Talon over and over and doing nothing else... in extreme trials.

fake and gay

Imagine being this fucking stupid

>tanking is fun
>but DRG is my favorite class
I get that I can run multiple classes on one character, but I'm not sure which I'll pick for that sweet MSQ EXP come Shadowbringers. Not to mention having to level GUN to 70 before I can even progress through the MSQs.

{Let's do it!}

{Good game!}

>doing anything but DPS for msq XP

Linkshells are chat groups with specific game-related purposes. The ones worth joining anyway.

The one type of Linkshell you absolutely should be in is a hunt one. It'll announce every S and A rank and basically dump enormous amount of free tomestones, seals and materia on you. Consider joining multiple ones, even.

Personally I'm also in a couple of raid linkshells, but honestly they've mostly been supplanted by discords.

i never commend anyone

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Come to an EU server you little shit and you'll see soon enough the level of retardation French people who don't speak a word English and never read what their skills do are capable of.

Honestly this team and Yoshi-P need some kind of thanks. We need to beat reddit out and their lame birthday only cards with a Yea Forums card that is free of trannies. The OF and Reddit don't desere these guys, constantly complaining about no Female Hrothgar or Male Viera when theyre already taking time out of their day to make sure we can wear a lot of glamours on the head.

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>When you're BLM and use Diversion + Lucid Dreaming but still rip aggro off the tank and are second place for emnity

Just got my final anima level for much today. Any word on if the class won't be shit in darkness? I really enjoy playing it.

I remember joining a JP grinding party when I was playing back in 1.0.
They were very cordial and when a spot in their group opened up in the first place and they saw me farming, they invited me of their own accord and let me grind with them until it was over.
I also got together with two random JP players and a US one when doing the last part of the WHM relic line to get my sweet robe, too. Took us 4-5 tries to get the kite strat down but we all got our relic robes together. Fun shit.


nah i'm good muhammed

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Who do you think you're annoying by constantly posting this?

You, probably

>What am I in for
Can't you fags just play the game and find out for yourselves? Fuck, you even said you just made a character.
>Playing a fan service game as your first FF

>Not the superior Kujata
Enjoy Gilgamesh 2.0


BASED, fuck NIN trannies.


If all your fire ivs and fouls direct crit there really isn't anything the tank can do

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A lot of shitters play this as their first FF game and it gets them interested in the rest of the series

Wind-up Leader (Immortal Flames)

>tfw XIII was my first FF
>been playing through the rest of them and still haven't found one that was more fun
IX was pretty great, but still not there

Do you frown upon DRGs who use it while the enemy has a melee aoe up? Cause I do that.

user, you're a DRG. Don't reject your traditions like that.

Attached: great debate #3.png (688x440, 70K)

Funny because most fans of the series consider 13 the weakest entry. Top tier lore and music though

>tfw shame upon me when I jump right as an aoe is going out
I feel bad every time that happens so I make sure to have health potions on me at all times.

Starting with 14 is totally fine
>Started a Thaumaturge
And you started in a good way, it should be a rule that every indecisive player starts as BLM to get the basics of the game until lv70 since this class is simple, braindead, easy and strong as fuck from the very start to end

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Jump not giving you invincibility is still the dumbest shit

I cast apoc on the healer, problem solved

Attached: blm fire'.gif (500x600, 150K)

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please delete this

they removed a lot of the ways to cheese shit over the years so they aren't gonna add that shit in
unless it's on a tank, then it's ok i guess

Someone tell me why you think adding a bill of $12 a month is a smart thing to do

>Jump in a FF game
>Enemies can't attack you
>Jump in FFXIV
>AOE's still get you
Has Yoshi-t ever played a Final Fantasy game? Why is Koji-Fox such a yes man to him?

What the fuck makes you think Koji has anything to do with gameplay? Yoshi also talked about Jump and he said there's no invincibility because he doesn't want people to bring a whole party of DRGs to cheese mechanics

It's pretty lame but I can't say I blame them. Trying to balance out a job having a second of invulnerability every 30 seconds in a game based around dealing with unavoidable damage would probably be a nightmare. Even just having one job that can completely no-sell damage on a fucklong cooldown already opens up a lot of options for cheese.

you tell me, wowcuck

>giving drgs an invuln every 15s
gee I wonder

Because it gates out retards like you.

Entertainment. $12 a month really isn't much.

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There's no value to it. If you find it entertaining you're probably the type of person who enjoys Marvel movies.

Well by Yea Forumss standards, I am a normie so you're not wrong.

*blocks ur path*

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There's no value to this post

Don't worry if you don't have enough neetbux to afford 12 dollars a month user, there's plenty of F2P games out there, just don't get too frustrated at getting trounced by all the whales.

Value is subjective. People used to pay $5 for Bitcoin and tell you were an idiot for buying them at all since it's internet money. Now it's worth $7000

Why do you think anyone cares, normalnigger?

I make 90k a year.
You're comparing a fucking currency to a dumb moneypit MMO you fucking retard

post leaks

>playing every single month instead of unsubscribing like yoshi wants
are you dumb

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Value is subjective indeed but your example is just retarded

The point is that gaming tastes and currency are all subjective. What's worthless to you is worth something more to someone else. What may m
be a worthless MMO account to you could worth $1000 to some person who wants a raider account.

have sex, faggot

What if the trolley is doing non-magical damage?

