Is it just me or do Playstation fanboys have a crippling inferiority complex when it comes to the Switch?

Is it just me or do Playstation fanboys have a crippling inferiority complex when it comes to the Switch?

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>decent 2018+ Vita games
They're all on Switch now.

>twitter screencap consolewar thread
kys my man

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This, and uncensored

>Easy plats
Donkey kong TF says hi.

>Not a nerd
>Plays garbage nerd games like God Wars and VA-11 HALL-A

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no step on snek

Maybe they just don't want to play shit games.

>Twitter post
>ResetEra goes crazy

>ResetEra thread
>"Well it is video game discussion!"

I got both, I use my Switch as a console for anything weebshit not censored, Vita for commute drpgs/visual novels.

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Yes. They're finally beginning to realize Sony is in a tight spot right now. They're getting beat by Nintendo in Japan and pretty soon they'll be beat by PC+Xbox in America. They've already fallien behind in every category except exclusives, and with Microsoft's new studio acquisitions, soon they'll fall behind there too. They're already making deals with Microsoft to pay to use Azure servers and Epic to sell games on PC because they realize if they keep going at it alone they're completely fucked.

>2018+ vita games

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>almost 100 million consoles sold
>highest software sales of any console
>tight spot

>Yes. They're finally beginning to realize Sony is in a tight spot right now.
96 million units sold and counting.
>They've already fallien behind in every category except exclusives, and with Microsoft's new studio acquisitions, soon they'll fall behind there too.
microsoft doesn't do exclusives anymore. they give the few games they don't cancel away to every platform under the sun.

vita means life

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Yeah ignore that other user. Sony is not in a tight spot. The next PlayStation will be successful even if all it has is GTA6 and the same Fifa game 5 years in a row. You must be thrilled.

The PS2 sold even more than that. Then the the PS3 happened and failed hard for 5 years straight before just barely catching up to the 360. The signs are there that Sony is heading for another PS3 level disaster. And Microsoft's games might not technically be exclusive, but they aren't on Playstation so they hurt Sony just as much as if they were exclusives. Perhaps even moreso because it makes Playstation the only platform you won't be able play Microsoft's next gen catalog of games on.

>the signs are there
Where? I don’t see any signs that Sony is going to shit the bed. Your doom and gloom scenario is a fantasy just like the persona 5 switch port and bayonetta 3.

>Vita games

Wasn't it discontinued?

Microsoft investing hard in studios for next gen while Sony just blew their whole load and don't have anything to announce this e3. Sony has completely given up on their own streaming technology and announced that they're just gonna pay Microsoft to use Azure. Sony is out of touch with what gamers want and making unpopular moves like censorship and still impeding crossplay for most games. Meanwhile, Phil Spencer is actually listening to the fanbase and shaping the next gen to be exactly what gamers want out of a console. Microsoft has fat stacks of cash while Sony continues their slow descent into irrelevancy that's been going on since the 70's when they were a tech giant. Playstation is one of the only things they have left that even makes money at all, so they can't stand to take a loss to get ahead like Microsoft can and will next gen. With the features Sony announced, I'm fully expecting the PS5 to cost $500 at the absolute minimum, probably $600. Microsoft is going to undercut them, along with having better launch exclusives and Sony will have another "PS5 has no games" situation on their hands.

I can't blame him, I would never play Switch outside of my house

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But that's wrong you fucking retard
Resetera are like roaches, they scream and cry when we have a thread about them

For some reason ever since the PS3 came out Sony fans have been like this regardless of how well they or other consoles are doing. It's like you'll be in a thread talking about a random PC game and some sperg will go out of their way to start posting webms of some PS4 game with good graphics like anybody gives a shit. Or if you didn't like God of War or something then obviously you've got to be a Nintendo fag. I don't know what it is that makes Sony fans in particular so schizophrenic.

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whats the source everythings just bringing back previous threads