I mean it's fine to btfo him but we literally had this same shit last thread, where he also got btfo'd by the way.

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>haha why are you playing MMO it's worthless
>haha why are you hoarding cryptomeme money it's worthless
>omg did you hear about that guy who sold his MMO account for lodes of money
>omg did you hear about that guy who sold his cryptomeme money for lodes of money


I mana shift the healer if I happen to be in umbral with a lucky tick. If not he's on his own, the party is obviously not going to be doing any damage so it's up to me to try and finish the pull. Weave in manaward and hope for the best.

I just hope 5.0 makes Bahamut stand fucking still or I'm going to end every fucking dragon that's ever existed

This. If this doesn't happen I'm going to let every user in this thread literally bend me over and breed my ass.

Post underrated primal themes

>wanting bahamut to exist
>wanting egis to exist
Embrace the trance movement, user. Say no to pets.

Bahamut is what a summoner should be. Fuck trances.

>dress my lala up really cute, only slutty aspect is exposed thighs
>get comms and /pets daily from looks alone
>crank out fat SMN dps as a fallback for sweet, euphoric comms
>they still don't know it's actually a boy in a dress
Face it, I've won. Your lizard in a bikini is no match.

Attached: get in on it.jpg (800x450, 39K)

Lakshmi a best

I like Trance, and I'm fine with Demi- summons, they just need to know that they don't need to hold my hand to cast a fucking death laser.
Normal egis suck, though. Fuck em

Eat shit, summoning is an established nono in game and YoshiP is a hack for trying to pander to XI babbies instead of making SMN a unique take.

I've just started leveling summoner and I say FUCK PETS. They are fucking awful. Here's how you make SMN better
>Remove pets completely
>Remove a lot of these trash spells
>Put in primal themed abilities
It should involve working through a meter/rotation to build up to the "summon attack" - not a literal cutscene summon, but a powerful attack in a vaguely similar style. You could either have different ones for different situations (such as having Garuda's be an AoE and Ifrit's a single target) or just have them cycle through with each getting stronger until you reach a Bahamut one.

I dunno I'm not a game designer but FUCK DoTs and FUCK EGIS. It's fine to have attacks that maybe also have a DoT, but when most of your kit revolves around them, that's obnoxious.

Redpill me on why Flames is literally filled with the most retarded players to exist ever in Seize.

This guy gets it

Attached: thumbs uppai.png (1038x1054, 1.11M)

Except that they've established a safe method of summoning, so you can eat shit. Summoners should summon things.

Thanalan heat fried their brains

How fitting that you post a retard

Found your problem

Infusing yourself with primals >>>>>>>>> gay ai summonings

Is this you?

Attached: 613867982e459970548c646907fb0b7c80b39743.jpg (1024x512, 206K)

Most people join Flames for these pants.

Attached: Model-Flame_Elite's_Loincloth.png (370x627, 304K)


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>going through SB quests as ARM
>hope its not the same fucking roe who cant craft for shit
>its the same fucking roe
at this point im expecting him to end up in the first too

Attached: disgust89.jpg (408x343, 27K)

Are job quests gonna take place in the first now?

When is Ishgard getting a grand company? Twin Adders are autistic, Flames work for """them""" and Maelstrom are too heavily associated with retarded pirate lady. Come on Yoshi, Ishgard deserves it. You could even add one for Ala Mhigo but I wouldn't join.

He turns into a bro this time

Everyone is retarded in Seize. They are literally about as smart as rats. Everyone will just go directly for whatever is closest to them, no one tries to regroup to push, they'll just run in alone into a wall of death and repeatedly get slaughtered until their team is at 0 points.

Keep going, he makes up for a lot of his shortcomings.

>too heavily associated with retarded pirate lady

merlwyb is real dumb
like she got outsmarted by a bunch of rats because she forgot that you need land to grow crops on

Attached: seize.png (1528x920, 28K)

I don't know why they wouldn't. They moved to the new areas in HW and SB.

uhmmm where are the leaks?????

She is a supportive teammate and mother not a retard

Yeah but isn't the first another dimension or some shit? I'm still at 4.2 MSQ so I don't know

ishard's grand company "frost nobles"
you can't join because you weren't born into a great house and being a ward of fortemps isn't enough
they will only be antagonistic npcs who show up occasionally

please look forward to it

Yeah, starting in the caves is a free win 80% of the time. That fucking map design is absurd. Not only do you get better positions to defend in the caves, but tunnel vision tards just trundle out into the more open areas and do nothing useful the whole time

More like a different planet, but yes. I don't see why that would stop them.

>something rare spawns
>it's defeated in under 10 seconds
>people play this trash

>peach-orange hair
>leonhart jacket
Come on, user. I might jack it to traps and have no real personal standards, but I wouldn't stoop that low.

sent ;)

You'll just learn techniques from the equivalent jobs on the First. We already know that instead of Paladin they have Knight Magic Knight in JP, Ranger instead of Bard, Magus instead of Black Mage, and Devout instead of White Mage.

Well the job quests always carry over the same NPCs, I wonder if that means we're gonna get completely different job quest NPCs

Oh, that sounds pretty cool

Warrior - Viking
Monk - Black Belt/Master
Machinist - Gunner/Corsair
Ninja - Assassin
Red Mage - Rune Fencer
Summoner - Evoker

I have no doubt that some npcs like Hildebrand or Nhaza'a will show up on the first. I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the goofier job trainers like Curious Gorge either.

Hildibrand is 100% going to be there after how his SB story ended.

The node right in the middle that you can only get to via ramp on the caves side is such bullshit.

Hildy's gonna be there.

Scholar - Orator
Astrologian - Time Mage
Blue Mage - doesn't exist
Can't think of DRK or DRG

Is the SB hildy story any good? I heard it was boring at the start

Worse than ARR but better than HW.

Yeah, it's pretty good and has a Yojimbo trial at the end. Also a more satisfying cliffhanger ending than the fucking MSQ.

DRG - Dragon Knight
DRK - Shadownigger

If Dark Knights existed on the first their world probably wouldn't have so many fuckin problems

>maximize on your jumps in your opener
>get a jump every now and then, and still need to (or at least should) capitalize on them in conjunction with damage buffs
I don't think it'd be so grave an issue to make them invincible while they're mid-animation since it'd be so incredibly circumstantial.

DRK trainer is probably gonna be Fray in another form, again
Not that I wouldn't enjoy it

I started playing a Fisher a day and a half ago on Diabolos. I'm level 22 and I already know I'm going to like this DoL the least.

Imagine having taste this bad

Attached: 1531889985511.png (560x768, 316K)


having a 15s cd party buster ignoring tool would be a big balance flaw

Shit taste.

Now now friends, don't tease the prole. Not all of us can have the impeccable taste and zen state of mind it takes to enjoy Fisher.

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You're assuming that DRG's will divert from their rotations just so they can shirk some damage a helaer would AOE heal anyways (if it's just a party-buster). They won't be able to solo bosses, if that's what you're implying.

Fishing is based

>play WAR
>party wipes like four times on castrum abania and it's probably my fault since its my first time
>get three commends anyway

Attached: 1495950144132.png (303x327, 191K)

They were calling you slurs on Discord.

Just accept the commends, Ice cream head.


I'm playing it long enough to get max level on the free trial and converting my gathering gear into materia.

Dumb fucking cat.

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where are the leaks

is this your first FF game

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Unless you were wiping because you pulled too big or lost aggro on the boss, people usually default to blaming the healer first

I can only redeem the shad collector edition shit when it actually launches, right?

Yes. The only thing you can redeem right now is the preorder bonus.

Attached: ffxiv_28012017_062840.png (1920x1080, 1.47M)

what's a cool looking mount to use in shadowniggers? I'm too poor to buy the collector's edition horse

Attached: 8be.jpg (1500x2000, 1.4M)

Imagine if she had the same proportions but was 3 and a half feet tall

GC Chocobro, it's factually the best mount

>boss is about to shit out an Ultimate Embrace-tier tankbuster
>shirk DRG
>DRG jumps it
This is why dipshit. Literally the same reason they nerfed shadeshift

Hey user, its me, checking in again. You have completed eureka and finished your 10 BA runs right? You know its going to be dead content in 1.5 months right?

>not the one Haurchefant gives you

Tasteless sods, the lot of you.
This right here is the apex minion. Here's why:
>comes up to you when you clap
>socializes with other goobbue sproutlings
>10/10 cute waddle
>sneezy boy
>always there for you
>doesn't need to be earned, destiny put you together
>generally a cool bro

Attached: D60EapEW0AUFD1c.png (512x512, 257K)

I haven't even unlocked it yet, it doesn't seem interesting

>giving a shit about achievements

I did it once a week after launch and never touched it again.

I'm waiting for 6.0 so I can solo it on BLU.

When are they gonna release the music that starts during 1:25

40 days

I only commend DPS that pull higher numbers than me or healers that pull crazy stunts like thin air holy during trash pulls instead of healing, or a SCH making a giga shield for reason other than to flex.

Tanks never get my comm because they get enough simply for existing.

might be available on the benchmark

Lil goob nigga is the best

Why the FUCK do Jumps lock you in place for so fucking long?? If the server connection wasn't so shit maybe it wouldn't be that big of a deal. But if you have a fucking half-second long delay and you choose to Jump, you're fucked.

>expansion so dead there's zero leaks for the biggest MMORPG


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What a perfect friend!

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God I hope the MCH rework or GUN are fun to play, I can't even bring myself to start the game up


Have they ever released the official lyrics to the trailer songs?

I only commend dps. Even if they sucked.

I never commend DPS. They never deserve it.

Mecha gorilla

What if they leave before the prompt comes up?


I always commend the person who (obviously) works the hardest in the dungeon. It's usually the tank if they are speedrunning it with big pulls or the healer that puts in the extra mile with dps.



I'm actually having fun with Eureka. I am at Pagos and have already unlocked two aetherytes. It's a comfy grind.

I see nothing wrong with that strat. The game should encourage more creative strats and reward party coordination

It's not a creative "strat", it's a braindead cheese

I only commend dps if I killed them with Rescue.

fisher can be pretty much afk'd if you have a controller with vibrate, it's actually grindable unlike the other two
i mean there's no real reason to level it but you can do it pretty easily

It requires more coordination and tighter timing thatn just pressing Hallowed Ground, so no.

I want to complete as much as I can on the free trial before I start paying for things.


They already "fixed" it numerous times, it was even worse before. Prease understand :^)

i love goobbues and hope they add more goobbue mounts and minions in the future

Bring back manawall

you don't actually jump, user. you are at one location until you completely move to another.

do we know anything about blm and rdm combat changes yet? those are the only two classes I ever really liked to play, mainly blm.

We don't know anything about any class because eufags don't leak

it used to lock you in place for the whole gcd. now it only does it for half a gcd. personally I think that you should be immune while you're in the air but I think that could open up a lot of cheesy possibilities when it comes to handling mechanics. for example you could shirk the drg and they jump evade a tankbuster or they negate all knockback effects due to avoiding the damage.

I remember using it on twintania and telling them to enjoy their little huddle, I'll chill over here.


No, nothing is leaked. You're going to have to wait, user. They chose carefully this time.

HG has a 7 minute cooldown retard.

>Gubal library
>Book goes over the creation of a fourth tier Cure spell, and they argue over if it should be Curagara, Curago, Curaja, etc
>after deliberation we decided on Curaja
>in NA localization they decided cool suffixes were stupid and instead to go with roman numerals at this point

depends on how it gets overhauled, they did recognize it had problems. We'll have to wait until the 23rd to see how Yoshi ruined it

>have a whole weekend of nothing
>half a week of nothing
>crossing fingers nothing stupid gets announced on the actual LL
I want to die

Attached: fitzisfuckingdead.gif (245x263, 2.75M)

>not curanigga
missed opportunity

You got your ultimate totems ready for the two new classes don't you user? You play the game so much, you must be so good at it.

Attached: cocksucker.png (240x319, 83K)

>worst class

Jesus you RDMfags are bitter as fuck

holy shit dude that's well over $10,000 on my DC
why would you

I find them pretty ugly to be honest, I'm only interested in the Bravura of Uwu

It used to be 60s active in early 2.x. You could eat both of the first two landslides of Titan EX and not get knocked back by either, it was amazing.

Are we even getting a benchmark?

>Bravura of Uwu

Attached: 1542782176204.gif (720x404, 3.83M)

>you must be so good at it
Yes but not as good in finding 7 other capable players.

Dragoon: Templar
Dark Knight: Fell Knight
Samurai: Parivir
Astrologian: Time mage or Geomancer

Attached: file.png (645x403, 585K)

>Dragoon: Templar
I doubt it, it will be Dragon Knight

For the few longer casting ones, sure. But most melee AoEs are short-casting enough that you can just walk out and backflip back in with Evasive the moment the cast finishes to start attacking again.

may 23rd

I'm not sure how it will work with other languages since for example in French, Dragoon is "Chevalier Dragon" aka Dragon Knight.

french version will be dragon nigger

Should I bother trying Pugilist if it's probably going to play differently when the expansion hits?

>Curious Gorge somehow shows up on the First for ANOTHER dogshit batch of WAR quests about him being an incompetent baboon and falling ass-backwards into success anyway
Please no.

yeah, you learn again how uldah is a shithole

I fucking hate Curious Gorge so fucking much

I started as a Gladiator.

That is a very large man.

Attached: ffxiv_18052019_151714_205.png (1920x1080, 1.98M)

Yo what the hell, when did they make all the mounts able to fly?

UwU nyaaaaaaaaaa~

>start the SMN questline
>it's boring as shit

He's just big enough for the Sultana.

Last year. But not every mount can fly, just the vast majority.

they've been doing a few every patch since heavensward, i think they've gotten almost all of them by now

If you're too ADHD to pay attention for 10 seconds, then actually stop playing multiplayer games.

>not enjoying helping out literal autism catgirl

we're going to be the drk trainer this time around and we're gonna teach some nerd how to summon tulpas

Nigger engfags is dead as fuck here, what are you talking about

>Dumbed down the skills for what is essentially a wow clone
Yeah no, FFXIV is way more complex than WoW has ever been at any point in its time. It's not beyond comprehension or anything of course, but the class gameplay has a lot more to it than just pressing the 1-5 buttons on cooldown like WoW generally does.

wait it out, I think SMN has at least mid-tier job quests. Probably the best of the magic classes because the rest are awful.

Did they add any more chair mounts? or is it still 2

I'm already in the HW ones, looking for that guy who blew himself up in the lvl50 quest, does it get better in SB?

not all of them can fly. but all the new mounts they release now does fly.

Yeah, you get to nuke Ascians

only 2 chair mounts. the crafted one and the valentines one

You know it will happen. The level 70 quest will be about looking for Gorge around La Noscea and Azim Steppe. Then at 73 you'll find him on the first. The rest of the quest line will be about him finding a way home.

>play in tonberry
>jp players use strats that are optimal and easy to comprehend

>play on aether
>people want to use the mr happy strat and it's unoptimal and super convoluted

Attached: 1555871753783.png (304x366, 231K)

>shirk DRG
>Jumps are on cooldown
I don't see any sensible DRG actually saving a Jump command, or timing their rotation so well, so that they could evade a tankbuster. Especially since boss phases are often so sporadic as a result of the party's DPS.


>urianger drawing a fucking spire

Attached: 1532071915647.png (850x609, 329K)

You forgot about the gold saucer one

Attached: spire.png (960x511, 649K)


the feeling, I know it too well.

Spire basically has to be better in ShB. Either they remove it so you don't have to see it anymore or change it from TP to Direct Hit

Attached: cards.jpg (958x511, 138K)

eh, couldn't really care about 'bad' cards since we have major arcana anyway

Why would they have to change it?

TP is being removed.

don't worry bro I got you

Attached: 1552883102574.png (80x80, 14K)

Post cute catgirls please

TP and MP are being merged into one resource-bar since TP is functionally useless except for limiting how much AoE you can put out as a melee DPS


Why would they remove TP?

I thought they were just removing mp for physical classes and tp for magic classes. Is that wrong?

They're merging it with MP. They announced it at one of the fan fests.

I would clear uwu 17 times if I could, but static likes to meme on things and gave up at 5 clears.

It'll probably be one homogeneous "resource gauge". 1.0 spaghetti-code means with TP completely removed, they're free to use that UI space and related assets to do something else with the UI, most likely expand upon job-gauges.

aether gauge or some shit

everyone will use MP

It seems you've all forgotten which job is best, Yea Forums.

Attached: 1536067029277.jpg (474x501, 185K)


>letting your perceptions be clouded by asshurt and what was never promised

BLM is the best job, yes

good for spamming 4 tonze weight and flamethrower on roleplayers

I mean, was it really that hard to make that class work? Just make the spells you steal be class quests like every other class has.

Expand the spellbook, increase the Learning rate, and make the job "unlimited", and I would be willing to forgive BLU's limited release.
Personally I'd be fine with BLU being able to hit level 80 along with everyone else, but not being able to do Savage or ranked PvP.

Even while counting ARR DPS, BLU's damage is fucking pitiful

Wasn't it around dragoon and ninja's DPS at similar ilvl? With dragoon they don't even get the excuse of Dragon Sight/Battle Litany to make up for their low output

Bros... should I bother leveling the remaining jobs?
If MCH gets a chainsaw like blufever said I might level it up.

Attached: XIV levels.png (389x455, 135K)

Not really no. It's around current DRG/NIN which had their DPS neutered below 50 in SB

>no, but yes

Attached: 1549970248310.jpg (201x247, 15K)

Yes, it has more DPS than the worst ARR DPS does, after being neutered by expansions. Congrats user! BLU is only 99% a failure instead of 100%.

>after being neutered by expansions.
Nobody cares about this part, you're being pedantic.

Well, you can't really brag about it having more DPS than DRG or NIN, when it doesn't.

At least you have a nice waterfall in Gridania, the SCH questline is talking to some retarded lala in the middle of the fucking marauder's guild in Limsa Lominsa.
What the fuck is this shit, I was told there'd be cute fairies not sitting on a box in the doorway of some sweaty stinkguild.

Attached: 1555798113364.jpg (630x794, 125K)

I didn't say "more DPS than dragoon/ninja at similar ilvl", I said "around dragoon/ninja's DPS at similar ilvl", for one thing.

Nym is a dead civilization except for the tonberries and something something SCHs and marauders/WARs worked really well together in Nym's heyday

There's nothing to do..

So your point is that BLU's damage isn't bad, because it's around the same level as other jobs with bad DPS.

Start up that relic weapon you've wanted, start up Eureka, try pugging Savage if you want some laughs or a more common than is usually admitted pug clear, go through old content to see if there's any items or glamours you want, see if you've got WAR/RDM geared up enough to not die in lv. 60 dungeons, level alt jobs if you have some below 70, try crafters

>tfw no

Stop being a sillyhead and asserting things that weren't said

i just did drk's 70 quest and my fuck
I tire of this charade
kino as fuck

Ive done everything

>set up macros to have Cure/Cura/Curaga
>macros are so shit that clicking my custom hotbar macro for Cura introduces so much goddamned lag I have to reslot the base skill and use Cure II instead
>Gubal Library book still taunts me saying the spell/ra/ga/ja system was scrapped for simplicity's sake by Sharlayan

Attached: 1550457805353.jpg (849x747, 328K)

Stop being a retard and pretending BLU wasn't a failure

Then unsubscribe from my game you sirry gaijin

>XI music
fucking kek

Attached: 1536372444222.png (1920x1080, 3.71M)

i have 0 reason to play classes that dont interest me, eureka is a shitshow and I already have the only relics I care about. I've got majority of glams I want. and crafting is a meme.

Fuck that. Now you made that tranny shit sound even more contagious than it already is.

I think tier V is -da.

I'm Russian and i live in Vladivostok. Jap servers are the only servers where i can get decent ping.

Attached: 18028-vladivostok-locator-map.jpg (728x425, 92K)

Because it's useless and only exists to kneecap melee in an area they're already worse than casters in, AoE.



Based and ratpilled

So how will drill and chainsaw work?
They'd have to be close range yeah?
I'd assume drill might be a gap closer and chainsaw just big single target damage
If they keep the heat mechanic then they'd work well in the 10s cooldown phase
It'd be really easy for them to just make MCH Edgar by implementing BioBlaster so we have a DoT back, Flash as an AoE nuke, maybe NoiseBlaster/Debilitator debuffs so it it's a debuff job while BRD/DNC could be buff jobs

Attached: 1539140259018.png (997x1001, 2.05M)

probably helps build up mch's reworked homo meter.

I heard shadowbringers will have lots of fairies, maybe scholars get some good storylines there

I think tier 5 was supposed to be -agura, but I guess we'll find out when BLM gets Fire V or something.

Huh? I haven't visited Yea Forums ff14 threads since jap fanfest, what are those things in pictures?
Fat fuck from start wars, phoenix, half naked anime girl
What are they referencing?
Also what about Mr.happy? Did he do anything dumb again?

The fat cats in the trailer
SMN is supposed to get Demi phoenix or something like that
>Anime whore
>Fat balding faggot
He's seething

>Fat fuck from start wars
The fat cats in the First
Phoenix-egi or a Phoenix summon
>half naked anime girl
The viera DNC

they seem determinated at making mch a greedy ranged job, so useless

Phoenix Egi

There's a reason we will never do that ol

They've already gone against their own lore for SMN by letting us summon Demi-Bahamut (both the "you can only have so many egis" explanation and the "summoning Bahamut is impossible because he's so powerful" explanation)

The Media tour had some audio with Phoenix clearly screeching in it.

>summoning Bahamut is impossible because he's so powerful

>below midgardsorm
>wrecked by omega
>fucked over by allagans
>surpassed by shinryu

Why did they shit on Bahamut so hard?

>clever marketing scheme convinces idiots they get more when they really still just get less

There was mention of Phoenix aether in some leaked Tool tip of which I'm still not 100% sure is legit or not, but whatever

>leaked tool tip
they're all fake.

His sister-wife is also as insane as Nidhogg because she's imprisoned herself for all eternity out of guilt for summoning him

probably fake, but just for reference's sake

Attached: 1558137198557.png (423x359, 274K)

>those enlightened by their own intellect pretend to be smarter than everyone else for not buying it when we're already well aware they're in some serious crunch-time and everyone involved with XIV is very busy right now

You’re such a fucking tranny
imagine having a gaping hole instead of no dick

Whatever. We'll figure out what's real in like 5 days. Not much to talk about right now without going off of essentially nothing

Just waiting for Neo Bahamut to show up at some point

Wind up Tarutaru is my fav, with Mudpie a close second.

imagine being entertained by the tranny meme, Yea Forums's equivalent of having fucking keys jingled in front of your face

There's still the fanfest "leak" image from the week before it.

Attached: 1553340972056.jpg (2000x2000, 2.81M)

Because of the need to constantly escalate.

>Start with Bahamut who nearly destroyed all of Eorzea after being free for less than a minute
>Next is Alexander who threatens the world just by being alive because he sucks aether from all timelines or some shit
>Next is Omega who can travel through time and space across dimensions and essentially have a gun aimed at the head of everyone in the world all at once and is so powerful he can recreate some of the most powerful entities from all dimensions

Eden is going to be outrageously powerful at this rate.

That's how it's always been, JP players in general don't care much about rushing or phase skipping moreso than beating it at all while everyone else demands you watch the Mr Happy or MTQ video on it at least five times and perform every action flawlessly or else everyone forces a wipe because they don't know how to properly mitigate or deal with some mechanics.

Attached: 1557450733026.gif (312x376, 1.32M)

Don't forget Eureka, who could technically create another mother-crystal if instructed to do so, draining the whole world dry in the process.

>nothing critical has happened yet
>a player kills themselves on purpose because, by some fucked up logic, they judge the battle lost
This will never stop stunning me.

Attached: 1556511715961.png (500x291, 84K)

God I wish that's how things were here in NA too, I see people doing dumb risky shit and getting themselves killed for it all the time. In my old static we had people sometimes wipe us 3-4 times in a row trying to greed and eating shit for it before we had even cleared.

what if instead of phoenix it was peenix and it pissed on people lol

Attached: 8.jpg (232x204, 22K)

>someone was waiting to post this

Attached: 9.jpg (481x200, 45K)

>*laughs at you in acorn*

Attached: 1530258612719.png (223x264, 108K)

>5 seal rock victories
Well, see you again in three days.

Attached: buhu.jpg (300x300, 28K)

>"can't let you run real content because we can't account for what spells you might or might not have"
>class quests force you to learn specific spells anyway
>even then 90% of the spells are the same thing with a different visual so you pretty much only need one
>"can't let you run real content because spells like Doom and Tail Screw are too op"
>Doom and Tail Screw don't even work on content bosses anyway
>"you don't need to run content anyway because it's a solo focused job and we've given you all this solo content to do"
>class quests require you to learn spells only obtainable in multiplayer duties anyway, and like 50% of the optional ones come from multiplayer duties too
>fully decked out with every spell and BiS gear, the rotation is mind-numbingly simple, even more boring than 50 BRD just hammering one button over and over with some ogcd debuffs and is also the weakest class in the game
>all these spell synergies and combinations that COULD make the class fun like Ram/Dragon, Petrify/Drill, Aqua Breath/Voltage are all worthless and unusable because they all rely on inflicting statuses that don't work on bosses
Yes I'm taking your bait and yes I'm still mad. Fuck you. If they made a way for all your synergies and spells to actually WORK, Blue Mage could be fun as fuck, but instead it's a lazy job that doesn't fucking function and can't be used for anything. Nothing but false promises and disappointment.

>It's a mael keeps bullying Adder so flames get points for free episode

I fucking hate crystal man.

>he didn't escape from the casual RP data center when he had the chance

Attached: why i left crystal.jpg (1302x924, 271K)

>Not bringing your anima into adventures with you.

Attached: wind up anima.png (1920x1080, 2.12M)

>any episode where the Flames are winning

I wish I could get this station

happens sometime on primal because of a premade, wish they would disappear.

Got 17 UWU kills already, so enough for all classes+whatever healer they add in the next expansion because fuck coeurlfists.

I'm Lv21 and what is this?

I found a big angry Lv50 mob that looked really out of place in the environment, called it out in shout, then got invited to a party and was rewarded with this stuff.

Attached: whats a mark.jpg (320x69, 10K)

currencies, you buy stuff with them. You will find many, many currencies as you play the game.

Poetics are for level 50/60 gear.

Allied seals are currency for hunts, you can get many different things with them, such as level 50 gear

Huh. Alrighty then. Thanks.

>level 50/60 gear
I'm guessing I shouldn't have this stuff at my level?

yeah you're not supposed to by design but the game gave you some anyway. It's not really a big deal but it's worth your time if you see another one. It can help you get a short boost of strength at 50 since you'll jump from ilvl 50 gear to 120.

i bought the game and went into /vg/, what the fuck is wrong with people over there?

It's not a big deal because you can't equip anything past your level anyways. Poetics will always be the "Catchup gear" currency, once Shadowbringers is released, the current end-game tomestones will be retired and the gear will be purchasable with Poetics.


Attached: CLIMAHAZZARD.jpg (542x329, 27K)

Well if they spawn in every zone (I'm guessing?) I'll probably run across a couple, the way the story has you traverse the whole map several times before changing area.

No worries then. I'll just steer clear, because it looks like they aggro on sight.

Thanks again.

So I finally caught up to the story and I've got some questions.
Solus was,is an ascian. I don't get it. how was he human to begin with? how did he even technically "die"? was he human and became ascian? why does he even need a body? why does he or any of them even care about varis if they clearly know he isn't entirely on board with the plan? why not just have him killpossed like everyone else?why is solus fucking nuts? pls help.

Attached: 1548209702344.png (492x504, 356K)

pretty much. every map has a couple A rank monsters which can be killed for that stuff.

>Remember when Poetics were the weekly tomestones
>Default to calling every weekly tomestone poetics
>Confuse everyone by doing expert to 'cap poetics'

I can't help it.

Ascians use the echo to possess bodies, living or dead. Solus' body is cloned so the ascian controlling it always has a fresh one on hand.

the original(?) Solus died of old age or something. The younger one we're dealing with is a cloned, possessed Solus.

Attached: Ffxiv-solus-zos-galvus.png (482x799, 487K)

Man, they should keep continuing the anima storyline in SB. Fucking hate how they throw in out of the window in favor of Eureka, I want more adventure with my cute anima.

Attached: xizen_and_anima_by_exist_exit_dbclubk-pre.jpg (1095x730, 86K)

Did no one save that twitter post of the European Media tour reactions? I'm guessing they removed it because we could hear the fucking video, but damn I should've saved it.

Attached: ss+(2017-01-27+at+03.57.00).jpg (121x367, 27K)

I don't get why they couldn't do both. Technically speaking the weapon you're making in Eureka is just high quality, but not really special, right?

I'm not the earlier poster, and I started the free trial a few weeks ago.

What is the proper etiquette when I want to inform other players that I found a level 50 mob?

I don't think it would live through any further enhancements, it almost died like twice already.

there's nothing to indicate shinryu surpassed bahamut in any capacity besides ilberd saying he wants a primal to surpass bahamut. shinryu is probably comparable to bahamut before he was sealed in dalamud and got to feed on aether for 5000 years and become huge.

>tfw can't clear god kefka
I must be retarded

>someone starts marking you with ignore in feast because you lost a couple of matches
>get put up against that person and utterly embarrass them with decisive wins three matches in a row
>tfw they just stand back silently now every time we get matched together

No better feeling than putting someone in their place.

Attached: 1535074155993.png (1561x1589, 1.39M)

target the monster and do a post like

/sh A rank found at

You can make a macro for this too, with multiple lines to post to various channels, like your free company or any hunting linkshells

Does pvp rank and exp matter? I wanna switch to mael but I don't wanna lose my feast rank.

I'm on the free trial, so I can't use some of those channels.


Keep in mind you'll run into 2 types of level 50 mobs in the field, ranked B and A. B ranks are basically worthless to anyone who doesn't have them as their weekly hunt target so people don't usually care about them. You can tell they are B's because they are fairly small and have a blue icon next to their health bar (that blue icon means they don't agro btw). A ranks will typically be much bigger than any mob in the area and have a red marker next to their name. Those are the ones you want to shout a location for.

I want the cool samurai set.

Maelstrom always wins baby

I wish I knew this feeling. I just suck and die. I have no idea how to WHM in pvp. I keep getting shut down when trying to heal even with the resistance passive and autocleanse button.

Attached: you are as PRESUMPTIOUS as you are POOR and EORZEAN.png (960x960, 1.05M)

>ShB almost here
>you still can't glamour Khloe
uuuuuuuuuuhm, yoshiP?

same excuse for vierra/hroth
they'd have to fit and model a new body and they don't wanna.

let me glam maango

>assigned BRD doesn't seem to care about intercepting their meteor in Seiryu EX
>rescue him 0.5s before the meteor hits hoping to drag him over the fucking spot
>we wipe
>I'm met with "Don't use Rescue, I was going there" from the BRD

Attached: ffxiv_15052019_160105_840.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

improve your aim

Red looking good.

Attached: level 80 Red.jpg (1176x662, 110K)

I could do without the shoulder capes. But I'm a symmetrifag.

Haven't seen this one posted before. Most likely fake but fun read nonetheless

Attached: IMG_20190517_042928.png (566x414, 76K)

Fuck you
fuck you I want this to be real
fuck you

>every DoM except BLM will loose surecast

Attached: 1547953947316.jpg (3985x4009, 1.13M)

I really hope that cross class are gone, give me back shadowskin, dark dance, exalted detriment, leech, etc.

>was he human and became ascian
IN a sense, yes, probably. Ascians are basically spooky souls with daddy Zodiark powers, whoever you died first as is your "true form" probably. It's not a "unique" species, think of it as a template state like a vampire. We might know more about this in ShB.

>why does he even need a body?
To talk, interact with the world, and so on and so forth. You get this explanation in 2.x, I think. When an Ascian "dies," its soul is momentarily banished before it re-enters our world and can possess someone else. Think of it as the "demons need a body to possess to enter our world" kind of deal.

>why does he or any of them even care about varis if they clearly know he isn't entirely on board with the plan?
You know you sometimes get a sense of deja vu, and you think you're going to stop yourself from doing what you think you're going to do, and just strengthen the sensation instead? Ascians just believe that nobody can truly defy them and even in acting against them they'll still do their will. They're not exactly wrong, their only real failures in the plot so far has been entirely on the WoL despite multiple people thinking they could outsmart/do the Ascians.

>why not just have him killpossed like everyone else
They're writing a story first and foremost, that would make shit extremely boring and they'd write themselves into a corner fast. Could argue they have a very limited number of Ascians (like a dozen or so I think?) so they don't just go around possessing everybody.

>why is solus fucking nuts?
Ascians are shit stirrers, all of them are nuts.

They're one and the same. His "natural" death is a typical JRPG antagonist keikaku, something that's revealed in a conversation with Varis when the latter complains how inconvenient his death was, and Solus admits it was to purposefully throw Garlemald into a temporary, conveniently numbers culling backstabbing fit.

wouldn't pick it over sch or ast anyway

honestly fine if true. Ignoring all sorts of knockbacks for free was retarded.

same, it made everything feel the fucking same. Rampart is the shittiest fucking animation in the game, debate me.

Is getting commendations better than getting (You)s?

my dick is hard
please be real


>aoe ss buff
WHM + BLM best pairing confirmed again

Attached: 1541187601102.png (2000x1200, 2.06M)

Yes, because the game keeps track of how many you have.

Wouldn't that make (you)s more valuable since every (you) is special while a comm is just one number among many?

Attached: 20170807223804_1.jpg (165x47, 6K)

I don't play anymore but I would give anything to have Heavensward Scholar back.
Best class I ever played in an mmo

I'd pay to have HW mch back but the past is the past, gramps

sch barely changed

You misunderstand the post user, everyone still has surecast, they just have their own version of it. Like instead of DRK having Rampart they get Shadowskin; same effect, just a different name and look.

>Clear Voyance

SMN and RDM don't need surecast, they have higher mobility than BLM

SCH is pretty much the same in SB as it was in HW, only thing that really changed was a nerf to embrace and WD in exchange for excog and tether, which is a pretty worth it trade imo. Broil 1 looks and sounds cooler than Broil 2 I guess.

Alrighty then

Attached: okay.jpg (386x184, 19K)

Also fairy is significantly easier to control. It will use its abilities on demand instead of you needing to time it right after an embrace.
WD is an ability now so it isn't affected by rouse anymore.

no mention of new skills/mechanics - this is false stuff

Just give DRG a very very tight window of invul is fine, raise the ceiling for this damn casual game a little.

Attached: 1558032188941.jpg (299x400, 37K)

>about to nut
>shirk the drg
>he jumps as I cum
>no baby

Attached: proxy.duckduckgo.com.gif (500x281, 281K)

>Reeeeeee i keep getting matched with shitters
>Reeeeeee the game is too casual, make it harder
So which one is it, Yea Forums
Reminder that you can't just tell people to "git gud" because this is a subscription game for people who make money, but at the same time not the incel kind like WoW

I think there's a browser addon that keeps track of Yous now.

Miunih admitted to writing this fake.
It's still the most believeable one because it's written by someone who knows how this game and SE works instead of XD TRICK ATTACK INCREASES DAMAGE TAKEN NOW

The game is casual and shitters keep ruining it. XIV doesn't ask for much but the playerbase is so damn bad they can and will drag you down with them.

I don't see why we have to pick one.
Personally I'm fine with the game's difficulty. It's not too hard but god damn the incompetence of your average player is baffling.

it is somewhat baffling. It's one thing to make mistakes but some people don't really know how to play their own class. And that's not getting into intentionally bad idiots like that PLD who doesn't wear a shield

>PLD who doesn't wear a shield
HEY hey.
My immersion > your experience okay?
If you want to try hard go play Dark Soul or something, okay sweetie? :)

I had a Paladin once in Dusk Vigil who was running into packs of enemies and pulling them with Flash.
Which was a little weird at his level, but whatever. It kept bugging me though, so I finally asked: "Dude, why don't you just pull them from range with shield lob?"

He stopped, and after a long pause a reply appeared:
"i only have one shield"

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